Design Yearbook 2017

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The Modernism of Birth

Emma Cheatle

History, Cultures and Landscape

This research examines the impact of buildings and interiors on the history of English

maternity. From the 1750s, concurrent with the rise of the novel, the incidental spaces of

home birth were succeeded by lying-in hospitals run by newly established man-midwives.

Across the nineteenth-century, birth was further medicalised and institutionalised in

these purpose made spaces. Analysing particular buildings and novels, this research traces

the developing relationship between the places in which birth took place, the women

and men involved, and the development of instruments and practices. The related Being

Human Festival project, Maternity Tales, spring from the above research.

Key References:

Emma Cheatle, Part-architecture: the Maison de Verre, Duchamp, Domesticity and

Desire in 1930s Paris (Routledge, 2016)

Emma Cheatle, ‘Recording the absent in the Maison de Verre’, in IDEA Journal (2012)

Standardised Assessment of Building Adaptability

John M. Kamara

Industries of Architecture

The aim of this project is to refine and test a theoretical model for rating the adaptability

of buildings as a first step towards a methodology for the standardised assessment of

building adaptability. The theoretical model is based on indicators of the adaptability

of different elements of a building in relation to six adaptability features: adjustability,

versatility, refit-ability, convertibility, scalability, and movability. Empirical evidence

through case studies and analytical techniques will be used to model building change

and test and refine the theoretical model.


Dr Oliver Heidrich (school of Civil Engineering, Newcastle University), Dr Vladimir

Ladinski (Principle Architect, Gateshead Council), Professor Mario Dejaco, Professor

Fulvio Re Cecconi and Dr Sebastiano Maltese (Politecnico do Milano, Italy)

Phenomenological Affordance Analysis

Kati Blom

Processes and Practices of Architecture

My thesis laid foundations for an analysis of unique architectural experiences which have

heterogeneous elements. The corresponding building offers a set of negative or positive

affordances which may become noted in an experience. To analyse environmental

relations via perception psychology (Gibson) proved to be useful particularly in

evaluating glass buildings and the memorable experiences triggered by them. This

analysis reveals continuities and discontinuities of surfaces of material substances, as well

as the analysis of affordances within. Both exterior and interior can be looked as concave

or convex surfaces.

The Architect as Shopper

Katie Lloyd Thomas

Industries of Architecture

This project investigates the emergence of the architect as ‘shopper’ and handmaiden of

the building products industry in the interwar period – a transformation much debated

at the time, but now largely forgotten, and an unquestioned aspect of contemporary

architectural practice. It explores the role of women who, on the one hand were just

entering the architectural profession, selling building products or working in the

electrical industry, and on the other, were actively targeted as key consumers of building

products. The research is in conjunction with the Building Centre (London) and a

Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal) research fellowship to prepare the book





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