The Student Collective Volume VII Issue I

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Having lived in Gulley her first year, Taylor Shirley, women’s RA for Gulley 3, was able to offer

a unique perspective on the difference in dorm-life this year as compared to other years. “They have

bonded within themselves very quickly,” Shirley said. “The girls on my floor all get along really well and

they formed some really tight friend groups, which I think is awesome because those are the people they

get to be around the most. So I’ve noticed there is a lot more community within our floor as opposed to

across the building.”

Brantingham, too, reported that his residents quickly developed a close-knit community in his hall.

“It may be harder to find spaces where we can meet or talk, but I think it has also forced people to be

creative with how they interact and forced friendships to go deeper than before,” he said.

While developing these special friendships is vital to the dorm experience, one problem has arisen

as a result. According to Shirley, as residents become closer friends and start hanging out with each

other more and more, they have become more relaxed about wearing their masks around each other. It

is important for residents and to keep each other accountable and make sure everyone is sticking to the

rules in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Hopefully, with a decline in COVID cases, restrictions may ease up by the start of next semester,

allowing dorm life to return to some sense of normalcy. But even if it doesn’t, RAs and residents have

shown that they are willing to adapt and create new methods of fostering the community and friendships

they have built so far this year. As Brantingham said, “Even with the crazy times, I would not have this

year any other way.”

The Student Collective 79

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