The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

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tight. “Interesting,” she said. “King Richard the Third had a clubfoot. I’ve

never seen one before.”

I made myself think of the ponies. The pony beside the house, the pony

running next to the train. Me, riding the yellow pony. I went away into my

head and gave myself ponies and that way I could bear Miss Smith touching


“Right,” she said. “We’ll go to the doctor tomorrow, find out what we

should do for you.”

“He won’t want her,” Jamie said. “Nice people hate that ugly foot.”

Miss Smith let out a short, harsh laugh. “You’re in luck, then,” she said,

“because I am not a nice person at all.”

She was not a nice person, but she cleaned up the floor. She was not a nice

person, but she bandaged my foot in a white piece of cloth, and gave us two

of her own clean shirts to wear. They hung past our knees. She combed or cut

the tangles out of our hair, which took ages, and then she made a big pan of

scrambled eggs. “It’s all the food I have,” she said. “I haven’t been shopping

this week. I wasn’t expecting you.”

All the food she had, she said, except there was butter on the slightly stale

bread, and sugar in the tea. The eggs looked slimy, but I was hungry enough

to eat anything, and they tasted fine. When I wiped my plate with my bread

she gave me another spoonful of eggs. “What am I supposed to do with you?”

she asked.

It was such an odd question. “Nothing,” I said.

“Ada stays inside,” Jamie offered.

“I take care of him,” I said. “You won’t have to.”

Miss Smith frowned. “How old are you?”

This question made me squirm. “Jamie’s six,” I said. “Mam said. He’s got

to go to school.”

“He’s awfully small for six,” Miss Smith said.

“Mam said.”

“And surely you’re older than he is?” she continued. “Don’t you go to


Jamie said, “Not with that ugly foot.”

Miss Smith snorted. “That foot’s a long way from her brain.” She tapped

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