Design Yearbook 2017

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BA Architecture & Urban Planning (AUP)

Andrew Law & Armelle Tardiveau – Degree Programme Directors

The BA (Hons) Architecture and Urban Planning (AUP) is an evolving three-year

programme that seeks to unite academic themes and approaches from the architecture

and urban planning programmes across the School. The AUP degree carries its own

intellectual and pedagogical themes that cannot be found on other programmes

elsewhere in the School. There are four conceptual strands, which includes one major

theme, ‘alternative practice’, and three minor themes: visual culture, urban design and

spatial practice as well as social enterprise.

The alternative practice strand responds to a critique of twentieth century architecture

and planning as overly technocratic and individualised. Returning to these critiques,

alternative practice bring to the fore social, cultural, political and environmental

concerns in the design and construction of the built environment. Our course has

drawn inspiration from a range of thinkers and practitioners concerned with the built

environment (including philosophers, political activists, sociologists, geographers,

architects and planners) that have sought to engage and include communities in design

and building (sometimes self-build, sometimes co-production).

The design work from Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the programme selectively showcases much of

the intellectual and practical academic content of the degree while helping the students

to develop visual and spatial skills; we aim to engage students in developing their own

agenda and interests making clear the connections between social, environmental and

design issues and the built environment as the driving spirit of their endeavors.


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