Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste


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233 Rnba Brtitil<br />

ofrcintcqm rg loÍn€r nilitia membeA nryolvcd in rhe violence ofr999 back into<br />

The final report from CAVR rvas issurd to the Presi<strong>de</strong>ni xnd Parlimerrr oÍ<br />

<strong>Timor</strong> <strong>Leste</strong> ir October rnd Novcmbcr roos resfectivel] an.l thcn <strong>de</strong>livered to rlLe<br />

SG or zoJanuarr zoo6.1le rcpor[vas nor mearr itr public.clcasc but wàs ercnru-<br />

.rl\ L.rked Àm ldst rcusxtions that th( Tlnor Lerte Pres itlcnt rvas tning to supptes<br />

ir id,lr<strong>de</strong>r m m,rintàin g{É(L r(Lltnrns wirli lddónerir.1l,c rcPortislong and <strong>de</strong>triLed<br />

i. iÍ.ó!er:rge dfcleDrs from re-\ Io rí).r,, rid ,\ddrc\scs r broad range ol!iolJrion:<br />

which hse occurrcd and uhcre ;,rssi1-1e thasc wlo w*c responsible, eitl(r dircÍI1<br />

or rh.ough a supcrior position. l}e repon docs noÍ hold b,rck in its forthrigbt'rcss<br />

ard a1l sidcs inrolved il the violen(e irc pur xndt close scÍutini<br />

Ii dcliv.ring dre refort to thc lrl.\ Prcsid.Dt GuÍnao emphasised rhc nccd ro<br />

look fonlaÍd and na<strong>de</strong> lro mention ofpo!.culions for serious crnncs or a!Í otheÍ<br />

action ro be taken followingthe rcpoÍ. I rd.n€sia'.s resporse rrrs thir fic rcporhvas<br />

'<br />

'à $'ff olnumbeÍs ard dità about thinqs rhat never hrppencd'an.l that 'there is .o<br />

need to look into ihe pxst bccáusc thet dnes .ot help.' l}rc CÀ\rR renort has rot<br />

n,r<strong>de</strong> it pàst the SG cvcn though lt speclíi. lv Íccommcnds that it be released to a<br />

rangc ofUN bodies including the SC tuL considcrarion. 'Ihe events surrounding<br />

the releese oftlt C,{VRretort ànd th(.ci.rkrs olthe nÀii acto.s involvc.t suggesr<br />

rhet even this sorr of routc to t.\th xnd íe..d.il tion is not faiourcd as it atpe&s<br />

(r Í,Fli<strong>de</strong> too much truth.<br />

\ further ncasurc alon.r thc truth and reconriLirtn'n ]incs has come .yiih thr<br />

..errion ofihr Comnissnrn ofTruth and Fiiendship cstrblishcd bv the gt,vernmcnts<br />

of ifi]oncsir md Tinor LeíÈ ir De.(nrb$ 2oo4. Cive. rhar the LIA\rR prr(c$<br />

urs rvcll cstablished an,l the irstiruriDrs rar prDlecDtion ofserious crimcs Nerc jll<br />

phce it is dllicull to un<strong>de</strong>Íst.]nd N|I drc Í1vd goverDÍ,ents fclt thc nced to esiiLrli,h<br />

! tuÍdrerbodl Howevcriooking it dre teÍ,ns oftle agrecmcnt thc nlo stàreiilten-<br />

The e{pressed purposc of this Conr D jslbn is to scck truth and piomote iíiendship<br />

as .r nciv ànd uniquc approach r*tl:er thm thc prosecutorixl frocess.' -In thc<br />

man<strong>da</strong>tc thc CTF approa.h is <strong>de</strong>scribcd as. moR to 1{:) bring.<strong>de</strong>6Ditivc closure'<br />

to th. issues ofthe p$t ind'to cstablsh the corclusive truth in regrrd to the ererts<br />

prlorto and iÍ)medirtclv aítcr thc popula. .onsultrtion in 1999." In thc tLrsuit of<br />

rrurh there is .] cled.cjcction of thc u\e .n l.g.J pLosecutiont it is cxplained<br />

Tn,c j$dcc cin be "erveil \rirh d(rh kl .L.k.o1rt.dgenetrr ol iestolsibilir Thc<br />

píÁccutori.'l srfem ofjustiLc .in .clllLflv .trhirv. onc ohjectivc, which is to<br />

Át,,tr .fthe Iicport 'i avri|bte N tLrt: ' vr,rl irri ., r/. d, nsvi/fcatuier'8a6. htnn.<br />

ll?,C ()ili,.,'IiJin$lM E,,$ I\,,o, .nn{ IrnÈd r:)Jrn!rrv:0.61a\in.hl.I hlr}), r<br />

icr\ Ll,...o.uk/r/hr\rld ,tsii l,.a.ili. rb\ór:: sfi,.<br />

IS\]P l-c1tsr ro UN Seud.^'ccDqal rbor CÀ\'R ud COE ItepÍs (4 ll,r.h<br />

r.ó6) rvliLable at bttf:\N!iírrnDl,ub.org/News/roo6^lar.h/r.Íoro6<br />

Lcttc.%róro9i,zolrN eng.htm.<br />

'Inrms of rcfcrcnce for tne Conmi*,on of Truth ard Friendslip eÍablisLcd br Tlrc<br />

ltc]]lLltic otli donesix xnd lhe Denornrlr Rrpubln:of<strong>Timor</strong> Lsie,PIc.mlLc,])!ra. io,<br />

Nxilxbh ri lt$:/ Flar.tfJi tl.org/reD.- .í-fcfcrcice.<br />

Tcí!s of refererce ior the Connissión oiTruth dnd Friendshp. lrmrhh, tèr!s.9, E.

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