Sound inside

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The Sound Inside 9/20/19 41



Christopher Corbit Dunn. That’s a good name.

CHRISTOPHER I have an Uncle Corbit.


Your mother’s brother?

CHRISTOPHER Father’s. He lives in Elmira, New York.


Do you have a relationship with him?

CHRISTOPHER No. When I was ten I went to go stay with him for a weekend and I walked in

on him having sex with a taxidermy pheasant.



CHRISTOPHER Yeah, he’s a hunter, so...



What’s your favorite book?

CHRISTOPHER Old Yeller. And Franny and Zooey. And Faulkner’s The Wild Palms.


That’s three books.

CHRISTOPHER They’re interchangeably superlative.


Fair enough.

CHRISTOPHER Old Yeller probably has a slight edge over the other two. When Travis has to

shoot Old Yeller it’s more heartbreaking than fucking “Bambi.” I’m even cool

with the puppy being born at the end – it’s that good. And Carl Burger’s

illustrations are individual masterpieces that should be hung in museums…

And the last paragraph… “When finally I couldn’t laugh and cry another bit, I

rode on up to the lot and turned my horse in. Tomorrow, I thought, I’ll take

Arliss and that pup out for a squirrel hunt. The pup was still mighty little. But

the way I figured it, if he was big enough to act like Old Yeller, he was big

enough to start learning to earn his keep.” People talk about the end of Moby

Dick, but Old Yeller…


And do you have any phobias?

CHRISTOPHER I’m terrified that if I’m left alone in a room with a baby I might throw it out

the window.

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