Matchbox Variations 1953 - 1969

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970


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38C HONDA MOTORCYCLE & TRAILER, 2 7/8" (74mm) 1967 Box types E & F

Metallic blue-green motorcycle with wire wheels, black plastic tyres, with small large or double ejector ring on

left or right side of motorcycle oil tank, trailer comes with & without small label or large label or decal

"HONDA", with & without decal guidelines, guidelines, trailer base with short or extended axle channel, with

2 or 4 casting rings on flat base or raised blocks*

__1. orange trailer, no decal guides, no decals, short axle

channel, no channel brace ($65 TM) ($30)

__2. same as 1, “HONDA” decals ($80 W) ($50)

__3. yellow trailer, large "HONDA" decal, short axle

channel, no channel brace ($55 TM) ($30)

__4. same as 3, long axle channel 38C1 (E4) 38C2 (E4)

__5. same as 4, large "Honda" label

__6. same as 4, small "Honda" label


*Range of short/long axle channel & ring/block/brace combinations give variety of trailer variations

39A FORD ZODIAC CONVERTIBLE, 2 5/8" (68mm) 1957 Box types B & C

Pale to rich peach body, tan driver with gap or infill between arms & legs, silver grille, bumpers, with &

without red painted rear lights, turquoise interior of various shades & baseplate with tow hook. Early models

can have open side window - later closed

__1. pale peach body, tan interior & base, open window, mw, flat head ca ($500) 39A2

__2. pale peach body, tan interior & base, closed window, mw, ca

__3. same as 2, light green interior, open window ($140 W) ($150 e) ($90)

__4. same as 2, light green interior, closed window

__5. same as 2, ra ($145 TM) ($420 e) ($110)


__6. same as 2, kt gpw, ca ($120)

__7. darker peach body, blue-green interior, ca ($175 e)

__8. same as 7, ra

__9. same as 8, sea-green interior

__10. same as 7, larger kt spw, ra ($200) 39A5 39A6**Note 2B driver

__11. same as 7, larger kt gpw, ra ($200)

39B PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, 2 3/4" (70mm) 1962 Box types C, D & E

With & without silver trim to grille, headlights & bumper, cream or ivory interior, red, cream or ivory steering

wheel (separately moulded & inserted through hole in dashboard or moulded as part of the interior and

folded back into a recess in dashboard), red or black baseplate with tow hook,, green tinted windshield

39B (D2)

39B12 (E3)


__1. metallic purple body, red steering wheel, cream interior, red base, kt spw ($155 e) ($130 TM)

__2. same as 1, kt gpw ($1,500)

__3. pale yellow body, red steering wheel, red base, kt spw ($75 TM) ($100)

__4. pale yellow body, ivory steering wheel, red base, kt spw

__5. pale yellow body, red steering wheel, red base, kt gpw

__6. pale yellow body, ivory steering wheel, red base, kt gpw ($80 TM) ($90)

__7. pale yellow body, red steering wheel, red base, ft spw ($100)

__8. same as 7, ivory steering wheel (140TM) ($90)

__9. pale yellow body, ivory steering wheel, black base, kt spw ($200 TM)* purple car box

__10. same as 9, ft spw ($95)

__11. same as 9, kt gpw

__12. same as 9, ft gpw ($100)

__13. same as 9, ft bpw

__14. same as 9, finer tread bpw ($75 e) ($450 e) ($60)

__15. same as 9, silver trim to grille only, finer tread bpw,

__16. same as 15, very fine tread bpw

__17. same as 16, very ft smaller bpw

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