Sound inside

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The Sound Inside 8/23/19 18

CHRISTOPHER Maybe not better. But somehow more inevitable.

Beat. He sits.

CHRISTOPHER So, the young Yale student and Shane make it to New York City. They detrain

at Grand Central and take the subway down to the East Village.

They walk through Washington Square Park and go to Arturo’s Pizza on the

corner of Thompson and Houston, where they take in the live jazz and share

a pepperoni pizza and a pitcher of beer.

The student covers the check.

It soon becomes clear to the student that Shane never had any intention of

meeting a girl, or anyone else for that matter.

And after Arturo’s, the student invites Shane to stay with him at the St.

Mark’s Hotel.


Oh. Interesting. How many beds are there?




CHRISTOPHER Queen. More like a full, actually. And the room sort of smells like a breakfast

burrito. It’s awkward.


Is the student a homosexual?

CHRISTOPHER He’s not a homosexual.


Are you sure?

CHRISTOPHER He likes girls. He’s never been particularly good with them, meaning he’s not

like some legendary cocksman or anything like that, but he’s definitely into

the opposite sex and all of their parts and smells.


What about Shane?

CHRISTOPHER I don’t know.

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