2021 Winter/ Spring catalog

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New! Soft Skills for Success!


Public Speaking

According to one survey, 41% of

people list public speaking as their

biggest fear. Forget small spaces,

darkness, and spiders. Standing

up in front of a crowd and talking

is far more terrifying for most

people. Through this workshop

you will become more confident

and relaxed in front of an audience

which will translate into successful

speaking events. You’ll gain

some basic public speaking skills,

including in-depth information on

developing, engaging and delivering

presentations with power.

Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


05/26 &


5:30 -


Interpersonal Skills


In this 4-hour workshop will help

you work towards being that

unforgettable person by providing

communication skills, negotiation

techniques, tips on making an

impact, and advice on networking

and starting conversations. We will

also identify the skills needed in

starting a conversation, moving a

conversation along, and progressing

to higher levels of conversation.

Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


05/05 &


5:30 -



Critical Thinking

Feeling overwhelmed? What if you

had a process for thinking clearly

and rationally to help make the

best decisions? This course will

introduce innovative techniques to

analyze and evaluate problems in

order to realize hidden value and

new opportunities. You will gain an

understanding of the components of

critical thinking. You will learn skills

to distinguish relevant and irrelevant

information, evaluate information,

utilize non-linear and logical

thinking, and more. This course can

help you be more productive in your

career and everyday life.

Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


04/21 &


5:30 -



Developing New Managers

Management must be effective for

the success of any business. In this

workshop, we will discuss strategies

for developing new managers

and determine core roles and

competencies for new managers.

You will gain an understanding

of the importance of continuous

development and be able to apply

principles of manager development

in your own organization.

Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


05/12 &


5:30 -



Creative Problem Solving

In a world that seems to be changing

faster than ever, problem-solving

skills are essential. This course will

give you an overview of the entire

creative problem-solving process.

You will learn key tools to solve

problems that can be used every

day. Skills such as brainstorming,

information gathering, analyzing

data, asking the right questions,

and selecting a solution.

Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


04/28 &


5:30 -


Customer Service


Each and every one of us serves

customers, whether we realize it

or not. This workshop will look at

all types of customers and how we

can serve them better and improve

ourselves in the process. You will

gain a strong skillset including

in-person and over the phone

techniques, dealing with difficult

customers, and generating return


Instructor: Derek Knoll

Day Date Time Cost


05/19 &


5:30 -



12 Workforce Training Summer/Fall 2020

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