101 Hadith Qudsi by pImam ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi


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divine sayings

“O child of Adam, I asked you for drink, but you gave Me nothing

to drink.”

[The man] asks: “My Lord, how could I give you a drink, when

You are the Lord of the universes?”

He will reply: “One of My servants asked you for drink but

you did not quench his thirst. Did you not know that if you had

quenched his thirst, you would have found that with Me?”

Reported by Muslim, according to Ab¬ Hurayra.

nineteenth hadith (99)

Ab¬ Hurayra reported: “The Messenger of God, may God give him blessings and

peace, told me:”

When the Day of Resurrection comes, God will descend to the

servants to judge between them. Each community will be kneeling.

The ¥rst one to be called will be a man who collected the Qur¤an,

and then will come a man who was killed [in battle] for the sake of

God, and then a wealthy man.

God asks the Qur¤an reciter: “Did I not teach you that which I

brought down [by inspiration] upon My Messenger?”

[The man] replies: “Certainly, my Lord.”

[God] will ask: “And what did you do with what you learned?”

He will reply: “I practised it night and day.”

[God] will say to him: “You are lying.”

And the angels will say: “You are lying.”


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