Matchbox Variations 1953 - 1969

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970


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TYPE C - Lesney Line Drawing Box (1961)

Issued only in 1961, the box is still basically the same as the type before it.

The scroll though now omits the "MOKO" name leaving only a "LESNEY Product".

A few numbers were never made in this series, 41, 47, 59, 66, 70, 71 and 73.

Most boxes of this type can be difficult to obtain due to the short issue period.

C Box Variations

Lesser variations than in the B box series. Variations are mainly to do with the picture.


The main variations are to do with the background and lines under the model.

Slightly different pictures and the picture

on the left has a background.

Some models are on a plain background

others have lines underneath.

New Model

Each new model released with a C box had the words “New Model” on the end flaps.


The following C box sizes are:

Length Width Height

67mm 26mm 38mm

67mm 38mm 38mm

78mm 26mm 38mm

TYPE D - "MATCHBOX SERIES" in arc (1961 - 1965)

These are the first regular wheel boxes to have full colour pictures drawn on the box.

Some first issue models are in this series, some of the rarest boxes fall in this group.

Boxes only available in D1 are hard to find, the hardest being 55A, 58A, 66A, 47A, 53A,

33A, 71A , 62A, 15B, 51A, 6B and 25B in descending order of rarity

There are 2 sub-types in this series: D1 and D2

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