Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste


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27+ Rnhd\r llutrbilt<br />

shockat thc riolcnce vhich had occurred in r9e9 and loud dcmmds that somcthing<br />

bc donc abort it.'Ihc dilcnmr facing the UN lns thar rnr xction to bring tojuÍicc<br />

those rcsponsiblc for thc violcncc vould mcan dirccth confronting lndoncsia and<br />

totentiallÍicopddislry ErÍ Timo.i moR ro tu1l indcpcndcncc.<br />

MffoÍs to$,aÍd Ênsuringlustice and OveÍconing Inpunity<br />

In the violence both beforc and rfter the votc ir is eÍinated that r,.1oo people died,<br />

stl% ofthe teÍitory'.s infrastructue lndbeen<strong>de</strong>strorcd and overaoo,ooo people hrd<br />

bccn torcibly di$lÀced.In r€sponse to these everts therc were calls 1àr the creàtion<br />

oían intcrmtioDrl tribunàl to bÍnig toiustice those rcsponsible. The lDtcrnrtiond<br />

Connnissiorl oflnquir-1.on D$t Tinor wlich lvas establishcd bl the SG upol thc<br />

rcqucst iiom thc UN Comnission on llumrn Rights, dciivcrcd its finrl rcpor oI<br />

irJanuarl :ooo, calling ior the c.ertion ofxn intenational irdcpeDdcnt invcstig!rhn<br />

and prosccutbn bod) in ordcr to i<strong>de</strong>ntii the persons rcsponsible íor the crimcs<br />

commirted ard to prcsccutc thosc guilry offtrbus humrn fights viohtnDs.<br />

Italso called Êor the creation of an ínternàtionrl humrn dght"q iriburul to rccciv.<br />

conpldnts ànd t.vthose accused ofserious violations ofinteÍnadonnl huJnxn rlghrs<br />

and hunanitarian lNv rcgirdless oítlie nrtiondin ofthe individuàl or s'hcrc thàt<br />

personvaslhcn thc violations lverc committcd." 'Ihc Commission rlso rccogniscd<br />

the int.rn.donal Da rc ofthc problcm alongvith thc LN.s rcsponsibilitics tbr dcalingwith<br />

the matt€r.It explaincd<br />

]h actilns liolÍnrg hunur dghrs i.d nrronaiioul humiiiÍriin law nr EasÍ<br />

Tinor Íere diÍecrcd àFàlnÍ r dc.isior ofl]t Uíucd Natio.s Sccuritv Councí<br />

ftnrs un<strong>de</strong>r <strong>Chapter</strong>\tI oflle Chdier ud were.onÍxrto agreemenG rerched<br />

iI lndonesin \rith rhe Ulited Nations to cdn óut rh.Lr Sedrift Councn <strong>de</strong>ci<br />

sion. Ul<strong>de</strong>r AJti<strong>de</strong> ,5 of the Chdter, llember States rgree to accegt and cur out<br />

thc dccniols oi rhe Seoriq Council Iie organized opgosino! in Exst fnnor to<br />

thc Sc.lriw ComciL dcchion requi.es sfeciÊc intcrmtionrl xftdÍior rld rcsfoN.<br />

The llnjtd Natn,ns, as èn oritMizrtio!, hrs à !$1cd n,tcrcst in particifitn€ n,<br />

the entire piocess ofiFcsigatior, $tablisiing tsforsibilií and pu shirg those<br />

Fstolri|Le ind in ]rromoting reconciliation. Etiictivdl <strong>de</strong>aling *itl tln is* ril1<br />

be imtortnnt for ensurilg that {xture Securig Coucn <strong>de</strong>cisbns tuerespected. '<br />

1hc SG orl1r panially cndorscd dns report, sr,ving thc .ccomncn<strong>da</strong>tioN 'mcit carcful<br />

.olsl<strong>de</strong>ratlon, there i\as not call for anÍ actbn upon thc rccomnicn<strong>da</strong>tions.In<br />

conveyi.g the report to rhe SC the SG placed a good <strong>de</strong>al offalth in un<strong>de</strong>rtrkjngs<br />

gircn bl Indoncsia th.n those involved in the !iolencerdthin Indofesirs-iurisdiction<br />

1vou1d bc dcelt with and that thcrc ryoL d bc no implniryfor thosc.csponsiblc.:<br />

& Report ofdr IrternàtiondlCohniision ofTiquiry on EdstTiDror. pin. r5r.<br />

81 Repoft oft1,e Ilterndioní Coóni$io" of lnqunr or EdÍTiÍor. prra.,t.<br />

83 Repon ofthe Internatioral Comnission oflnquiton East<strong>Timor</strong>,pdra. ra7.<br />

8a See l<strong>de</strong>rticd L*ten Dated lr lanuar :ooo From tle Sereraa Gener.L addresed to<br />

thc rresid.lt ofthc Gend.l Asernb\; tle presl<strong>de</strong>rt oi tle Securin Councn rnd thc<br />

Clairterto! ofthe connissnn on Human Rights, LrN Doc Àr;y'Zuo; St:ooo/;r G,

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