On Reason and Belief by Jenn Zhu


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On Reason and Belief

Jenn Zhu


obviously flies much faster than most birds, that’s because the

airplane has been energized by electricity converted from the

fuel, just imagine how much fuel has been consumed and

energy has been wasted and air pollution has been created

during the process while imagining the traveling speed of

electricity itself, then you come back to recall a human with a

mechanical flying device like a man-made wings, how fast

would he/she fly? So the comparison has to be made under

the same conditions. The insatiable desire of some humans to

overly and unreasonable use of natural sources will inevitably

lead to the destruction of the nature and the whole ecological

and even the galaxy system and made the available resources

shun away from people and made earth become the tomb of

the beings living on it. However, beliefs let people to learn

self-control as well as the basic principles of a living being in a

organic system of universe, and they are the things to connect

humans spirit and life to the inexhaustible universal resources

and make them strong and keep up their vitality. While the

path to the true belief is reasons, and better reasons improve

the practice of belief and make people to come closer to the

true belief.


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