101 Hadith Qudsi by pImam ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi


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part two

thirty-second khabar (72)

On the Day of Resurrection, when actions are displayed, God,

ever mighty and majestic is He, will say to the angels: “Look at

the prayer of My servant and see if he has completed it or if he has

omitted anything.”

If he has completed it, it shall be set down as complete. If he

has omitted anything in it, God will say: “See if My servant has

done anything voluntarily.”

He will declare: “Complete what My servant was required to do

with what he did voluntarily.”

The Prophet, may God give him blessings and peace, added:

“It is thus that the works are accepted.”

I have transmitted this tradition according to the “Book of Prayer” (Kitåb al-Íalåt),

whose author imparted it to me during our meetings, may God have mercy upon

him and illumine his face. 15

thirty-third khabar (73)

God, ever exalted is He, says: “O child of Adam, I strike you with

three blows: poverty, illness, and death. And yet despite that, you

are impetuous.”

I have transmitted this tradition according to M¬så ibn Mu¢ammad, 16 who took it

from ¡Abd al-Wahhåb ibn Sukayna. M¬så told me: “¡Abd al-Wahhåb had it with an

isnåd going back to the Prophet, upon him be peace, who received it from God.”


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