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Messer Giovanni,[*] who was in childhood: immediately after

his assassination the people rose and murdered all the

Canneschi. This sprung from the popular goodwill which

the house of Bentivogli enjoyed in those days in Bologna;

which was so great that, although none remained there after

the death of Annibale who was able to rule the state,

the Bolognese, having information that there was one of the

Bentivogli family in Florence, who up to that time had been

considered the son of a blacksmith, sent to Florence for him

and gave him the government of their city, and it was ruled

by him until Messer Giovanni came in due course to the


[*] Giovanni Bentivogli, born in Bologna 1438, died at

Milan 1508. He ruled Bologna from 1462 to 1506. Machiavelli’s

strong condemnation of conspiracies may get its edge

from his own very recent experience (February 1513), when

he had been arrested and tortured for his alleged complicity

in the Boscoli conspiracy.

For this reason I consider that a prince ought to reckon

conspiracies of little account when his people hold him

in esteem; but when it is hostile to him, and bears hatred

towards him, he ought to fear everything and everybody.

And well-ordered states and wise princes have taken every

care not to drive the nobles to desperation, and to keep the

people satisfied and contented, for this is one of the most

important objects a prince can have.

Among the best ordered and governed kingdoms of our

times is France, and in it are found many good institutions

on which depend the liberty and security of the king; of these


The Prince

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