Matchbox Variations 1953 - 1969

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970

A guide to model variations in the Matchbox range of the Regular Wheel 1-75 Series, Accessory Pack, Major Pack, King Size, Presentation & Gift Sets - 1953-1970


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1A DIESEL ROAD ROLLER, 1 7/8" (50mm) 1953 Box types A & B

Green body with gold trim, flat canopy with curved (A) or straight lower ends (B), thick or thin braces over

canopy posts, tow hook, no number cast, tan driver

1A1 (B1) (V) 1A2 (B1) (V) 1A3 (B1) (V)

__1. dark green body, canopy A, red mr ($150 e)

__2. same as 1, canopy B($125 TM) * $210 e in script box ($125)

__3. light green body, canopy B, red mr ($250 e) ($225)

1B ROAD ROLLER, 2 1/4" (56mm) 1955 Box type B

Pale green body with & without gold trim, high peaked canopy, tow hook, no number cast

1B1 (B1) 1B1 1B2

__1. light green body, red mr, dark tan driver ($120 e) ($100)

__2. light green body, red mr, light tan driver ($150 TM)

1C ROAD ROLLER, 2 3/8" (64mm) 1958 Box types B & C

Green body, high peaked canopy, tow hook, number cast inside body, green driver, 7mm or 6mm rear

rollers with thick or thin hubs with or without extended inside hubs

__1. light green body, red mr, ca ($125 e)

__2. dark green body, red mr, ca ($100)

__3. dark green body, red mr, ra ($90 e)

__4. dark green body, red mr 1/4" wide, ra

1C1 (B3) (V) 1C3 (C) 1C4 (B4)

1D AVELING BARFORD ROAD ROLLER, 2 5/8" (69mm) 1962 Box type D

Green body, red plastic roller, high peaked canopy, tow hook, green driver, with or without hole in baseplate,

baseplate secured by rear axle (A) or 2 rivets (B)

1D2 (D2) (V) 1D3 (D2) (V) 1D3 (E3) (V)

__1. "Made in England" cast on baseplate, baseplate A, no hole

__2. "Made in England" cast on baseplate, baseplate A with hole ($80 e)

__3. "Made in England" cast under canopy roof, baseplate B ($140 DS)


1D1 1C2 1A2



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