101 Hadith Qudsi by pImam ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi


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divine sayings

sake of God, except that I would ¥nd no capacity to carry them [if

they were wounded], nor would they ¥nd the capacity [to carry me],

and it would be burdensome for them to remain behind after me.

By Him who holds the soul of Muhammad in His Hand, I would

love to go forth and ¥ght for the sake of God and be killed, ¥ght

again and be killed, ¥ght again and be killed!

second hadith (82)

The Messenger of God, may God give him blessings and peace, said:

Our Lord, ever blessed and exalted is He, wonders at a man who

goes forth to ¥ght for the sake of God and then, when he is put

to ¦ight with his companions and he knows what his situation

is, returns until his blood is shed. God says then to His angels:

“Behold My servant! He returned out of desire and love for that

which is with Me, until his blood was shed.”

Reported by Ab¬ D夬d, 1 according to ¡Abdallåh ibn Mas¡¬d.


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