24 Seven March 2021

Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life: 24/seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life: 24/seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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Could fear be holding you back from evolving to your

full potential? Fear can hold you back from stepping into

your power and from living your soul’s true purpose. Fear

creates resistance to the natural flow of events and blocks

blessings. It can even prevent you from overcoming

obstacles and recognizing your true strength. Fear can

stop you in your tracks even when you’re on the right

path. It can keep you from pursuing your dreams, from

rewarding opportunities and relationships because fear

squashes courage. Simply stated, fear keeps you stuck.

Overtime, fear leads to feeling unfulfilled, sad,

confused and even settles into the body creating illness,

anxiety, imbalance and dis-ease. Humans are emotional

creatures and need to be able to express, not repress

emotions. Holding emotions inside means they’ll emerge

elsewhere. Unprocessed emotional energy like fear gets

stored in muscles, organs, tissues and bones. It leads to

inflammation, chronic health problems and compromised

health. Often, I see fear stuck in the mid and low back, the

kidneys and abdomen. Yes, your unresolved emotions and

issues land in your tissues. It’s essential to acknowledge

the fear, accept it and feel it fully - without judgment.

This is the key to healing and conquering fear. Feel it to

heal it!

The good news is you can choose to grow from your

fear in a way that catapults you into a field of opportunity,

adventure and liberation! Fear is a normal and often

healthy human emotion. It’s what we choose to do with it

that makes all the difference.

Rather than letting fear run the show, tune in to your

body and listen to the fear. Is it a healthy signal of a

potential threat to your safety or is it a chronic emotion

fed by your ego-brain trying to keep you from trying

something new? Are you drowning in a sea of fear; fear

of failure, rejection, embarrassment or simply fear of not

feeling good enough? You can get slapped by a wave of

discontent and boredom in one moment and in the next

get knocked over by fear of moving beyond the comfort of

the familiar. So how do you navigate these choppy waters

and choose to ride the wave of opportunity rather than

then get stuck in the undercurrent of status quo?

First, discern the source of your anxiety and then put

your objective glasses on to see if your fears are real or

mostly speculative. Some people tend to catastrophize

and look only at the worst-case scenarios. If so, your fears

could be keeping you stuck. One of the best definitions

I’ve seen for fear is this: False Evidence Appearing Real.

False evidence keeps you comfortable and safe.

Stagnant in fear, you’ll be most comfortable when you

rationalize (I call them rational-lies) all the reasons why

you can’t move forward. I have a sign in my office that I

look at daily; it says, everything you want is on the other

side of fear. This propels me forward, ever expanding

my comfort zone and keeping me keenly aware of the

excuses I create when fear sneaks in.

If you find yourself mired in fear, recognize this human

condition, give yourself some compassion and then a

gentle nudge forward. Trying and failing is so much less

painful than settling and regretting never having tried.

Don’t let fear take control. Fear stagnation, not failure!

There isn’t a single person who hasn’t met with

failure, disappointment and the sting of defeat. Along

this journey, failure is inevitable. When you look at it as

simply part of the process, you’re more accepting. My kids

used to think I was crazy when I congratulated them for

their little failures along the way. As young adults they

see the wisdom in that encouragement. The greatest gift

you can give yourself is to recognize that your journey

toward realizing your dreams is never a straight path,

but one dotted with hurdles, fears and valuable lessons.

Conquering fear makes you fierce, wise and free.

When fear rises up, pause, breathe and choose one

small step that will move you beyond the current obstacle.

Running from your fear is more painful than facing it.

Don’t fight fear; it’s an opportunity to grow into a better

version of yourself. That’s liberating and so much more

fulfilling than staying stuck in dissatisfaction. When you

face your fears, you’ll uncover the courage to overcome

them and find the fulfillment and peace you desire and


About The Author


Linda Mitchell is a board-certified transition coach, speaker,

reinvention expert and LMT. She empowers people who are stuck,

overwhelmed or ready for change to release the struggle, gain

clarity, balance and radiant health as they move through life’s

challenges and transitions and step into their highest purpose.

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