Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste


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2E6 Rnndrd R,rhil<br />

Ar iltcmationaliscd tribunal in East Thor, or any other teritorÍ is Íeà]isti<br />

ca11v onl; goirg to bc ablc to cxcrcisc iurisdiction ovcr nrdividuals thit <strong>de</strong> inrne<br />

díate1l prcscnt in the rcrritory'Ihis means that ht'brid tribunJs rdll be efèctne in<br />

civil Nai siturtions but noi $'hcn irdMdurls fÍon anotler st.rte hxre been involitd<br />

as !he] vill be able ro reiurn to ihat star. and iemai. outsi<strong>de</strong> th€ reach oíthe inrernatiomtsed<br />

ÍibunaI, unlcs iheÍe is signlfi.ant lnrernarional sutpoÍt md pressuÍe<br />

ior bringing those restonsible before e colLri.'Ihe inter.adoral element ofm inrer-<br />

.ationallzed bibur is ofcrucbl imllortànce i. conflicts inlolvirg morc thxn onc<br />

stxte and in prÍticLrlàÍi irhen accusations ofcriminàl liohtions rppll to scnior gorcrnmcnt<br />

6Ít!res ofrnother Íàte.<br />

Ifthcrc isgoing to bc an initixl morc ofsupport tbr thc use of prosecution uhen<br />

therc hàs bccn scrious riolrtions of intcrnational huna! righrs and humànitlriÀn<br />

larv the institurions cnÍlstcd vith fin tisk need to be qiven the necessaÍ) suppo.t<br />

to undcrtale ihc duti.s rhq harc bccn cntrusted u'iih.It is pru<strong>de</strong>nt to algue that if<br />

trirls uc to bc pursued thcrihould onlv be conductcd upor tr,rcticable xnd sustàir1<br />

able bases;to stat and thcn io fail would ii manl w$sbe fiÍ woÍse than not to stàrt<br />

à1. 1 so faÍ às the messxge itwould send ou1.'lhe lackof s'lpport givcn bttheL\<br />

institutionsto the intcrnlnionalized tribun,r.lhrs donc <strong>da</strong>magc to thc dcvclopmcnt of<br />

inteÍnrtional crr nrliusticc atit scrvcs to undcrmir€s anÍe1lort ro eliminxte imlu<br />

nin in the international system.<br />

The mn<strong>de</strong>te of the Special Prnels provi<strong>de</strong>d lor unn€rs.ljurisdiction i. trincipie<br />

b,.Lt there vere the pfuctical issues ofhorr ro bring the accused u'ithin the rcrch<br />

oftbe Panels. When the Special Panels rvere created the UN lrs thc adminhtratol<br />

ofthe tenitory and rvith this crme r larec dcgrce of rcsponsibilir,v for rhc cl1'ccrnr<br />

tunctionnrg ofthc Pancls.-'This plÀccd rn obligation upon thc LJli to ensure dut<br />

mcasurcs Í'crc tikcn ro suppori ihc clïcctn! ftnctioning ofth€ Panels. One canrot<br />

argu€ ahit it s'as up to thc TimoÍese instltutlons to somehox bring the àccused<br />

\rithin its iurisdiction. Foi the tust coutle of lrars of.he Panels, there rvls no other<br />

golernnenlÀl authoriq in the teriroÍv and immediateli tolLoNjng the proclànrtion<br />

ofin<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>.ce the nelv strte h'ld neither the clout nor thc rcsourccs ro obtain thc<br />

Il <strong>de</strong>elingwith the issue oiseriors violadons ofhtelnàtionsl humm righis.rnd<br />

humrnltrian 1aw the UN gave gÍexter supprt to the international politicd intcrcsts<br />

ofthe states inrolved over mïtÍin.ipled stance fàr en suring ifrlunig ;s renorcd. A<br />

former Depuo Specirl RctÍ.sentatnr oidre Se.retary General lor liast l'imor has<br />

explaiicd rhat loliticd nril)fflrives, such as reconcilialior \rith lndonesid ,tnd the<br />

militia lea<strong>de</strong>rship, cnused nraior problens jn neetiog Securifl Council-man<strong>da</strong>tcd<br />

prosecution ofserious crimes conmitted during 1999'tnd that lncloncsia vas also<br />

clcarl,r' unwilling to co{pcntc acti\'.h in ihis arca and ivxs not suínciert\ pressed<br />

bv ilfluential go!€Ínments tu do so, ..-' ' Given the limitxtions on the SpeciàlPànels<br />

fiom the ouner both in terns oiresources end the poLitical Nill backing its $o* r<br />

4t llilant XlcCoLLbrcI'Íhe r.ned conílid nr Bosrin ald lro|ord wd.rinc tiil n<br />

Ltt.zdtiandlPrldti.n\ (t9$J y a]'.<br />

Suzallah LnÍon, Cambodix, Da{ Tnnor xd Sicra Lconq cxFri'no,rs jf intcrn.<br />

tio!.liuÍne D C,'r,t,lZ,a: Fatuh \2aar) I.21..<br />

\7tni AAI Lir, tulat al íh, .o.2 'tLltrt Colfárn t, p. t,,.

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