Design Yearbook 2017

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Studio 7 – Potteries Thinkbelt

Matthew Margetts & Cara Lund

Continuing an interest in infrastructure as background processes and systems this year we have revisited Cedric Price’s ‘Potteries Think Belt’

– 50 years after its conception. We used the ‘Potteries Think Belt’ plan as a ‘treasure map’ to navigate the delights of contemporary Stokeon-Trent.

The studio was one of three ‘vertical’ studios pioneered this year – taught jointly between Stages 3 and 6, and began with the group exercise

of building a ‘Stoke-o-Matic’ dynamic mapping model. The model was used to explore systematic relationships between transport, education,

environment and identity with enjoyably unpredictable results.

Stage 6 students were given much more latitude and typically chose to focus on more societal infrastructures such as education, retail and

third sector networks.

Linked with Stage 3 (see pg.52)


Jessica Wilkie The Learning Precinct

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