101 Hadith Qudsi by pImam ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi

by Imam Ibn Arabi


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divine sayings

thirty-fourth khabar (74)

God, ever mighty and majestic is He, answers someone who

embarks upon the pilgrimage with unlawful possessions, saying

“Here am I, Lord, at Your service”, and says:

“There is no ‘here am I, at Your service’, until you have cast aside

what you have in your hands.”

I have transmitted this tradition according to a group of knowledgeable people, from

whom I heard it without isnåd or authority or ascription, may God be satisfied with

them all.

God, ever exalted is He, said to Moses, upon him be peace:

“I shall teach you ¥ve sayings which constitute the pillars of


“Until you have learned that My Kingdom has ended, do not

abandon your obedience to Me.

“Until you have learned that My Treasuries are exhausted, do

not be concerned for your nourishment.

“Until you have learned that your enemy is dead, do not think

yourself safe from attack, and do not neglect to ¥ght.

“Until you have learned that I have forgiven you, do not

criticise sinners.

“Until you have entered My Paradise, do not think yourself safe

from My ruse.”

This tradition was reported to us by Y¬nus b. Ya¢yå in a chain of transmission

going back through Jar¨r to the Prophet. 17


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