The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

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I knew Mam had guessed at least part of my secret. I was getting stronger.

She didn’t like it. As soon as she went out I got to my feet, and I made myself

walk all the way across the room.

It was late August already. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Jamie started

school. I wasn’t as afraid of Jamie leaving as I had been, but I was dreading

being alone so much with Mam. But that day Jamie came home early, looking

upset. “Billy White says all the kids is leaving,” he said.

Billy White was Stephen White’s little brother, and Jamie’s best friend.

Mam was getting ready for work. She leaned over to tie her shoes, grunting

as she sat back up. “So they say.”

“What do you mean, leaving?” I asked.

“Leaving London,” Mam said, “on account of Hitler, and his bombs.” She

looked up, at Jamie, not me. “What they say is that the city’s going to be

bombed, so all the kids ought to be sent to the country, out of harm’s way. I

hadn’t decided whether to send you. Suppose I might. Cheaper, one less

mouth to feed.”

“What bombs?” I asked. “What country?”

Mam ignored me.

Jamie slid onto a chair and swung his feet against the rungs. He looked

very small. “Billy says they’re leaving on Friday.” That was two days from

now. “His mam’s buying him all new clothes.”

Mam said, “I ain’t got money for new clothes.”

“What about me?” My voice came out smaller than I liked. “Am I going?

What about me?”

Mam still didn’t look at me. “’Course not. They’re sending kids to live

with nice people. Who’d want you? Nobody, that’s who. Nice people don’t

want to look at that foot.”

“I could stay with nasty people,” I said. “Wouldn’t be any different than

living here.”

I saw the slap coming, but didn’t duck fast enough. “None of your sass,”

she said. Her mouth twisted into the smile that made my insides clench. “You

can’t leave. You never will. You’re stuck here, right here in this room, bombs

or no.”

Jamie’s face went pale. He opened his mouth to say something, but I shook

my head at him, hard, and he closed it again. When Mam left he launched

himself into my arms. “Don’t worry,” I said, rocking him. I didn’t feel

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