Matchbox Variations 1953 - 1969

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970


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D Box Variations

The 2 sub-types are recognized by their end flaps

D1 Lettering is written in serifs D2 Lettering is written without serifs


This is the most noticeable variation. Different drawings exist for the same model and

some drawing have only slight variations

Different drawing and 2 nd box has target

Different decal colours shown here


D1 boxes nearly always have the model number without serifs and smaller than D2

D1 box with smaller number D2 D1 without serifs D2 with serifs


A few new models had a “target”. The target shows the model’s special features.

17D, 33B and 71B were issued with a yellow (1 st issue) and white target (2 nd issue).

The 17D Hoveringham Tipper is notable for having E style lettering on a variation.

New Model

Some models issued for the first time do not have a D1 type box, whilst others have both

Models with “NEW MODEL” are 2C, 6C, 15C, 16C, 17D, 32B, 33B, 38B, 43B, 47B, 53B,

55B, 58B, 59B, 71B and 73B.


The following D box sizes are:

62B is found

Length Width Height in size 1 and

67mm 26mm 38mm size 2

67mm 38mm 38mm

78mm 26mm 38mm

78mm 38mm 38mm

Side Colours

The side colours can be blue/black (D1 & D2), 2 blue side (D2) & 2 light blue sides (D2)

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