The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

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his arms. “It’s my onager. My own onager. His name’s Bovril.” He began to

go up the stairs.

An onager was an animal from the Swiss Family Robinson book. Susan

said onagers were like donkeys. You could ride them. They were nothing like


“Don’t you dare take that animal into your bedroom,” Susan yelled after


“I’m not,” Jamie said, “I’m giving him a bath.”

“Good Lord,” Susan said, to me. “We’ll have to call an ambulance. It’ll

scratch him to death.”

It didn’t. Jamie bathed the mangy cat and drowned its fleas. He brought it

back downstairs wrapped in one of Susan’s best towels. He fed it part of his

meat from dinner.

“It’ll hunt for itself after this,” Susan said. “I’m not cooking for a cat.”

“He’s a good hunter,” Jamie said, rubbing the cat’s head. “Aren’t you,


Every night after that, Jamie fell asleep with Bovril curled in his arms. He

never wet the bed again. By the end of the second week Susan was offering

Bovril saucers of watered milk. “It’s worth it,” she told me. “Saves me

washing all those sheets.”

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