The Student Collective Volume VII Issue I

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Story portraits Julio López-Hernández

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are

called according to his purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28

I am especially grateful for the hard situations and conversations I had to face this past year. There were many

times when I felt everything in my life had turned upside down. I found myself feeling alone and confused,

with only a handful of people I could confide in. I reminded myself that all these things will pass, that God

has a plan in place, and all I need to do is trust. At times it was hard to even say those words, but I would

continue to confess it with my lips because it was a promise from God.

It was in this moment where God’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It was when I felt the lowest

in my life that God began showering me with His goodness. I began to see how God kept placing mentors

and friendships that not only would show me love but would encourage and challenge me to keep pushing

forward. I saw His inexplicable joy and peace fill every area of my life. Though my outward circumstances

did not change, where I was placing my focus on did. Where my eyes once saw loss, I now see opportunities

where God can do something great.

I truly believe that God has used every difficult moment this past year to transform me into the person I am

now. I have become a better son, brother, boyfriend, friend, and role model. I have learned how to take care

of myself and put healthy boundaries. I am better at loving my brothers and sisters

in Christ because I learned to love myself first by allowing God to shower me with His

love and kindness.

I am grateful God took me through this season to show me more of His goodness

and mold me into the person He has created me to be. My identity in God has

kept me rooted, especially in understanding what God has already done for

me and how free I am to walk away from shame and guilt. My self-worth is no

longer defined by my failures and success, but by what God has already said

about me. He has already forgiven me, so I am free to forgive myself when I slip

up because I know that I am in the process of becoming like Him.

I am constantly reminded in my time with Jesus how GOOD He is and how full

of love and grace He is. As His child, I know that I can always count on my

Father to come in my time of need. God has already given me access

to every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, so what more

could I lack? Even when the world seems to be spiraling

downward, I am reminded that my hope is in God. I

am united with Him, and nothing on this Earth, in the

Heavens above, or down below will separate me from

the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Just like that! I

stay rooted in the simple Gospel of God’s love for His


The Student Collective 33

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