Matchbox Variations 1953 - 1969

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970


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6D FORD PICKUP TRUCK, 2 3/4" (71mm) 1968 Box type F

Red body, white plastic canopy & grille, with or without letter "A" on baseplate clear windows, 4 black plastic

wheels, front wheels pivot, cream interior

6D3 (F1)


__1. white grille, without letter "A" on baseplate($55 e) ($25)

__2. white grille, with letter "A" on baseplate ($45 TM)

__3. silver grille, without letter "A" on baseplate($60 W) ($30)

__4. silver grille, with letter 'A" on baseplate

7A HORSE DRAWN MILK FLOAT, 2 1/4" (57mm) 1954 Box types A & B

Orange body, white driver & bottle load, brown horse with white mane & hooves, gold collar & harness,

spoked metal wheels, crimped axles, no number cast. The horses hooves can be white or brown, the

harness is gold trimmed or painted brown same as horse


A - 5mm long footrest, thin ridge on seat, crates are 1.5mm apart on right and 3mm apart on left,

large axle brace supports

B - 6mm long footrest, thick ridge on seat, crates are 1mm apart on right and 2.5mm apart on left,

smaller axle brace supports, thinner milkman


A - 6mm wide shaft base

B - 5mm wide shaft base

C - as type B with brace on left side

D - as type B with brace on both sides


A - curved casting between legs

B - small web braces between legs

7A3 (A) 7A5 (B1) 7A4 7A9

__1. brown horse, orange float, white milkman & crates,

white advert, float A, shafts A, horse A, mw, ca ($120 TM)

__2. same as 1, chocolate brown horse ($110 e) ($90 W) ($110)

__3. same as 2, float B, shafts B, horse B($160 DS) 7A3 A box

__4. same as 3, float B, shafts C, horse B

__5. same as 4, gpw, ca ($200 e) ($150)

__6. pale orange float, white milkman & crates, white advert, float B, shafts C, horse B, mw, ca($110)

__7. all orange float, orange milkman with white hat & white crates, float B, shafts C, horse B, gpw, ca

__8. same as 7, float B, shafts D, horse B, ra($200 TM)($300 e) ($150)

__9. same as 7, silver driver, silver crates ($750 V) ($850 e) ($350)

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