Sound inside

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The Sound Inside 10/16/19 27



You can ask me something else.

Awkward pause.

CHRISTOPHER Why aren’t you with anybody?


I guess I’ve always held on to this very simple idea that someday I would find

a partner who I could read with. Someone I could lie beside in bed on Sunday

mornings, our limbs intertwined. We’re both lost in a great novel. Something

by James Baldwin or Denis Johnson. Lynda Barry. We laugh secretly to

ourselves. And we’re comfortable enough with our life that we allow this

secrecy. Because loving a book is kind of like having an affair, after all.

CHRISTOPHER That sounds like writing.


Okay. At some point I guess I just stopped liking people.

CHRISTOPHER rises and exits to the bathroom.


Christopher gets up to go to the bathroom. As he walks away I find that his

youth is, well, jarring. Our age difference is like an enormous cast iron pot

hanging from the ceiling.

I’m suddenly struck by the notion of how one becomes remote in one’s own

life. Like a forgotten object on a shelf. I am a lamp. I am a letter opener.

A piece of minor archaeology.

How the years suddenly tumble on you.

CHRISTOPHER returns from the bathroom.

CHRISTOPHER In your Sunday morning romantic partner fantasy you repeatedly use a

neutral pronoun.


Are you asking if I’m a lesbian? I’m like thirty-two percent, thirty-two point

five percent lesbian.

CHRISTOPHER can’t answer.


What about you?

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