On Reason and Belief by Jenn Zhu


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The Destiny of People ========================Jenn Zhu

dynasty had come to its end, which means the regime on

slavery system was hindering the progress of an agricultural

economy with all the individual states fighting for each of their

own interest, and was approaching its final stop, preparing for

a radical change of social system.

That was at the end of the Spring and Autumn Periods(770 -

476 BC), just before the beginning of Warring States

Period(475 -221 BC) of Zhou dynasty(Mid 11 Century - 256 BC),

when most states were in an anxiety to find ways to defend

the invasion of neighboring states, and the bigger states were

striving to become the supper power among all states, with

the emperor becoming basically a symbol of the dynasty. In

fact, the Zhou dynasty had officially ended in year 256 BC after

about 800 years of reign in China, when the Warring States

Period still continued until 221 BC, the year when Emperor

Qin Shihuang united China. However, inheriting the legacy

from their antecedent sages while influencing the current

people, raising the awareness of authority, as well as passing

them on to later generations by teaching and promoting those

ideas were very important jobs in any ages, especially at an


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