The Student Collective Volume VII Issue I

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Story portraits

Natalie Amoedi

What does the phrase “One Body, Many Parts” mean to you, and how do you live it

out in your life or see it in our community?

I think “One Body, Many Parts’’ beautifully encapsulates what it is like to live in community. I

can’t help but think of a physical body when I hear this expression. The body is an incredibly

complex living machine. There are so many crucial organs that

allow it to function properly and each organ contains

unique, differentiated cells. There is a perfect balance

that contributes to an organism capable of

significantly more than any single cell or organ

would otherwise be capable of. If certain

cells or tissues grow out of control, a

deadly cancer can develop and spread.

Similarly, a community contains unique

individuals that all collectively work

together to maintain a balance. This

does not mean that everyone is likeminded

in their pursuits. If the body

was only capable of elevating heart

rate or kidney filtration, it would

never be able to slow those down

either. Both opposing

forces are needed to

maintain homeostasis.

Our community

contains so many diverse

perspectives and life

experiences. Those

aren’t always obvious

when interacting with

someone, but they shape

who that person is and

the choices they will

make in the future. Our

world couldn’t function

if everyone wanted to be

a politician or scientist.

We need diversity and

we need many parts in

order to make up one


The Student Collective 19

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