101 Hadith Qudsi by pImam ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi


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divine sayings

When God created the Earth, it began to quake. Then the angels asked,

“How, O Lord, will Your servants ¥nd stability upon this earth?” Whereupon

He appeared to them in a revelation that caused them to swoon. When they

came to, the angels saw that the mountains had been created.

12. In some manuscripts this reads: “the bridge over Hell is laid down”.

13. A village on the edge of the Sacred Precinct of Mecca, where the Prophet

led over a thousand pilgrims to make the pilgrimage in 7/628. He entered

a special state of grace there, and all the Companions were commanded

to pledge their allegiance to him. A peace treaty with Quraysh was then

concluded, which guaranteed access to Mecca in future years.

14. This refers to the uttering of the S¬rat al-Fåti¢a in the ritual prayer.

15. The Arabic athnå means both “to double” and “to praise or extol”.

16. The minbar (pl. manåbir) was originally a raised platform or dais from which

the Prophet addressed the community in Medina.

Part Two

1. Literally, “cool their eyes in My Gardens”. This Arabic idiom denotes the

pleasure that comes after the heat of the desert day, which makes the eyes

red, and is also associated in another ¢ad¨th with the pleasure the Prophet

experienced in prayer.

2. Some manuscripts report a different ¢ad¨th quds¨ here:

God, ever mighty and majestic is He, says: “O child of Adam, if only you

were to see how little is left of your appointed time! You would renounce all

expectations for the future, you would restrain your greed and your devising,

and you would seek to augment [your good deeds]. Nonetheless, remorse

shall seize you [at the moment of death], when your foot falters, when your

family and servants desert you, when your dearest leaves you and your nearest

forsake you. You will not be able to return to your people, nor add to what

you have done. Work, then, in view of the Day of Resurrection, the day of

sorrow and remorse.”

This tradition I have taken from revealed scriptures, in a chain of transmission

from Y¬nus b. Ya¢yå al-¡Abbås¨, on the authority of Ab¬ al-Fut¬¢ Mu¢ammad b.

Mu¢ammad b. ¡Al¨ al¨-Ê夨, on the authority of Salama b. Shab¨b, on the authority

of Man߬r b. ¡Umar, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Zakar¨ya b.

Ibråh¨m, on the authority of Salama b. ¡Abd al-Malik, on the authority of Wahb


[Ab¬ ¡Abdallåh Wahb al-Munabbih al-Yaman¨ was born about twenty

years after the Prophet’s death, a famous Follower who listened to some of

the Companions and related from them. He is celebrated for his Book of


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