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Walking by faith and not by sight (2)<br />

Although God is invisible, when we walk<br />

by faith, we know He is with us and<br />

can see Him with our hearts. I once<br />

caught God looking through my eyes. He was<br />

not looking at me. He was looking through<br />

the window of my eyes.<br />

We have two eyes, but they must be single. We<br />

must see the physical in the light of the spiritual.<br />

We must see the visible in the light of the<br />

invisible. Even as we only fully understand the<br />

Old Testament in the light of our understanding<br />

of the New Testament, even so, we must<br />

interpret the physical by the invisible.<br />

In all cases, our focus must always be on<br />

knowing what God is doing. It means we are<br />

interrogating situations and circumstances. We<br />

are asking God questions. We know He is behind<br />

everything. So, we ask: “Daddy, what are<br />

you doing?” “Daddy, what do you mean by<br />

doing this?” “Daddy, why are you doing this<br />

like this?”<br />

The answer is always to trust God. The answer<br />

is always in knowing that no weapon fashioned<br />

against us can prosper. Knowing that<br />

all things work together for our good. Confident<br />

that God always causes us to triumph in<br />

Christ. Recognising that Jesus has overcome<br />

the world.<br />

Spiritual warfare<br />

Living by faith means we are always engaged<br />

in spiritual warfare. It means our physical and<br />

spiritual lives are lived as one. We know what<br />

is happening in the physical is being controlled<br />

or manipulated by what is going on in the spiritual.<br />

We know the devil, who often manipulates<br />

the physical, is a liar. Therefore, we don’t<br />

believe our lying physical eyes. We rely on our<br />

The new Heaven and new Earth (3)<br />

Everlasting gospel delivered by<br />

the Holy Father, The<br />

Supernatural Teacher and Sole<br />

Spiritual Head of the Universe,<br />

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu<br />

(BCS) WHQ 34 Ambo Street,<br />

Calabar, Nigeria<br />

From that moment, they have opted for<br />

eternal condemnation. Their desires for<br />

wealth will not be met and they will forever not<br />

have peace, joy and freedom.<br />

This same reason explains why you see people<br />

wandering from one church to the other<br />

and from one hospital or juju priest shrine to<br />

the other yet do not have peace. But a true child<br />

of this Kingdom has no problem; he is ever<br />

blooming with joy every minute.<br />

At times many people begin to wander why<br />

My life was saved by<br />

my faith in God who<br />

is my eyes<br />

spiritual eyesight.<br />

If we walk by sight, we can only do the<br />

possible. But if we walk by faith, we can do<br />

the impossible. We can even walk on water.<br />

This is because we know that the God with<br />

whom nothing shall be impossible is with<br />

us. He is the doer of the work. David acknowledges<br />

that God Most High: “performs<br />

all things for (us).” (Psalm 57:2).<br />

Peter got out of the boat to walk on water<br />

by faith in Christ. But he started to drown<br />

when he started walking by sight. This is<br />

because walking by sight brings anxiety.<br />

But walking by faith brings peace. Therefore,<br />

child of God, don’t believe your eyes.<br />

Believe your God.<br />

Eye of faith<br />

Do you see with your natural eyes? See<br />

what eyes cannot, and have not, seen. See<br />

with your eye of faith. The scriptures say of<br />

the men and women of the Hall of Faith in<br />

the book of Hebrews: “These all died in<br />

faith, not having received the promises, but<br />

having seen them afar off were assured of<br />

them, embraced them and confessed that<br />

they were strangers and pilgrims on the<br />

earth.” (Hebrews 11:13-14).<br />

we converge here every blessed day singing,<br />

dancing and receiving the word of God,<br />

and get surprised that we do not spare a<br />

time for rest. Of course, the reason for their<br />

thought is lack of adequate knowledge<br />

about our hope and expectation. They do<br />

not know that we are desirous of sharing in<br />

the new heaven and a new earth. Already<br />

we are in the Kingdom of God where righteousness<br />

and peace dwell.<br />

God’s word is true and ever sure. We have<br />

read that it was written that this generation<br />

would not pass away until all the words of<br />

God come to manifest. Read St. Matthew<br />

24: 34. “Verily I say unto you, this generation<br />

shall not pass, till all these things be<br />

fulfilled”.<br />

Today have you not seen all that was written<br />

about this age manifesting? The limiting<br />

factor for very many of you in this King-<br />

The bible tells us that our God Himself is not<br />

constrained by the visible. Paul says God, who<br />

gives life to the dead: “calls those things which<br />

do not exist as though they did.” (Romans 4:17).<br />

Therefore, he prescribes the same approach for<br />

us. He says we should stop looking at the things<br />

that are seen and start looking at the invisible:<br />

“For the things which are seen are temporary,<br />

but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2<br />

Corinthians 4:18).<br />

dom is that you are still walloping in sins; so<br />

long as you are still in sin, you are blinded against<br />

God. The truth is that no sinner can see God.<br />

For you to see God and be in close communion<br />

with Him, you have to sanctify yourself. Furthermore,<br />

for you to benefit from your call into<br />

this Kingdom, you have to re-order your priorities.<br />

Stop henceforth to ask God for mundane<br />

things, rather focus your hope in this new heaven<br />

and a new earth where righteousness and<br />

peace dwell. This is the Kingdom of God. For<br />

you to merit it you have to refrain from sinful<br />

acts and frivolous demands, after all, these are<br />

not what brought you into this Kingdom.<br />

You came here principally to inherit the new<br />

heaven and new earth – anything outside this is<br />

secondary and appendage. Many people have<br />

this misconception that when they are told to<br />

love one another and embrace peace, it is because<br />

in so doing people will love them back, so<br />

that they will have to utilize that avenue to establish<br />

links that will aid them to acquire wealth.<br />

Blessing of faith<br />

When the disciples told Thomas that Jesus<br />

had risen from the dead and appeared physically<br />

to them, he would not believe. He said to<br />

them: “Unless I see in His hands the print of the<br />

nails, and put my finger into the print of the<br />

nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not<br />

believe.” (John 20:25).<br />

Therefore, Jesus appeared in his presence:<br />

“Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger<br />

here, and look at My hands; and reach your<br />

hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be<br />

unbelieving, but believing.’ And Thomas answered<br />

and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’<br />

Jesus said to him, ‘Thomas, because you have<br />

seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those<br />

who have not seen and yet have believed.’” (John<br />

20:27-29).<br />

In the world, they say: “seeing is believing.”<br />

However, believers in Jesus believe to see. If we<br />

say seeing is believing, we cannot walk with God<br />

for God is invisible. But if we believe to see, we<br />

will receive a great blessing. Only those who<br />

believe to see can see the glory of God.<br />

Thus, Jesus said to Martha before He raised<br />

Lazarus from the dead: “Did I not say to you<br />

that if you would believe you would see the glory<br />

of God?” (John 11:30). David expressed the<br />

same sentiment: “I would have lost heart, unless<br />

I had believed that I would see the goodness<br />

of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm<br />

27:13).<br />

The bible says: “The just shall live by his faith.”<br />

(Habakkuk 2:4). When we do, the word of God<br />

defines reality for us. That means we not only<br />

believe in the promises of God, we walk according<br />

to them. We also talk about them, confident<br />

of their fulfilment for: “From the fruit of<br />

his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the<br />

harvest from his lips he is satisfied.” (Proverbs<br />

18:20).<br />

Indeed, those who walk by faith see things<br />

in the past tense, knowing God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in the spirit long before they manifest<br />

in the flesh and in the world.<br />

So, if God says he is going to make you rich,<br />

what should you expect? You should expect<br />

the evidence of what you do not see. Expect<br />

the contradiction first. Expect to become poor<br />

and then you will become rich. Remember<br />

this: “The Lord makes poor and makes rich;<br />

He brings low and lifts up.” (1 Samuel 2:7).<br />

Saved by Faith<br />

Recently, I decided to walk from my office<br />

to my bank rather than go by car. To do that,<br />

I had to cross a major road, Adetokunbo<br />

Ademola. It was a one-way street, divided in<br />

the middle by a big intersection. I waited patiently<br />

for the cars coming on the road to pass<br />

by. When it was free, I decided to make a<br />

move.<br />

But God cautioned me. “Femi,” He said.<br />

“The fact that it is a one-way street does not<br />

mean you should not look on the other side.<br />

Look on the other side before you cross.”<br />

I obeyed immediately. I looked on the other<br />

side, only to discover that there was no impediment,<br />

then crossed the road. But I completely<br />

forgot about this injunction on my way<br />

back. I had to cross again the same one-way<br />

road from the other side, so I waited again<br />

patiently until there was no car coming.<br />

But as I took a step to cross over, a motorcycle<br />

moving at top speed on the wrong side<br />

of the road whizzed past me. I had forgotten<br />

to look at the other side because it was a oneway<br />

street. Had the motorcycle been just fractionally<br />

slower, it would have killed me because<br />

I would have moved right in front of it.<br />

My life was saved by my faith in God who is<br />

my eyes.<br />

Far be from this; the fact that you are told to<br />

practice righteousness is to qualify you to inherit<br />

the new heaven and a new earth. Therefore,<br />

brethren, whatever is done here is not to<br />

please man or acquire wealth. It is for the<br />

sake of the new heaven and the new earth that<br />

we are awaiting. Ipso facto, it behoves us all<br />

to be without blemish.<br />

The people of the world see Brotherhood<br />

members as a group of insane fellows, why<br />

this impression? It is because we do not want<br />

the things of this world, our hope is in the new<br />

heaven and a new earth and our lives depend<br />

on its arrival because it is our treasure. For it<br />

is said that where one’s treasure lies his heart<br />

is there. The reason why we opt for the new<br />

heaven and a new earth as opposed to the<br />

material lust of their world is that the material<br />

things of this world will soon fade away<br />

with time, whereas the new heaven and earth<br />

is forever. To be continued<br />

Dr. William Orakwue Egbuna<br />

Healing Disciple of God<br />

And Knight of The Holy Grail<br />

08055765207<br />

What is killing Nigerians!(2)<br />

Continued from last Sunday<br />



The syphilis germs from the mother<br />

through the placenta invade all the or<br />

gans and tissues of the foetus. The bony<br />

deformities persist after birth and constitute<br />

the stigmata. The damage continues after birth<br />

and causes progressive destruction of many<br />

organs and tissues. The secondary rash appears<br />

at about two years of age and often mistaken<br />

for and termed late measles epidemic. The<br />

early tertiary rash appears between the ages of<br />

12 and 15 years i.e. the Pimples. Almost every<br />

Nigerian has gone through the adolescent pimples.<br />


Symptoms arise from many organs and tissues.<br />

They are varied and at times weird in<br />

nature that the average Nigerian with his simple<br />

intuition calls it spiritual attack, witchcraft<br />

or juju. He is frequently amazed when after<br />

successful treatment lasting about one<br />

month that he recovers often fully! The<br />

symptoms include generalized itching and<br />

"pins and needles". Numbness and "things<br />

crawling round the body. In children, persistent<br />

fever, catarrh and cough, inability to<br />

gain weight and vomiting. Those cervical<br />

and axillary glands are prominent. Chestx-ray<br />

may show "Tuberculosis". At times pericardia!<br />

effusion occurs. Bone pains is a<br />

common symptom and with the associated<br />

skull bossing, raises the question of Sickle<br />

Cell Disease differential. Pain in the muscles<br />

is also common. Individual peripheral<br />

nerves are also affected, most commonly<br />

the sciatic nerves, at times causing severe<br />

pain and pseudo-paralyses (Sciatica).In<br />

many older children and adults these symptoms<br />

and signs persist. In the rest, the BCG<br />

infection burns itself out but the syphilis<br />

progresses to death unless treated and the<br />

organ and tissue damage arrested medically<br />

or corrected surgically.<br />


These include persistent or recurrent headaches,<br />

dizziness, amnesia, insomnia, dementia,<br />

twitching, convulsion, epilepsy, blindness,<br />

deafness, dumbness, asthma, catarrh,<br />

cough, haemoptysis, weight loss, stroke, heart<br />

failure, kidney failure, liver failure, ulcer, abdominal<br />

pains and discomfort, tendency to constipation,<br />

frequency of passing urine, infertility<br />

in both men and women, various forms of cancer<br />

and insanity!<br />


The recognition by a discerning physician that<br />

these two chronic diseases i.e. Congenital Syphilis<br />

and "Tuberculosis" are present in almost all<br />

Nigerians from birth, affords him a fantastic<br />

advantage. Any other illness is superimposed<br />

on these. Even very bad kidney cases and crippling<br />

heart diseases recover within a few weeks<br />

of management1. And infertile couples become<br />

blessed with children!<br />


A good Basic Heath Structure for the Country<br />

will eradicate both Syphilis and Tuberculosis<br />

simultaneously within a couple of years.<br />

The Secondary and Tertiary Health Institutions<br />

will join in managing the major organ<br />

damages and complications. In a decade or<br />

two, a healthy and vigorous Nigerian population<br />

will emerge and Medical Tourism will<br />

become history!<br />

Bishop Ore goes home in a blaze of glory<br />

By Sam Eyoboka<br />

THE General Superintendent of Deeper<br />

Life Bible Church, Pastor William Ku<br />

muyi, former General Overseer of Foursquare<br />

Gospel Church, Rev Wilson Badejo,<br />

founder of Christ Life Church, Bishop Francis<br />

Wale Oke and the immediate past chairman of<br />

Lagos Chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria,<br />

Apostle Alex Bamgbola were among several<br />

dignitaries who graced the final burial ceremony<br />

of Bishop Sola Ore who died on October<br />

26<br />

Ḃishop Ore was the chairman of the Lagos<br />

Chapter of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria,<br />

PFN.<br />

The burial ceremony which held at the LAW-<br />

NA Territorial Headquarters, Ketu Lagos also<br />

witnessed a large gathering of Pentecostals<br />

and members from other blocs of Christian<br />

Association of Nigeria, CAN across Nigeria.<br />

Speaking at the ceremony, Bishop Oke who<br />

described Bishop Ore as his spiritual son said<br />

believers don’t die. He added also that when a<br />

believer dies he has only changed residence.<br />

Describing Bishop Ore as a jovial and engaging<br />

personality, he said there was nowhere<br />

Bishop Ore entered that would not be lightened<br />

up.<br />

In his words: “He was a man of high-level<br />

integrity though he cracked jokes, he was highly<br />

principled. In all my years of relating with<br />

him, I can tell you that he was a Christian<br />

indeed. He never told a lie to my knowledge<br />

all through the time I knew him.”

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