On Reason and Belief by Jenn Zhu


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The Destiny of People ========================Jenn Zhu

guaranteed at all, as, in a lot of times, the expected new

destiny is quite different from the previous one, and made

their course of life come up with turns or twists and led to

another possible destiny. One may say that the final destiny of

people is not quite fixed at any point of their life journey, or

may even not be clearly known by the person himself in their

life time. There are many such examples in human history.

One of the most important physicists in history, the British

scientist Sir. Isaac Newton(1642 - 1727) was born prematurely

in a yeoman family, deprived of his own father three months

before the birth. He was tiny when he was born, and endured

a not very good health situation physically during his

childhood. Worse than that, his mother left him to his

maternal grandma and remarried an established local reverent,

which caused great negative psychological impact on a young

kid. People found that painfully hurt feelings of him in his later

memoir of confess. During his childhood, the people around

probably wouldn’t expect too much about this unhappy- look

kid with bitter feeling hidden deep inside his heart. Maybe he

would just follow his own father’s path and become another


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