The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

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When Jamie came home it was obvious he’d been crying, but he wouldn’t say

why. He wet the bed in the night and woke up miserable. Outside, gray clouds

were spitting rain. “I can’t go to school in the rain,” Jamie said.

“Of course you can,” Miss Smith replied. She looked awful, her hair every

which way and great dark circles under her eyes. She held her mug of tea in

both hands and stared into it.

“I ain’t going,” Jamie said.

“Don’t start with me,” Miss Smith replied.

We sat down to breakfast and a plane blew up at the airfield.

It crashed, I guess. It didn’t blow up in the air, it blew up because it

slammed into the ground. The gas tank ruptured. We learned that later. It

sounded like a bomb exploding—like a bomb in Butter’s pasture. We all

jumped up, knocking over dishes and chairs. I ran toward the door, toward

Butter, but Miss Smith grabbed me and Jamie and pushed us beneath the

table. After a moment when nothing else happened she got up and looked out

the window. “Oh,” she said, “it’s an airplane.”

Under billows of black smoke across the road, we could see orange flames

and twisted pieces of metal. Jamie cried out, and would have run to the

airfield, but Miss Smith held him back. “No civilians,” she said. “No

civilians, not now. See? They’re getting the fire out.” We could see

servicemen and women, tiny in the distance, working frantically all around

the burning plane.

“Who was the pilot?” Jamie asked. “Who was the crew?”

“We don’t know them,” Miss Smith said, stroking his hair.

“I knew them,” Jamie said.

I wasn’t sure how Jamie could know them—there was a big fence around

the airfield now, and he knew he wasn’t allowed there, though of course that

wouldn’t really stop him—but I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t going to call

him a liar, not over a dead airman.

“I wonder what kind of plane it was,” Miss Smith said.

“A Lysander,” Jamie said. “A transport plane. It could have had ten people

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