Credit Management July and August 2021



CREDIT MANAGEMENT CM JULY & AUGUST 2021 £12.50 THE CICM MAGAZINE FOR CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL CREDIT PROFESSIONALS Riding the wave Can we turn the tide on late payment? Regulation regarding NPLs is potentially damaging society. Page 10 Sean Feast speaks to Dave Timmis of Page 12


CM<br />

JULY & AUGUST <strong>2021</strong> £12.50<br />



Riding<br />

the wave<br />

Can we turn the tide<br />

on late payment?<br />

Regulation regarding NPLs is<br />

potentially damaging society.<br />

Page 10<br />

Sean Feast speaks to<br />

Dave Timmis of<br />

Page 12

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JULY & AUGUST <strong>2021</strong><br /><br />

24<br />


Adam Bernstein<br />

10<br />


Ben Marsh<br />


10 – FRIENDLY FIRE<br />

Regulation that incentivises banks to<br />

sell non-performing loans (NPLs) is<br />

having unintended consequences on<br />

the consumer <strong>and</strong> society.<br />



Dave Timmis, CEO of,<br />

discusses the rise <strong>and</strong> rise of private<br />

vehicle leasing.<br />

16 – CULTURE CLUB<br />

James Campbell argues that late<br />

payment is little more than supplier<br />

abuse <strong>and</strong> serial late payers need to be<br />

called out.<br />


Neil Munroe considers the international<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scape for <strong>Credit</strong> Reference<br />

Agencies.<br />

24 – AUSTRALIA FAIR?<br />

Australia is a fully fledged nation<br />

presenting a wealth of opportunity.<br />

28 – WINK WINK<br />

How is ‘nudge’ behaviour being applied<br />

in a pre- <strong>and</strong> post-COVID world?<br />

12<br />


Dave Timmis<br />


President Stephen Baister FCICM / Chief Executive Sue Chapple FCICM<br />

Executive Board: Chair Debbie Nolan FCICM(Grad) / Vice Chair Phil Rice FCICM /Treasurer Glen Bullivant FCICM<br />

Larry Coltman FCICM / Victoria Herd FCICM(Grad) / Philip Holbrough MCICM<br />

Advisory Council: Laurie Beagle FCICM / Glen Bullivant FCICM / Alan Church FCICM(Grad) / Brendan Clarkson FCICM<br />

Larry Coltman FCICM / Niall Cooter FCICM / Bryony Crossl<strong>and</strong> FCICM(Grad) / Peter Gent FCICM(Grad)<br />

Victoria Herd FCICM(Grad) / Philip Holbrough MCICM / Neil Jinks FCICM / Charles Mayhew FCICM / Debbie Nolan FCICM(Grad)<br />

/ Allan Poole MCICM / Alice Purdy MCICM(Grad) / Matthew Roberts MCICM / Phil Rice FCICM / Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers FCICM<br />

Stephen Thomson FCICM / Sarah Wilding FCICM / Atul Vadher FCICM(Grad)<br />

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Reproduction in whole or part is forbidden without specific permission. Opinions expressed in this magazine do<br />

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Any articles published relating to English law will differ from laws in Scotl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales.<br />

16<br />


James Campbell<br />

32 – INVOICE POWER<br />

Lesley Batchelor explains the power of<br />

the invoice in international trade.<br />


Tim Vine of Dun & Bradstreet examines<br />

the challenges faced by the transport<br />

sector half-term report Order-to-Cash<br />

performance.<br />

Publisher<br />

Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

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ISSN 0265-2099<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 3


Ambulance chasers may<br />

unwittingly be doing SMEs a<br />

good turn<br />

Sean Feast FCICM<br />

Managing Editor<br />

I<br />

received an email in my inbox<br />

recently that quite alarmed me.<br />

No it wasn’t that the price of<br />

Whispering Angel had fallen to a<br />

level that was at last affordable,<br />

but rather a missive from a lady<br />

beseeching me to spare her a few minutes<br />

from my busy schedule to inform me ‘about<br />

a service that may get you compensation<br />

from ex-business customers who have paid<br />

you late in the past.’<br />

Not quite believing what I had read,<br />

I read on: ‘To be clear – this is not<br />

intended for your existing customers!<br />

(The emboldening <strong>and</strong> exclamation mark<br />

were hers). We mean companies that you<br />

have not dealt with for years! Our service<br />

identifies which companies paid you late<br />

up to six years previously <strong>and</strong> then turns<br />

that claim into potentially significant sums<br />

using Late Payment Legislation.’<br />

The email finished: ‘You choose the<br />

companies to claim from <strong>and</strong> we do<br />

everything else with no financial outlay<br />

for you whatsoever!’<br />

Directed towards a late payment<br />

calculator to see what I may be owed,<br />

I was asked whether her proposal was<br />

‘worth a chat.’ Now I’ll be honest, my<br />

initial response was one of horror. I detest<br />

ambulance chasing at the best of times. I<br />

always wondered, for example, how many<br />

people actually benefitted from PPI when<br />

it was rightfully ascribed to them but<br />

chose to remain silent. Then I wondered<br />

if it was legal, which I am told it is, but it<br />

certainly isn’t what the legislation was<br />

designed for. Neither do I think small<br />

businesses who may be desperately short of<br />

cash should be depending on a big payout,<br />

as the world <strong>and</strong> his wife attempted with<br />

PPI, when they should be focusing more on<br />

the here <strong>and</strong> now <strong>and</strong> best-practice credit<br />

management.<br />

But leaving aside the fact that I still find<br />

it all rather vulgar, perhaps I am looking<br />

at this from completely the wrong angle.<br />

James Campbell certainly thinks so. James<br />

thinks that perhaps, just perhaps, such<br />

a phenomenon could be the catalyst for<br />

real change in terms of payment culture.<br />

Maybe, just maybe, if serial late payers<br />

are made aware in a hard-hitting way,<br />

that there could be serious financial<br />

penalties as a consequence of not paying<br />

to terms – <strong>and</strong> that their pasts could easily<br />

catch up with them – there might be a rethink<br />

about indulging in such practice.<br />

He writes in his article (page 16) that ‘the<br />

short-term gain of holding on to a supplier’s<br />

money for a few extra days against the<br />

long-term risk of being l<strong>and</strong>ed with a<br />

sizeable claim might be given a second<br />

thought.’ He says that while it might not<br />

eradicate the problem, it might start to<br />

reduce it.<br />

Let’s see. If it kick-starts the debate, <strong>and</strong><br />

gets people talking about it again, then<br />

maybe our ambulance chasing friends are<br />

unwittingly doing SMEs a good turn.<br />

I detest ambulance chasing at the best of times.<br />

I always wondered, for example, how many people<br />

actually benefitted from PPI when it was rightfully<br />

ascribed to them but chose to remain silent.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 4

CMNEWS<br />

A round-up of news stories from the<br />

world of consumer <strong>and</strong> commercial credit.<br />

Brexit uncertainty impacts long<br />

term UK-EU trade levels<br />

UK trade with the EU<br />

has declined at twice<br />

the rate as trade with<br />

the rest of the world,<br />

according to new<br />

economic research<br />

from trade credit insurer Atradius.<br />

While the UK’s global trade levels<br />

have dropped at historically high rates<br />

over the past year, driven primarily<br />

by the Covid-19 p<strong>and</strong>emic, the new<br />

Atradius report suggests the potential<br />

impact of Brexit may have been<br />

masked.<br />

The economic research paper,<br />

entitled Brexit disrupts UK-EU trade,<br />

reports UK international trade<br />

collapsed 14.3 percent year-on-year<br />

in March <strong>2021</strong> with a near-equal<br />

contribution of EU <strong>and</strong> non-EU trade.<br />

Exports performed the weakest,<br />

dropping 17.4 percent year-on-year<br />

compared to an 11.8 percent drop in<br />

imports.<br />

However, comparing trade levels<br />

from the past 12 months to those in<br />

2018 shows the longer-term difference<br />

in trade levels is more protracted.<br />

Over this period, trade between the UK<br />

<strong>and</strong> non-EU countries fell 9.1 percent<br />

with UK-EU trade down 18.9 percent.<br />

Written by – Sean Feast FCICM<br />

Atradius reports that while dem<strong>and</strong> in<br />

the last year has been severely affected<br />

by the p<strong>and</strong>emic, the higher magnitude<br />

of long-term UK-EU trade contraction<br />

suggests Brexit uncertainty has played<br />

a significant role.<br />

The impact of uncertainty can be<br />

seen in the slowdown of growth during<br />

2018 followed by a largely flat year in<br />

2019. However, trade gains between the<br />

UK <strong>and</strong> EU made since 2016 were all<br />

but wiped out in 2020 in the run-up to<br />

the end of the transition period with<br />

uncertainly playing a larger role in<br />

reducing trade than the changing trade<br />

regime itself.<br />

In Q1 <strong>2021</strong>, total trade growth began<br />

to turn up from a low of -17.1 percent in<br />

January as base effects came into play<br />

<strong>and</strong> confidence improved. However,<br />

this is the first quarter on record that<br />

the value of imports from outside<br />

the EU surpassed those from within<br />

the EU. Non-EU imports now total<br />

51.1 percent of the UK’s total imports<br />

following a decline of UK-EU imports<br />

of five percentage points since early<br />

2018. During this time, UK-EU exports<br />

declined four percentage points to 45.6<br />

percent.<br />

James Burgess, Head of UK<br />

Commercial for Export expert<br />

Atradius, believes UK trade is facing an<br />

unprecedented mix of challenges with<br />

the global health crisis <strong>and</strong> associated<br />

lockdowns causing dem<strong>and</strong> at home<br />

<strong>and</strong> abroad to plummet: “This came at a<br />

time of rising uncertainty surrounding<br />

the future trade relationship with the<br />

EU,” he says.<br />

“The current iteration of the trade<br />

agreement has offered optimism for<br />

the <strong>2021</strong> outlook although there are<br />

still barriers to overcome in the form of<br />

customs bureaucracy <strong>and</strong> regulatory<br />

uncertainty. We can clearly see the<br />

impact of uncertainty on business<br />

confidence <strong>and</strong> resulting trade levels.<br />

“However, what is certain is that<br />

the global trade environment has<br />

changed – <strong>and</strong> will continue to do so.<br />

Businesses must future-proof their<br />

operations by proactively monitoring<br />

for new, ever-changing risks with an<br />

agile <strong>and</strong> robust response. Despite the<br />

ensuing uncertainty, opportunities<br />

for growth are arising across global<br />

markets. To seize these, businesses<br />

must equip themselves with a<br />

comprehensive trade strategy that<br />

protects them from the risks no matter<br />

what the future holds.”<br />

Brits feel financially secure despite p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

NEW research suggests that millions<br />

of Brits’ financial health has improved<br />

during the coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

The study by money transfer experts<br />

RationalFX found that the number<br />

of people in the UK who described<br />

themselves as either ‘very comfortable<br />

financially’ or ‘relatively comfortable<br />

financially’ stood at 50 percent in<br />

March <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

That marks an increase of eight<br />

percentage points – more than four<br />

million people – from a year before, in<br />

March 2020, when the figure was 42<br />

percent as the coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

took hold <strong>and</strong> the first lockdown<br />

began.<br />

The number of people describing<br />

themselves as ‘very comfortable<br />

financially’ reached eight percent in<br />

May <strong>2021</strong>, its highest ever percentage<br />

since YouGov launched the monthly<br />

tracking survey in <strong>July</strong> 2019, when the<br />

figure stood at six percent.<br />

Back then, the population’s financial<br />

outlook was considerably more<br />

pessimistic, with only 41 percent<br />

of people considering themselves<br />

comfortable, <strong>and</strong> 18 percent saying<br />

they were struggling to make ends<br />

meet or worse. However, the most<br />

recent data for May <strong>2021</strong> shows that<br />

people struggling to make ends meet<br />

or having to go without essentials has<br />

now fallen to 12 percent.<br />

Those over 65 are the most<br />

financially comfortable group, with<br />

59 percent either relatively or very<br />

comfortable. In the 18-24 <strong>and</strong> 50-64<br />

age brackets there are 54 percent in<br />

each who have few money worries,<br />

while the least comfortable age range<br />

is those aged 25-40, of whom just<br />

40 percent describe themselves as<br />

comfortable.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 5


Employees made bad debt<br />

decisions during the p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

NEARLY a quarter (24<br />

percent) of employees<br />

admit they made a bad<br />

decision about debt during<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic, according<br />

to a new study from Aviva<br />

that looked at the experiences of personal,<br />

workplace <strong>and</strong> financial wellbeing since<br />

early 2020.<br />

Worryingly, this figure rises to more<br />

than half (51 percent) of those aged 18-to-<br />

24, dubbed ‘Gen-Z’. Amid the turmoil of the<br />

p<strong>and</strong>emic, young people have emerged<br />

as one of the most vulnerable groups in<br />

society <strong>and</strong> have been some of the hardest<br />

hit. More than a third (36 percent) of<br />

‘Gen-Y’ aged 25-to-39 also feel they made a<br />

bad debt decision since COVID-19 struck.<br />

Aviva’s report – Thriving in the Age<br />

of Ambiguity: building resilience for the<br />

new realities of work – shows how our<br />

relationship with finances, work <strong>and</strong> our<br />

hopes for the future have evolved as we<br />

adapt to the ambiguity from the last 12 to<br />

18 months. Conducted in collaboration<br />

with Business Wellbeing Specialists,<br />

Robertson Cooper, the research reveals<br />

that personality plays a key role in<br />

determining our preferences, behaviours,<br />

<strong>and</strong> outcomes – at home <strong>and</strong> work.<br />

More than a quarter (29 percent) of<br />

respondents disclosed they have had to<br />

borrow to replace lost income, while 30<br />

percent stated they are concerned their<br />

money will run out. The research also<br />

shows a concerning number of employees<br />

(39 percent) agree their current financial<br />

situation negatively impacts their mental<br />

health, while 60 percent feel their finances<br />

control their lives.<br />

However, the report also reveals those<br />

who suffer from poor financial wellbeing<br />

do not necessarily think of themselves<br />

as bad with money – challenging the<br />

stereotype that money worries arise from<br />

disorganisation or knowledge gaps.<br />

More than two thirds (68 percent) of<br />

employees with poor financial wellbeing<br />

think they are organised with their money,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 64 percent always try to minimise<br />

debt. The research shows financial factors<br />

only account for half (51 percent) of<br />

someone’s sense of financial wellbeing; the<br />

rest is driven by other factors, including<br />

personality type.<br />

Aviva’s report – Thriving in the Age of Ambiguity<br />

Aviva’s study shows personality type<br />

has a huge influence on individual<br />

behaviour, mindset, <strong>and</strong> personal<br />

outcomes. Employees who are thriving<br />

in adversity tend to be naturally more<br />

emotionally resilient <strong>and</strong> optimistic. Those<br />

with less natural emotional resilience<br />

regularly experience negative emotions,<br />

low financial <strong>and</strong> mental wellbeing, along<br />

with feelings of anxiety <strong>and</strong> struggle with<br />

debt.<br />

Laura Stewart-Smith, Head of<br />

Workplace Savings <strong>and</strong> Retirement at<br />

Aviva says the COVID-19 experience has<br />

fundamentally altered our relationship<br />

with money, work <strong>and</strong> health: “While some<br />

employees have been able to boost their<br />

financial wellbeing by saving more, others<br />

have found their income reduced <strong>and</strong> are<br />

facing larger debts or having to provide<br />

support for dependent family members.<br />

“Our report shows many trends which<br />

have been gathering pace in recent years<br />

have now reached an inflection point,<br />

as new preferences emerge to shape the<br />

way we work, feel, think <strong>and</strong> plan ahead.<br />

Financial education in the workplace is<br />

nothing new, but now more than ever,<br />

there is a fundamental need for employers<br />

to provide tailored support for employees<br />

to ensure they can genuinely thrive in the<br />

‘Age of Ambiguity’.<br />

“Financial confidence can have a<br />

tremendous impact on mental health <strong>and</strong><br />

personality type has a huge influence<br />

on behaviour <strong>and</strong> mindset too. Greater<br />

support is vital for employees to thrive<br />

in an increasingly ambiguous financial<br />

environment. We believe there is a crucial<br />

role that employers can play in facilitating<br />

this. One which introduces a new<br />

dimension of personality type.”<br />

Iona Bain, personal finance expert,<br />

believes the last 18 months have had a<br />

seismic impact on the way we live, work,<br />

<strong>and</strong> manage our finances: “The p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

has accelerated existing trends <strong>and</strong><br />

magnified our attention on developments<br />

that have been bubbling away for years,”<br />

he told <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong>.<br />

“As we gradually move out of lockdowns<br />

<strong>and</strong> restrictions, employers <strong>and</strong> employees<br />

alike will need time, support, <strong>and</strong> expert<br />

insight to skilfully navigate this brave<br />

new world. Sadly, there appears to be a<br />

mismatch between good intentions <strong>and</strong><br />

reality.”<br />

Ethical appointment<br />

KM2 Ethical Finance (KM2) has appointed Amir Ali FCICM<br />

to its board to act as an independent advisor to the team.<br />

The company recognises the invaluable contribution a fully<br />

independent board advisor can bring as it grows, seeks<br />

regulatory authorisation <strong>and</strong> develops client relationships with<br />

major international finance houses. The company says that<br />

Amir’s experience working with Government departments <strong>and</strong><br />

organisations in the third sector will also be of tremendous<br />

value as it develops <strong>and</strong> unfurls its social inclusion activity.<br />

Amir is a former Chair of the Civil Court Users Association<br />

(CCUA) <strong>and</strong> Fellow of the Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong><br />

<strong>Management</strong>.<br />

Scottish woes<br />

MORE than 31,500 people in Scotl<strong>and</strong> sought help from<br />

StepChange Debt Charity, <strong>and</strong> over 11,000 went through a<br />

full debt advice process during the year of the p<strong>and</strong>emic,<br />

according to the charity’s latest Scotl<strong>and</strong> in the Red update.<br />

Average client rent arrears rose by a dramatic 43 percent in<br />

2020, one of the most worrying impacts of the p<strong>and</strong>emic <strong>and</strong><br />

a very clear warning that continuing support will be needed<br />

for many households if recovery from post-COVID debt is to be<br />

achievable. Polling shows thous<strong>and</strong>s of Scots are struggling<br />

with debt <strong>and</strong> are behind on essential bills like Council Tax<br />

<strong>and</strong> rent, with more than a fifth using credit to make ends<br />

meet (see notes to editors) <strong>and</strong> cover essential costs.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 6


CICM partners with CES <strong>and</strong><br />

champions call for change<br />

THE Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong><br />

<strong>Management</strong> (CICM), the world’s largest<br />

professional credit management<br />

organisation, has agreed a new partnership<br />

agreement with Court Enforcement<br />

Services (CES), a leading provider of High<br />

Court Enforcement activities.<br />

Several of CES’ senior management team<br />

have been members of the CICM for many<br />

years, <strong>and</strong> its services <strong>and</strong> advice have<br />

been relied upon by many in the industry<br />

for some time. Developing this relationship<br />

into a formal partnership will extend CES’<br />

reach, but also see it offer webinars, training<br />

<strong>and</strong> share best practice, <strong>and</strong> strengthen<br />

its professional relationships with credit<br />

managers <strong>and</strong> debt recovery solicitors.<br />

Court Enforcement Services will also<br />

work closely with the CICM to support the<br />

campaign to allow cases to be transferred<br />

to High Court Enforcement for debts under<br />

£600. The current system means debts<br />

below the threshold can only be enforced<br />

by county court bailiffs, but with the service<br />

being overwhelmed by a series of national<br />

lockdowns, work is being done to<br />

provide wider access to justice.<br />

Sue Chapple FCICM, Chief<br />

Executive of the CICM, says the<br />

Institute is pleased to be partnering<br />

with a company that puts<br />

professionalism <strong>and</strong> integrity<br />

at the heart of its work: “With a<br />

wave of insolvencies expected<br />

over the coming months, it<br />

is more important than ever<br />

Funding Circle sells new tranche of debt to Azzurro<br />

FUNDING Circle, the peer-to-peer lending<br />

marketplace, has completed a further<br />

sale of commercial debts to Azzurro<br />

Associates, the commercial debt buyer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> told investors it will enable returns on<br />

defaulted loans of about 30p in the pound.<br />

According to a report in The Times,<br />

the transaction represents close to two<br />

percent of Funding Circle’s loans under<br />

management. Since it was launched<br />

a decade ago, Funding Circle, which<br />

connects investors with small business<br />

borrowers, has facilitated some £11.5<br />

billion of lending to about 100,000<br />

companies.<br />

The sale of almost 1,900 personal<br />

guarantees to Azzurro follows a smaller<br />

deal last year which led to reassurances<br />

being given by Funding Circle <strong>and</strong> Azzurro<br />

that distressed borrowers would be treated<br />

fairly.<br />

Funding Circle said in a statement that<br />

that the industry pursues a professional<br />

<strong>and</strong> ethical approach to collections <strong>and</strong><br />

enforcement.”<br />

Wayne Whitford FCICM, co-founder<br />

<strong>and</strong> director of CES, is delighted to be able<br />

to give back to the organisation <strong>and</strong> its<br />

members that have provided him with so<br />

much advice <strong>and</strong> support over his 30 years<br />

in the industry: “I am proud to be a Fellow<br />

of the CICM. I <strong>and</strong> so many other members<br />

of staff at CES have benefitted from CICM<br />

membership <strong>and</strong> training over the years,<br />

<strong>and</strong> with learning <strong>and</strong> development such<br />

a key focus for us as a business, we are<br />

delighted to be in a position to provide the<br />

CICM <strong>and</strong> its members with information<br />

<strong>and</strong> resources relating to enforcement<br />

services.<br />

“The CICM has enabled me to build a<br />

significant network of likeminded people<br />

<strong>and</strong> resulted in many trusted client<br />

partnerships as well as many valued<br />

friendships. I look forward to continuing to<br />

network with <strong>and</strong> support new entrants to<br />

the profession as well as existing clients<br />

<strong>and</strong> contacts in the credit industry through<br />

this partnership.”<br />

Since forming in 2014, CES says it has<br />

managed over 100,000 High Court Writs<br />

<strong>and</strong> recovered more than £187m<br />

for its clients. Its multi-awardwinning<br />

Agent Patroller App<br />

allows real-time reporting<br />

between the enforcement<br />

agent on the street, the head<br />

office <strong>and</strong> the client.<br />

Wayne Whitford<br />

it had worked carefully on due diligence<br />

before the sale, including consulting<br />

with the all-party parliamentary group<br />

on fair business banking, which sought<br />

assurances over the fair treatment of<br />

borrowers <strong>and</strong> an agreement that business<br />

assets would be pursued before personal<br />

ones. Azzurro was contractually obliged<br />

to provide the ‘equivalent level of care’ as<br />

Funding Circle in its collection tactics, a<br />

spokesperson for the online lender said.<br />

Andrew Birkwood FCICM, Chief<br />

Executive <strong>and</strong> founder of Azzurro<br />

Associates, moved quickly to reassure<br />

the market as to the treatment customers<br />

could expect: “Azzurro Associates is<br />

authorised <strong>and</strong> regulated by the Financial<br />

Conduct Authority (FCA) <strong>and</strong> upholds the<br />

highest st<strong>and</strong>ards when interacting with<br />

its customers in order to reach affordable<br />

solutions with them,” he says.<br />

“We have also received Interim<br />

>NEWS<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Tasty treat<br />

ALDERMORE bank has provided a<br />

£1.3 million commercial development<br />

finance loan to Cookridge Estates LLP,<br />

the West Yorkshire property developer,<br />

to fund the construction of two detached<br />

drive thru units built as part of a larger<br />

roadside <strong>and</strong> retail development. The<br />

two drive thru units have been pre-let<br />

to Costa Coffee <strong>and</strong> Burger King. The<br />

development site also includes a Lidl<br />

food store which is trading, <strong>and</strong> a plot<br />

for a petrol station <strong>and</strong> shop which is<br />

currently under construction.<br />

Unwise Council<br />

THE average person in Engl<strong>and</strong> needs<br />

to earn 20 days’ worth of wages to cover<br />

the cost of their council tax bill, while in<br />

some areas the average employee would<br />

need to work for a full month to pay the<br />

bill. The analysis of official ONS figures<br />

by A-Plan Insurance reveals that on<br />

average workers in Pendle need to work<br />

for the longest amount of time to cover<br />

their council tax bill. The Lancashire<br />

borough topped the list of more than 300<br />

areas studied as it has Engl<strong>and</strong>’s lowest<br />

median gross salary <strong>and</strong> the 16th highest<br />

average council tax bill.<br />

Registration to the Business St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

of the Lending St<strong>and</strong>ards Board <strong>and</strong> are<br />

striving to set the benchmark for Treating<br />

Customers Fairly in the recovery of<br />

commercial <strong>and</strong> consumer debts.”<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>s<br />

that the portfolios acquired by Azzurro<br />

Associates from Funding Circle since<br />

October 2020 relate to loans that defaulted<br />

pre-COVID. It also underst<strong>and</strong>s that there<br />

has not been a single complaint upheld<br />

from any of Funding Circle’s former<br />

customers, whose debts were<br />

purchased by Azzurro.”<br />

Lisa Jacobs, Funding Circle’s<br />

European Managing Director,<br />

confirmed that the transaction<br />

brought forward recoveries for<br />

more than 90 per cent of<br />

(retail) customers that<br />

have lent through the<br />

platform. Andrew Birkwood<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 7


SmartSearch urges<br />

agents to ‘ditch documents’<br />

to be compliant<br />

LEADING anti-money<br />

laundering specialist<br />

SmartSearch has warned<br />

property agents are in serious<br />

danger of non-compliance<br />

with new regulations, unless<br />

they ditch documents <strong>and</strong> embrace a<br />

digital solution.<br />

With the passing of the June 10<br />

deadline for estate <strong>and</strong> lettings agents to<br />

register with HMRC to ensure compliance,<br />

there are concerns that some agents<br />

are not prepared for the extra regulatory<br />

responsibility, <strong>and</strong> that relying on<br />

outdated methods of ID verification is<br />

leading to a rise in fraud.<br />

In addition to the HMRC deadline, many<br />

estate agents are still having to work<br />

through the requirements of the fifth EU<br />

Money Laundering Directive which came<br />

into force almost 18-months-ago. As the<br />

outbreak of the coronavirus p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

also led to an increase in attempted<br />

money laundering in the property sector,<br />

it has been a challenging period for the<br />

sector in trying to prevent fraud.<br />

John Dobson, CEO at SmartSearch says<br />

there needs to be much greater awareness<br />

of the flaws in the practice of checking<br />

hard copy documents in the customer<br />

onboarding process, which he says is<br />

wide open to fraud. In addition, the UK<br />

Government has enshrined in legislation<br />

the need to use electronic forms of<br />

verification wherever possible.<br />

“No doubt it is difficult for any sector<br />

to make the changes that are being<br />

asked of property agents in lettings <strong>and</strong><br />

sales, <strong>and</strong> doubly difficult when facing a<br />

global p<strong>and</strong>emic,” he says. “The increase<br />

in organised criminal activity using the<br />

property sales market to flush through its<br />

dirty money, has been widely reported.<br />

But also, we’re seeing reports of serious<br />

spikes in fraud in the rental sector,<br />

where criminals are using fake IDs to<br />

rent accommodation as a base for their<br />

nefarious activities.<br />

“This is being allowed to continue<br />

because agents are still relying on<br />

manually checking somebody’s passport<br />

or utility bill as part of the customer<br />

onboarding process. But criminals are<br />

turning out highly sophisticated forgeries<br />

of these documents which, in a sector as<br />

busy as it has been this past 12 months,<br />

are not undergoing the necessary<br />

scrutiny.<br />

“So, if agents really want to ensure they<br />

are compliant <strong>and</strong> want to prevent fraud<br />

<strong>and</strong> money laundering attempts, they<br />

need to accept that documents are dead<br />

when it comes to ID checks.”<br />

John believes that a digital solution<br />

scanning global databases <strong>and</strong> lists for<br />

sanctions <strong>and</strong> PEPs (politically exposed<br />

persons) is far quicker with individual<br />

checks being carried out in two seconds:<br />

“It is more accurate, cost-effective <strong>and</strong><br />

ensures compliance as it updates client<br />

details automatically,” he claims.<br />

He also thinks that the regulator, the<br />

Financial Conduct Authority, has a part to<br />

play in raising awareness of the potential<br />

benefits of technology over manual<br />

methods of verification, otherwise many<br />

agencies could be facing serious penalties<br />

for failures to comply: “We are seeing<br />

record numbers of regulated businesses<br />

coming through our doors as they<br />

have seen for themselves over the past 12<br />

months how inadequate the<br />

manual methods of verification have<br />

become.”<br />

>NEWS<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Exclusive Networks<br />

reinforces theme of trust<br />

EXCLUSIVE Networks, the specialist<br />

providers of technology solutions to<br />

encourage the transition to a trusted<br />

digital world, has been awarded its first<br />

CICMQ accreditation, a demonstration of<br />

excellence in credit management.<br />

Graham Aynsley, Finance & Operations<br />

Director at Exclusive Networks, says<br />

that the key theme of ‘trust’ was core to<br />

its reasoning to attain the accreditation:<br />

“We know that trust is at the foundation<br />

of our partner <strong>and</strong> vendor relationships,<br />

<strong>and</strong> gaining accreditation demonstrates<br />

our commitment to professionalism <strong>and</strong><br />

excellence.<br />

“The process itself has obliged the<br />

whole team to challenge what they know<br />

<strong>and</strong> push for improvements, not only in<br />

the cash collection process, but also in our<br />

internal <strong>and</strong> external communications<br />

as well as our wider knowledge of the<br />

industry. The knowledge that has been<br />

gained will be used for the continued<br />

benefit of the company <strong>and</strong> its partners.”<br />

Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers FCICM, Head of<br />

Accreditation, CICMQ, says the team can<br />

be proud of its achievement: “The newly<br />

created credit policy is fit for purpose with<br />

clear unambiguous processes <strong>and</strong> covers<br />

all aspects of credit management relevant<br />

to the business. Exclusive Networks<br />

ensures that all staff underst<strong>and</strong> the<br />

importance of compliance as described,<br />

relating to on-going training <strong>and</strong> refresher<br />

courses across the range of compliance<br />

topics.”<br />

Indeed, the credit team has<br />

demonstrated its commitment to<br />

upskilling <strong>and</strong> training, with several<br />

members of the team currently training<br />

for CICM exams, <strong>and</strong> new employees<br />

to be offered the same possibilities for<br />

development.<br />

Watertight Business Stream gains CICMQ accreditation<br />

BUSINESS Stream, one of the UK’s<br />

largest water retailers, has achieved<br />

CICMQ accreditation, a demonstration of<br />

excellence in credit management.<br />

Martin Kirby FCICM, Head of <strong>Credit</strong><br />

Risk <strong>and</strong> Collections at Business Stream,<br />

says the accreditation has stressed the<br />

importance of maintaining the team’s<br />

high st<strong>and</strong>ards: “Regular process audits,<br />

internal training <strong>and</strong> external stakeholder<br />

communication have always been a<br />

key part of our credit policy, <strong>and</strong> we will<br />

continue pushing these to ensure that our<br />

team continues to deliver to the highest<br />

level. “Our aim is to ensure that Business<br />

Stream’s cash flow remains healthy <strong>and</strong><br />

exposure to bad debt is minimised. Our<br />

collections strategy, therefore, segments<br />

customers into low, medium, <strong>and</strong> high<br />

risk, so that we are able to identify more<br />

vulnerable customers <strong>and</strong> support them<br />

accordingly.”<br />

Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers FCICM, Head of<br />

Accreditation, CICMQ, says the credit<br />

team at Business Stream are energised<br />

<strong>and</strong> motivated: “They can be extremely<br />

proud of the results achieved during a<br />

year where regulatory changes shifted the<br />

collections process. “In this complex <strong>and</strong><br />

highly regulated business, compliance<br />

is essential, <strong>and</strong> all process are defined.<br />

Staff are equipped with the training<br />

necessary to perform their roles well, to<br />

work compliantly <strong>and</strong> to adhere to the<br />

rules surrounding segregation of duties.”<br />

Business Stream is described as a trusted<br />

supplier to over 340,000 businesses<br />

ranging from small corner shops to large<br />

industrial estates.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 8


Changing times<br />

The IPA response to challenges in the<br />

insolvency profession.<br />

AUTHOR – Kevin Hellard<br />

THE COVID-19 emergency<br />

has prompted innumerable<br />

changes to working<br />

life across many industries.<br />

In insolvency, a profession<br />

with a wide variety<br />

of stakeholders including insolvency<br />

practitioners (IPs), creditors, the legal<br />

sector, government, debtors, regulators,<br />

charities <strong>and</strong> more, we have dealt with<br />

wide-ranging developments.<br />

There was the obvious pivoting<br />

to remote working at pace. Multiple<br />

changes in legislation required agility<br />

<strong>and</strong> rapid adaptations. We also needed<br />

to look at the way we regulate <strong>and</strong> make<br />

reasonable adjustments to expectations<br />

of our members <strong>and</strong> provide support.<br />

Changes came thick <strong>and</strong> fast pretty<br />

much throughout 2020 from March<br />

onwards. There was also the rise of<br />

Covid-related fraud. The changes go on<br />

<strong>and</strong> on, <strong>and</strong> no doubt there were similar<br />

situations in the creditor community.<br />

As an IPA President, I would normally<br />

serve a one-year term, but through an<br />

Extraordinary General Meeting held<br />

earlier this year, this term has been<br />

extended for another year. This was put<br />

into action so that my fellow IPA Office-<br />

Holders <strong>and</strong> I could have the chance to<br />

serve our terms more ‘in the open’, as<br />

opposed to behind our laptop screens<br />

at home or elsewhere! I am very much<br />

looking forward to more in-person<br />

events in <strong>2021</strong>, as well as the adoption of<br />

the best elements working virtually has<br />

to offer.<br />

At this year’s IPA Annual Conference,<br />

together with other IPA personnel I<br />

considered the theme of leading through<br />

times of change. I wanted to share some<br />

thoughts from the discussion in this<br />

article.<br />

As mentioned, the p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

brought on many different challenges<br />

around regulating <strong>and</strong> supporting our<br />

members, carrying out our day-today<br />

work <strong>and</strong> ensuring that all those<br />

involved in insolvency matters are dealt<br />

with appropriately. Pre-p<strong>and</strong>emic, the<br />

IPA launched a new system of riskbased<br />

monitoring of the IPs under<br />

our supervision, in which monitoring<br />

focuses on inherent risks identified<br />

from case profiles, prior monitoring,<br />

complaints <strong>and</strong> other intelligence.<br />

This system enables us to be far more<br />

agile in carrying out our regulatory<br />

responsibilities, giving more time to<br />

those in need of additional support<br />

to raise st<strong>and</strong>ards, <strong>and</strong> ultimately<br />

contributing to a more effective<br />

insolvency profession. This agile way of<br />

thinking also applied to our p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

response.<br />

The IPA has two Committees that<br />

deal with matters relating to IP conduct<br />

<strong>and</strong> any disciplinary action. These are<br />

the Regulation <strong>and</strong> Conduct Committee<br />

(R&CC) <strong>and</strong> the Disciplinary <strong>and</strong><br />

Appeals Committee (D&AC). When<br />

it was necessary to move to remote<br />

operations, including virtual Committee<br />

meetings, I think some Committee<br />

members could be forgiven for having<br />

some initial concerns about whether<br />

such important <strong>and</strong> technically deep<br />

meetings could proceed smoothly!<br />

However, by embracing technology, we<br />

<strong>and</strong> our R&CC <strong>and</strong> D&AC Committee<br />

members (who operate independently)<br />

soon had any misgivings quashed, with<br />

Committee members noting the ease<br />

with which they could carry out their<br />

work.<br />

Similarly, we brought workshops <strong>and</strong><br />

training online. We quickly recognised<br />

the benefits that virtual events could<br />

bring for a future hybrid model, for<br />

example fitting a training session into<br />

a convenient virtual lunchtime slot, as<br />

opposed to being in-person with the<br />

associated required travel time <strong>and</strong><br />

expense. We all still like to attend things<br />

in person of course, but it is certainly<br />

good to have options, especially now<br />

that those options have been tested<br />

<strong>and</strong> we have confidence in them!<br />

Virtual training also has the benefit<br />

of eliminating barriers for some who<br />

may not be able to physically attend,<br />

for example due to cost, geographical<br />

challenges <strong>and</strong> conflicting professional<br />

or personal commitments.<br />

We also had to take the IPA’s insolvency<br />

exams online, which admittedly<br />

presented some teething issues due<br />

to the speed at which this had to be<br />

executed to avoid the disappointment of<br />

cancellations. Taking this action has also<br />

catalysed what was believed to be the<br />

inevitable move to online examinations<br />

<strong>and</strong> a better experience for students.<br />

We plan to take other IPA products <strong>and</strong><br />

services forward in a virtual or hybrid<br />

form to ensure wider accessibility – for<br />

example, internationally.<br />

As we have highlighted to our<br />

members, it is vital to be mindful of<br />

the risk of people using insolvency<br />

as a vehicle for fraud, for example<br />

concealing fraudulent use of COVID-19<br />

support funds.<br />

There is also the question for<br />

directors on whether to continue with<br />

COVID-19 support that will require<br />

repayment or wind up now <strong>and</strong> start<br />

afresh – something else for creditors<br />

to consider, as well as the anticipated<br />

rise in insolvencies when Government<br />

support ends.<br />

As the economic support for<br />

companies, the self-employed <strong>and</strong><br />

individuals starts to wind down,<br />

questions still remain for those involved<br />

in insolvency as to the lasting impact of<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic. There are many positives<br />

that we can all take forward, in terms<br />

of use of technology <strong>and</strong> how we work.<br />

As the UK starts to come out of this<br />

emergency, our profession will have a<br />

significant part to play in the recovery<br />

of the economy. The IPA will be working<br />

hard as a robust regulator to support this<br />

recovery.<br />

Kevin Hellard is President, Insolvency<br />

Practitioners Association, <strong>and</strong> Partner<br />

<strong>and</strong> Practice Leader, Insolvency <strong>and</strong><br />

asset recovery at Grant Thornton.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 9



Regulation that incentivises banks to sell<br />

non-performing loans (NPLs) is having<br />

unintended consequences on the consumer<br />

<strong>and</strong> society.<br />

FOR more than two years, the media<br />

in Irel<strong>and</strong> have been actively<br />

pursuing a story that suggests<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of consumers are being<br />

(or will be) disadvantaged by the sale<br />

of distressed Irish mortgage books to<br />

Private Equity (PE) funds.<br />

The narrative is a familiar one: so-called ‘vulture<br />

funds’ acquiring non-performing loans to make a<br />

fast buck in as short a time as possible, with no<br />

care or thought as to how the consumer is treated,<br />

or whether there is any chance that customers<br />

may be rehabilitated to the financial mainstream.<br />

Talk in the Irish press of anything<br />

up to 40,000 being left on the street<br />

added further fuel to the fire. Such<br />

a negative characterisation of the<br />

PE market is hardly fair – they are<br />

an easy target for media criticism<br />

– but the wider issues raised by<br />

the coverage are worthy of further<br />

debate.<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong> experienced a significant<br />

property bubble <strong>and</strong> subsequent<br />

crash, leading to significant<br />

tranches of NPLs being put up for<br />

sale. The reason that so many NPL<br />

portfolios are ending up in the<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s of PE funds, however, is a<br />

consequence of legislation brought<br />

in after the Global Financial Crisis. And what is<br />

happening in Irel<strong>and</strong> – <strong>and</strong> the media furore it<br />

created – could very shortly be happening here.<br />


Since the crisis of 2008/9, regulators have been<br />

focusing on reducing the NPL ratios within banks,<br />

encouraging those banks to sell to customers<br />

with defaulted products. A key component of<br />

this legislation is the Prudential Backstop which<br />

incentivises banks to sell or otherwise write off<br />

NPLs from their balance sheet by making them<br />

increasingly expensive to keep, with the costs<br />

ratcheting up over time.<br />

The regulators hope that in making NPLs<br />

too expensive to keep, <strong>and</strong> selling them on, the<br />

originating banks may free up capital to lend to<br />

new customers. To a considerable degree this<br />

has been happening: in the recent EBA report on<br />

NPLs, the total volume of NPLs as at June 2019<br />

stood at €636bn but that is only half the volume<br />

recorded four years earlier (€1.152bn). In Q2 2020<br />

the total absolute amount of NPLs (gross value) for<br />

AUTHOR – Ben Marsh<br />

The regulators<br />

hope that in<br />

making NPLs<br />

too expensive to<br />

keep, <strong>and</strong> selling<br />

them on, the<br />

originating banks<br />

may free up<br />

capital to lend to<br />

new customers.<br />

all banks in the EU stood at €588bn, though the<br />

steady decrease witnessed pre-COVID now seems<br />

to have come to a stop <strong>and</strong> is perhaps unlikely to<br />

pick up again until after the recovery has started.<br />

But regardless of the volumes of NPLs available<br />

for purchase, what the regulators seem to have<br />

failed to take into account is what happens to<br />

the customer whose debt is sold. And while they<br />

talk of the importance of a ‘deep <strong>and</strong> liquid’<br />

secondary market <strong>and</strong> the need even to encourage<br />

new entrants, they do not appear to have fully<br />

understood the differences between the various<br />

‘buyers’ already present in the secondary market,<br />

or their roles or motivations.<br />

At one end of the scale are the<br />

Investment Funds who tend to take a<br />

short-term view over every portfolio<br />

they buy, with little or no desire or<br />

capability to support a customer<br />

over the longer term or offer new<br />

financing if they should need it.<br />

In the middle are the mainstream<br />

buyers, sizeable businesses in<br />

their own right with the ability <strong>and</strong><br />

appetite to support customers over<br />

the longer term. Out on their<br />

own are the specialist banks,<br />

who underst<strong>and</strong> the customer’s<br />

position, <strong>and</strong> are willing <strong>and</strong><br />

able to support that customer<br />

through difficult times <strong>and</strong>, like the mainstream<br />

buyers, over a much longer period because their<br />

model is based on long-term, stable returns as<br />

opposed to short-term cashflows. (Hoist Finance<br />

is one example of those specialist banks, having<br />

held a banking licence since 1996. It looks<br />

after customers for an average of 4.5 years <strong>and</strong><br />

operates a deposits business, using those funds to<br />

acquire performing <strong>and</strong> non-performing loans.)<br />

The problem is that these specialist banks<br />

inadvertently find themselves in a Catch 22: while<br />

they may wish to work with a customer over the<br />

long term, <strong>and</strong> ultimately returning that customer<br />

to financial health with future access to credit, the<br />

clock is ticking. As banks, <strong>and</strong> therefore subject<br />

to the same regulation as the selling banks, they<br />

are financially penalized for hanging on to the<br />

portfolios of NPLs they hold!<br />

Offloading NPLs early is likely to be to the<br />

consumer’s detriment, excluding them from<br />

access to mainstream credit. It might also lead to<br />

more portfolios being sold to those funds at the<br />

far end of the scale with different motivations,<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 10


AUTHOR – Ben Marsh<br />

because the bank purchaser is simply not able<br />

to compete financially.<br />

The legislation has in effect meant that banks<br />

like Hoist Finance have been caught in friendly<br />

fire as the assets continue to weigh more heavily<br />

on balance sheets even after they are purchase.<br />


So what’s to be done? Certainly, we believe that<br />

consumers are better served by specialist banks<br />

rather than unregulated investment funds. In<br />

the fairness of balance, in exploring <strong>and</strong> better<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing the defaulted customer journey,<br />

there are pros <strong>and</strong> cons on all sides, both to the<br />

customer, <strong>and</strong> to society.<br />

Selling to a fund often leads to faster<br />

resolution of a debt problem <strong>and</strong> frees capital<br />

for the originating bank to create new lending.<br />

But there is little or no focus on customer<br />

rehabilitation <strong>and</strong> no ability to offer new<br />

credit products, which means such customers<br />

contribute little by way of any societal benefit.<br />

Selling to a specialist bank purchaser<br />

does mean a proven focus on the customer<br />

<strong>and</strong> positive, longer-term outcomes <strong>and</strong> in<br />

rehabilitating those customers with continued<br />

access to credit which in turn means a continued<br />

contribution to society. The Prudential Backstop,<br />

however, creates what we describe as ‘a burning<br />

platform’, <strong>and</strong> restrictions in terms of the ability<br />

to offer new credit <strong>and</strong> restructure loans.<br />

The loans could, of course, still sit with the<br />

originating banks, <strong>and</strong> not be sold at all. The<br />

original lenders are being actively encouraged<br />

to properly recognise <strong>and</strong> manage NPLs more<br />

actively, <strong>and</strong> identify vulnerability at a much<br />

earlier stage. But the desire to sell is not only<br />

driven by the regulation, but also by the fact<br />

that the relationship with their customer has<br />

broken down. Originating banks are often not<br />

set up to manage long-term NPL customers.<br />

A build-up of NPLs also prevents them from<br />

further lending.<br />

Banks of every hue are more highly<br />

regulated than their counterparts which<br />

leads to better customer treatment<br />

generally. Current regulation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the need of banks<br />

to offload NPLs<br />

from their balance<br />

sheet, could end<br />

up with the very<br />

thing that many<br />

are trying to avoid<br />

– a shift towards<br />

more sales only to<br />

investment funds, possibly to the consumers’<br />

detriment at a time that the European<br />

Commission is insisting that all consumer<br />

protection obligations are upheld, irrespective<br />

of how NPLs are resolved.<br />

The secondary market, overall, is a good<br />

thing, <strong>and</strong> a healthy <strong>and</strong> diversified market is<br />

essential. There is undoubtedly a place for<br />

Ben Marsh<br />

‘vulture funds’<br />

acquiring nonperforming<br />

loans<br />

to make a fast<br />

buck in as short a<br />

time as possible,<br />

with no care or<br />

thought as to how<br />

the consumer<br />

is treated, or<br />

whether there is<br />

any chance that<br />

customers may<br />

be rehabilitated<br />

to the financial<br />

mainstream.<br />

PE, but as have seen in Irel<strong>and</strong>, people in debt<br />

deserve a second chance – especially in a post-<br />

COVID world – <strong>and</strong> might not get it if only<br />

taking a short-term view. Investment funds<br />

often push customers down a legal route when it<br />

comes to collateral realisation, without, perhaps,<br />

trying too hard to find an amicable solution.<br />

Judicial sale prices are inevitably lower than<br />

those realised through amicable means, <strong>and</strong><br />

the build-up of such judicial sales is therefore<br />

more likely to drive house prices down over the<br />

longer term. That in turn creates a larger debt<br />

burden for the next set of defaulted customers,<br />

as they see lower values recovered when their<br />

own properties are sold. It’s a significant issue<br />

in Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> in France <strong>and</strong> could end up<br />

being a problem to UK homeowners <strong>and</strong> other<br />

borrowers, once the Government safety net is<br />

taken away, <strong>and</strong> the true extent of the economic<br />

downturn is felt.<br />

The regulation as it st<strong>and</strong>s needs to be<br />

reconsidered, <strong>and</strong> it needs to be done urgently,<br />

for I doubt very much it was intended to impact<br />

the customer in the way that it has, nor to the<br />

extent that it might. It should not be a barrier to<br />

a positive outcome for all concerned.<br />

Ben Marsh is Head of Corporate<br />

Development, Hoist Finance.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 11



Sean Feast FCICM speaks to Dave Timmis,<br />

founder of, about the resurgence<br />

in leasing’s share of private new car finance.<br />

DAVE Timmis started selling<br />

classified advertising space on<br />

the Warrington Guardian <strong>and</strong> is<br />

today the founder <strong>and</strong> creator<br />

of, the country’s<br />

largest car leasing comparison<br />

website. He is also one of the UK’s leading<br />

advocates of leasing as a financing tool: “John Paul<br />

Getty said if it appreciates, buy it, if it depreciates,<br />

lease it,” Dave laughs.<br />

It is now more than 20 years ago that Dave first<br />

came up with the idea of harnessing the internet<br />

to offer leasing deals in real time: “Even with<br />

the dot com crash happening around us I had<br />

a hunch, a bit of a gut feeling, that the internet<br />

might take off! It’s easy to look back now <strong>and</strong> think<br />

that, but to me the niche marketing opportunities<br />

that the internet offered just made sense. It was<br />

easy to find a website that provided exactly what<br />

products or services you were looking for from the<br />

comfort of your own home or desk.<br />

“What really struck me as a great idea was to<br />

be able to advertise car leasing offers in real time<br />

to people that were interested in leasing cars (as<br />

opposed to buying). The car leasing market was<br />

really quite small then, <strong>and</strong> more focussed on<br />

company car users, very time sensitive <strong>and</strong> niche.<br />

But that was the point. Time sensitive <strong>and</strong> niche<br />

was what was needed.<br />

“Many of the consumer car magazines had<br />

literally dozens <strong>and</strong> dozens of pages of ads from<br />

brokers <strong>and</strong> dealers all advertising car leasing<br />

offers, but it was all out of date by the time it was<br />

printed. That was no good for anyone, <strong>and</strong> that’s<br />

how the idea of came about.”<br />


Dave started the site (initially called<br /> in 2000, <strong>and</strong> it<br />

has since grown to become the largest of its<br />

kind, perhaps five or six times the size of its<br />

nearest competitor, according to some estimates.<br />

The concept is simple: the site aggregates <strong>and</strong><br />

compares all of the best car <strong>and</strong> van leasing<br />

deals from brokers, main dealers, funders <strong>and</strong><br />

manufacturers. This, Dave believes, is what gives<br />

it its appeal: “Nowhere else attracts the audience<br />

volume that we do or compares offers from the<br />

breadth of partners that we do,” he says.<br />

“ enables consumers to find the<br />

best deals, then enquire or apply online through<br />

our platform. For our advertising partners, we<br />

enable them to sell more cars by putting leasing<br />

offers in-front of a huge in-market audience of<br />

consumers looking for what they are offering.”<br />

The business has grown organically, <strong>and</strong> in 2019<br />

launched the new br<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> website.<br />

It was supported by a ‘say goodbye to buying’<br />

media campaign, with the business positioning<br />

itself as the car leasing experts, <strong>and</strong> with a vision<br />

of being the market-leading, trusted champion of<br />

car leasing.<br />

So what makes leasing such an attractive<br />

proposition in comparison to outright purchase or<br />

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)?<br />

“Leasing a new car gives certainty, eliminates<br />

residual/future value risk, <strong>and</strong> most importantly is<br />

usually the most cost-effective method of funding<br />

your new car for the duration of the lease,” Dave<br />

claims, “which is usually between two <strong>and</strong> four<br />

years. With leasing you are only funding the<br />

car depreciation <strong>and</strong> not the whole purchase or<br />

financing cost with additional interest applied.”<br />

Dave says that leasing also enables customers<br />

to take advantage of the bulk discounts <strong>and</strong><br />

other financial incentives applied that individual<br />

consumers cannot access: “Fixed cost, peace of<br />

mind motoring in a new car, under warranty,<br />

driving the latest model, with road tax included<br />

for the duration <strong>and</strong> a new car every few years?”<br />

he says. “What isn’t there to like?”<br />


Dave is straight in that he would never say leasing<br />

is always the best option, but it usually is. “By<br />

way of an example my own car, an Audi Q7, has<br />

almost lost more in one year of depreciation than<br />

the total lease cost for two years! The same car<br />

(new) on a PCP was significantly more expensive.<br />

Dealers were offering three plus year-old (used)<br />

now facelifted Q7’s for about the same or more on<br />

PCP than I’m paying to lease.”<br />

From how Dave talks, one would imagine the<br />

market for leasing is growing. And you’d be right.<br />

While lending across all products fell in 2020,<br />

leasing’s share of private new car finance actually<br />

grew from 11.6 to 13.1 percent. That’s not to say the<br />

market isn’t without its challenges, though Dave<br />

thinks COVID has simply accelerated a number of<br />

trends that were evident already.<br />

“Consumers have definitely become more<br />

frugal, cost conscious <strong>and</strong> want value for money,”<br />

Dave says. “Cars are most people’s second biggest<br />

expense. The p<strong>and</strong>emic has made everyone assess<br />

their situation <strong>and</strong> look at costs. Most of us will<br />

always want <strong>and</strong> need a car. Lower mileage deals<br />

on great value leasing offers will always be a hit<br />

with consumers. Affordable monthly payments<br />

work for everyone. They keep manufacturers<br />

production lines rolling <strong>and</strong> enable consumers to<br />

afford new, fuel efficient cars with the latest tech.”<br />

Dave believes that if the deals are there,<br />

then the consumers are there: “Even in the<br />

middle of the p<strong>and</strong>emic, between last May <strong>and</strong><br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 12


AUTHOR – Sean Feast FCICM<br />

“Cars are most people’s second biggest<br />

expense. The p<strong>and</strong>emic has made everyone<br />

assess their situation <strong>and</strong> look at costs. Most of<br />

us will always want <strong>and</strong> need a car.’’<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 13<br />

continues on page 14 >


AUTHOR – Sean Feast FCICM<br />

June, one manufacturer sold 460 cars through<br /> from 919 enquiries. That’s a<br />

remarkable conversion rate <strong>and</strong> a similarly<br />

remarkable number of cars sold in one of the<br />

most depressed markets in recent times.”<br />


Perhaps one of the most significant trends<br />

to emerge is a move towards the earlier<br />

adoption of Electric Vehicles. The transition<br />

from internal combustion engines to batterypowered<br />

EVs gained record momentum last<br />

year. SMMT data showed that 2020 was the<br />

best-ever year for new battery-electric vehicles<br />

(BEVs), with a total of 108,205 sales. This sales<br />

volume gave BEVs a 6.6 percent share of the<br />

total new car market, compared to just 1.6<br />

percent in 2019. Dave believes dem<strong>and</strong> is ever<br />

greater:<br />

“We have a huge amount of data <strong>and</strong> insight<br />

at our disposal <strong>and</strong> we saw even greater<br />

dem<strong>and</strong> for BEVs last year than was seen in<br />

the SMMT data,” he says. “Dem<strong>and</strong> for BEVs<br />

on – represented as total sales<br />

enquiry volumes – increased by 129 percent<br />

in 2020 compared to the previous year. Last<br />

year, BEVs accounted for 10.4 percent of<br />

total annual enquiries compared to just four<br />

percent in 2019.<br />

“While we saw increased business dem<strong>and</strong><br />

for BEVs from April 2020 due to the Benefit-<br />

In-Kind tax incentives introduced for electric<br />

vehicles, nearly two-thirds of total BEV<br />

dem<strong>and</strong> came from private individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

cash allowance users. The BEV models <strong>and</strong><br />

leasing profiles chosen by private <strong>and</strong> business<br />

users were also distinctly different in 2020, as<br />

our analysis shows.”<br />

If 2020 was the tipping point for BEVs, then<br />

<strong>2021</strong> will see their continued drive into the<br />

mainstream market. Dem<strong>and</strong> for electric vans<br />

should also start to follow the lead of cars <strong>and</strong><br />

see a surge in interest in <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

With all eyes on the Government’s 2030<br />

target to phase out the sale of pure internalcombustion<br />

engines, manufacturers are<br />

releasing an array of exciting new BEV models,<br />

which offer consumers <strong>and</strong> businesses ever<br />

greater choice <strong>and</strong> the ability to find a vehicle<br />

to meet their precise needs.<br />

“The SMMT is currently forecasting BEVs<br />

to account for nearly 12 percent in <strong>2021</strong>, but<br />

we are forecasting BEV dem<strong>and</strong> to exceed 20<br />

percent of total enquiries this year,” Dave adds.<br />

So with the lockdown easing, <strong>and</strong> confidence<br />

returning, does Dave see a bright future for<br />

leasing <strong>and</strong> automotive sales? “We’ve all heard<br />

talk about <strong>and</strong> indeed experienced pent up<br />

consumer dem<strong>and</strong>,” he says, “<strong>and</strong> we are<br />

definitely seeing a big increase in activity <strong>and</strong><br />

enquiries. There is undoubtedly an increased<br />

appetite for new cars.”<br />

And what of his own plans? “We will<br />

continue to innovate, <strong>and</strong> through continued<br />

investment in our website, marketing <strong>and</strong><br />

partnerships further solidify our position<br />

as the most trusted <strong>and</strong> known car leasing<br />

website for consumers,” Dave concludes.<br />

Dave Timmis is Managing Director<br />

of<br />

Dave Timmis<br />

“Leasing a new car<br />

gives certainty,<br />

eliminates<br />

residual/future<br />

value risk, <strong>and</strong><br />

most importantly<br />

is usually the most<br />

cost-effective<br />

method of funding<br />

your new car for<br />

the duration of the<br />

lease.”<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 14

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/ / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 15<br />

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Can anything be done to start turning the tide? Perhaps a<br />

first step would be to have a quick look at how a couple of<br />

other damaging cultures came to be shifted.<br />

Culture Club<br />

Tackling late payment requires a<br />

complete cultural rethink.<br />

AUTHOR – James Campbell<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 16


AUTHOR – James Campbell<br />

LATE payment, a polite<br />

enough phrase. Delayed<br />

payment, even politer. How<br />

about, supplier abuse? Not so<br />

polite but, in reality, a better<br />

description of the scourge of<br />

payment not being made to agreed terms.<br />

The art of the customer preserving<br />

liquidity at the expense of the supplier.<br />

Of deciding to make payment when it<br />

suits <strong>and</strong> not being concerned by the<br />

consequences of such behaviour.<br />

Supplier abuse, sorry, ‘late payment’<br />

has probably been around since shortly<br />

after credit was invented <strong>and</strong> despite<br />

plenty of worthy effort (not least from<br />

the CICM as the originator of the Prompt<br />

Payment Code. Ed) it is a problem which<br />

just doesn’t seem to get any better. It has<br />

almost become a part of doing business –<br />

an accepted culture – despite the dreadful<br />

consequences it causes.<br />

Can anything be done to start turning<br />

the tide? Perhaps a first step would be to<br />

have a quick look at how a couple of other<br />

damaging cultures came to be shifted.<br />


It can be reasonably argued that the<br />

cultures of drink driving <strong>and</strong> smoking<br />

were altered by messages, partly about<br />

consequences, largely conveyed in<br />

Government campaigns <strong>and</strong> via the<br />

mainstream media of the day.<br />

First, drink driving. There was the<br />

phrase, <strong>and</strong> even the song, ‘One for the<br />

road’, which, in hindsight, almost seems<br />

like an endorsement for getting behind<br />

the wheel whilst under the influence.<br />

What happened to combat the problem?<br />

How many of you remember the beer mats<br />

in the 1970’s, 80’s & 90’s with messages of<br />

sizeable fines <strong>and</strong> possible imprisonment<br />

when such behaviour ended with<br />

innocent people being killed? With a few<br />

well-publicised court cases ending with<br />

prison sentences it didn’t take too long for<br />

drink driving to be regarded as socially<br />

unacceptable <strong>and</strong> not worth the risk with,<br />

thankfully, instances of it reduced.<br />


Next, smoking. Widespread for most of<br />

the last century. Just watch most pre-<br />

80’s films or television series <strong>and</strong> there<br />

is hardly a scene which doesn’t have a<br />

lighted cigarette in it. Initially, when<br />

someone decided to try <strong>and</strong> do something<br />

to deal with the damage being caused, the<br />

tobacco companies were forced to have<br />

health warning messages on their packets<br />

of ‘smokes’ <strong>and</strong> then, with much greater<br />

effect, to have horrible pictures of what<br />

smoking actually does to your innards.<br />

Also, the spotlight was shone on the<br />

effects of passive smoking. This all helped<br />

get the message across.<br />

The point is that two cultures were made<br />

socially unacceptable in a reasonably<br />

short space of time thanks largely to<br />

strong messages <strong>and</strong> publicity which<br />

leads to the question: ‘Can messages <strong>and</strong><br />

greater awareness of financial risk start<br />

to change the culture of late payment<br />

in British business?’ And, if so, what<br />

should the message be <strong>and</strong> who should be<br />

sending it out.<br />


The Late Payment of Commercial Debts<br />

(Interest) Act 1998 didn’t really have the<br />

intended effect of reducing late payment<br />

because suppliers are underst<strong>and</strong>ably<br />

reluctant to use it in connection with<br />

existing customers, for fear of losing vital<br />

business. However, in a role that it was<br />

not intended for, it might now become<br />

an effective weapon for combating the<br />

culture of late payment that exists. In<br />

the age of ‘where there’s blame there is<br />

a claim’ there is a new kid on the block<br />

– the recent compensation b<strong>and</strong>wagon<br />

of ‘historical claims going back six years’<br />

being brought by debt collectors against<br />

former customers <strong>and</strong> the Liquidators of<br />

failed enterprises.<br />

Some EFTA Members have been coldmailed<br />

by debt collectors asking if they<br />

want to consider bringing claims against<br />

former customers for late payment<br />

over the last six years as they ‘could be<br />

sitting on a goldmine’. This looks like a<br />

growth industry for the commercial debt<br />

collection industry <strong>and</strong> in these troubled<br />

times I am sure that many people will be<br />

tempted to ‘give it a go’ as it is promoted as<br />

risk-free with no outlay.<br />

From the perspective of being on<br />

the end of such a claim I know of one<br />

company which, when a supplier went<br />

into liquidation, received a claim from the<br />

Liquidator for in excess of £15,000 relating<br />

to around 170 invoices paid roughly 15-<br />

days late (i.e. around the 45-day mark<br />

against 30-day terms – a common enough<br />

occurrence) over six years, <strong>and</strong> which<br />

practice the supplier was willing to go<br />

along with. The claim ended up being<br />

settled for around £10,000 as it was just<br />

too expensive <strong>and</strong> time-consuming to<br />

fight, not that there appeared to be any<br />

grounds for a defence.<br />

Constructing such claims is not<br />

difficult. All you need is a list of invoices,<br />

the dates when payment should have<br />

been made by, the dates when payments<br />

were received <strong>and</strong> Bob’s your uncle – if<br />

payments were not made on time you<br />

have a compensation claim. For every<br />

invoice up to £999 it is £40 a pop, between<br />

£1,000 <strong>and</strong> £9,999 it is £70 <strong>and</strong> over £10,000<br />

it is £100. You also have a claim for interest<br />

but, in reality, this is often very little <strong>and</strong><br />

only the icing on the cake! It all quickly<br />

adds up.<br />

As an example, for 60 invoices below<br />

£999 it will be £2,400 <strong>and</strong> for 40 invoices<br />

over £1,000 but below £9,999 it will be<br />

£2,800. So, if over six years (which is 72<br />

months), a company regularly indulging<br />

in late payment had not paid this number<br />

<strong>and</strong> value of invoices the claim that could<br />

be brought would be £5,200 without the<br />

interest. So, what has this got to do with<br />

the culture of late payment?<br />


My belief is that if serial late payers were<br />

made aware, in a hard-hitting way, that<br />

there could be serious financial penalties<br />

as a consequence of not paying to terms<br />

there might be a re-think about indulging<br />

in such practice. The short-term gain of<br />

holding on to a supplier’s money for a few<br />

extra days against the long-term risk of<br />

being l<strong>and</strong>ed with a sizeable claim might<br />

be given a second thought. It wouldn’t<br />

eradicate the problem but it might start<br />

to reduce it. The possibility of being hit<br />

hard in the pocket could prove to be a<br />

deterrent.<br />

Subject to there being widespread<br />

publicity I think it would be excellent<br />

news if there was a large amount of claims<br />

for historical late payment as this might<br />

start to persuade late-paying companies<br />

that such potential actions could be<br />

coming in their direction.<br />

With regard to who should be promoting<br />

the message about the potential financial<br />

consequences of late payment the best<br />

party, in my humble opinion, has to be<br />

Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) as<br />

it has the farthest reach, the greatest<br />

resources to do it effectively <strong>and</strong> will be<br />

taken seriously. If HMG can be brought on<br />

board to the idea it will then be easier for<br />

other notable bodies, perhaps including<br />

the CICM, to add pressure <strong>and</strong> publicity.<br />

Late payment is supplier abuse, pure<br />

<strong>and</strong> simple, <strong>and</strong> it should be regarded as<br />

unacceptable. Let’s start doing something<br />

to make it less of a problem.<br />

James Campbell is a regular contributor<br />

to <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> as the Secretary of<br />

the European Freight Trades Association<br />

but in this case is writing in a personal<br />

capacity.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 17



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Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 18










01993 220557<br /><br />


PLACES<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> information in a<br />

post-p<strong>and</strong>emic digital world.<br />

AUTHOR – Neil Munroe MCICM<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 20


AS we look to eventually exit the<br />

p<strong>and</strong>emic, there is no doubt that<br />

the focus will turn to how to<br />

stimulate economic recovery. Key<br />

to achieving this will be the ability<br />

for individual’s <strong>and</strong> businesses<br />

to gain access to credit <strong>and</strong> key to making<br />

credit available will be having the best possible<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing of an individual <strong>and</strong> a business’s<br />

ability to pay back any borrowings.<br />

As we come out of the p<strong>and</strong>emic ‘knowing your<br />

customer’ (KYC) is going to be more crucial than<br />

it’s ever been. When I use the term ‘know your<br />

customer’ I am not just referring to compliance<br />

with KYC regulations but to the whole customer<br />

lifecycle from acquisition, risk assessment,<br />

account management <strong>and</strong> collections.<br />

All of these points of contact with customers<br />

are changing as the relationship is more <strong>and</strong><br />

more online. As we have all experienced, this<br />

shift to a digital world has been accelerated by<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic. There is no doubt that the move to<br />

digital services can provide significant benefits to<br />

many. But as we have also seen it can increase the<br />

risks of financial crime, including cyberattacks,<br />

fraud, data breaches <strong>and</strong> money laundering.<br />

In such a world, having access to relevant<br />

comprehensive information on a timely basis is<br />

going to be even more crucial.<br />

So what changes (if any) are we likely to see<br />

in the credit information space as a result of the<br />

push to restart economies <strong>and</strong> the ever quickening<br />

move to a digital dialogue with customers? Many,<br />

is the answer with a number already taking place.<br />

Changes in the ‘data l<strong>and</strong>scape’ <strong>and</strong> in the use of<br />

technology I believe are two of the major ones.<br />

I also believe that you will see a significant shift<br />

in the service offerings of the credit information<br />

providers to support the growth in digital services<br />

<strong>and</strong> help limit the risks I mentioned above.<br />

Alongside all of this will be the challenge of<br />

regulatory developments that will come about<br />

as Governments look to support individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

businesses rights.<br />


There is no doubt that the p<strong>and</strong>emic has increased<br />

the degree of information asymmetry between<br />

lenders <strong>and</strong> borrowers. While some businesses<br />

may appear solvent due to Government support<br />

(e.g. subsidised loans, repayment holidays), their<br />

condition may weaken when this support expires.<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> providers are likely to see a deterioration in<br />

traditional credit history of businesses. The same<br />

can be said of individuals as measures put in place<br />

for them also expire.<br />

It is likely that if credit providers are relying on<br />

traditional credit information they will start to see<br />

a growing number of individuals <strong>and</strong> businesses<br />

who will fail to meet their lending criteria. There<br />

is no doubt that despite having had issues during<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic some of these individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

businesses will have managed to recover <strong>and</strong> will<br />

be a good risk going forward. So how are credit<br />

providers going to identify these? One way will be<br />

through ‘alternative data’.<br />

Around the world, alternative data can take<br />

many different forms; from non-financial<br />

Further afield<br />

(particularly in<br />

the Far East) the<br />

data l<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

is also changing<br />

as a result of<br />

the growth in<br />

e-commerce<br />

platforms. In<br />

countries where<br />

credit information<br />

is less developed<br />

this type of data<br />

is increasingly<br />

being used to grant<br />

credit to individual<br />

<strong>and</strong> businesses.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 21<br />

data such as utility data (gas, electricity, telco),<br />

to transaction data such as current account<br />

information or online e-commerce transaction<br />

information to data from social media platforms.<br />

In the case of non-financial data credit providers<br />

are able to gain a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing of how<br />

an individual or business is able to meet their<br />

commitments. With transactional data credit<br />

providers are also able to better underst<strong>and</strong> cash<br />

flow <strong>and</strong> income. By accessing these ‘alternative<br />

data’ sources, credit providers are able to fill ‘the<br />

gap’ in their knowledge of a customers’ finances.<br />

Prior to the p<strong>and</strong>emic the credit information<br />

industry had already identified that there was<br />

a gap in the information they could supply to<br />

provide a 360 degree view of a customer that<br />

credit providers need to make effective lending<br />

decisions <strong>and</strong> ensure such things as affordability<br />

requirement were met. Whilst credit information<br />

providers have always been able to provide a view<br />

of outgoings, providing information on income<br />

has been more of a challenge.<br />


The evolution of ‘open banking’ <strong>and</strong> ‘open data’<br />

post the financial crisis of 2008, driven by the<br />

desire for Governments for individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

businesses to ‘own’ their data, has provided the<br />

credit information industry the opportunity to fill<br />

the ‘gap’. The introduction of the 2nd Payments<br />

Services Directive (PSD2) in Europe has further<br />

supported this move.<br />

Using open banking <strong>and</strong> open data channels<br />

driven by an individual’s consent has enabled<br />

credit information providers to enhance the<br />

level of both alternative <strong>and</strong> additional data<br />

they can provide. These channels provide credit<br />

information providers with real time access<br />

to new sources of data via APIs alongside the<br />

traditional monthly updates from lenders. This<br />

customer driven ‘self-reporting’ of data (on the<br />

basis it required consent from the individual or<br />

business) is changing the customer dynamics for<br />

the credit information providers with individuals<br />

<strong>and</strong> businesses also being seen as the ‘customer’,<br />

<strong>and</strong> more <strong>and</strong> more direct engagement with them<br />

as a result.<br />

Is this really the case I hear you ask? Well you<br />

only have to look at the advertising campaigns<br />

about ‘boosting your credit score’ <strong>and</strong> ‘taking<br />

control of your credit score’ to see that it is already<br />

taking place. Another example of the move to<br />

customer driven ‘self-reporting’ is the increasing<br />

ability for consumers to supply their property<br />

rental data to the credit information providers<br />

through specific organisations that have been set<br />

up to collect the data from individuals. This whole<br />

area was supported by the UK Government with<br />

its Rent Recognition Challenge in 2017.<br />

Further afield (particularly in the Far East) the<br />

data l<strong>and</strong>scape is also changing as a result of the<br />

growth in e-commerce platforms. In countries<br />

where credit information is less developed this<br />

type of data is increasingly being used to grant<br />

credit to individual <strong>and</strong> businesses. As a result<br />

such platforms are moving from e-commerce<br />

operations to also being credit information<br />

<strong>and</strong> financial services providers challenging<br />

continues on page 22 >


AUTHOR – Neil Munroe<br />

the current players in the market. One well<br />

known example of this is Alibaba with its Ant<br />

Financial arm. As these platforms play an<br />

increasingly important role in the provision<br />

of finance there has been some concern over<br />

the fact that they operate outside the financial<br />

services regulatory infrastructure that protects<br />

individuals <strong>and</strong> businesses <strong>and</strong> prevents<br />

systemic shocks. In China, where a number of<br />

the e-commerce platforms are based, action<br />

is now being undertaken to ensure that the<br />

financial services arms are required to obtain<br />

the necessary licences <strong>and</strong> permissions.<br />


So taking all of these developments into account<br />

there is no doubt that the data l<strong>and</strong>scape is<br />

changing, <strong>and</strong> will continue to change further<br />

as a result of the p<strong>and</strong>emic <strong>and</strong> the move to<br />

digital. So what is going to happen with all this<br />

new alternative data? Will credit providers be<br />

able to use it? Will it replace traditional data or<br />

work alongside it?<br />

There is no doubt that traditional data sources<br />

<strong>and</strong> risk models may not be fully updated<br />

<strong>and</strong> well-calibrated to provide an accurate<br />

assessment of an individual’s or business’s<br />

capacity to repay in the post-p<strong>and</strong>emic reality.<br />

Traditional risk models, whether offered by<br />

credit information providers or built in house<br />

by credit providers, will need to be adapted.<br />

At the same time new analytical tools will be<br />

required to analyse the new alternative data that<br />

is available <strong>and</strong> incorporate it with traditional<br />

data to optimise the credit risk assessment.<br />

With the volume <strong>and</strong> velocity that the new<br />

data brings there is a need for new technology<br />

to be able to process <strong>and</strong> analyse it. Hence<br />

the interest in the industry in Artificial<br />

Intelligence (AI) <strong>and</strong> Machine Learning (ML)<br />

applications.<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> information providers are already<br />

undertaking a significant amount of work on<br />

how these new technologies can be utilised<br />

internally <strong>and</strong> externally for clients <strong>and</strong> credit<br />

providers should expect to see new products<br />

<strong>and</strong> services being developed using these tools.<br />

In any application, the key to their<br />

acceptance will be the transparency <strong>and</strong><br />

explain ability of the decision that is made.<br />

The openness of the process is probably not<br />

an issue when the ‘computer says YES’ but it<br />

will be an issue when the ‘computer says NO’.<br />

These concerns have already been picked up by<br />

regulators who are keen to ensure that there is<br />

transparency about what data is being collected<br />

on individuals <strong>and</strong> businesses <strong>and</strong> how it is<br />

being used. Governments <strong>and</strong> regulators have<br />

been struggling to catch up with the fast paced<br />

developments in AI <strong>and</strong> ML but are now starting<br />

to look to take action. For example the EU has<br />

recently laid out its proposals for regulation of<br />

AI which could have far reaching consequences<br />

on its use. Discussions are also starting in the<br />

US on the subject.<br />


The move to digital services spurred on by<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic can provide significant benefits<br />

to individuals <strong>and</strong> businesses but it can also<br />

lead to an increase in financial crime such as<br />

cyber attacks, fraud, data breaches <strong>and</strong> money<br />

laundering. For credit information providers<br />

these risks provide an opportunity, using<br />

their data <strong>and</strong> analytical capabilities, to offer<br />

services to credit providers to help identify <strong>and</strong><br />

limit the risks. They have also highlighted their<br />

own vulnerability being such a key part of the<br />

financial ecosystem - recent high profile data<br />

breaches have highlighted this.<br />

At the Business Information Industry<br />

Association (BIIA – we have<br />

seen significant investment over the last couple<br />

of years by the credit information industry<br />

in both securing their own infrastructure<br />

<strong>and</strong> acquiring businesses to support credit<br />

providers in combating the growth in financial<br />

crime <strong>and</strong> it is likely that we will see continued<br />

investment going forward.<br />

With the growing availability of data <strong>and</strong><br />

the use of new technology there are growing<br />

concern from Governments <strong>and</strong> regulators<br />

about how individuals can maintain control<br />

over the use of their data <strong>and</strong> how their<br />

privacy can be protected. As a result, privacy<br />

regulations based on the EU General Data<br />

Protection Regulation (GDPR) have been<br />

implemented in a number of countries around<br />

the world. In some cases where the GDPR has<br />

been ‘cut <strong>and</strong> pasted’ into the new regulation it<br />

has resulted in some unfortunate unintended<br />

consequences such as limitations on the access<br />

to the data from outside the country, <strong>and</strong><br />

specific requirement on consent which have in<br />

turn had an impact on the development of the<br />

credit information infrastructure. In Europe we<br />

are also starting to see as anticipated further<br />

clarification on the interpretation of the<br />

GDPR. Some of this interpretation could have<br />

an impact on the availability of data to credit<br />

information providers at a time when it could<br />

be argued that more data is required.<br />

It is clear with all that is happening that<br />

the world is going to be a very different place<br />

for credit information providers as we exit<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic. The changing data l<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

<strong>and</strong> new technology will change the focus<br />

of the credit information industry, from one<br />

of data providers to value added service<br />

providers using their analytical <strong>and</strong> technology<br />

capabilities to deliver the services that credit<br />

providers will need to deliver their services in<br />

a digital world.<br />

Neil Munroe MCICM is Managing Director,<br />

CRS Insights Ltd, Deputy Managing Director,<br />

BIIA, <strong>and</strong> Deputy Chair, International<br />

Committee on <strong>Credit</strong> Reporting.<br />

He has more than 35 years’ experience<br />

in financial services <strong>and</strong> credit reporting<br />

industries.<br />

There is no doubt<br />

that the move to<br />

digital services<br />

can provide<br />

significant benefits<br />

to many. But as we<br />

have also seen it<br />

can increase the<br />

risks of financial<br />

crime, including<br />

cyberattacks,<br />

fraud, data<br />

breaches <strong>and</strong><br />

money laundering.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 22


7 best practice tips for<br />

better credit control<br />

With credit management more important than ever post<br />

lockdown, CICM Corporate Partner Satago advises on how<br />

you can get on top of your credit control…<strong>and</strong> stay there.<br />

WE’VE all been there.<br />

You invoice a<br />

customer promptly,<br />

include all relevant<br />

payment details<br />

in your email, but<br />

when you come to check your accounts<br />

on the due date, no payment has been<br />

made. You spend the next few days<br />

chasing payment <strong>and</strong> every day that<br />

passes negatively affects your business’<br />

cashflow. But it doesn’t have to be this<br />

way.<br />




Winning a new customer is an exciting<br />

time for your business, but it’s important<br />

that you start off on the right foot.<br />

Remember, customers who owe you<br />

money are less likely to book work with<br />

you in future, so don’t offer them credit<br />

unless you’re sure they’ll be able to pay<br />

on time. It’s better to build a trusting<br />

commercial relationship over time<br />

through regular, prompt payment than<br />

to offer overly generous payment terms<br />

before that trust has been built.<br />




They might be a well-known company or<br />

even a good friend, but unless you’ve run<br />

proper risk analysis on your customers,<br />

you have no way of knowing what their<br />

credit score is <strong>and</strong> how promptly they pay<br />

their bills.<br />

Use a professional risk analysis tool<br />

– such as Satago – to find out your<br />

customer’s risk b<strong>and</strong> before you agree<br />

your payment terms. Remember, the right<br />

terms are always the ones that work best<br />

for you.<br />


Card, BACS, cash? People pay their bills in<br />

different ways <strong>and</strong> many businesses have<br />

lengthy processes which can cause delays.<br />

When sending an invoice, make sure you<br />

get the contact details of the person who<br />

will be processing your payment so you<br />

can confirm:<br />

• Which payment method they prefer<br />

• What their sign-off process is<br />

• If you need to be added to a list of<br />

preferred suppliers<br />

• What extra information needs to be<br />

included on the invoice.<br />

Tackling these questions early on will<br />

save you a headache in the long run.<br />



Often, invoices are paid late for simple<br />

reasons, such as the right person being<br />

on holiday. By sending a reminder a<br />

week before your payment is due you can<br />

avert these issues before they become a<br />

problem.<br />

This is where automation can really<br />

help. With Satago for example, you can<br />

set automated payment reminder emails,<br />

monthly statements <strong>and</strong> thank you emails<br />

to send on specific days before <strong>and</strong> after<br />

payment is due.<br />




Keeping a trail of communication with<br />

your customers can be crucial if queries<br />

arise around payment. What if finance<br />

loses the original invoice? Or the person<br />

who booked the job leaves the company?<br />

Whatever happens, by keeping a record of<br />

all emails <strong>and</strong> calls, you can ensure you<br />

have all necessary information to h<strong>and</strong><br />

should a dispute arise.<br />



OCCURS<br />

Even if you do everything by the book,<br />

late payments can still occur. When<br />

this happens, it’s important to follow a<br />

consistent strategy to ensure payment is<br />

made as soon as possible:<br />

• Set automated reminders to send on<br />

specific days after non-payment<br />

• Highlight your payment details <strong>and</strong> any<br />

late fees in the body of the emails<br />

• Include the original invoice in all<br />

emails<br />

• If payment is not made after a set date,<br />

escalate the issue.<br />


It’s important to continue analysing your<br />

customers over time. If their credit score<br />

improves or they earn your trust through<br />

regular prompt payment, you can reward<br />

them with more generous terms.<br />

On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if an existing<br />

customer’s credit score declines, you may<br />

need to adjust your payment terms to<br />

avoid putting your business at risk.<br />

Satago monitors all your customers<br />

automatically <strong>and</strong> notifies you of any<br />

changes to their risk profile, so you’re<br />

always on top of things.<br />

At Satago, we’re committed to<br />

supporting SMEs through automated<br />

credit control, data-driven risk insight<br />

<strong>and</strong> flexible invoice finance. To start your<br />

free trial, visit<br />

Satago<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 23


Australia is one of<br />

the world’s leading<br />

economies.<br />


FAIR?<br />

AUTHOR – Adam Bernstein<br />

ANYONE looking at a map<br />

of the world might assume<br />

that Australia is quite<br />

possibly one of the largest<br />

countries, by l<strong>and</strong>mass, on<br />

the face of the planet. And<br />

they’d be right. But what would most likely<br />

surprise them is that it’s not the largest;<br />

that honour goes to Russia with 17m km2.<br />

Canada is next with 9.9m km2. Australia<br />

is, in reality, the sixth largest country with<br />

‘just’ 7.6m km2 of l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> sits behind<br />

China, the US <strong>and</strong> Brazil.<br />

Nevertheless, what makes Australia<br />

special, for British exporters at least, is<br />

that English is the (unofficial) mother<br />

tongue, it follows legal principles that are<br />

similar to the UK’s <strong>and</strong> has an abundance<br />

of businesses <strong>and</strong> industries. And it’s<br />

a wealthy country too with a high GDP<br />

per capita ($51,885 nominal, 2020 IMF<br />

estimate) <strong>and</strong> a low rate of poverty. Not bad<br />

for a country of just 26m people.<br />

Australia is internationally active <strong>and</strong> is a<br />

member of the World Trade Organisation,<br />

G20, <strong>and</strong> has numerous trade partnerships<br />

with countries close to h<strong>and</strong> including<br />

New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, China, South Korea, Japan,<br />

Singapore <strong>and</strong> Malaysia. Australia, with<br />

seven major international airports,<br />

considers itself a bridge between eastern<br />

<strong>and</strong> western markets.<br />

And because of its size it is incredibly<br />

diverse in terms of resources <strong>and</strong> biology.<br />


It doesn’t take much more than elementary<br />

maths to note that Australia is, on average,<br />

sparsely populated with a density of three<br />

people per km2. It’s so low that it’s placed<br />

192nd in a table that sees just eight nations<br />

beneath it including the Falkl<strong>and</strong> Isl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

(0.21 people per km2) <strong>and</strong> Greenl<strong>and</strong> (0.03<br />

people per km2).<br />

But the reality of the climate <strong>and</strong> its<br />

sheer size means that the majority of the<br />

population lives in just 10 cities. Sydney,<br />

according to 2019 Australian Bureau of<br />

Statistics (ABS) data, is the largest with 5.3m<br />

which is followed by Melbourne (5.0m),<br />

Brisbane (2.5m) Perth (2.0m) <strong>and</strong> Adelaide<br />

(1.3m). In 20th place is Launceston with<br />

just 87,000 souls. In comparison, Coventry<br />

is the UK’s 20th largest conurbation with<br />

360,000 residents.<br />

Ethnically speaking, the 2016 census<br />

found 36.1 percent of the population<br />

are of English descent, 33.5 percent are<br />

Australian (generally Anglo-Celtic), Irish 11<br />

percent, Scottish 9.3 percent, Chinese 5.6<br />

percent, Italian 4.6 percent <strong>and</strong> German 4.5<br />

percent. The census also found significant<br />

numbers of people who identify as<br />

Indian, indigenous, Greek, Dutch, Filipino,<br />

Vietnamese <strong>and</strong> Lebanese. While diversity<br />

can be said of most nations around the<br />

world, the fact that effectively 89.9 percent<br />

have an association with the UK should<br />

encourage exporters.<br />

As for place of birth, ABS data from<br />

2019 shows that apart from the 17m who<br />

said they were born in Australia, 986,000<br />

were born in Engl<strong>and</strong>, 677,000 in China<br />

<strong>and</strong> India is in fourth place in supplying<br />

660,000 individuals.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 24


AUTHOR – Adam Bernstein<br />

Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is a massive<br />

s<strong>and</strong>stone monolith in the heart of the<br />

Northern Territory’s arid "Red Centre".<br />

The nearest large town is Alice Springs,<br />

450km away. Uluru is sacred to indigenous<br />

Australians <strong>and</strong> is thought to have started<br />

forming around 550 million years ago. It’s<br />

within Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, which<br />

also includes the 36 red-rock domes of the<br />

Kata Tjuta (colloquially “The Olgas)”<br />

Australia is a fully<br />

fledged nation<br />

with countless<br />

opportunities for<br />

exporters. The only<br />

question is, now that<br />

the UK is outside of<br />

the EU, how these<br />

opportunities will be<br />

exploited.<br />

Looking at age distribution, Australia’s<br />

population is getting greyer according to the<br />

CIA’s 2020 World Factbook. There are nearly<br />

as many over 65s (15.88 percent) as there are<br />

under 14s (18.72 percent). The age bulge now<br />

lies around 25-54 years with 41.15 percent<br />

of the population. Statista shows data from<br />

2019 as being 19.28 percent under 14 <strong>and</strong><br />

15.92 percent over 65. A difference but the<br />

point is made.<br />


For nearly two decades to 2017, Australia’s<br />

international trade had surged. It saw export<br />

prices rising faster than import prices, lowish<br />

unemployment, generally low inflation <strong>and</strong><br />

low public debt. But that ended in 2018 as a<br />

number of challenges presented themselves,<br />

not least of which was a slowdown in the<br />

Chinese economy which was a key trade<br />

partner. The net effect was that Australian<br />

commodity prices fell significantly. Even so,<br />

Australia is the world’s 13th largest economy<br />

(according to Investopia).<br />

As for business sectors, starting with<br />

minerals, Australia is self-sufficient in most<br />

minerals of economic importance <strong>and</strong><br />

according to a 2019 Herbert Smith Freehills<br />

report, mining contributed about 8.2 percent<br />

to Australia’s GDP <strong>and</strong> just under half of the<br />

value of total goods exported.<br />

Specifically, this included gold, silver,<br />

nickel, coal, lead, industrial diamonds,<br />

manganese, tantalum, copper, zinc, iron ore<br />

<strong>and</strong> ferrous compounds as well as uranium<br />

since the 1950s; oil <strong>and</strong> gas since the early<br />

1960s; <strong>and</strong> bauxite, alumina <strong>and</strong> aluminium<br />

since the 1970s. There is also considerable<br />

utilisation of mineral s<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

Clearly, this offers a wide range of<br />

commercial opportunities for ventures<br />

including exploitation, processing, <strong>and</strong><br />

services <strong>and</strong> equipment to the industry.<br />

Along with substantial petroleum reserves,<br />

Australia has natural gas resources that<br />

meet its domestic gas needs <strong>and</strong> its liquefied<br />

natural gas exports in 2018 were second<br />

($16.9bn) to Qatar’s ($26.1bn).<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 25<br />

continues on page 26 >


AUTHOR – Adam Bernstein<br />

Government policy on uranium is such that<br />

mining, <strong>and</strong> export, of uranium is under strict<br />

international agreements designed to prevent<br />

nuclear proliferation.<br />


The agricultural sector accounts for 2.2 percent of<br />

Australian GDP according to 2020 data from the<br />

Australian Government. The industry employs<br />

over 228,000 people <strong>and</strong> covers 58 percent of<br />

the l<strong>and</strong> mass. The Government reckons that it’s<br />

worth around $69bn a year of which 70 percent is<br />

exported annually – 11 percent of Australia’s total<br />

exports. Production includes wheat, grains, wine<br />

grapes, fruits <strong>and</strong> nuts, vegetables, cattle, sheep,<br />

cotton, wool <strong>and</strong> many more.<br />

With 446m hectares used for so many str<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

agriculture it’s a natural target for those looking<br />

for growth in Australia.<br />

In terms of holidaymakers, Australia is a big<br />

draw for international tourists <strong>and</strong> 2019 data from<br />

Tourism Australia (there’s precious little point in<br />

looking at data for 2020), shows that there were<br />

9.4m visitors who collectively spent $45.2bn <strong>and</strong><br />

used 27m aircraft seats.<br />

According to Statista, the sector contributes<br />

well over $50bn to GDP <strong>and</strong> rose in value by 6.6<br />

percent in 2019. Over 650,000 people were directly<br />

employed in the sector in 2019.<br />


Australian construction has seen some turbulence<br />

in the last few years with output in 2014 (real 2017<br />

US$) of $176bn, $155bn in 2016, $172bn in 2017,<br />

$163bn in 2019. But Global data reckons that the<br />

sector is heading for a period of growth that is<br />

predicted to be worth close to $185bn in 2023.<br />

The decline was a function of problems in<br />

the residential sector as a result of oversupply.<br />

However, the report believes that growth will come<br />

from investments in transport infrastructure,<br />

especially $58.9bn from the Government to<br />

develop the country’s transport infrastructure by<br />

2027–2028. Commercial <strong>and</strong> industrial projects<br />

<strong>and</strong> an improvement in consumer <strong>and</strong> investor<br />

confidence will also provide support. That<br />

prospect appears to be backed by data from ABS<br />

where value of the private sector rose in the fourth<br />

quarter of 2019 to the same period in 2020 by 1.4<br />

percent, 2.6 percent in the public sector <strong>and</strong> 1.9<br />

percent in engineering construction.<br />


Australia’s manufacturing sector is large.<br />

According to 2020 data from the Government, it<br />

employs around 900,000 Australians, contributes<br />

$100bn to GDP <strong>and</strong> contributes 26.4 percent<br />

of business expenditure on research <strong>and</strong><br />

development.<br />

IBISWorld lists the industry categories of the top<br />

manufacturers for 2019 as including food product<br />

manufacturing (17 of the top 100 manufacturers),<br />

pharmaceuticals (7/100), basic chemical <strong>and</strong><br />

chemical product manufacturing (5/100), beverage<br />

<strong>and</strong> tobacco product manufacturing (5/100) <strong>and</strong><br />

non-metallic mineral manufacturing (5/100).<br />

While the country is known for agricultural<br />

exports <strong>and</strong> minerals – see above – it appears that<br />

its strict medical st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> regulations have<br />

created opportunities for its pharmaceuticals<br />

sector.<br />

IBISWorld also notes a key strength for<br />

Australian manufacturers – the tendency to<br />

vertically integrate so that, for example, Caltex<br />

Australia not only drills <strong>and</strong> refines petroleum,<br />

but also runs its own petrol stations.<br />

Notably, the Government has published a set<br />

of National Manufacturing Priorities with a goal<br />

to ‘deliver long term transformational outcomes<br />

for the Australian economy.’ And it’s looking to<br />

further develop resources technology <strong>and</strong> critical<br />

minerals processing, food <strong>and</strong> beverage, medical<br />

products, recycling <strong>and</strong> clean energy, defence<br />

<strong>and</strong> space. Some $1.4bn will be spent by the<br />

Government in this area.<br />


The first thing to note is that Australia is<br />

federally constructed. The Federal Government<br />

is responsible for the conduct of national affairs.<br />

Its areas of responsibility are stated in the<br />

Australian Constitution <strong>and</strong> include defence <strong>and</strong><br />

foreign affairs; trade, commerce <strong>and</strong> currency;<br />

immigration; postal services, telecommunications<br />

<strong>and</strong> broadcasting; air travel; most social services<br />

<strong>and</strong> pensions.<br />

The states <strong>and</strong> territories are responsible for<br />

everything not listed as a federal responsibility.<br />

Confusingly, sometimes both are involved. Key<br />

state responsibilities include schools, hospitals,<br />

conservation <strong>and</strong> environment, roads, railways<br />

<strong>and</strong> public transport, public works, agriculture<br />

<strong>and</strong> fishing, industrial relations, community<br />

services, sport <strong>and</strong> recreation, consumer affairs,<br />

police, prisons <strong>and</strong> emergency services. Each state<br />

has its own constitution setting out its system of<br />

Government.<br />

As a result, good advice is essential to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> the interaction of federal <strong>and</strong> state<br />

level rules before setting up shop.<br />


According to Mazars, the two most common<br />

business structures for foreign run businesses are<br />

a private company <strong>and</strong> branch office.<br />

The former requires at least one Australian<br />

resident director <strong>and</strong> a public officer that is<br />

ordinarily a resident in Australia. The company<br />

is incorporated through registration with<br />

the Australian Securities <strong>and</strong> Investments<br />

Commission (ASIC) which is usually completed<br />

within one working day.<br />

Private companies are categorised as large or<br />

small. A company is classed as large if it meets two<br />

of the following criteria – consolidated revenue<br />

of $50m or more; consolidated end of the year<br />

gross assets of $25m or more; the company <strong>and</strong> its<br />

controlled entities have 100 employees or more.<br />

Large private companies must lodge audited<br />

financial reports with ASIC.<br />

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AUTHOR – Adam Bernstein<br />

Small companies are normally exempt from lodging audited<br />

financial reports unless they are majority foreign owned. Small<br />

majority foreign owned companies may apply for an exemption<br />

from auditing <strong>and</strong> lodging their financial reports.<br />

Unlike a private company, a foreign company operating a branch<br />

in Australia is not a separate legal entity, so it does not protect the<br />

foreign company from Australian risks. Branches must still comply<br />

with Australian tax law.<br />

A branch office may be the best option if the business has a<br />

limited time span or scope in Australia. Registration is completed<br />

with ASIC, but the process can take several months. ASIC will need<br />

detailed information about officeholders <strong>and</strong> operations. The<br />

benefit of a branch operation is that of tax – residents of a country<br />

which Australia has a double tax agreement with will only be taxed<br />

on Australian sourced business profits derived through that branch.<br />

There are rules on foreign investment to prevent conflicts with<br />

the national interest.<br />


The Australian tax year runs from 1 <strong>July</strong> to 30 June. On a corporate<br />

level, there are two tax rates that apply to companies. For 2020/21<br />

it’s 26 percent for companies that are base rate entities; these are<br />

generally companies that have an aggregated annual turnover of<br />

less than $50m <strong>and</strong> derive 80 percent or less of their assessable<br />

income in the form of passive income. It’s 30 percent for all other<br />

companies.<br />

It is planned that the lower rate will reduce to 25 percent from<br />

<strong>2021</strong>/2022. There are currently no plans to reduce the 30 percent<br />

rate. Where a company has employees, it must register for <strong>and</strong><br />

deduct pay as you go (PAYG) from their wages to remit to the<br />

Australian Taxation Office (ATO).<br />

As for personal tax, individuals resident in Australia face b<strong>and</strong>ed<br />

rates. The first $18,200 is tax free. It’s 19 percent between $18,201<br />

<strong>and</strong> $45,000, 32.5 percent between $45,001 <strong>and</strong> $120,000, 37 percent<br />

between $120,001 <strong>and</strong> $180,000, <strong>and</strong> 45 percent over $180,001.<br />

Foreign residents pay tax on the Australian sourced income at 32.5<br />

percent to $120,000; 37 percent between $120,001 <strong>and</strong> $180,000; <strong>and</strong><br />

45 percent over $180,001.<br />

Australia has a 10 percent Goods <strong>and</strong> Services Tax (GST) on the<br />

supply of goods or services connected with Australia, including<br />

imports. It doesn’t apply to GST-free supplies such as medical<br />

supplies, exports, <strong>and</strong> basic food or input-taxed supplies, including<br />

residential premises <strong>and</strong> financial supplies.<br />

Sydney, capital of New South<br />

Wales <strong>and</strong> one of Australia’s<br />

largest cities, is best known for<br />

its harbourfront Sydney Opera<br />

House, with a distinctive sail-like<br />

design. Massive Darling Harbour<br />

<strong>and</strong> the smaller Circular Quay port<br />

are hubs of waterside life, with<br />

the arched Harbour Bridge <strong>and</strong><br />

esteemed Royal Botanic Garden<br />

nearby. Sydney Tower’s outdoor<br />

platform, the Skywalk, offers<br />

360-degree views of the city <strong>and</strong><br />

suburbs.<br />


Australian employment law confers a number of rights on workers.<br />

There is a maximum working week of 38 hours (plus reasonable<br />

additional hours), a right to request flexible working, up to 12<br />

months unpaid leave plus the right to request a further 12 months,<br />

four weeks paid leave with another week for some shift workers, 10<br />

days paid personal carers, 10 days unpaid community service leave,<br />

long service leave, up to five weeks termination <strong>and</strong> up to 16 weeks<br />

redundancy pay, <strong>and</strong> a fair work statement.<br />

On top of that, employees have a right to join a union, 9.5 percent<br />

of pay into a pension <strong>and</strong> there is also workers compensation<br />

insurance.<br />


Australia is a fully fledged nation with countless opportunities<br />

for exporters. The only question is, now that the UK is outside of<br />

the EU, how these opportunities will be exploited. At the time of<br />

publication, the UK has secured a trade deal with Australia <strong>and</strong> this<br />

is the first major trade deal negotiated since we left the EU<br />

Adam Bernstein is a freelance business writer.<br />

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How ‘nudging’ <strong>and</strong> behavioural science<br />

can help us recover from COVID-19.<br />

AUTHOR – Richard Chataway<br />

EVERYTHING a business<br />

communicates can – <strong>and</strong><br />

should – attempt to change<br />

people’s behaviour. After all,<br />

unless a business influences<br />

behaviour, it cannot succeed.<br />

A business needs people to buy <strong>and</strong> use its<br />

products <strong>and</strong> services to generate revenue.<br />

It needs the people in the business to<br />

produce those products <strong>and</strong> services (or to<br />

program the machines that provide them).<br />

And it needs to do those things better than<br />

its competitors to survive – <strong>and</strong> grow.<br />

But it is not enough to recognise that all<br />

communication should change behaviour;<br />

everything communicates, <strong>and</strong> therefore<br />

has the opportunity to influence. Whether<br />

it be what your employees say on the phone<br />

or in person, the copy on your website, or<br />

the script used by your chatbot.<br />

The good news is that due to advances in<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the drivers <strong>and</strong> barriers<br />

of behaviour (collectively behavioural<br />

science) we have learnt more about<br />

behaviour in the last 50 years than the<br />

previous 5,000. This tells us that how you<br />

say something matters as much as what<br />

you say. Context is everything – which is<br />

also why testing <strong>and</strong> experimentation in<br />

context is so important.<br />


And the biggest change to the context<br />

in which we are all living over the last 18<br />

months has been the COVID-19 p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

Whilst it is tempting to think that the<br />

enforced changes to our lifestyle have<br />

also changed us as people, one thing<br />

behavioural science also tells us is that<br />

the inherent biases <strong>and</strong> heuristics (mental<br />

‘rules of thumb’) that guide our behaviour<br />

have been ingrained over millennia.<br />

Evolution doesn’t work so fast that innate<br />

human behavioural traits can change in<br />

such a short time, though our world may<br />

now look very different (with people staying<br />

at home, maintaining social distance,<br />

<strong>and</strong> wearing masks). People remain less<br />

rational in their decision-making than we<br />

traditionally assume – in terms of COVID-19<br />

we see it with some people prioritising the<br />

risks of vaccine side-effects over the risks of<br />

COVID itself (vaccine hesitancy), or simply<br />

failing to comply with restrictions imposed<br />

to protect their safety.<br />

So whilst these non-rational drivers of<br />

individual behaviour remain just as true as<br />

they have always been, what COVID-19 has<br />

driven is the acceleration of certain existing<br />

long-term collective trends in behaviour. For<br />

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AUTHOR – Richard Chataway<br />

example, our increasing use of digital channels<br />

as a preferred route for engaging with br<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

‘The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the<br />

digitisation of customer interactions by several<br />

years,’ says McKinsey. Data from Salesforce<br />

showed that the estimated share of interactions<br />

with companies taking place online by<br />

consumers increased by 49 percent in 2020, <strong>and</strong><br />

this was maintained into <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Correspondingly, some negative behaviours<br />

have also been accelerated by the p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

UK Finance reported 2.8 million cases of frauds<br />

involving UK-issued payment cards, remote<br />

banking <strong>and</strong> cheques via their recording system,<br />

CAMIS, in 2020. Within plastic card frauds there<br />

was a 61 percent increase in ‘remote banking’<br />

fraud (to 61,752 incidents). This increase reflects<br />

the greater number of people now regularly<br />

using internet, telephone <strong>and</strong> mobile banking,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the attempts by fraudsters to take advantage<br />

of this.<br />


At BVA Nudge Unit we have been successfully<br />

applying this underst<strong>and</strong>ing of consumer<br />

behaviour using insights from behavioural<br />

science to optimise communications for a<br />

number of years – such as encouraging adoption<br />

<strong>and</strong> usage of digital services in banking, without<br />

compromising security. With increased usage of<br />

digital channels becoming ever more prevalent,<br />

the importance of making sure customers are<br />

willing <strong>and</strong> able to use these channels – <strong>and</strong><br />

satisfied with doing so – becomes ever more<br />

important.<br />

We often do this via our proprietary<br />

COGNITION audits – an expert review rooted<br />

in behavioural science, where our COGNITION<br />

framework is applied to create a shortlist of<br />

optimisations designed to be put into testing.<br />

The results achieved have been dramatic –<br />

this approach helped one of the UK’s largest<br />

savings banks achieve an 11 percent efficiency<br />

saving via its call centre, through incorporating<br />

behavioural ‘nudges’ into the scripting<br />

<strong>and</strong> structures used by customer service<br />

representatives.<br />

We have applied this approach to optimise<br />

the customer experience by changing physical<br />

elements of the customer journey, to drive<br />

use of digital self-service options. A Latin-<br />

American bank deployed nudges in the branch<br />

environment (such as floor signage <strong>and</strong> colour<br />

schemes) to encourage use of automatic deposit<br />

cashiers – the initial trial in two branches saw<br />

an increase of usage of 35 percent overall,<br />

from 12 percent before the intervention to<br />

16 percent afterwards. In the UK a pilot using<br />

purely conversation-based nudges by staff in<br />

eight branches similarly increased usage of selfservice<br />

by eight percent.<br />

These techniques can also deliver better<br />

customer experiences within digital channels<br />

<strong>and</strong> encourage continued adoption <strong>and</strong> usage.<br />

Industry data from our sister company BVA<br />

Richard Chataway<br />

But a deeper<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of the real<br />

drivers of human<br />

behaviour will<br />

mark out the<br />

most successful<br />

businesses,<br />

long after this<br />

p<strong>and</strong>emic is a<br />

(hopefully) distant<br />

memory.<br />

BDRC shows that the biggest barriers to customer<br />

adoption of banking websites <strong>and</strong> apps relate to<br />

ease of usage, <strong>and</strong> that the ‘neobanks’ (Monzo,<br />

Starling etc.) far out-perform the traditional<br />

banks in terms of Net Promoter Score (NPS).<br />

This is because customers find them much<br />

easier (i.e. less cognitively effortful) to transact<br />

with.<br />

For example, opening an account with a<br />

traditional high street bank (such as Lloyds,<br />

Barclays, NatWest or HSBC) typically takes<br />

in excess of 70 individual clicks. With the<br />

neobanks, it is between 25 <strong>and</strong> 45 clicks – much<br />

easier, simpler, <strong>and</strong> therefore better for the<br />

customer.<br />


This accords with our experience optimising<br />

digital banking experiences, where ‘making<br />

it easy’ for customers can have large positive<br />

effects. In 2018, a credit card company asked<br />

us to behaviourally optimise their consumer<br />

website. They found that, having driven potential<br />

customers to their site, surprisingly few actually<br />

went on to apply for a card. A COGNITION audit<br />

identified several opportunities to make the<br />

user experience cognitively easier – including<br />

that users had to scroll through three pages of<br />

(largely irrelevant) product information before<br />

they got to the ‘Apply Now’ button. For customers<br />

wanting to get on with an application, this<br />

required unnecessary cognitive effort.<br />

One of our recommendations was to conduct<br />

an A/B test to see how the existing website<br />

compared to a version where the button was<br />

made more salient – by moving it ‘above the<br />

fold’, to the top of the web page. This instantly<br />

increased the click-through rate to application<br />

on the webpage by 54 percent.<br />

For businesses that can collate data on actual<br />

behaviour <strong>and</strong> test accordingly, there really are<br />

no excuses for not doing these kinds of live user<br />

tests, <strong>and</strong> the benefits are potentially huge.<br />

Accordingly, there are opportunities to apply<br />

techniques derived from behavioural science to<br />

optimise CX across all touchpoints, throughout<br />

the user journey. These can ensure that digital<br />

experiences are both adopted <strong>and</strong> used,<br />

consistently <strong>and</strong> repeatedly. Digital adoption<br />

may have been speeded up by COVID-19, but it<br />

is not inevitable that these behaviours stick.<br />

Vaccination is clearly the biggest driver<br />

of economic recovery from COVID-19. But<br />

a deeper underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the real drivers<br />

of human behaviour will mark out the most<br />

successful businesses, long after this p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

is a (hopefully) distant memory.<br />

Richard Chataway is CEO of BVA Nudge Unit<br />

UK. His book ‘The Behaviour Business’ was<br />

published in February 2020 by Harriman<br />

House.<br />

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TRADE<br />

Monthly round-up of the latest stories<br />

in global trade by Andrea Kirkby.<br />

A global reset for trade<br />

NGOZI Okonjo-Iweala, the new Director<br />

General of the World Trade Organisation,<br />

thinks that ‘multilateralism has taken a<br />

lot of knocks’ <strong>and</strong> that ‘globalisation has<br />

lifted hundreds of millions of people out<br />

of poverty, but it's also left some people<br />

behind.’<br />

It’s true to say that international trade<br />

has changed in recent years, whether as<br />

a result of the 2008 financial crises, new<br />

forms of protectionism, or nationalism<br />

as advocated by Donald Trump. Even the<br />

newish Biden administration wants the US<br />

to buy American to help the economy.<br />

But for Okonjo-Iweala, global free trade<br />

is the key to everyone doing well: “the<br />

new multilateralism must be managed<br />

<strong>and</strong> supported in such a way that it can<br />

contribute to tackle the problems that<br />

globalisation did not deal with, <strong>and</strong> even<br />

strengthen the solidarity <strong>and</strong> cooperation<br />

that we need to solve problems of the<br />

global commons,” she said.<br />

In other words, she’s against talking<br />

about protectionism, deglobalisation <strong>and</strong><br />

globalisation not working. She prefers<br />

to think of it as ‘re-globalisation… that<br />

globalisation is being reorganised.’<br />

One thing she is keen to emphasise<br />

though, is that COVID has shown that there<br />

are many lessons to be learned from the<br />

crisis, including the interconnectedness<br />

of the world <strong>and</strong> how unprepared both the<br />

rich <strong>and</strong> the poor countries were for this<br />

crisis.<br />

Reshoring, the bringing home of activity,<br />

may well be on corporate agendas, but<br />

business is still there to be done.<br />



ACCORDING to data released by the Office for<br />

National Statistics, UK’s exports to the European<br />

Union are close to being back to where they were<br />

at the end of 2020 after dropping by 43.2 percent<br />

at the beginning of the year.<br />

The data shows that exports to the EU rose by<br />

8.6 percent to £12.7bn in March – which is very<br />

‘close’ to the £13.7bn exported in December. The<br />

good news element of these figures suggests<br />

that not only is trade between the EU <strong>and</strong> the<br />

UK getting back to a new normal, but it has also<br />

mostly recovered – especially as many firms<br />

stocked up before the year end in case of severe<br />

post-transitional period disruption.<br />

But despite the recovery in trade, the UK’s<br />

quarter one exports to the EU were still down 18.1<br />

percent compared with the fourth quarter of last<br />

year. It’s also interesting to see that exports to<br />

non-EU countries rose by 0.4 percent.<br />

What does this tell us? Politics aside, the data<br />

highlights that Brexit may be done <strong>and</strong> dusted,<br />

but nothing trumps trade, money <strong>and</strong> proximity<br />

to a market.<br />

THE Chancellor announced in his<br />

March Budget a new policy of creating<br />

eight freeports around Engl<strong>and</strong> (with<br />

more to be announced by the regional<br />

governments). However, businesses<br />

that operate from them – so as to<br />

benefit from reliefs <strong>and</strong> the ability<br />

to import goods tax-free that are<br />

processed before re-export without<br />

leaving the freeport area – look to have<br />

been dealt a blow; they will face tariffs<br />

to 23 countries under various post-<br />

Brexit deals.<br />


In detail, the government has<br />

confirmed that firms will not benefit<br />

from being in a freeport if they export to<br />

Switzerl<strong>and</strong>, Canada, Singapore, Icel<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Norway, Singapore, Israel, Egypt,<br />

North Macedonia, Chile, Morocco,<br />

Ukraine, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia,<br />

Serbia, Georgia, Faroe Isl<strong>and</strong>s, Moldova,<br />

Liechtenstein, Albania, Kosovo <strong>and</strong><br />

Palestine. This is because recent<br />

post-Brexit trade agreements included<br />

clauses that prevent manufacturers in<br />

freeport-type zones from benefitting<br />

from the deals.<br />

The problem does not apply to<br />

exports to the European Union, the UK’s<br />

largest exports market.<br />

The Department for International<br />

Trade has said that where the<br />

provisions apply, firms will be able to<br />

opt for either ‘duty drawback’ – the<br />

refund of import duty when goods are<br />

re-exported – or for the preferential<br />

rates under the free trade agreement,<br />

providing they comply with the deal’s<br />

rules of origin tests.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 30

Deutschl<strong>and</strong> nicht über alles<br />

OH dear, Germany is in a bit of pickle<br />

according to credit insurer Coface which<br />

is predicting a rise in insolvencies in a<br />

recent report.<br />

While insolvencies in Germany dropped<br />

significantly in 2020 compared to 2019,<br />

despite the worst recession since 2009 –<br />

partly because of government support, it<br />

seems that early-announced applications<br />

for regular insolvency proceedings<br />

increased sharply in February <strong>and</strong> March<br />

<strong>2021</strong>, signalling a pending increase in<br />

corporate insolvencies.<br />

According to official rules, to qualify<br />

for state support, firms had to prove that<br />

their business model was working before<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic. But as Coface notes, the<br />

metals <strong>and</strong> automotive sectors have been<br />

in recession since the end of 2018, so<br />

some firms did not meet the criteria <strong>and</strong><br />

RESEARCH site<br />

has compiled data on the UK’s 2020 exports<br />

from several sources <strong>and</strong> it shows how<br />

the country is doing. By definition, what<br />

follows is going to be list-like, but here<br />

goes.<br />

In first place was machinery including<br />

computers with $60.4bn (15 percent) of<br />

total exports; next was gems <strong>and</strong> precious<br />

metals on $43.3bn (10.8 percent); vehicles<br />

with $36.4bn (9.1 percent); mineral fuels<br />

including oil at $26.4bn (6.6 percent);<br />

electrical machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment with<br />

$25bn (6.2 percent); which is followed by<br />

pharmaceuticals with $24.8bn (6.2 percent);<br />

UK’s top exports<br />

went insolvent. From its observations,<br />

insolvencies in the metals sector<br />

increased by 7.1 percent in 2020, while<br />

automotive insolvencies rose 31.6 percent.<br />

Overall, though, most insolvencies were<br />

in business services, construction, <strong>and</strong><br />

hospitality, as well as retail <strong>and</strong> transport.<br />

But just as statistics can be used to<br />

prove anything, actual insolvencies in<br />

metals accounted for three percent of all<br />

insolvencies in 2020 while automotive<br />

accounted for just 0.5 percent. That<br />

said, insolvencies were concentrated in<br />

microenterprises <strong>and</strong> small to medium<br />

sized companies. And losses from<br />

corporate insolvencies came to €44.1bn in<br />

2020 – the highest level since 2009.<br />

So, while Germany is still an economic<br />

powerhouse, it makes sense to be cautious<br />

with days offered in your terms.<br />

optical, technical <strong>and</strong> medical apparatus<br />

with $17.6bn (4.4 percent); aircraft <strong>and</strong><br />

spacecraft with $13.2bn (3.3 percent); <strong>and</strong><br />

organic chemicals of $12.1bn (3 percent).<br />

And in last place was plastics <strong>and</strong> plastic<br />

articles with exports valued at $10.6bn (2.6<br />

percent).<br />

These ten categories account for around<br />

two-thirds (67.1 percent) of the UK’s global<br />

shipments. But the figures do need to<br />

be taken with a pinch of salt, especially<br />

when comparing exports over years, since<br />

the results are based on exchange rate<br />

data which have a horrible tendency to<br />

fluctuate.<br />

Put Italy on the travel list?<br />

ITALY is in dire need of reform, politically<br />

<strong>and</strong> economically, <strong>and</strong> the hope is that<br />

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi – a<br />

former economist, banker, academic <strong>and</strong><br />

civil servant – is up to the job.<br />

Reports have it that he wants to spend<br />

€222bn on several projects, including<br />

high-speed internet, more high-speed<br />

rail, earthquake-proofing homes <strong>and</strong><br />

improving the energy efficiency of public<br />

buildings. As to where the cash will come<br />

from, €191.5bn will be sourced from the<br />

EU’s p<strong>and</strong>emic recovery fund – Next<br />

Generation EU, <strong>and</strong> a further €30.6bn<br />

will come from extra Italian government<br />

borrowing. With Italy needing to digitise<br />

its government <strong>and</strong> improve its education<br />

<strong>and</strong> research, it looks like the spending<br />

is well targeted. But beyond that, the<br />

country needs to move its GDP on; growth<br />

has stagnated at around 0.3 percent over<br />

the last decade <strong>and</strong> public debt sits at 160<br />

percent of GDP.<br />

But another target for Draghi is a reform<br />

of Italy’s courts says the Financial Times.<br />

It cited World Bank reports that it can<br />

take more than 1,100 days to enforce a<br />

commercial contract in Italy – twice the<br />

average in other large EU economies.<br />

The hope is that even if Draghi’s<br />

term in office is short – which is likely<br />

as governments tend to last 1.14 years<br />

– he will nevertheless leave behind<br />

a new roadmap that other successor<br />

governments cannot ignore.<br />

The net effect of Draghi being in Italy’s<br />

hot seat is that, despite Brexit, the country<br />

should be on the corporate radar as a<br />

destination, not just for holidays, but for<br />

business too.<br />

Australia – part one<br />

BLOOMBERG recently commented on<br />

Australia’s ‘big-spending budget’ which it<br />

says seeks to run the economy hot with<br />

a fiscal-monetary t<strong>and</strong>em that has the<br />

policy goal of lowering unemployment to<br />

levels rarely seen in the past 50 years.<br />

The plan includes a budget deficit<br />

for the 12 months to <strong>July</strong> 2022 which<br />

will reach five percent of GDP. It appears<br />

that record-low interest rates <strong>and</strong> a<br />

quantitative easing programme has put<br />

the government in a position where it can<br />

invest heavily in infrastructure, age-care<br />

while offering tax breaks to households<br />

<strong>and</strong> businesses. Net debt is expected<br />

to hit 34.2 percent of GDP in June 2022,<br />

peaking in June 2025 at 40.9 percent of<br />

GDP — half that for the US <strong>and</strong> UK.<br />

But storm clouds are looming for<br />

Australia. It’s relationship with China<br />

is deteriorating <strong>and</strong> tourism has,<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ably, taken a battering.<br />

Growth has been undermined.<br />

Now cast your mind back to the<br />

situation of just 18 months ago when the<br />

(conservative) government was heading<br />

towards Australia’s first budget surplus in<br />

a decade. What a difference.<br />

Australia – part two<br />

THE UK <strong>and</strong> Australia have agreed the<br />

broad outlines of a free-trade agreement<br />

– <strong>and</strong> this is being seen as a stepping<br />

stone for the UK to join a wider Asia<br />

Pacific free-trade agreement. But while<br />

there are benefits to British exporters who<br />

will find it cheaper to sell in Australia,<br />

sight shouldn’t be lost of the fact that<br />

there might be some losers back home. In<br />

particular UK farmers, who are worried<br />

about a lowering of tariffs on Australian<br />

meat imports. I’m not sure which side of<br />

the fence you sit on, but whatever deal<br />

exports effectively win in Australia will<br />

be applied here too – watch your supply<br />

chain.<br />



OR CALL 020 7738 0777<br />

Currency UK is authorised <strong>and</strong> regulated<br />

by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).<br />


GBP/EUR 1.17043 1.15339 Up<br />

GBP/USD 1.42442 1.37868 Down<br />

GBP/CHF 1.27979 1.26239 Flat<br />

GBP/AUD 1.84935 1.81738 Up<br />

GBP/CAD 1.72203 1.70309 Up<br />

GBP/JPY 156.043 151.341 Down<br />

This data was taken on 21st June <strong>and</strong> refers to the month<br />

previous to/leading up to 20th June <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 31




How can invoice finance help companies trading<br />

internationally get paid? Part 1.<br />

AUTHOR – Lesley Batchelor OBE, FCICM<br />

TRADING with overseas buyers<br />

tends to carry more risk than<br />

trading domestically, although<br />

it does offer opportunities for<br />

huge growth. One of the riskiest<br />

elements of exporting is usually<br />

around getting paid <strong>and</strong> therefore it is important<br />

that sellers consider how they can reduce this<br />

risk.<br />

There are several ways you can de-risk<br />

getting paid, <strong>and</strong> each has its own advantages<br />

<strong>and</strong> disadvantages. These include payment<br />

in advance, letters of credit, <strong>and</strong> trade credit<br />

insurance. In this article, we take a look at<br />

invoice factoring <strong>and</strong> confidential invoice<br />

discounting.<br />


Invoice factoring involves a third party, a<br />

factoring company, buying your invoices at a<br />

lower than face value price, <strong>and</strong> then recovering<br />

the full value of the invoice from your customer.<br />

Essentially, they are buying the debt from you<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is they who take the risk of not getting<br />

paid.<br />


The biggest advantage to factoring your invoice<br />

is that you definitely get paid <strong>and</strong> in a timely<br />

manner. This removes the risk of not getting<br />

paid <strong>and</strong> doesn’t compromise your cash flow.<br />

The most obvious disadvantage of factoring<br />

is that you lose a proportion of the value of<br />

your invoice. This will need to be considered<br />

when setting your sale price. Most factoring<br />

companies will also expect to take your whole<br />

sales ledger, rather than you identify <strong>and</strong> select<br />

the riskiest contracts to insure. This means that<br />

you will have to pay fees even for very low risk<br />

invoices. This allows the factoring company to<br />

spread their own risk.<br />

Because the factoring company deals directly<br />

with your customer to recover payment,<br />

you must trust that they will deal with your<br />

customers in the same professional way that<br />

you would, otherwise you could potentially<br />

risk damaging your trading relationship<br />

The biggest<br />

advantage to<br />

factoring your<br />

invoice is that<br />

you definitely<br />

get paid <strong>and</strong> in a<br />

timely manner.<br />

This removes the<br />

risk of not getting<br />

paid <strong>and</strong> doesn’t<br />

compromise your<br />

cash flow.<br />

by association. There is even potentially a<br />

reputational risk as some buyers may associate<br />

factoring with companies who are struggling<br />

financially, although nowadays this is part of the<br />

set-up discussion with the factoring company.<br />


Confidential invoice discounting is similar<br />

to factoring, with the main difference being<br />

that your buyer remains unaware that a third<br />

party is involved as you will always deal with<br />

them to secure payment. Confidential invoice<br />

discounting is facilitated by an invoice finance<br />

provider. You invoice your customer <strong>and</strong> send<br />

a copy of the invoice to the invoice finance<br />

provider. They then pay an agreed percentage<br />

of the invoice, usually within a couple of days.<br />

When the customer pays their invoice, you<br />

receive this minus a fee.<br />


As with factoring, the main benefit is that you<br />

receive a payment very quickly. You also retain<br />

the relationship with the customer, so you have<br />

control of the whole process. The customer<br />

remains unaware that a third party is involved<br />

so there is no negative association. Confidential<br />

invoice discounting is usually less expensive<br />

than factoring.<br />

As with factoring, you lose a percentage of<br />

each invoice <strong>and</strong> most invoice finance providers<br />

will want your full book. With this method<br />

there is still an element of risk if the customer<br />

does not pay as you wouldn’t receive the final<br />

balance.<br />

If you find that you wish to finish either type<br />

of agreements with your providers, you are<br />

normally free to do so – check your agreement.<br />

However, any monies that have been paid to<br />

you for invoices that have not yet been paid by<br />

the customer would have to be given back to the<br />

provider <strong>and</strong> this needs to be carefully planned<br />

to avoid impacting your cash flow.<br />

Lesley Batchelor OBE, FCICM<br />

COO & Commercial Director at Open<br />

Borders Direct.<br />

As with factoring, the main benefit is that you receive a<br />

payment very quickly. You also retain the relationship with<br />

the customer, so you have control of the whole process.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 32

EXPORT<br />

Research Engine<br />

Should tax credits extend to exporting research.<br />

AUTHOR – Lesley Batchelor OBE, FCICM<br />

OECD – Research <strong>and</strong> Development tax<br />

credits – this isn’t the first time I’ve<br />

suggested it, but why don’t they extend<br />

this scheme to include research into<br />

new markets? And any modifications<br />

that might be needed for new markets<br />

in terms of packaging or marking specific for new<br />

markets?<br />

When we trade internationally, we can’t just offer<br />

exactly the same product to every country. International<br />

marketing simply doesn’t work that way. Of course, it<br />

is cheaper if you can get away with it but even Coca-<br />

Cola has had to modify flavours <strong>and</strong> colours of some of<br />

their drinks to suit the market, as tastes vary between<br />

cultures.<br />


Although the st<strong>and</strong>ard mantra for new markets has been<br />

traditionally gung-ho, just having a stab at exporting<br />

isn’t going to work unless it’s backed by thorough<br />

research into how the product or service will be sold<br />

<strong>and</strong> to whom.<br />

The one thing that has come out loud <strong>and</strong> clear from<br />

the perils of leaving the EU is that as a nation we have<br />

slipped behind in our underst<strong>and</strong>ing of how trade<br />

actually works. Underst<strong>and</strong>ing that the product you sell<br />

attracts a tariff <strong>and</strong> that this will impact the final price<br />

in the market is not just your customer’s problem but<br />

yours too. If you can work with your customer wherever<br />

they are in the world to mitigate <strong>and</strong> efficiently execute<br />

any resultant paperwork this, in itself, can reduce costs.<br />

When we look at a new market it shouldn’t be<br />

simply be a question of how much something can<br />

be sold for, but a serious analysis of the consumers<br />

tastes <strong>and</strong> preferences as they vary between markets.<br />

Establishing where to sell, who your target audience<br />

will be <strong>and</strong> how much to charge is not a simple<br />

quation as is contains many qualitative as well as<br />

quantitative elements that need rational consideration.<br />

A pricing life cycle needs to include all costs, from the<br />

research into the product through to the cost of shipping<br />

<strong>and</strong> placing on the shelf. This in itself is a costly <strong>and</strong><br />

time-consuming exercise, not to be rushed <strong>and</strong> skimped<br />

on, <strong>and</strong> being able to claim back the expenditure or<br />

offset these costs, at least until the first export sale is<br />

made, would be a great benefit to those serious about<br />

exporting.<br />

This issue needs to be discussed <strong>and</strong> added to the<br />

Export Strategy due to be published later this year.<br />

SIITACE is a new forum for Independent International<br />

Trade <strong>and</strong> Customs Experts <strong>and</strong> will want to hear from<br />

you about this in readiness for a paper to be published<br />

in the summer.<br />

Do send any ideas or thoughts to<br /><br />

Lesley Batchelor OBE, FCICM<br />

COO & Commercial Director at Open Borders Direct.<br />

Underst<strong>and</strong>ing that the product you sell<br />

attracts a tariff <strong>and</strong> that this will impact<br />

the final price in the market is not just your<br />

customer’s problem but yours too.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 33


CLEAR<br />


The transport sector in a post-p<strong>and</strong>emic<br />

world will be greener <strong>and</strong> multi-layered.<br />

AUTHOR – Tim Vine<br />

Combine this with the electric vehicle<br />

revolution just around the corner,<br />

<strong>and</strong> you have an industry which is<br />

significantly greener than before the<br />

p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

THERE isn’t a single industry<br />

that hasn’t been touched in<br />

some way by the p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

Manufacturing, retail, finance,<br />

travel – all of them<br />

have had to dig deep in<br />

order to survive the p<strong>and</strong>emic, with many<br />

fundamentally reimagining how they<br />

operate.<br />

Transport is no exception. Transportation<br />

is of course integral to our lives, but<br />

under lockdown, it took on a new importance.<br />

Organisations’ focus shifted to ensure<br />

that key workers – those responsible<br />

for keeping our society moving throughout<br />

the darkest of times – were able to<br />

commute to work <strong>and</strong> back as safely as<br />

possible. This involved quickly reshaping<br />

transportation services – adapting bus,<br />

train <strong>and</strong> Underground schedules <strong>and</strong><br />

reducing staff to a skeleton crew to<br />

ensure as many people as possible were<br />

protected.<br />

Another area of focus for transport<br />

organisations over lockdown has been<br />

sources of revenue. As you can imagine,<br />

with the public ordered to stay at home,<br />

businesses are left with a shortfall in their<br />

finances which many struggle to fill.<br />

According to data from Google, visitors<br />

to all public transit locations – such as<br />

bus services, terminals, <strong>and</strong> waiting areas<br />

– have fallen significantly. Because of<br />

this, many operators have had no choice<br />

but to scale back or completely shut<br />

down less viable routes, while others are<br />

passing their costs onto consumers. This<br />

last point is particularly undesirable for<br />

the disadvantaged in society who may<br />

not have other transport options. This<br />

reduction in transport is likely to have<br />

had a knock-on effect to other businesses,<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 34


such as coffee shops, newsagents <strong>and</strong><br />

s<strong>and</strong>wich bars in train stations which<br />

were reliant on the transport industry’s<br />

commuter footfall.<br />

It’s a problem that shows no sign of<br />

abating. Even if many countries are<br />

now apparently over the worst of the<br />

virus, unlocking society is a slow <strong>and</strong><br />

cautious business (<strong>and</strong> the risk of further<br />

restrictions has not yet faded).<br />

There’s no two ways about it – disruption<br />

will be the new normal for the foreseeable<br />

future. And with that in mind, businesses<br />

need to be predicting what’s on the road<br />

ahead.<br />

AUTHOR – Tim Vine<br />


While uncertain times definitely lie<br />

ahead for the transportation sector, it’s<br />

not necessarily all doom <strong>and</strong> gloom. Over<br />

the last year many roads have been turned<br />

into cycle or public transport routes,<br />

lowering emissions, <strong>and</strong> improving the<br />

health of the population. Combine this<br />

with the electric vehicle revolution just<br />

around the corner, <strong>and</strong> you have an<br />

industry which is significantly greener<br />

than before the p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

<strong>and</strong> public transport will begin to swell to<br />

considerable – if not quite pre-lockdown<br />

– levels. The road ahead is different to<br />

what’s come before, but it’s not necessarily<br />

worse. The world is on course for a<br />

future which is both greener <strong>and</strong> more<br />

convenient for consumers.<br />

It’s now up to organisations to weather<br />

the current storm, remain flexible as<br />

the world opens up, <strong>and</strong> put in place a<br />

bold new vision to take advantage of an<br />

exciting future.<br />


In terms of long-term thinking,<br />

transportation businesses must continue<br />

to monitor the situation as we emerge<br />

out of lockdown <strong>and</strong> adapt as needed.<br />

As policies change, they need to strike<br />

a balance between reduced operations,<br />

<strong>and</strong> providing enough capacity for key<br />

workers <strong>and</strong> whoever else can legally<br />

travel while adhering to social distancing.<br />

On the back of this, long term investment<br />

programmes need to be re-examined<br />

in light of the fact that things won’t be<br />

returning to normal anytime soon. On<br />

the subject of employees, organisations<br />

will have to plan for the availability of<br />

key personnel to ensure that staff with<br />

critical skills <strong>and</strong> training are available.<br />

As the world opens up <strong>and</strong> more people<br />

are allowed to travel, businesses will<br />

need a strategy for scaling up their active<br />

workforce to ensure networks remain safe<br />

<strong>and</strong> operational.<br />

Another point to consider is that<br />

travelling patterns may well never return<br />

to normal. It’s no secret that the world<br />

has embraced remote working with<br />

enthusiasm, <strong>and</strong> many businesses will<br />

no longer require employees to be in the<br />

office all the time. This will significantly<br />

reduce use of transportation services in<br />

the long run.<br />

Payment performance data can be used<br />

as an indicator of the financial health of<br />

businesses <strong>and</strong> is a useful tool to help<br />

businesses assess risk. Our trade payment<br />

data shows that payment behaviour in the<br />

transport industry slightly deteriorated<br />

over the past year, with businesses paying<br />

their bills promptly decreasing by 2.8<br />

percent to 36.3 percent in February <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Urban, suburban or metropolitan area<br />

passenger transport – other than railway<br />

transportation by underground – saw<br />

the highest deterioration in prompt<br />

payments. Thankfully, the current data<br />

indicates that the industry has enough<br />

short term assets to cover its short<br />

term debt <strong>and</strong> return to growth as<br />

lockdown eases.<br />

Transport is no exception.<br />

Transportation is of course integral to<br />

our lives, but under lockdown, it took on<br />

a new importance.<br />

This change in how we move also comes<br />

with br<strong>and</strong> new business opportunities.<br />

Ridesharing for example, or bicycle<br />

rentals. As the economy opens up, there<br />

will be further opportunities across the<br />

industry <strong>and</strong> the whole economy. In fact,<br />

as a baseline scenario, Dun & Bradstreet<br />

expects the economy to rebound by<br />

around five percent this year, offsetting<br />

some of the losses incurred in 2020 when<br />

real GDP fell by almost 10 percent .<br />

As the world begins to open up, private<br />

Tim Vine is Head of International Finance<br />

<strong>and</strong> Risk Solutions at Dun & Bradstreet.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / /<strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 35


Your CICM HQ Team<br />

Meet some of the people who are responsible for raising<br />

the profile of the credit management profession <strong>and</strong> the<br />

professionalism with it. Part 1.<br />

Becki Sharpe<br />

Marketing <strong>and</strong> Events Manager<br />

Andrew Morris<br />

Art Editor<br />

Zoe Pope<br />

Digital Communications Specialist<br />

AFTER leaving college, Becki has worked<br />

within sales <strong>and</strong> marketing positions in<br />

industry sectors, including retail, manufacturing<br />

<strong>and</strong> publishing. Becki joined<br />

CICM (ICM) back in 2012, where her main<br />

responsibilities were managing the endto-end<br />

processes associated with planning,<br />

facilitating <strong>and</strong> resourcing the CICM<br />

events programme, during this time she<br />

completed her Level 3 Event <strong>Management</strong><br />

qualification with distinction.<br />

Following an internal promotion in<br />

2018, Becki looks after the Marketing team<br />

<strong>and</strong> is now responsible for all external<br />

marketing activity, including multi-channel<br />

campaigns, analytics, website design<br />

<strong>and</strong> content whilst still being the main<br />

organiser of CICM events. “With a new<br />

knowledgeable team to manage, the CICM<br />

Marketing department is transforming the<br />

external profile of CICM,’’ says Becki. “I am<br />

excited to see what new ideas <strong>and</strong> concepts<br />

the team come up with.” Away from the<br />

office, Becki enjoys family time with her<br />

husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> two children, running <strong>and</strong> is<br />

partial to a drink (or two) with friends!<br />

LEAVING Art College, Andrew has<br />

accumulated more than 20 years<br />

experience in the creative design industry.<br />

Andrew started his apprenticeship with<br />

EMAP, a well-known publishing company,<br />

learning about print production <strong>and</strong><br />

typography skills. He then progressed<br />

through the ranks to eventually manage<br />

the art department where he worked on<br />

various print <strong>and</strong> digital design projects.<br />

He then moved into editorial design<br />

<strong>and</strong> began designing news pages as a<br />

senior designer on various magazines <strong>and</strong><br />

newspapers.<br />

Andrew has been Art Editor of<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> magazine for seven<br />

years, <strong>and</strong> has injected a modern <strong>and</strong><br />

contemporary style into the magazine<br />

<strong>and</strong> the CICM’s br<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

After re-locating to Cornwall four<br />

years ago, he has several hobbies which<br />

include: art, aviation, playing guitar <strong>and</strong><br />

motorbikes. He is also a member of the<br />

local volunteer HM Coastguard Rescue<br />

Team.<br />

Holly Clancy<br />

Partnership Marketing Executive<br />

AFTER graduating university in 2012 with<br />

a Journalism degree, Zoe made the switch<br />

to a career in digital marketing <strong>and</strong> never<br />

looked back. She has been working in the<br />

digital marketing sector for the past seven<br />

years, working within industries spanning<br />

from Events, Manufacturing, Agency <strong>and</strong><br />

the Housing sector.<br />

Zoe has been working at CICM<br />

since November 2020 as the Digital<br />

Communications Specialist <strong>and</strong> is<br />

passionate about continually growing<br />

CICM’s br<strong>and</strong> internationally.<br />

With skills ranging from social media<br />

management, web content management,<br />

content writing <strong>and</strong> email management to<br />

name a few, Zoe is your go-to girl for all<br />

things digital. In her spare time, she likes<br />

to travel <strong>and</strong> explore the UK <strong>and</strong> abroad,<br />

try <strong>and</strong> get through her never-ending list<br />

of books, <strong>and</strong> create new memories with<br />

her little boy.<br />

AFTER graduating from De Montfort<br />

University with a BA Honours Marketing<br />

degree this is Holly’s first job post university.<br />

Holly was a Br<strong>and</strong> Marketing Intern for<br />

her one year placement where she carried<br />

out several tasks including copywriting all<br />

feature copy across four br<strong>and</strong>s along with<br />

supporting br<strong>and</strong> managers with br<strong>and</strong><br />

campaigns, product launches <strong>and</strong> events.<br />

Holly’s main responsibilities at CICM<br />

are forming <strong>and</strong> growing relationships<br />

with the CICM Corporate Partners <strong>and</strong><br />

facilitating all marketing activities, to<br />

ensure relevant content is available to our<br />

members in return for communicating our<br />

partner’s products <strong>and</strong> services. Holly has<br />

several hobbies including dance, drama<br />

<strong>and</strong> singing.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 36


Tom Sharman<br />

Marketing Apprentice<br />

TOM completed his A-level studies in 2020 <strong>and</strong><br />

is the youngest employee at CICM. He recently<br />

joined CICM in December 2020 as a digital<br />

marketing apprentice so this is his first big step<br />

into a career. Tom is currently working towards<br />

a Level 3 in a Digital Marketing qualification<br />

course at Stamford College <strong>and</strong> is enthusiastic<br />

to become fully qualified in his role through his<br />

apprenticeship at CICM. He is looking forward<br />

to learning more about the industry he is<br />

involved in <strong>and</strong> becoming skilled in his career<br />

in the years to come.<br />


Nicola Harris<br />

Governance Manager<br />

PRIOR to joining CICM in 2014, Nicola<br />

held several positions over 15 years within<br />

the Global Banking <strong>and</strong> Financial Services<br />

sectors. Her last role was as a Client<br />

Experience Manager, which afforded<br />

her valuable stakeholder relationship<br />

insight, <strong>and</strong> senior level administration<br />

experience across Europe <strong>and</strong> the USA.<br />

Nicola is Governance Manager at<br />

CICM HQ, managing the day-to-day<br />

activity of the department. This includes<br />

responsibility for supporting all CICM<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees, <strong>and</strong> ensuring<br />

compliance to the Institute's Royal<br />

Charter By-Laws <strong>and</strong> Regulations. Nicola<br />

forms strategic approaches to government<br />

<strong>and</strong> professional body consultations <strong>and</strong><br />

undertakes targeted research to obtain<br />

technical items of importance to CICM<br />

members. In addition, Nicola administers<br />

the CICM Member Advice Service, <strong>and</strong> coordinates<br />

the administration behind the<br />

CICMQ accreditation process.<br />

Nicola’s next big project is to manage<br />

the CICM Advisory Council Elections for<br />

the 2022 – 2024 term.<br />

Tracey Turville<br />

Awarding Body Officer<br />

TRACEY Turville is the Awarding Body/<br />

Responsible Officer for CICM. It is her<br />

responsibility to ensure that the CICM<br />

meets its regulatory requirements in<br />

the development, delivery <strong>and</strong> assessment<br />

of its professional qualifications<br />

<strong>and</strong> End Point Assessments for the Level<br />

2 <strong>Credit</strong> Controller/Collector <strong>and</strong> Level<br />

3 Advanced <strong>Credit</strong> Controller/Debt<br />

Collection Specialist apprenticeship<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

She is responsible for planning <strong>and</strong><br />

prioritising the tasks <strong>and</strong> processes<br />

of the Awarding Body <strong>and</strong> works with<br />

Tanya Clegg, Awarding Body Co-ordinator<br />

to carry out day-to-day activity<br />

with regard to assessment delivery <strong>and</strong><br />

results, including dealing with any concerns<br />

that may arise before, during or<br />

after an assessment.<br />

She started work with CICM (ICM)<br />

in 2004. She has been married for 35<br />

years, with two grown-up children <strong>and</strong><br />

three adorable gr<strong>and</strong>children.<br />

Tanya Clegg<br />

Assessment Coordinator<br />

TANYA worked in the adult private<br />

education industry for over ten years<br />

coordinating the client’s requirements,<br />

preparing <strong>and</strong> delivering management<br />

training programmes.<br />

She has been working with CICM<br />

coming on eight years now, within<br />

the Awarding body team working<br />

alongside Tracey Turville. Her passion<br />

is supporting c<strong>and</strong>idates through<br />

the assessment process of our CICM<br />

qualifications, assisting them with<br />

all areas of the exams to support<br />

<strong>and</strong> encourage them to achieve their<br />

desired goals.<br />

Outside of work, Tanya enjoys<br />

spending time with family, <strong>and</strong> in<br />

her spare time enjoys all aspects of<br />

gardening including her cut flower<br />

allotment. During the summer months<br />

Tanya is often away in her caravan with<br />

her husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> her Jack Russell dog,<br />

Bob.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 37


Three-line WIP!<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> asked three of the CICM’s Advisory<br />

Council to give us their half-term work in progress report.<br />

Debbie Nolan FCICM(Grad)<br />

Chair of CICM<br />

IT couldn’t be a more exciting time<br />

to be a member of the Advisory<br />

Council. I’ve been fortunate<br />

enough to be part of this group<br />

for three terms <strong>and</strong> have always<br />

relished the opportunity this<br />

environment gives me to engage with<br />

my peer group across so many different<br />

aspects of the <strong>Credit</strong> Industry.<br />

This term feels different somehow.<br />

In recent times, the role of Council<br />

Member has always been to ensure that<br />

we raise our ideas or concerns <strong>and</strong> act<br />

on the behalf of the community that<br />

we represent. And we all do this very<br />

passionately. However the formation of<br />

three formal Working Parties that meet<br />

outside of the usual Council forum has<br />

helped us to accept more responsibility<br />

for driving those changes.<br />

The Working Party for Current <strong>and</strong><br />

New Products was a little overwhelming<br />

at the beginning. The CICM has so many<br />

products <strong>and</strong> services developed <strong>and</strong><br />

refined over many years, it was difficult<br />

to agree where to start. So we decided to<br />

divide into manageable chunks.<br />

We considered what members want<br />

or need to see, hear or learn about,<br />

<strong>and</strong> narrowed the immediate focus to;<br />

industry peers experience <strong>and</strong> member<br />

lifecycle stories; original CICM content<br />

that will help members with their current<br />

<strong>and</strong> future challenges; revitalising<br />

the existing Knowledge Hub to create<br />

a Resources Bank that members can<br />

access for templates, case studies etc.<br />

<strong>and</strong> utilising the Technical Committee<br />

to share the CICM view on hot topics. We<br />

also agreed that the messaging style of<br />

the CICM should be modernised to<br />

become more punchy <strong>and</strong> visual.<br />

We have been running this working<br />

party in parallel to Sue Chapple’s reorganisation<br />

of the team at HQ <strong>and</strong> this has<br />

included the introduction of Bev Ewens-<br />

Davey MCICM, Head of Transformation,<br />

John Kane MCICM, Head of Strategic<br />

Relationships, Zoe Pope, Digital Comms<br />

Specialist, Holly Clancy, Partnership<br />

Marketing Executive, Tom Sharman,<br />

Digital Marketing Apprentice <strong>and</strong> Beth<br />

Turiccki, Business Admin Apprentice. Bev<br />

<strong>and</strong> the rest of the team at HQ have been<br />

working for months in the background,<br />

already transforming many of the areas<br />

our working party felt had opportunity to<br />

be strengthened.<br />

So it was with great excitement that<br />

Becki, Bev, John, Sara <strong>and</strong> Debbie from<br />

the HQ team joined our most recent<br />

session <strong>and</strong> shared some detail of the<br />

initiatives they are already working on<br />

<strong>and</strong> how aligned they are with the outputs<br />

of this Working Party. We will continue to<br />

work closely with the HQ team <strong>and</strong> the<br />

other Working Parties to continuously<br />

improve the services <strong>and</strong> support for our<br />

members.<br />

This truly is a thrilling time to be<br />

part of the Advisory Council <strong>and</strong> such a<br />

privilege to be part of shaping the future<br />

of the CICM.<br />

Bryony Crossl<strong>and</strong> FCICM(Grad)<br />

AS we approach mid-year <strong>and</strong> the<br />

continued recovery from the p<strong>and</strong>emic,<br />

it’s been important for me to take some<br />

time to reflect <strong>and</strong> consider how I spend<br />

my time both from a career <strong>and</strong> personal<br />

perspective.<br />

There’s no doubt that the last 15<br />

months have been a challenge on all<br />

fronts <strong>and</strong>, if you’re anything like me,<br />

then you’ve probably just ploughed on<br />

regardless. However, I think it’s often<br />

been a case of taking each day at a time!<br />

Everyone has h<strong>and</strong>led the situation<br />

differently <strong>and</strong> I, for one, have certainly<br />

changed how I live my life (no longer<br />

sitting on motorways) <strong>and</strong> realise the<br />

importance of strong relationships with<br />

my friends, family <strong>and</strong> colleagues alike.<br />

As an active member of the Advisory<br />

Council during that time I have also<br />

really valued my involvement in CICM<br />

HQ business <strong>and</strong> want to give a huge<br />

thanks to Sue <strong>and</strong> the team for their focus<br />

<strong>and</strong> determination to keep business<br />

as usual. The importance of our credit<br />

profession has been highlighted by the<br />

economic impacts <strong>and</strong> CICM st<strong>and</strong>s<br />

proud with the support of its members<br />

<strong>and</strong> evolving offering.<br />

The escalation of the move to<br />

online studying <strong>and</strong> examinations was<br />

so impactful on keeping our student<br />

members on track, as well as seeing the<br />

evolution of the Institute’s strategy to<br />

best serve our current <strong>and</strong> future needs<br />

– these are indeed exciting times.<br />

Alongside my fellow Advisory<br />

Council members we have also all<br />

been involved in helping review <strong>and</strong><br />

put forward recommendations to ‘reengineer’<br />

various elements of the<br />

CICM offering. This has involved<br />

regular working party calls <strong>and</strong> allowed<br />

everyone to have their voice heard in<br />

terms of what does or doesn’t work <strong>and</strong><br />

really insightful feedback for new ideas<br />

<strong>and</strong> suggestions. It is great to have<br />

new faces on the Council from various<br />

roles in the profession which led to<br />

lively (but balanced) discussions in the<br />

Working Party– reviewing the Centre of<br />

Excellence award. The value of having<br />

new input <strong>and</strong> a focus on the future<br />

was clear <strong>and</strong> we have put forward our<br />

report to the Executive Board for their<br />

consideration - watch this space!<br />

Keeping up to date remains a key part<br />

of my career <strong>and</strong> I can see that my active<br />

involvement on the Advisory Council<br />

makes a difference. I’m also allocating<br />

time to attending CICM Webinars <strong>and</strong><br />

activity on social media, particularly<br />

LinkedIn <strong>and</strong> look forward to keeping in<br />

touch with fellow members as we come<br />

out into the post-p<strong>and</strong>emic world <strong>and</strong> a<br />

flourishing future for our Institute.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 38

’<br />


I have mentioned the power of the<br />

network <strong>and</strong> this is never more obvious<br />

than when we meet as a Council.<br />

Peter Gent FCICM(Grad)<br />

WHEN I was elected onto the CICM<br />

Advisory Council my goal was to help<br />

support my fellow members in the North<br />

West further their Careers through<br />

mentoring /advice <strong>and</strong> via my extensive<br />

list of contacts across all parts of the<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> Industry. Additionally I really<br />

wanted to use our regional events to<br />

promote our fantastic profession <strong>and</strong><br />

drive its advancement across the region's<br />

employers.<br />

Joining the Advisory Council in the<br />

mist of a global P<strong>and</strong>emic has been a<br />

challenge to say the least, but more than<br />

ever what I wanted to achieve is relevant.<br />

Although many of our members in<br />

the North West have continued to work<br />

mostly at home, others have seen huge<br />

change in their employers who have,<br />

through economic necessity, needed to<br />

restructure <strong>and</strong> reduce costs.<br />

From a human level we have people<br />

potentially feeling a little isolated without<br />

the support of their colleagues, others<br />

feeling happy that they finally have some<br />

work life balance, <strong>and</strong> others having to<br />

change roles. From a professional level<br />

there are still DSO targets to achieve <strong>and</strong><br />

risk assessments to be done, often whilst<br />

managing this huge change.<br />

My role <strong>and</strong> that of the other Council<br />

members is now more crucial than ever<br />

as we continue to try to re-invigorate our<br />

Institute at regional levels <strong>and</strong> build on<br />

the great work being done at CICM HQ.<br />

I have mentioned the power of the<br />

network <strong>and</strong> this is never more obvious<br />

than when we meet as a Council. Most<br />

of us have known each other longer than<br />

we care to remember. This means we are<br />

able to have an honest debate about the<br />

direction of travel <strong>and</strong> crucially listen to<br />

each others views. There is no right or<br />

wrong way to do things <strong>and</strong> having battled<br />

hard as a Branch Chair for nearly 10 years,<br />

it’s clear we can all learn from each other.<br />

It also really does show what a great<br />

thing we have, being active members<br />

of the Institute. If we can replicate this<br />

collaborative approach at a Branch<br />

Committee <strong>and</strong> national level, then there<br />

is every reason to think we can succeed<br />

<strong>and</strong> grow a more active membership. The<br />

more people involved, the more word of<br />

mouth kicks in, <strong>and</strong> the benefits of getting<br />

involved will become apparent.<br />

In the North West we had a decent<br />

2020 with meetings switched to Zoom. We<br />

know it’s not the same, but it has shown<br />

that the future will involve a mixture of<br />

online <strong>and</strong> face to face events. I see now<br />

that we can incorporate presentations,<br />

<strong>and</strong> panel discussions into an online<br />

platform <strong>and</strong> let that sit alongside face to<br />

face networking events.<br />

So what have we been up to at Advisory<br />

Council? Well, it’s been a busy time with<br />

our ongoing plans to revisit our Branch<br />

network structure moving into 2022.<br />

We have made great inroads <strong>and</strong> have<br />

come up with a plan that should be fit<br />

for purpose as we enter the next five<br />

years. The key now is to really push on<br />

with creating great events for CICM<br />

members. By doing so, we will hopefully<br />

start increasing membership numbers<br />

<strong>and</strong> welcome some new younger blood<br />

driving the Institute forward.<br />

I think the future is bright. Of course<br />

we have challenges, but by putting our<br />

best feet forward, the CICM has the<br />

experience, the team, the leadership<br />

<strong>and</strong> the determination to deliver an even<br />

better experience for the members <strong>and</strong><br />

wider credit community.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 39



For further information <strong>and</strong> to discuss the opportunities of entering into a<br />

Corporate Partnership with the CICM, please contact<br />

High Court Enforcement Group is the largest<br />

independent <strong>and</strong> privately owned High Court<br />

enforcement company in the country, with more<br />

authorised <strong>and</strong> experienced officers than anyone<br />

else. This allows us to build <strong>and</strong> manage our<br />

business in a way that puts our clients first.<br />

Clients trust us to deliver <strong>and</strong> service is paramount.<br />

We cover all aspects of enforcement –writs of<br />

control, possessions, process serving <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>lord<br />

issues - <strong>and</strong> are committed to meeting <strong>and</strong><br />

exceeding clients’ expectations.<br />

T: 08450 999 666<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Satago helps business owners <strong>and</strong> their<br />

accountants avoid credit risks, manage debtors<br />

<strong>and</strong> access finance when they need it – all in<br />

one platform. Satago integrates with 300+ cloud<br />

accounting apps with just a few clicks, helping<br />

businesses:<br />

Underst<strong>and</strong> their customers - with RISK INSIGHTS<br />

Get paid on time - with automated CREDIT CONTROL<br />

Access funding - with flexible SINGLE INVOICE FINANCE<br />

Visit <strong>and</strong> start your free trial today.<br />

T: 020 8050 3015<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

HighRadius is a Fintech enterprise Software-as-a-Service<br />

(SaaS) company. Its Integrated Receivables platform<br />

reduces cycle times in the Order to Cash process through<br />

automation of receivables <strong>and</strong> payments across credit,<br />

e-invoicing <strong>and</strong> payment processing, cash allocation,<br />

dispute resolution <strong>and</strong> collections. Powered by the RivanaTM<br />

Artificial Intelligence Engine <strong>and</strong> Freeda Digital<br />

Assistant for Order to Cash teams, HighRadius enables<br />

more than 450 organisations to leverage machine<br />

learning to predict future outcomes <strong>and</strong> automate routine<br />

labour intensive tasks.<br />

T: +44 7399 406889<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Bottomline Technologies (NASDAQ: EPAY) helps<br />

businesses pay <strong>and</strong> get paid. Businesses <strong>and</strong> banks<br />

rely on Bottomline for domestic <strong>and</strong> international<br />

payments, effective cash management tools, automated<br />

workflows for payment processing <strong>and</strong> bill review<br />

<strong>and</strong> state of the art fraud detection, behavioural<br />

analytics <strong>and</strong> regulatory compliance. Every day, we<br />

help our customers by making complex business<br />

payments simple, secure <strong>and</strong> seamless.<br />

T: 0870 081 8250<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Operating across seven UK offices, Menzies LLP is<br />

an accountancy firm delivering traditional services<br />

combined with strategic commercial thinking. Our<br />

services include: advisory, audit, corporate <strong>and</strong><br />

personal tax, corporate finance, forensic accounting,<br />

outsourcing, wealth management <strong>and</strong> business<br />

recovery – the latter of which includes our specialist<br />

offering developed specifically for creditors. For<br />

more information on this, or to see how the Menzies<br />

<strong>Credit</strong>or Services team can assist you, please<br />

visit:<br />

T: +44 (0)2073 875 868 - London<br />

T: +44 (0)2920 495 444 - Cardiff<br />

W:<br />

Key IVR provide a suite of products to assist companies<br />

across Europe with credit management. The<br />

service gives the end-user the means to make a<br />

payment when <strong>and</strong> how they choose. Key IVR also<br />

provides a state-of-the-art outbound platform<br />

delivering automated messages by voice <strong>and</strong> SMS.<br />

In a credit management environment, these services<br />

are used to cost-effectively contact debtors <strong>and</strong><br />

connect them back into a contact centre or<br />

automated payment line.<br />

T: +44 (0) 1302 513 000<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

With 130+ years of experience, Graydon is a leading<br />

provider of business information, analytics, insights<br />

<strong>and</strong> solutions. Graydon helps its customers to make<br />

fast, accurate decisions, enabling them to minimise<br />

risk <strong>and</strong> identify fraud as well as optimise opportunities<br />

with their commercial relationships. Graydon<br />

uses 130+ international databases <strong>and</strong> the information<br />

of 90+ million companies. Graydon has offices in<br />

London, Cardiff, Amsterdam <strong>and</strong> Antwerp. Since 2016,<br />

Graydon has been part of Atradius, one of the world’s<br />

largest credit insurance companies.<br />

T: +44 (0)208 515 1400<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Tinubu Square is a trusted source of trade credit<br />

intelligence for credit insurers <strong>and</strong> for corporate<br />

customers. The company’s B2B <strong>Credit</strong> Risk<br />

Intelligence solutions include the Tinubu Risk<br />

<strong>Management</strong> Center, a cloud-based SaaS platform;<br />

the Tinubu <strong>Credit</strong> Intelligence service <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Tinubu Risk Analyst advisory service. Over 250<br />

companies rely on Tinubu Square to protect their<br />

greatest assets: customer receivables.<br />

T: +44 (0)207 469 2577 /<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Building on our mature <strong>and</strong> hugely successful<br />

product <strong>and</strong> world class support service, we are<br />

re-imagining our risk awareness module in 2019 to<br />

allow for hugely flexible automated worklists <strong>and</strong><br />

advanced visibility of areas of risk. Alongside full<br />

integration with all credit scoring agencies (e.g.<br />

<strong>Credit</strong>safe), this makes Credica a single port-of-call<br />

for analysis <strong>and</strong> automation. Impressive results<br />

<strong>and</strong> ROI are inevitable for our customers that also<br />

have an active input into our product development<br />

<strong>and</strong> evolution.<br />

T: 01235 856400<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 40

Each of our Corporate Partners is carefully selected for<br />

their commitment to the profession, best practice in the<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> Industry <strong>and</strong> the quality of services they provide.<br />

We are delighted to showcase them here.<br />


Hays <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> is a national specialist<br />

division dedicated exclusively to the recruitment of<br />

credit management <strong>and</strong> receivables professionals,<br />

at all levels, in the public <strong>and</strong> private sectors. As<br />

the CICM’s only Premium Corporate Partner, we<br />

are best placed to help all clients’ <strong>and</strong> c<strong>and</strong>idates’<br />

recruitment needs as well providing guidance on<br />

CV writing, career advice, salary bench-marking,<br />

marketing of vacancies, advertising <strong>and</strong> campaign<br />

led recruitment, competency-based interviewing,<br />

career <strong>and</strong> recruitment trends.<br />

T: 07834 260029<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Court Enforcement Services is the market<br />

leading <strong>and</strong> fastest growing High Court Enforcement<br />

company. Since forming in 2014, we have managed<br />

over 100,000 High Court Writs <strong>and</strong> recovered more<br />

than £187 million for our clients, all debt fairly<br />

collected. We help lawyers <strong>and</strong> creditors across all<br />

sectors to recover unpaid CCJ’s sooner rather than<br />

later. We achieve 39 percent early engagement<br />

resulting in market-leading recovery rates. Our<br />

multi-award-winning technology provides real-time<br />

reporting 24/7.<br />

T: +44 (0)1992 663 399<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Shoosmiths’ highly experienced team will work<br />

closely with credit teams to recover commercial<br />

debts as quickly <strong>and</strong> cost effectively as possible.<br />

We have an in depth knowledge of all areas of debt<br />

recovery, including:<br />

• Pre-litigation services to effect early recovery <strong>and</strong><br />

keep costs down • Litigation service • Insolvency<br />

• Post-litigation services including enforcement<br />

As a client of Shoosmiths, you will find us quick to<br />

relate to your goals, <strong>and</strong> adept at advising you on the<br />

most effective way of achieving them.<br />

T: 03700 86 3000<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Forums International has been running <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Industry Forums since 1991 covering a range of<br />

industry sectors <strong>and</strong> international trading. Attendance<br />

is for credit professionals of all levels. Our forums<br />

are not just meetings but communities which<br />

aim to prepare our members for the challenges<br />

ahead. Attending for the first time is free for you to<br />

gauge the benefits <strong>and</strong> meet the members <strong>and</strong> we<br />

only have pre-approved Partners, so you will never<br />

intentionally be sold to.<br />

T: +44 (0)1246 555055<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Data Interconnect provides ERP-agnostic AR<br />

software. The Corrivo platform transmits invoices<br />

in multiple formats using tax compliant templates<br />

custom-designed for your business. Corrivo expedites<br />

collections, reconciliation <strong>and</strong> dispute processes with<br />

flexible workflow tools for creating <strong>and</strong> assigning tasks,<br />

limits, chase paths or stops <strong>and</strong> a self-service portal<br />

where customers can query, comment, dispute or pay.<br />

Corrivo manages data securely <strong>and</strong> efficiently so that<br />

you can manage your customers <strong>and</strong> cashflow better.<br />

T: +44 (0)1367 245777<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Serrala optimizes the Universe of Payments for<br />

organisations seeking efficient cash visibility<br />

<strong>and</strong> secure financial processes. As an SAP<br />

Partner, Serrala supports over 3,500 companies<br />

worldwide. With more than 30 years of experience<br />

<strong>and</strong> thous<strong>and</strong>s of successful customer projects,<br />

including solutions for the entire order-to-cash<br />

process, Serrala provides credit managers <strong>and</strong><br />

receivables professionals with the solutions they<br />

need to successfully protect their business against<br />

credit risk exposure <strong>and</strong> bad debt loss.<br />

T: +44 118 207 0450<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

American Express® is a globally recognised<br />

provider of business payment solutions, providing<br />

flexible capabilities to help companies drive<br />

growth. These solutions support buyers <strong>and</strong><br />

suppliers across the supply chain with working<br />

capital <strong>and</strong> cashflow.<br />

By creating an additional lever to help support<br />

supplier/client relationships American Express is<br />

proud to be an innovator in the business payments<br />

space.<br />

T: +44 (0)1273 696933<br />

W:<br />

C2FO turns receivables into cashflow <strong>and</strong> payables<br />

into income, uniquely connecting buyers <strong>and</strong><br />

suppliers to allow discounts in exchange for<br />

early payment of approved invoices. Suppliers<br />

access additional liquidity sources by accelerating<br />

payments from buyers when required in just two<br />

clicks, at a rate that works for them. Buyers, often<br />

corporates with global supply chains, benefit from<br />

the C2FO solution by improving gross margin while<br />

strengthening the financial health of supply chains<br />

through ethical business practices.<br />

T: 07799 692193<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Esker’s Accounts Receivable (AR) solution removes<br />

the all-too-common obstacles preventing today’s<br />

businesses from collecting receivables in a<br />

timely manner. From credit management to cash<br />

allocation, Esker automates each step of the orderto-cash<br />

cycle. Esker’s automated AR system helps<br />

companies modernise without replacing their<br />

core billing <strong>and</strong> collections processes. By simply<br />

automating what should be automated, customers<br />

get the post-sale experience they deserve <strong>and</strong> your<br />

team gets the tools they need.<br />

T: +44 (0)1332 548176<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 41




For further information <strong>and</strong> to discuss the<br />

opportunities of entering into a Corporate<br />

Partnership with the CICM, please contact<br /><br />

The Company Watch platform provides risk analysis<br />

<strong>and</strong> data modelling tools to organisations around<br />

the world that rely on our ability to accurately predict<br />

their exposure to financial risk. Our H-Score®<br />

predicted 92 percent of quoted company insolvencies<br />

<strong>and</strong> our TextScore® accuracy rate was 93<br />

percent. Our scores are trusted by credit professionals<br />

within banks, corporates, investment houses<br />

<strong>and</strong> public sector bodies because, unlike other credit<br />

reference agencies, we are transparent <strong>and</strong> flexible<br />

in our approach.<br />

T: +44 (0)20 7043 3300<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Onguard is a specialist in credit management<br />

software <strong>and</strong> a market leader in innovative solutions<br />

for Order to Cash. Our integrated platform ensures<br />

an optimal connection of all processes in the Order<br />

to Cash chain <strong>and</strong> allows sharing of critical data. Our<br />

intelligent tools can seamlessly interconnect <strong>and</strong><br />

offer overview <strong>and</strong> control of the payment process,<br />

as well as contribute to a sustainable customer relationship.<br />

The Onguard platform is successfully used<br />

for successful credit management in more than 50<br />

countries.<br />

T: 020 3868 0947<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

The Atradius Collections business model is to support<br />

businesses <strong>and</strong> their recoveries. We are seeing a<br />

deterioration <strong>and</strong> increase in unpaid invoices placing<br />

pressures on cashflow for those businesses. Brexit is<br />

causing uncertainty <strong>and</strong> we are seeing a significant<br />

impact on the UK economy with an increase in<br />

insolvencies, now also impacting the continent <strong>and</strong><br />

spreading. Our geographical presence is exp<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

<strong>and</strong> with a single IT platform across the globe we can<br />

provide greater efficiencies <strong>and</strong> effectiveness to our<br />

clients to recover their unpaid invoices.<br />

T: +44 (0)2920 824700<br />

W:<br />

Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers Consulting – we are a different<br />

sort of consulting firm, made up of a network of<br />

independent experienced operational credit <strong>and</strong><br />

collections management <strong>and</strong> invoicing professionals,<br />

with specialisms in cross industry best practice<br />

advisory, assessment, interim management,<br />

leadership, workshops <strong>and</strong> training to help your<br />

team <strong>and</strong> organisation reach their full potential in<br />

credit <strong>and</strong> collections management. We are proud to<br />

be Corporate Partners of the Chartered Institute of<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>and</strong> to manage the CICM Best<br />

Practice Accreditation Programme on their behalf.<br />

T: +44(0)7747 761641<br />

E: enquiries@chriss<strong>and</strong><br />

W: www.chriss<strong>and</strong><br />

CICM has launched<br />

critical AR Factsheets<br />

for EMEA countries<br />

Powered by<br />

Powered by Baker Ing, country specific factsheets have been<br />

provided for up-to-date information on payment performance,<br />

legislation, <strong>and</strong> the effects of COVID-19 <strong>and</strong> Brexit. The factsheets<br />

are designed for credit professionals, <strong>and</strong> they cover legal business<br />

forms, credit risk data, collections protocols, enforcement <strong>and</strong><br />

much more.<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> professionals need granular knowledge of the situation<br />

in their clients’ territories. Whether you need an off-the-peg<br />

checklist for dealing with a new country, or you need on-the-spot<br />

information to help review risk strategies <strong>and</strong> <strong>Credit</strong> Policies, these<br />

insightful documents will help.<br />

Visit to view country specific factsheets from, Germany,<br />

Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, France, UK.<br />

Powered by<br />

EU Factsheet<br />


Germany has introduced a raft of measures <strong>and</strong> programmes to help combat the<br />

economic impact of COVID-19 containment measures. Here we present what we<br />

consider to be the most significant <strong>and</strong> interesting. This section is not exhaustive.<br />

Loans <strong>and</strong> grants – employees:<br />

Three main tranches of wage subsidy have been introduced.<br />

The most wide-reaching is “Kurzarbeit”. This programme existed before COVID-19.<br />

It is a social security programme whereby the government will subsidy employees’<br />

wages up to 60% (more for those with children) in order to allow their employers to<br />

reduce their hours (<strong>and</strong> their expenditure on wages) instead of laying them off.<br />

Under COVID provisions, the subsidy has been increased. From the fourth month,<br />

the rate is increased to 70% of flat-net renumeration for those households without<br />

children <strong>and</strong> 77% for those households with children. From the seventh month, it is<br />

increased to 80% for those households without children <strong>and</strong> 87% for those<br />

households with children. In September, there was a decree to make this benefit<br />

more flexible (e.g., reducing the minimum number of employees effected by<br />

working hours reduction to 10% for the business the qualify) <strong>and</strong> to extend the<br />

period for receiving this benefit from 12 to 24 months until 31 st December <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Freelance artists in Germany can access funds if they work for cultural institutions<br />

funded by the Federal Government. They will be compensated for up to 60% o fees<br />

from cancelled events up to €1,000 <strong>and</strong> 40% up to €2,500.<br />

Students can access interest-free loans of up to €650 per month for jobs lost due to<br />

the p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />

Loans <strong>and</strong> grants – businesses:<br />

EU Factsheet<br />


As well as the enhanced terms of “Kurzarbeit”, there are a variety of direct loans<br />

<strong>and</strong> grants available which businesses of different sizes can access.<br />

A grant of up to €150,000 / 80% of fixed costs in the subsidy period is available for<br />

businesses showing decreased sales volumes compared to the same month of the<br />

previous year. This Federal Government grant has been supplemented by some<br />

Federal States’ own grant programmes.<br />

Powered by<br />



Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 42


CICM Virtual Training is an ‘access anywhere’ range of interactive, online training<br />

courses, designed to give you the skills <strong>and</strong> tools you need to thrive in your credit<br />

work. Each training course offers high quality approaches to credit-related topics, <strong>and</strong><br />

practical skills that can be used in your workplace. A highly qualified trainer, with an<br />

array of credit management experience, will guide you through the subject to give you<br />

practical skills, improved results <strong>and</strong> greater confidence.<br />

These are pre-recorded training sessions<br />

that you can access anywhere <strong>and</strong> at<br />

anytime. Short, sharp <strong>and</strong> to the point –<br />

these suit you if you are short on time, or<br />

need a quick introduction or update on a<br />

subject.<br />

These are live, interactive sessions, delivered<br />

virtually by a qualified trainer, experienced<br />

in the subject. Through a series of tasks <strong>and</strong><br />

discussions, you will access a h<strong>and</strong>s-on<br />

training session that offers the best practice<br />

approach to essential credit <strong>and</strong> debt skills.<br />


Advanced Skills in Collections – 19 <strong>July</strong> at 11.30 & 16 <strong>August</strong> at 10:30<br />

Collection Skills For The New <strong>Credit</strong> Future – 19 <strong>July</strong> at 09.30 & 16 <strong>August</strong> at 08:30<br />

Best Practice Skills To Assess <strong>Credit</strong> Risk – 19 <strong>July</strong> at 13.30 & 16 <strong>August</strong> at 12:30<br />

MEET YOUR TRAINER: Jules Eames FCICM(Grad); PGCE, is a qualified teacher,<br />

trainer <strong>and</strong> credit manager with experience in credit <strong>and</strong> debt specialisms across the<br />

O2C spectrum <strong>and</strong> ancillary businesses, in consumer, B2B <strong>and</strong> export markets.<br />

INTRODUCTORY PRICE £90.00+VAT per person.<br />

For group training, please contact


Booking your<br />

exams has never<br />

been easier<br />

Head over to our new exam pages<br />

for all the information you need to prepare,<br />

book <strong>and</strong> take your CICM exams<br /><br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 44


Virtual Classes<br />

for <strong>2021</strong><br />

Get CICM qualified by attending<br />

Virtual Classes: The best of both worlds.<br />

Home study does not mean you have to study alone. Our ‘gold st<strong>and</strong>ard’<br />

distance learning offer, our Virtual Classes have the greatest success<br />

rate of all our packages. Your study will be supported <strong>and</strong> led by one of<br />

our experienced CICM Tutors via a series of virtual classes <strong>and</strong> activities,<br />

which are interactive, challenging <strong>and</strong> fun.<br />

LEVEL<br />

2<br />

Commercial<br />

Telephone Collections – 1 November<br />

Consumer Telephone Collections – 20 September<br />

LEVEL<br />

3<br />

Accounting<br />

Principles – 6 September<br />

Business Environment – 6 September<br />

Business Law – 6 September<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> – 6 September<br />

Advanced Collections – 20 September<br />

Advanced Business Communications – 4 October<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> Risk <strong>Management</strong> – 1 November<br />

Debt Recovery <strong>Management</strong> – 1 November<br />

LEVEL<br />

5<br />

Compliance<br />

with legal, regulatory, ethical <strong>and</strong> social requirements – 23 <strong>August</strong><br />

Process Improvement – 23 <strong>August</strong><br />

Strategic Communications <strong>and</strong> Leadership – TBC<br />

Strategic Planning – 23 <strong>August</strong><br />

Book your place today, visit<br />

or contact a member of our team on 01780 722900


Finding firmer footing?<br />

The latest payment performance statistics show<br />

small signs of improvement.<br />

AUTHOR – Rob Howard<br />

THE world of late payments is as<br />

unpredictable as ever, with the future<br />

picture looking anything but clear.<br />

The latest figures, however, do show<br />

marginal signs of improvement across<br />

both regions <strong>and</strong> sectors, but don’t<br />

call it a comeback just yet. The average Days Beyond<br />

Terms (DBT) across regions <strong>and</strong> sectors reduced by 1.4<br />

<strong>and</strong> 1.2 days respectively.<br />


Although all sectors <strong>and</strong> industries have been affected<br />

by the impact of the p<strong>and</strong>emic, perhaps none have<br />

been hit harder than the Hospitality sector, cast<br />

adrift as the worst performing sector in terms of late<br />

payments for some time now. A massive reduction of<br />

16.2 days to its payment terms takes its overall DBT to<br />

28.1 days <strong>and</strong> moves it off the bottom of the st<strong>and</strong>ings.<br />

Also making positive strides forward is the<br />

Agriculture, Forestry <strong>and</strong> Fishing sector, reducing its<br />

payment terms by 9.8 days. There have been notable<br />

improvements elsewhere too: Entertainment sector<br />

where late payment dropped by 8.1 days; Other<br />

Services (including hairdressers, beauty services <strong>and</strong><br />

dry cleaners fell by 7.9 days); Health <strong>and</strong> Social by 6.7<br />

days; <strong>and</strong> Construction by 5.8 days. However the top<br />

performing sector is now Education with a further<br />

reduction of five days to its payment terms, taking its<br />

overall DBT to 8.1 days.<br />

Moving quickly in the wrong direction, however, is<br />

the Financial <strong>and</strong> Insurance sector, with a whopping<br />

increase of 15 days to its payment terms. Also<br />

struggling is the IT <strong>and</strong> Comms (+10 days), Professional<br />

<strong>and</strong> Scientific (+9.3 days), <strong>and</strong> Manufacturing (+7.4<br />

days) sectors.<br />


The regional st<strong>and</strong>ings are mostly positive, with seven<br />

of the 11 regions making much needed improvements<br />

to payment terms. Yorkshire <strong>and</strong> Humberside was the<br />

biggest mover, reducing its terms by 7.9 days to climb<br />

off the bottom of the st<strong>and</strong>ings. A further reduction<br />

of 6.2 days for the South East means its overall DBT<br />

now st<strong>and</strong>s at 13.8 days, making it the new best<br />

performing region. The East Midl<strong>and</strong>s (-4.6 days),<br />

Wales (-4.2 days) <strong>and</strong> Scotl<strong>and</strong> (-3.3 days) also made<br />

steady improvements.<br />

An increase of 5.4 days to its payment terms mean<br />

that East Anglia is now the worst performing region<br />

with an overall DBT of 26.7 days. London (+3.5 days),<br />

the North West (+2.7 days) <strong>and</strong> Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> (+1.3<br />

days) also move in the wrong direction.<br />

By Rob Howard<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 46


Data supplied by the <strong>Credit</strong>safe Group<br />

AUTHOR – Rob Howard<br />

Top Five Prompter Payers<br />

Region April 21 Change from March 21<br />

South East 13.8 -6.2<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong> 14.4 -3.3<br />

Wales 14.4 -4.2<br />

West Midl<strong>and</strong>s 14.9 -1.5<br />

South West 16.3 -0.8<br />

Bottom Five Poorest Payers<br />

Region April 21 Change from March 21<br />

East Anglia 26.7 5.4<br />

London 23.3 3.5<br />

Yorkshire <strong>and</strong> Humberside 21.6 -7.9<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> 20.7 1.3<br />

North West 19.4 2.7<br />

Top Five Prompter Payers<br />

Region April 21 Change from March 21<br />

Education 8.1 -5<br />

Health & Social 10.9 -6.7<br />

Agriculture, Forestry <strong>and</strong> Fishing 13.3 -9.8<br />

Public Administration 13.7 -3.4<br />

Wholesale <strong>and</strong> retail trade 14.1 1.1<br />

Bottom Five Poorest Payers<br />

Region April 21 Change from March 21<br />

International Bodies 35.1 1.7<br />

Financial <strong>and</strong> Insurance 32.6 15<br />

Professional <strong>and</strong> Scientific 28.5 9.3<br />

Hospitality 28.1 -16.2<br />

IT <strong>and</strong> Comms 26.9 10<br />

Getting Better<br />

Hospitality -16.2<br />

Agriculture, Forestry <strong>and</strong> Fishing -9.8<br />

Entertainment -8.1<br />

Other Service -7.9<br />

Health & Social -6.7<br />

Dormant -5.9<br />

Construction -5.8<br />

Education -5<br />

Business from Home -3.4<br />

Public Administration -3.4<br />

Real Estate -3.1<br />

Water & Waste -2.2<br />

Business Admin & Support -1.3<br />

Getting Worse<br />

IT <strong>and</strong> Comms 10<br />

Professional <strong>and</strong> Scientific 9.3<br />

Manufacturing 7.4<br />

Transportation <strong>and</strong> Storage 4<br />

Mining <strong>and</strong> Quarrying 3.9<br />

International Bodies 1.7<br />


-3.3 DBT<br />

Wholesale <strong>and</strong> retail trade 1.1<br />

Energy Supply 0.2<br />



1.3 DBT<br />

SOUTH<br />

WEST<br />

-0.8 DBT<br />

WALES<br />

-4.2 DBT<br />

NORTH<br />

WEST<br />

2.7 DBT<br />

WEST<br />


-1.5 DBT<br />



-7.9<br />

DBT<br />

EAST<br />


-4.6 DBT<br />

LONDON<br />

3.5 DBT<br />

SOUTH<br />

EAST<br />

-6.2 DBT<br />

EAST<br />

ANGLIA<br />

5.4 DBT<br />

Region<br />

Getting Better – Getting Worse<br />

-7.9<br />

-6.2<br />

-4.6<br />

-4.2<br />

-3.3<br />

-1.5<br />

-0.8<br />

5.4<br />

3.5<br />

2.7<br />

1.3<br />

Yorkshire <strong>and</strong> Humberside<br />

South East<br />

East Midl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Wales<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong><br />

West Midl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

South West<br />

East Anglia<br />

London<br />

North West<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 47

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 48


A Freedom of Choice<br />

Modernising the High Court Enforcement system<br />

across Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales.<br />

AUTHOR – Alan J Smith<br />

WE all know that the<br />

COVID-19 p<strong>and</strong>emic has<br />

had an unanticipated <strong>and</strong><br />

lasting effect on finances<br />

across the UK. With the<br />

pause on enforcement<br />

activity <strong>and</strong> the Government’s new Breathing<br />

Space moratorium, debtors have rightly been<br />

given the time <strong>and</strong> space needed to seek<br />

advice <strong>and</strong> get their affairs in order. However,<br />

while extra measures have been put in place<br />

to protect debtors, what is being done for the<br />

creditor? Particularly those owed sums under<br />

£600.<br />

At present, any unregulated debt under<br />

£600 must be enforced via the County Court<br />

Bailiff system. A system which is currently<br />

overloaded with a significant backlog of cases,<br />

subjecting creditors to long, stressful delays<br />

<strong>and</strong> uncertainty. While £600 might not sound<br />

like much, for a small business, or a creditor<br />

owed multiple, smaller debts, this soon adds up<br />

<strong>and</strong> puts them at risk of becoming the debtors<br />

of tomorrow.<br />

Under the current system, creditors can<br />

commission the services of a High Court<br />

Enforcement Officer (HCEO), to transfer up<br />

unregulated debts of between £600-£5,000<br />

from the County Court to the High Court for<br />

enforcement. This process can bypass some<br />

of the delays <strong>and</strong> allow creditors to receive the<br />

money they are owed in good time.<br />

But creditors that are owed debts under this<br />

threshold are left to deal with longer waiting<br />

times, lower success rates <strong>and</strong> no other options.<br />

The HCEOA Board strongly believes that<br />

the Ministry of Justice should give court users<br />

a greater freedom of choice to allow them to<br />

decide for themselves who they want to enforce<br />

their County Court Judgments under £600.<br />


After speaking to our members <strong>and</strong> their clients,<br />

it has been clear for some time that the current<br />

system is less than ideal for creditors <strong>and</strong><br />

l<strong>and</strong>lords seeking to recover smaller amounts.<br />

What’s worrying is that many creditors seem to<br />

be giving up on unregulated debts under £600<br />

as unclaimable, rather than pursuing these<br />

through the County Courts.<br />

This means that creditors would rather write<br />

off money they are owed than deal with the<br />

current court system. That can’t be right.<br />

Not only is this unfair on the creditor, but<br />

it is also putting them under undue financial<br />

pressure, leading to sleepless nights, additional<br />

borrowing <strong>and</strong>, in some cases, administration.<br />

Not to mention the reputational damage<br />

<strong>and</strong> loss of earnings from solicitors <strong>and</strong> debt<br />

recovery services who are losing clients due to<br />

lack of results when dealing with the County<br />

Courts.<br />

How do we know this? Well, the HCEOA<br />

is undertaking a survey in order to establish<br />

exactly how court users feel about the current<br />

system.<br />

While the full results are still being analysed,<br />

initial findings show that 95 percent* of court<br />

users would support a change in regulations<br />

to allow them to choose whether they would<br />

like to use a County Court Bailiff or HCEO to<br />

enforce debts under £600.<br />

In fact, 35 percent* of respondents stated that<br />

not only would they like this freedom of choice,<br />

but the that the number of claims they issue<br />

would likely increase.<br />

Once we have the full survey results we will<br />

publish our report on the HCEOA website, <strong>and</strong><br />

will be using this feedback to make a case for<br />

change with relevant stakeholders <strong>and</strong> decision<br />

makers.<br />


While we know that any changes won’t happen<br />

overnight, giving court users another option<br />

will not only allow them to recover money that<br />

they are legally owed, but will give them peace<br />

of mind when collecting future debts.<br />

This reform can be delivered simply <strong>and</strong><br />

easily by the Lord Chancellor/Ministry of<br />

Justice, <strong>and</strong> we will be campaigning to ensure<br />

creditors’ voices are heard.<br />

Changes to the current regulations would<br />

alleviate some of the pressure on the current<br />

court system, giving the County Court Bailiffs<br />

the time needed to work through the backlog<br />

of cases from outst<strong>and</strong>ing judgments, <strong>and</strong> take<br />

on new cases from creditors who do not want to<br />

transfer up lower amounts of unregulated debt.<br />

Overall, the changes would be a positive step,<br />

allowing creditors <strong>and</strong> their representatives the<br />

ability to make an informed choice about how<br />

<strong>and</strong> when their debt is recovered.<br />

*Figures taken from HCOEA’s recent survey<br />

‘Exp<strong>and</strong>ing the Use of High Court Enforcement’.<br />

Full results will be available on the HCOEA<br />

website soon.<br />

Alan J Smith FCICM is the newly appointed<br />

Chair of the High Court Enforcement Officers<br />

Association.<br />

Overall, the changes<br />

would be a positive<br />

step, allowing<br />

creditors <strong>and</strong> their<br />

representatives the<br />

ability to make an<br />

informed choice<br />

about how <strong>and</strong><br />

when their debt is<br />

recovered.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 49



How AI can dramatically improve<br />

Order-to-Cash performance.<br />

AUTHOR – Mark Sheldon<br />

WHILE scientists <strong>and</strong><br />

Governments wrestle with<br />

the COVID-19 p<strong>and</strong>emic, a<br />

more important wrestling<br />

match for businesses is also<br />

taking place – one which has<br />

the potential to boost enterprises’ profitability out<br />

of all recognition. It’s an opportunity for businesses<br />

to make h<strong>and</strong>ling cash more efficient by using an<br />

AI software-based automated Order-to-Cash (O2C)<br />

process.<br />

The extent of the potential problem for<br />

enterprises’ cash h<strong>and</strong>ling processes is unlike<br />

other recessions. Data produced by our Unpaid<br />

Invoice Tracker, for example, has highlighted the<br />

rate of unpaid invoices in the UK since March 11,<br />

2020 – just before the first nationwide lockdown<br />

was announced in Great Britain – has increased by<br />

23 percent. In France, the increase is 56 percent,<br />

Spain 52 percent <strong>and</strong> Italy 82 percent.<br />

Our figures show that less than 10 percent of<br />

organisations have implemented an automated<br />

O2C process <strong>and</strong> are finding out the hard way<br />

the difficulty of using a mainly manual workflow<br />

process for invoice processing <strong>and</strong> payment<br />

reconciliation. The O2C process rarely gets the<br />

attention it deserves <strong>and</strong> only when a crisis looms<br />

do firms wake up to it being one of the most critical<br />

processes in its finances.<br />


Improving the working capital performance<br />

helps enterprises reduce bad debts, achieve<br />

faster cash collections, <strong>and</strong> reduce time spent on<br />

customer invoice disputes. A major challenge for<br />

organisations looking for the Nirvana of business<br />

process automation, is the lack of data visibility<br />

into their operations, a problem which means<br />

being unaware of ‘pinch points’ or bottlenecks in<br />

their order-to-cash h<strong>and</strong>ling systems.<br />

The lack of collaboration due to siloed sales <strong>and</strong><br />

financial teams using siloed systems (CRM, ERP,<br />

etc.) exacerbates this, particularly when staff have<br />

to work remotely because of multiple lockdowns.<br />

Automating O2C reduces siloed systems, which<br />

may run on legacy IT <strong>and</strong> potentially need<br />

extensive IT support, especially if organisations<br />

need to improve processes drastically.<br />

Manual tasks normally slow down workflow<br />

processes resulting in slowing down the whole<br />

capital management process. Typically, multiple<br />

applications need to run sequentially by different<br />

finance teams, <strong>and</strong> so the data these teams require<br />

takes time to pull off different systems.<br />

Automating the O2C process genuinely improves<br />

the working capital position. Our data shows the<br />

average ‘day sales outst<strong>and</strong>ing’ drops from 52<br />

to 40 days when automating the O2C process.<br />

That’s nearly 25 percent, which is a tremendous<br />

The O2C process<br />

rarely gets the<br />

attention it<br />

deserves <strong>and</strong><br />

only when a<br />

crisis looms do<br />

firms wake up to<br />

it being one of<br />

the most critical<br />

processes in its<br />

finances.<br />

difference. The COVID-19 crisis has prompted<br />

firms to put emergency measures into effect to<br />

protect cash <strong>and</strong> upgrade cash flow forecasting -<br />

it’s a B<strong>and</strong>-Aid fix <strong>and</strong> long term is unsustainable,<br />

which is why I think most businesses are beginning<br />

to realise the need for an effective working capital<br />

management strategy. This can be achieved using<br />

AI <strong>and</strong> would enable enterprises to react faster not<br />

only in the current crisis, but also, for example, to<br />

recessions not related to p<strong>and</strong>emics.<br />

As I mentioned earlier, the main reason for<br />

implementing an AI software system in the O2C<br />

process is to reduce bad debt, achieve faster<br />

cash collection, <strong>and</strong> also minimise time spent on<br />

disputes with customers. A sure-fire way to improve<br />

customer relationships is to have an automated<br />

system for resolving – <strong>and</strong> avoiding disputes.<br />

The O2C process allows organisations to set up<br />

payment plans with difficult customers or those<br />

in financial difficulties. Such a system cuts debt<br />

resolution times, <strong>and</strong> our own data shows that<br />

currently around one in seven invoices end up<br />

being tangled up in disputes <strong>and</strong> those invoices 30<br />

days overdue are six times less likely to be settled.<br />

Yes – it is the case that firms can extend payment<br />

times to gain market share over rivals who are –<br />

shall we say – cash strapped. Being able to do so<br />

automatically with the whole process digitised<br />

is more efficient, especially as finance teams are<br />

constantly being asked to do more with less – i.e.<br />

improve financial performance with less staff.<br />

The O2C process shouldn’t stop after payment<br />

for goods <strong>and</strong> services has been received. The<br />

data collected by AI software can be analysed<br />

automatically to identify trends <strong>and</strong> patterns.<br />

This allows predictions about future customer<br />

behaviour which is very useful for enhancing<br />

forthcoming buyer/supplier invoice payments.<br />

O2C automation can also point out bottlenecks<br />

in the process <strong>and</strong> reveal where the process can<br />

be improved <strong>and</strong> optimised. Having your finance<br />

teams poring through Excel spreadsheets would<br />

disappear – along with the associated clunkiness<br />

<strong>and</strong> risk.<br />

Businesses battling to stay afloat during<br />

this p<strong>and</strong>emic have a chance to improve their<br />

cash collection processes – courtesy of AI <strong>and</strong><br />

automation. An automated O2C system also boosts<br />

cross-departmental collaboration – because all<br />

sales <strong>and</strong> finance teams have an enterprise-wide<br />

view of the cash collection process sharing one<br />

unique cash culture. Further lockdowns – <strong>and</strong><br />

other non-p<strong>and</strong>emic recessions – can happen so<br />

making cash collection as efficient as possible can<br />

ameliorate the effect on the organisations’ bottom<br />

lines.<br />

Mark Sheldon is Chief Technology<br />

Officer at Sidetrade.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 50


AUTHOR – Mark Sheldon<br />

The main reason for implementing an<br />

AI software system in the O2C process<br />

is to reduce bad debt, achieve faster cash<br />

collection, <strong>and</strong> also minimise time spent on<br />

disputes with customers.<br />

Automating the O2C process genuinely<br />

improves the working capital position.<br />

Our data shows the average ‘day sales<br />

outst<strong>and</strong>ing’ drops from 52 to 40 days when<br />

automating the O2C process.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 51

ANNUAL<br />


The seventh Annual General Meeting of the<br />

Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> will<br />

be held on Tuesday, 7 September <strong>2021</strong> at<br />

a central London location (details to follow,<br />

through all CICM channels) at 13:00<br />

(or at the rising of the Advisory Council from<br />

its preceding meeting, whichever is later). Any<br />

changes to location or format will be advised of<br />

if necessary.<br />

By order of the Executive Board<br />

Sue Chapple FCICM<br />

Chief Executive<br />

To read the Notice, visit:<br /><br />

CM<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> magazine for<br />

consumer <strong>and</strong> commercial credit professionals<br />




IN DEPTH<br />


ASK THE<br />


GLOBAL<br />

NEWS<br />

LEGAL<br />



TRADE<br />



HR<br />








Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 52


A year of two halves<br />

Beware the Post COVID Slump<br />

AUTHOR – Declan Flood AICDP, FCICM, CMIIP<br />

IN Irel<strong>and</strong> things are beginning<br />

to get back to normal, with<br />

shops reopening <strong>and</strong> pubs <strong>and</strong><br />

restaurants open for outdoor<br />

dining <strong>and</strong> the promise of indoor<br />

service from <strong>July</strong>, albeit with<br />

reduced capacity. The hope is that we<br />

should be back to business as usual by the<br />

end of the year.<br />

The Government are providing help<br />

<strong>and</strong> support to businesses, <strong>and</strong> banks are<br />

spending fortunes on advertising low-cost<br />

loans to help small businesses with cash<br />

flow.<br />

I believe we are coming out of the worst<br />

recession the world has ever seen <strong>and</strong> it<br />

has been hidden by massive Government<br />

borrowings to keep the economy afloat in<br />

the short term.<br />

There seems to be a greater tolerance<br />

for growing levels of overdue debt <strong>and</strong><br />

delayed payments from customers due to<br />

the current economic situation. Added to<br />

this, we are entering the summer, the sun<br />

is shining, we are working from home, we<br />

have money in our pockets, <strong>and</strong> all looks<br />

great in the world.<br />

The point of this article is to tell you<br />

that it isn’t all sweetness <strong>and</strong> light. All<br />

the predictions point to a record number<br />

of business failures in the second half of<br />

the year when the supports are phased<br />

out <strong>and</strong> success will be achieved by the<br />

credit manager who keeps their focus on<br />

managing their exposure <strong>and</strong> getting it<br />

down to the lowest possible level in the<br />

next couple of months. By all means, work<br />

with your customers to find a way through<br />

the current difficulties, remember there<br />

are Government supports <strong>and</strong> bank<br />

facilities available for small businesses, so<br />

they shouldn’t have to rely on you to give<br />

them additional cash flow by giving them<br />

further extended credit terms.<br />

Remember too, that the current climate<br />

has been really good for some businesses<br />

mainly in the pharmaceutical, online<br />

sales <strong>and</strong> IT infrastructure, so there is no<br />

reason why these accounts should ever go<br />

beyond terms. One thing I have learned<br />

over the years is that the more lenient you<br />

are, the more you will be taken advantage<br />

of. So, take this as a wake-up call to double<br />

your efforts to get your ledger back in<br />

shape as quickly as you can.<br />

You can enjoy the sunshine in the<br />

evenings <strong>and</strong> the weekends, when it<br />

comes to the day job, now is the time<br />

for increased effort from all within the<br />

business to work together to ensure every<br />

sale that has been made is converted to<br />

cash in the quickest possible time, <strong>and</strong> on<br />

this point, if your workload is excessive,<br />

if you simply haven’t got the resources<br />

necessary to mount a major collection<br />

campaign, there are lots of reputable,<br />

specialist collection companies out there<br />

who are ready to help you. Rather than<br />

seeing this as a failure on behalf of the<br />

credit team, view it as simply part of the<br />

overall process <strong>and</strong> what is required to<br />

ensure the timely collection of all money<br />

owed.<br />

Happy collecting!<br />



Laurie Beagle<br />

Become a Member Today:<br />

Get ahead in <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>and</strong> have Forums International<br />

by your side.<br />

The last year has been an extremely difficult time for us all, so<br />

take time out of your day to join us at one of our 10 Forums<br />

run throughout the year, learn from industry experts, hear<br />

from keynote speakers <strong>and</strong> get the help you need.<br />

10 Quarterly<br />

Forum Groups<br />

Monthly<br />

webinars on<br />

hot topics<br />

Drop-in<br />

sessions <strong>and</strong><br />

other ad-hoc<br />

events online<br />

Access to<br />

INFO-Hub<br />

24/7 to post<br />

questions &<br />

experiences<br />

Access to the<br />

Forums<br />

archive<br />

Corporate Membership<br />

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C A L L U S : +44 (0) 1260 275716<br />


Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 53


CICM is proud to<br />

introduce our new Podcasts<br />

how they can<br />

benefit your<br />

company<br />

Listen in to the<br />

conversations of the<br />

industry experts,<br />

wherever you are.<br />

Tune in now!<br />


Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 54<br />


to our<br />



For the sake of comparison<br />

Finding a policy of neutrality for religious symbols in<br />

the workplace <strong>and</strong> avoiding sex discrimination when<br />

navigating enhanced pay policies.<br />

THERE have been many legal<br />

cases concerning the wearing<br />

of religious symbols in the<br />

workplace. In such cases<br />

courts often need to decide<br />

if a ban or partial ban is<br />

discriminatory on the grounds of religious<br />

belief or if it can be justified by a policy of<br />

neutrality.<br />

A recent opinion of an Advocate General<br />

to the European Court of Justice (ECJ)<br />

emphasises the existing position that bans<br />

or partial bans on the wearing of religious<br />

symbols which apply equally to all will not<br />

amount to direct discrimination. And nor<br />

will it amount to indirect discrimination if<br />

they relate to a legitimate aim (such as an<br />

employer’s desire for neutrality) <strong>and</strong> are a<br />

proportionate means of achieving that aim.<br />

The opinion was given in response to<br />

two German cases where, in one case, an<br />

employer had prohibited the wearing by<br />

their customer-facing employees of any<br />

visible signs of political, philosophical or<br />

religious beliefs in the workplace <strong>and</strong>, in<br />

another, an employer had instructed an<br />

employee to attend her workplace without<br />

any conspicuous, large-scale political,<br />

philosophical or religious signs. In both cases,<br />

the employers’ rules were challenged by<br />

Muslim employees who had been prohibited<br />

from wearing the Islamic headscarf. The two<br />

German courts asked the European Court of<br />

IN Price v Powys County Council, the<br />

Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT)<br />

was asked to consider whether it was<br />

discriminatory for an employer to provide<br />

enhanced adoption pay to a woman on<br />

statutory adoption leave (SAL) but no<br />

enhanced shared parental pay to a man<br />

on shared parental leave (SPL).<br />

Mr Price was employed by Powys County<br />

Council <strong>and</strong> brought a claim for direct<br />

sex discrimination against the council<br />

on the basis that they paid employees on<br />

statutory maternity leave (SML) <strong>and</strong> SAL<br />

more than employees on SPL.<br />

Following the reasoning in a previous<br />

case, Ali v Capita, the Employment<br />

Tribunal (ET) found that there were<br />

material differences between Price <strong>and</strong><br />

his chosen comparators: a woman on SML<br />

AUTHOR – Gareth Edwards<br />

It will be left to national<br />

courts to determine, on<br />

the facts of each case,<br />

whether an employer’s<br />

policy on the wearing of<br />

religious symbols can<br />

be justified.<br />

<strong>and</strong> a woman on SAL. The ET held that<br />

the correct comparator in this case was<br />

a female employee on SPL. As a female<br />

employee on SPL would have received the<br />

same pay as Price under Powys County<br />

Council's policy, there was no direct sex<br />

discrimination. Price appealed to the<br />

EAT in relation to the ET’s rejection of his<br />

second comparator – a woman on SAL.<br />

However, the EAT upheld the ET's<br />

decision that a woman on SAL was not an<br />

appropriate comparator in this case. The<br />

EAT found that the purposes of SAL <strong>and</strong><br />

SPL differed. Whereas the predominant<br />

purpose of SPL was the facilitation of<br />

childcare, the purpose of SAL went beyond<br />

childcare alone to include the forming of<br />

a parental bond <strong>and</strong> the taking of steps to<br />

prepare <strong>and</strong> maintain a safe environment<br />

Justice if the rules complied with the Equal<br />

Treatment Framework Directive.<br />

In the Advocate General’s view an<br />

employer’s rule that prohibits employees<br />

from wearing any visible signs of political,<br />

philosophical or religious beliefs can be<br />

justified in the context of pursuing political,<br />

philosophical <strong>and</strong> religious neutrality<br />

in the workplace. Further, an employer<br />

should be at liberty to prohibit only the<br />

wearing of large-scale, conspicuous signs<br />

such as hats, turbans <strong>and</strong> headscarves<br />

– however the prohibition must be part<br />

of a policy of political, philosophical or<br />

religious neutrality <strong>and</strong> be implemented in a<br />

consistent <strong>and</strong> systematic manner.<br />

It will be left to national courts to<br />

determine, on the facts of each case,<br />

whether an employer’s policy on the wearing<br />

of religious symbols can be justified.<br />

Although the UK withdrew from the<br />

European Union on 31 January 2020, UK<br />

courts will also continue to consider issues<br />

of EU law <strong>and</strong> the findings of the ECJ will<br />

remain influential.<br />

Employers seeking to implement rules<br />

should ensure that this is done in a<br />

consistent <strong>and</strong> systematic manner <strong>and</strong> that<br />

there are objective <strong>and</strong> justifiable business<br />

reasons for doing so. Whether such rules<br />

can be justified will depend on the facts of<br />

each case <strong>and</strong> the arguments are often finely<br />

balanced.<br />

Paying men on shared parental leave<br />

for the child.<br />

The EAT upheld the ET’s finding that<br />

there were material differences between<br />

SPL <strong>and</strong> SAL, including that SAL can<br />

commence prior to the child's placement,<br />

whereas SPL cannot. This further<br />

supported the ET’s conclusion that a<br />

woman on SAL was not an appropriate<br />

comparator for Price.<br />

This case provides helpful clarification<br />

for employers wishing to offer an<br />

enhanced adoption pay policy whilst<br />

offering statutory entitlements for SPL<br />

that such policies will not give rise to a<br />

successful sex discrimination claim.<br />

Gareth Edwards is a partner in<br />

the employment team at VWV<br /><br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 55




Dublin, €45,000, 1-year fixed purpose contract<br />

Working within the public sector, an excellent opportunity<br />

has been created for a skilled accounts receivable supervisor<br />

with strong management experience. You will manage five<br />

accounts receivable specialists, develop KPI reports <strong>and</strong><br />

monitor performance, as well as development of staff.<br />

You will ensure training is completed by all members of the<br />

team. You will assist with month end close, ensuring the relevant<br />

controls, reconciliations <strong>and</strong> reports are completed, ensure tax<br />

compliance procedures are followed <strong>and</strong> further develop credit<br />

control procedures. Agresso experience will give you a distinct<br />

advantage. Ref: 1077900<br />


Bury St Edmunds, up to £42,000<br />

This is an exciting opportunity to join a leading national brewery<br />

<strong>and</strong> pub partner. The role will be focused around leading a team<br />

of ten credit controllers both on site <strong>and</strong> remotely, managing<br />

various business unit ledgers <strong>and</strong> supporting the Head of Accounts<br />

Receivable in process improvement. You will ideally be a CICM<br />

qualified credit manager that is available immediately or on short<br />

notice with significant staff management experience.<br />

Ref: 3983706<br />

Contact William Plom on 01603 760141<br />

or email<br />

Contact Seodhna Durkin on 01 571 0011<br />

or email<br />


South West London, up to £37,000 + 5% annual bonus<br />

Working for a global retail entertainment business you will<br />

primarily be responsible for supervision of two accounts receivable<br />

clerks ensuring timely <strong>and</strong> correct cash allocation of payments.<br />

You will also oversee the administration of intercompany <strong>and</strong><br />

sundry receivables accounts. This is a progressive role where<br />

you will get involved in major projects, SOX controls <strong>and</strong><br />

implementation of new processes after a recent key acquisition.<br />

Experience with large systems such as SAP or Oracle <strong>and</strong> solid<br />

reporting skills on Excel is essential. Ref: 3977144<br />

Contact Mark Ordoña on 07565 800574<br />

or email<br />


Birmingham City Centre, up to £36,000<br />

An excellent opportunity is available to join a market leading<br />

organisation, based in Birmingham city centre. This position<br />

will focus on one of the organisations largest portfolios with<br />

emphasis on client facing collections. This role requires a h<strong>and</strong>s-on<br />

individual with experience in large scale reconciliations <strong>and</strong> large<br />

scale portfolio experience. The role offers an extremely attractive<br />

package <strong>and</strong> strong personal development opportunities.<br />

Ref: 3986755<br />

Contact Dan Day on 07734 726142<br />

or email<br /><br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 56



My Learning – free skills<br />

training from Hays<br />

To find out more visit<br /><br />


Frimley, Surrey, up to £33,000 + bonus & benefits<br />

This is an exciting opportunity to join a growing business in a newly<br />

created role. You will take full responsibility for the entire order to<br />

cash cycle, ensuring that aged debt is kept to a minimum, whilst<br />

maximising cash flow. Experience of working with retail clients is<br />

highly desirable, strong Excel skills <strong>and</strong> the ability to work in a sole<br />

charge capacity is essential.<br />

Ref: 3987637<br />

Contact Natascha Whitehead on 07770 786433<br />

or email<br />


Harlow, £25,000-£30,000<br />

This new role is for a large international leader in the luxury<br />

retail space. You will be supporting a new credit manager in the<br />

maintenance of broad UK & overseas ledgers, with a focus on<br />

query resolution <strong>and</strong> proactive debt collection. We are looking for<br />

someone who is either CICM qualified or studying towards this<br />

qualification <strong>and</strong> who has strong Excel skills. You must be open<br />

minded <strong>and</strong> comfortable in a changing environment. Ref: 3989701<br />

Contact William Plom on 01603 760141<br />

or email<br />

This is just a small selection of the many opportunities we<br />

have available for credit professionals. To find out more visit<br />

us online or contact Karen Young, Hays <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

UK Lead on 07834 260029<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 57


Do you know someone who would benefit from CICM membership? Or have<br />

you considered applying to upgrade your membership? See our website<br /> for more details, or call us on 01780 722903<br />

Studying Member<br />

Danielle Allen<br />

Richard Allibone<br />

Peter Barker<br />

Darius Boller<br />

Frieda Brinson<br />

Eleonora Burghoff<br />

Roderick Byatt<br />

Christopher Craig<br />

Connor Dequincey<br />

Jonatan Dominguez<br />

Sonia Dorais<br />

Mirian Ellermaa<br />

Amy-Rose Fox<br />

Fiona Friebel<br />

Marta Gregori<br />

Connor Gregory<br />

Laura Gurnell<br />

Deborah Haggerstone<br />

Samuel Heath<br />

Nils Gustav Isidorsson<br />

Hannah Jackson<br />

Bulut Kahraman<br />

Aaron Kanagalingam<br />

Meah Kirk<br />

Ricardo Leith - Bowen<br />

Richard Lloyd-Hughes<br />

Salvijus Macys<br />

Caoimhe Magennis<br />

Sebastien Magis<br />

Tracy Mahaffy<br />

Simon Mainwood<br />

Amy McMullan<br />

Kate Meads<br />

Lauren Monteith<br />

Elizabeth Morse<br />

Archanesh Mukherjee<br />

Joe Murray<br />

Montey Patel<br />

Wesley Pritchard<br />

Adam Rogers<br />

Gustavo Henrique Santos Munhon<br />

Nicola Scowen<br />

Marie Selby<br />

Ashley Sharif<br />

Christopher Sharif<br />

Nykola Shroll-Lee<br />

Malin Simonsen<br />

Sheri Smith<br />

Kian Meng Soon<br />

Sophie Thomas<br />

Shannon Townsend<br />

David Wallace<br />

Mayra Williams<br />

Tyne Willis<br />

Nicola Wilson<br />

Callum Winter<br />

Member<br />

Roy Barrow MCICM<br />

Barry Bermingham MCICM<br />

Keith Lochner MCICM<br />

Claire McConnell MCICM<br />

Nese Bogle MCICM<br />

Affiliate<br />

Brenda Bevelacqua<br />

Kyle Campbell<br />

Matt Civil<br />

Anna Frackowiak<br />

Carlos Guerrero<br />

Emily Hornby<br />

Chris King<br />

Jennifer Martinez<br />

Rae McCarthy<br />

Dannielle Robert<br />

Stacey Robertson<br />

Silvia Strazovcova<br />

Grete Tiks<br />

Agnieszka Tyminska<br />

Associate<br />

Stuart Maclean ACICM<br />

Carl Woodman ACICM<br />

Congratulations to our current members who have upgraded their membership<br />

Upgraded member<br />

Metish Kachra FCICM<br />


Congratulations to the following, who successfully achieved Diplomas<br />

Level 3 Diploma in <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> (ACICM)<br />

NAME<br />

Gary Auckl<strong>and</strong><br />

Ashley Booth<br />

Neeta Bulsara<br />

Lucy Foulkes<br />

Alicja Gracjasz<br />

Gareth Guyers<br />

Jorge Guzman<br />

Pavlina Mitchell<br />

Scott Offord<br />

Charlotte Sweeney<br />

Joanne Turley<br />

Kaljit Rama<br />

Zacki Rahman<br />

Level 3 Diploma in <strong>Credit</strong> & Collections (ACICM)<br />

NAME<br />

Gemma Pawson<br />

Level 4 Diploma in High Court Enforcement<br />

NAME Tom Ennis<br />

Level 5 Diploma in <strong>Credit</strong> & Collections <strong>Management</strong> MCICM(Grad)<br />

NAME<br />

Kiah Phillips-Trigg<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 58



Keep an eye on our events calendar at CICM.COM for all CICM events!<br />

Visit our website <strong>and</strong> book online at:<br />

Many of our events are now available<br />

online, along with a new series of<br />

live recorded webinars for the credit<br />

profession.<br />

Studying at a<br />

distance<br />

with CICM<br />

Visit our website for<br />

updates <strong>and</strong> instructions<br />

on how to register...<br />

From interactive virtual classrooms to supporting texts,<br />

from mentor advice to peer support, we’ve got it all.<br />

Contact CICM for more information on any of these services,<br />

or check them out at<br />

Giving you the tools to continue<br />

working through this crisis.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 59

Cr£ditWho?<br />

CICM Directory of Services<br />




Controlaccount Plc<br />

Address: Compass House, Waterside, Hanbury Road,<br />

Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 4FD<br />

T: 01527 549 522<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Controlaccount Plc provides an efficient, effective <strong>and</strong> ethical<br />

commercial debt recovery service focused on improving business<br />

cash flow whilst preserving customer relationships <strong>and</strong> established<br />

reputations. Working with leading br<strong>and</strong> names in the UK <strong>and</strong><br />

internationally, we deliver a bespoke service to our clients. We<br />

offer a no collect, no fee service without any contractual ties in.<br />

Where applicable, we can utilise the Late Payment of Commercial<br />

Debts Act (2013) to help you redress the cost of collection. Our<br />

clients also benefit from our in-house international trace <strong>and</strong><br />

legal counsel departments <strong>and</strong> have complete transparency <strong>and</strong><br />

up to the minute information on any accounts placed with us for<br />

recovery through our online debt management system, ClientWeb.<br />

Guildways<br />

T: +44 3333 409000<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Guildways is a UK & International debt collection specialist with over<br />

25 years experience. Guildways prides itself on operating to the<br />

highest ethical st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> professional service levels. We are<br />

experienced in collecting B2B <strong>and</strong> B2C debts. Our service includes:<br />

• A complete No collection, No Fee commission based service<br />

• 10% plus VAT commission for UK debts<br />

• Commission from 22% plus VAT for International debts<br />

• 24/7 online access to your cases through our CaseManager portal<br />

• Direct online account-to-account payments, to speed up<br />

collections <strong>and</strong> minimise costs<br />

If you are unable to locate your customer, we also offer a no trace, no<br />

fee, trace <strong>and</strong> collect service.<br />

For more information, visit:<br />


Atradius Collections Ltd<br />

3 Harbour Drive,<br />

Capital Waterside, Cardiff, CF10 4WZ<br />

Phone: +44 (0)29 20824397<br />

Mobile: +44 (0)7767 865821<br /><br />

Website:<br />

Atradius Collections Ltd is an established specialist in business<br />

to business collections. As the collections division of the Atradius<br />

Crédito y Caución, we have a strong position sharing history,<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> reputation.<br />

Annually h<strong>and</strong>ling more than 110,000 cases <strong>and</strong> recovering over<br />

a billion EUROs in collections at any one time, we deliver when<br />

it comes to collecting outst<strong>and</strong>ing debts. With over 90 years’<br />

experience, we have an in-depth underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the importance<br />

of maintaining customer relationships whilst efficiently <strong>and</strong><br />

effectively collecting monies owed.<br />

The individual nature of our clients’ customer relationships is<br />

reflected in the customer focus we provide, structuring our service<br />

to meet your specific needs. We work closely with clients to<br />

provide them with a collection strategy that echoes their business<br />

character, trading patterns <strong>and</strong> budget.<br />

For further information contact Yvette Gray Country Director, UK<br />

<strong>and</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Premium Collections Limited<br />

3 Caidan House, Canal Road<br />

Timperley, Cheshire. WA14 1TD<br />

T: +44 (0)161 962 4695<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

For all your credit management requirements Premium<br />

Collections has the solution to suit you. Operating on a national<br />

<strong>and</strong> international basis we can tailor a package of products <strong>and</strong><br />

services to meet your requirements.<br />

Services include B2B collections, B2C collections, international<br />

collections, absconder tracing, asset repossessions, status<br />

reporting <strong>and</strong> litigation support.<br />

Managed from our offices in Manchester, Harrogate <strong>and</strong> Dublin our<br />

network of 55 partners cover the World.<br />

Contact Paul Daine FCICM on +44 (0)161 962 4695 or<br /><br /><br />

Baker Ing International Limited<br />

Office 7, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London. EC4M 7JN<br />

Contact: Lisa Baker-Reynolds<br />

Email:<br />

Website:<br />

Tel: 07717 020659<br />

Baker Ing International is a dedicated team of <strong>Credit</strong> industry<br />

experience that, combined, covers time served in most industries.<br />

The team is wholly comprised of working <strong>Credit</strong> Manager’s<br />

across the Globe with a minimum threshold of ten years working<br />

experience within <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong>. The team offers a<br />

comprehensive service to clients - International Debt Recovery,<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> Control, Legal Services & more<br />

Our mission is to help companies improve the cost <strong>and</strong> efficiency<br />

of their <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> processes in order to limit the risks<br />

associated with extending credit <strong>and</strong> trading around the globe.<br />

How can we help you - call Lisa Baker Reynolds on<br />

+44(0)7717 020659 or email<br />

Sterling Debt Recovery<br />

E:<br />

T: 0207 1005978<br />

W:<br />

Sterling specialises in international business debt collection<br />

to get outst<strong>and</strong>ing invoices paid quickly <strong>and</strong> cost effectively.<br />

Our experienced, enthusiastic collectors achieve results whilst<br />

maintaining a professional image.<br />

We work on a commission only basis with no up-front fees <strong>and</strong><br />

no hidden costs. Each client is allocated a named collector for<br />

personal service <strong>and</strong> regular updates. We collect the majority<br />

of debt without litigation, with our on-site lawyer supporting us<br />

where appropriate.<br />

Where local expertise is required our global network are available<br />

to assist.<br />

BlaserMills Law<br />

London – High Wycombe – Amersham – Silverstone<br />

T: 01494 478660<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Blaser Mills Law’s commercial recoveries team is internationally<br />

recognised, regularly advising large corporations, multinationals<br />

<strong>and</strong> SMEs on pre-legal collections, debt recovery, commercial<br />

litigation, dispute resolution <strong>and</strong> insolvency. Our legal services<br />

are both cost-effective <strong>and</strong> highly efficient; Our lawyers are also<br />

CICM qualified <strong>and</strong> ranked in the industry leading law firm rankings<br />

publications, Legal 500 <strong>and</strong> Chambers UK.<br />

Keebles<br />

Capitol House, Russell Street, Leeds LS1 5SP<br />

T: 0113 399 3482<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Keebles debt recovery team was named “Legal Team of the Year”<br />

at the 2019 CICM British <strong>Credit</strong> Awards.<br />

According to our clients “Keebles st<strong>and</strong> head <strong>and</strong> shoulders<br />

above others in the industry. A team that underst<strong>and</strong>s their client’s<br />

business <strong>and</strong> know exactly how to speedily maximise recovery.<br />

Professional, can do attitude runs through the team which is not<br />

seen in many other practices.”<br />

We offer a service with no hidden costs, giving you certainty <strong>and</strong><br />

peace of mind.<br />

• ‘No recovery, no fee’ for pre-legal work.<br />

• Fixed fees for issuing court proceedings <strong>and</strong> pursuing claims to<br />

judgment <strong>and</strong> enforcement.<br />

• Success rate in excess of 80%.<br />

• 24 hour turnaround on instructions.<br />

• Real-time online access to your cases to review progress.<br />

Lovetts Solicitors<br />

Lovetts, Bramley House, The Guildway,<br />

Old Portsmouth Road,<br />

Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LR<br />

T: 01483 347001<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

With more than 25yrs experience in UK & international business<br />

debt collection <strong>and</strong> recovery, Lovetts Solicitors collects £40m+<br />

every year on behalf of our clients. Services include:<br />

• Letters Before Action (LBA) from £1.50 + VAT (successful in 86%<br />

of cases)<br />

• Advice <strong>and</strong> dispute resolution<br />

• Legal proceedings <strong>and</strong> enforcement<br />

• 24/7 access to your cases via our in-house software solution,<br />

CaseManager<br />

Don’t just take our word for it, here’s some recent customer<br />

feedback: “All our service expectations have been exceeded.<br />

The online system is particularly useful <strong>and</strong> extremely easy to<br />

use. Lovetts has a recognisable br<strong>and</strong> that generates successful<br />

results.”<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 60


AND PRICING CONTACT<br /> 0203 603 7937<br />




Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers Consulting<br />

T: +44(0)7747 761641<br />

E: enquiries@chriss<strong>and</strong><br />

W: www.chriss<strong>and</strong><br />

Chris S<strong>and</strong>ers Consulting – we are a different sort of consulting<br />

firm, made up of a network of independent experienced<br />

operational credit & collections management <strong>and</strong> invoicing<br />

professionals, with specialisms in cross industry best practice<br />

advisory, assessment, interim management, leadership,<br />

workshops <strong>and</strong> training to help your team <strong>and</strong> organisation reach<br />

their full potential in credit <strong>and</strong> collections management. We are<br />

proud to be Corporate Partners of the Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong><br />

<strong>Management</strong> <strong>and</strong> to manage the CICM Best Practice Accreditation<br />

Programme on their behalf. For more information please contact:<br />

enquiries@chriss<strong>and</strong><br />


Company Watch<br />

Centurion House, 37 Jewry Street,<br />

LONDON. EC3N 2ER<br />

T: +44 (0)20 7043 3300<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Organisations around the world rely on Company Watch’s<br />

industry-leading financial analytics to drive their credit risk<br />

processes. Our financial risk modelling <strong>and</strong> ability to map medium<br />

to long-term risk as well as short-term credit risk set us apart<br />

from other credit reference agencies.<br />

Quality <strong>and</strong> rigour run through everything we do, from our unique<br />

method of assessing corporate financial health via our H-Score®,<br />

to developing analytics on our customers’ in-house data.<br />

With the H-Score® predicting almost 90 percent of corporate<br />

insolvencies in advance, it is the risk management tool of choice,<br />

providing actionable intelligence in an uncertain world.<br />


Data Interconnect Ltd<br />

Units 45-50<br />

Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Majors Road,<br />

Watchfield. Swindon, SN6 8TZ<br />

T: +44 (0)1367 245777<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Data Interconnect is dedicated to solving complex Accounts<br />

Receivable problems through reliable, easy-to-use cloud<br />

software. We empower billing managers <strong>and</strong> collections experts<br />

with the tools <strong>and</strong> data they need in a user-friendly interface, for<br />

timely, tax-compliant invoicing, collections <strong>and</strong> reconciliation in<br />

the most cost effective, secure, auditable <strong>and</strong> trackable manner.<br />

The powerful, flexible, Corrivo platform is the only system your<br />

AR team needs to manage your company’s cashflow better.<br />

2 0 0 2<br />

—<br />

2 0 2 0<br />

CoCredo<br />

Missenden Abbey, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 0BD<br />

T: 01494 790600<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

CoCredo has 18 years experience in developing credit reports for<br />

businesses <strong>and</strong> is the current CICM <strong>Credit</strong> Information Provider<br />

of the Year. Our company data is continually updated throughout<br />

the day <strong>and</strong> ensures customers have the most current information<br />

available. We aggregate data from a range of leading providers<br />

across over 235 territories <strong>and</strong> offer a range of services including<br />

the industry first Dual Report, Monitoring, XML Integration <strong>and</strong><br />

DNA Portfolio <strong>Management</strong>.<br />

We pride ourselves in offering award-winning customer service<br />

<strong>and</strong> support to protect your business.<br />

HighRadius<br />

T: +44 7399 406889<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

HighRadius is the leading provider of Integrated Receivables<br />

solutions for automating receivables <strong>and</strong> payment functions such<br />

as credit, collections, cash allocation, deductions <strong>and</strong> eBilling.<br />

The Integrated Receivables suite is delivered as a software-as-aservice<br />

(SaaS). HighRadius also offers SAP-certified Accelerators<br />

for SAP S/4HANA Finance Receivables <strong>Management</strong>, enabling<br />

large enterprises to maximize the value of their SAP investments.<br />

HighRadius Integrated Receivables solutions have a proven track<br />

record of reducing days sales outst<strong>and</strong>ing (DSO), bad-debt <strong>and</strong><br />

increasing operation efficiency, enabling companies to achieve an<br />

ROI in less than a year.<br />

ESKER<br />

Sam Townsend Head of Marketing<br />

Northern Europe Esker Ltd.<br />

T: +44 (0)1332 548176 M: +44 (0)791 2772 302<br />

W: LinkedIn: Esker – Northern Europe<br />

Twitter: @EskerNEurope<br />

Esker’s Accounts Receivable (AR) solution removes the all-toocommon<br />

obstacles preventing today’s businesses from collecting<br />

receivables in a timely manner. From credit management to cash<br />

allocation, Esker automates each step of the order-to-cash cycle.<br />

Esker’s automated AR system helps companies modernise<br />

without replacing their core billing <strong>and</strong> collections processes. By<br />

simply automating what should be automated, customers get the<br />

post-sale experience they deserve <strong>and</strong> your team gets the tools<br />

they need.<br />

Graydon UK<br />

66 College Road, 2nd Floor, Hygeia Building, Harrow,<br />

Middlesex, HA1 1BE<br />

T: +44 (0)208 515 1400<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

With 130+ years of experience, Graydon is a leading provider of<br />

business information, analytics, insights <strong>and</strong> solutions. Graydon<br />

helps its customers to make fast, accurate decisions, enabling<br />

them to minimise risk <strong>and</strong> identify fraud as well as optimise<br />

opportunities with their commercial relationships. Graydon uses<br />

130+ international databases <strong>and</strong> the information of 90+ million<br />

companies. Graydon has offices in London, Cardiff, Amsterdam<br />

<strong>and</strong> Antwerp. Since 2016, Graydon has been part of Atradius, one<br />

of the world’s largest credit insurance companies.<br />

Tinubu Square UK<br />

Holl<strong>and</strong> House, 4 Bury Street,<br />

London EC3A 5AW<br />

T: +44 (0)207 469 2577 /<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Founded in 2000, Tinubu Square is a software vendor, enabler<br />

of the <strong>Credit</strong> Insurance, Surety <strong>and</strong> Trade Finance digital<br />

transformation.<br />

Tinubu Square enables organizations across the world to<br />

significantly reduce their exposure to risk <strong>and</strong> their financial,<br />

operational <strong>and</strong> technical costs with best-in-class technology<br />

solutions <strong>and</strong> services. Tinubu Square provides SaaS solutions<br />

<strong>and</strong> services to different businesses including credit insurers,<br />

receivables financing organizations <strong>and</strong> multinational corporations.<br />

Tinubu Square has built an ecosystem of customers in over 20<br />

countries worldwide <strong>and</strong> has a global presence with offices in<br />

Paris, London, New York, Montreal <strong>and</strong> Singapore.<br />


Serrala UK Ltd, 125 Wharfdale Road<br />

Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham<br />

Berkshire RG41 5RB<br />

E: W:<br />

T +44 118 207 0450 M +44 7788 564722<br />

Serrala optimizes the Universe of Payments for organisations<br />

seeking efficient cash visibility <strong>and</strong> secure financial processes.<br />

As an SAP Partner, Serrala supports over 3,500 companies<br />

worldwide. With more than 30 years of experience <strong>and</strong><br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of successful customer projects, including solutions<br />

for the entire order-to-cash process, Serrala provides credit<br />

managers <strong>and</strong> receivables professionals with the solutions they<br />

need to successfully protect their business against credit risk<br />

exposure <strong>and</strong> bad debt loss.<br />


T: 020 3868 0947<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Onguard is specialist in credit management software <strong>and</strong> market<br />

leader in innovative solutions for order to cash. Our integrated<br />

platform ensures an optimal connection of all processes in the<br />

order to cash chain <strong>and</strong> allows sharing of critical data.<br />

Intelligent tools that can seamlessly be interconnected <strong>and</strong><br />

offer overview <strong>and</strong> control of the payment process, as well as<br />

contribute to a sustainable customer relationship.<br />

In more than 50 countries the Onguard platform is successfully<br />

used for successful credit management.<br />

Credica Ltd<br />

Building 168, Maxell Avenue, Harwell Oxford, Oxon. OX11 0QT<br />

T: 01235 856400E: W:<br />

Our highly configurable <strong>and</strong> extremely cost effective Collections<br />

<strong>and</strong> Query <strong>Management</strong> System has been designed with 3 goals<br />

in mind:<br />

•To improve your cashflow • To reduce your cost to collect<br />

• To provide meaningful analysis of your business<br />

Evolving over 15 years <strong>and</strong> driven by the input of 1000s of<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> Professionals across the UK <strong>and</strong> Europe, our system is<br />

successfully providing significant <strong>and</strong> measurable benefits for our<br />

diverse portfolio of clients.<br />

We would love to hear from you if you feel you would benefit from<br />

our ‘no nonsense’ <strong>and</strong> human approach to computer software.<br />

Satago<br />

48 Warwick Street, London, W1B 5AW<br />

T: +44(0)020 8050 3015<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Satago helps business owners <strong>and</strong> their accountants avoid credit<br />

risks, manage debtors <strong>and</strong> access finance when they need it – all<br />

in one platform. Satago integrates with 300+ cloud accounting<br />

apps with just a few clicks, helping businesses:<br />

• Underst<strong>and</strong> their customers - with RISK INSIGHTS<br />

• Get paid on time - with automated CREDIT CONTROL<br />

• Access funding - with flexible SINGLE INVOICE FINANCE<br />

Visit <strong>and</strong> start your free trial today.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 61

Cr£ditWho?<br />

CICM Directory of Services<br />


OPTIONS AND PRICING CONTACT<br /> 0203 603 7937<br />




C2FO<br />

C2FO Ltd<br />

105 Victoria Steet<br />

SW1E 6QT<br />

T: 07799 692193<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

C2FO turns receivables into cashflow <strong>and</strong> payables into income,<br />

uniquely connecting buyers <strong>and</strong> suppliers to allow discounts<br />

in exchange for early payment of approved invoices. Suppliers<br />

access additional liquidity sources by accelerating payments<br />

from buyers when required in just two clicks, at a rate that works<br />

for them. Buyers, often corporates with global supply chains,<br />

benefit from the C2FO solution by improving gross margin while<br />

strengthening the financial health of supply chains through<br />

ethical business practices.<br />

High Court Enforcement Group Limited<br />

Client Services, Helix, 1st Floor<br />

Edmund Street, Liverpool<br />

L3 9NY<br />

T: 08450 999 666<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Putting creditors first<br />

We are the largest independent High Court enforcement company,<br />

with more authorised officers than anyone else. We are privately<br />

owned, which allows us to manage our business in a way that<br />

puts our clients first. Clients trust us to deliver <strong>and</strong> service is<br />

paramount. We cover all aspects of enforcement – writs of control,<br />

possessions, process serving <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>lord issues – <strong>and</strong> are<br />

committed to meeting <strong>and</strong> exceeding clients’ expectations.<br />


Menzies<br />

T: +44 (0)2073 875 868 - London<br />

T: +44 (0)2920 495 444 - Cardiff<br />

W:<br />

Our <strong>Credit</strong>or Services team can advise on the best way for you<br />

to protect your position when one of your debtors enters, or<br />

is approaching, insolvency proceedings. Our services include<br />

assisting with retention of title claims, providing representation<br />

at creditor meetings, forensic investigations, raising finance,<br />

financial restructuring <strong>and</strong> removing the administrative burden<br />

– this includes completing <strong>and</strong> lodging claim forms, monitoring<br />

dividend prospects <strong>and</strong> analysing all Insolvency Reports <strong>and</strong><br />

correspondence.<br />

For more information on how the Menzies <strong>Credit</strong>or<br />

Services team can assist please contact Giuseppe Parla,<br />

Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, at<br />

or call +44 20 7465 1919.<br />

LEGAL<br />

identeco – Business Support Toolkit<br />

Compass House, Waterside, Hanbury Road, Bromsgrove,<br />

Worcestershire B60 4FD<br />

Telephone: 01527 549 531 Email:<br />

Web:<br />

identeco’s Business Support Toolkit is an online portal connecting<br />

its subscribers to a range of business services that help them<br />

to engage with new prospects, underst<strong>and</strong> their customers <strong>and</strong><br />

mitigate risk. Annual subscription is £79.95 per year for unlimited<br />

access. Providing company information <strong>and</strong> financial reports,<br />

director <strong>and</strong> shareholder structures as well as a unique financial<br />

health rating, balance sheets, ratio analysis, <strong>and</strong> any detrimental<br />

data that might be associated with a company. Other services<br />

also included in the subscription include a business names<br />

database, acquisition targets, a data audit service as well as<br />

unlimited, bespoke marketing <strong>and</strong> telesales listings for any sector.<br />


Court Enforcement Services<br />

Wayne Whitford – Director<br />

M: +44 (0)7834 748 183 T : +44 (0)1992 663 399<br />

E :<br />

W:<br />

Court Enforcement Services is the market leading <strong>and</strong> fastest<br />

growing High Court Enforcement company. Since forming in 2014,<br />

we have managed over 100,000 High Court Writs <strong>and</strong> recovered<br />

more than £187 million for our clients, all debt fairly collected. We<br />

help lawyers <strong>and</strong> creditors across all sectors to recover unpaid<br />

CCJ’s sooner rather than later. We achieve 39% early engagement<br />

resulting in market-leading recovery rates. Our multi-awardwinning<br />

technology provides real-time reporting 24/7. We work in<br />

close partnership to expertly resolve matters with a fast, fair <strong>and</strong><br />

personable approach. We work hard to achieve the best results<br />

<strong>and</strong> protect your reputation.<br />

Gravity Global<br />

Floor 6/7, Gravity Global, 69 Wilson St, London, EC2A 2BB<br />

T: +44(0)207 330 8888. E:<br />

W:<br />

Gravity is an award winning full service PR <strong>and</strong> advertising<br />

business that is regularly benchmarked as being one of the<br />

best in its field. It has a particular expertise in the credit sector,<br />

building long-term relationships with some of the industry’s bestknown<br />

br<strong>and</strong>s working on often challenging briefs. As the partner<br />

agency for the <strong>Credit</strong> Services Association (CSA) for the past 22<br />

years, <strong>and</strong> the Chartered Institute of <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> since<br />

2006, it underst<strong>and</strong>s the key issues affecting the credit industry<br />

<strong>and</strong> what works <strong>and</strong> what doesn’t in supporting its clients in the<br />

media <strong>and</strong> beyond.<br />

FORUMS<br />


T: +44 (0)1246 555055<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Forums International Ltd have been running <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>and</strong> Industry<br />

Forums since 1991. We cover a range of industry sectors <strong>and</strong><br />

International trading, attendance is for <strong>Credit</strong> Professionals of all<br />

levels. Our forums are not just meetings but communities which<br />

aim to prepare our members for the challenges ahead. Attending<br />

for the first time is free for you to gauge the benefits <strong>and</strong> meet the<br />

members <strong>and</strong> we only have pre-approved Partners, so you will<br />

never intentionally be sold to.<br />

Shoosmiths<br />

Email:<br />

Tel: 03700 86 3000 W:<br />

Shoosmiths’ highly experienced team will work closely with credit<br />

teams to recover commercial debts as quickly <strong>and</strong> cost effectively<br />

as possible. We have an in depth knowledge of all areas of debt<br />

recovery, including:<br />

•Pre-litigation services to effect early recovery <strong>and</strong> keep costs down<br />

•Litigation service<br />

•Post-litigation services including enforcement<br />

•Insolvency<br />

As a client of Shoosmiths, you will find us quick to relate to your goals,<br />

<strong>and</strong> adept at advising you on the most effective way of achieving<br />

them.<br />


American Express<br />

76 Buckingham Palace Road,<br />

London. SW1W 9TQ<br />

T: +44 (0)1273 696933<br />

W:<br />

American Express is working in partnership with the CICM <strong>and</strong> is a<br />

globally recognised provider of payment solutions to businesses.<br />

Specialising in providing flexible collection capabilities to drive a<br />

number of company objectives including:<br />

• Accelerate cashflow • Improved DSO • Reduce risk<br />

• Offer extended terms to customers<br />

•Provide an additional line of bank independent credit to drive<br />

growth • Create competitive advantage with your customers<br />

As experts in the field of payments <strong>and</strong> with a global reach,<br />

American Express is working with credit managers to drive growth<br />

within businesses of all sectors. By creating an additional lever<br />

to help support supplier/client relationships American Express is<br />

proud to be an innovator in the business payments space.<br />

Bottomline Technologies<br />

115 Chatham Street, Reading<br />

Berks RG1 7JX | UK<br />

T: 0870 081 8250 E:<br />

W:<br />

Bottomline Technologies (NASDAQ: EPAY) helps businesses<br />

pay <strong>and</strong> get paid. Businesses <strong>and</strong> banks rely on Bottomline for<br />

domestic <strong>and</strong> international payments, effective cash management<br />

tools, automated workflows for payment processing <strong>and</strong> bill<br />

review <strong>and</strong> state of the art fraud detection, behavioural analytics<br />

<strong>and</strong> regulatory compliance. Businesses around the world depend<br />

on Bottomline solutions to help them pay <strong>and</strong> get paid, including<br />

some of the world’s largest systemic banks, private <strong>and</strong> publicly<br />

traded companies <strong>and</strong> Insurers. Every day, we help our customers<br />

by making complex business payments simple, secure <strong>and</strong><br />

seamless.<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 62




Key IVR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1302 513 000<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Key IVR are proud to have joined the Chartered Institute of<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong>’s Corporate partnership scheme. The<br />

CICM is a recognised <strong>and</strong> trusted professional entity within<br />

credit management <strong>and</strong> a perfect partner for Key IVR. We are<br />

delighted to be providing our services to the CICM to assist with<br />

their membership collection activities. Key IVR provides a suite<br />

of products to assist companies across the globe with credit<br />

management. Our service is based around giving the end-user<br />

the means to make a payment when <strong>and</strong> how they choose. Using<br />

automated collection methods, such as a secure telephone<br />

payment line (IVR), web <strong>and</strong> SMS allows companies to free up<br />

valuable staff time away from typical debt collection.<br />


Hays <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN<br />

T: 07834 260029<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Hays <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Management</strong> is working in partnership with the CICM<br />

<strong>and</strong> specialise in placing experts into credit control jobs <strong>and</strong><br />

credit management jobs. Hays underst<strong>and</strong>s the dem<strong>and</strong>s of this<br />

challenging environment <strong>and</strong> the skills required to thrive within<br />

it. Whatever your needs, we have temporary, permanent <strong>and</strong><br />

contract based opportunities to find your ideal role. Our c<strong>and</strong>idate<br />

registration process is unrivalled, including face-to-face screening<br />

interviews <strong>and</strong> a credit control skills test developed exclusively for<br />

Hays by the CICM. We offer CICM members a priority service <strong>and</strong><br />

can provide advice across a wide spectrum of job search <strong>and</strong><br />

recruitment issues.<br />



Portfolio <strong>Credit</strong> Control<br />

1 Finsbury Square, London. EC2A 1AE<br />

T: 0207 650 3199<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Portfolio <strong>Credit</strong> Control, solely specialises in the recruitment of<br />

permanent, temporary <strong>and</strong> contract <strong>Credit</strong> Control, Accounts<br />

Receivable <strong>and</strong> Collections staff. Part of an award winning<br />

recruiter we speak to <strong>and</strong> meet credit controllers all day everyday<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing their skills <strong>and</strong> backgrounds to provide you with<br />

tried <strong>and</strong> tested credit control professionals. We have achieved<br />

enormous growth because we offer a uniquely specialist approach<br />

to our clients, with a commitment to service delivery that exceeds<br />

your expectations every single time.<br />

Cr£ditWho?<br />

CICM Directory of Services<br />

CICMQ accreditation is a proven model<br />

that has consistently delivered dramatic<br />

improvements in cashflow <strong>and</strong> efficiency<br />

CICMQ is the hallmark of industry<br />

leading organisations<br />

The CICM Best Practice Network is where<br />

CICMQ accredited organisations come<br />

together to develop, share <strong>and</strong> celebrate<br />

best practice in credit <strong>and</strong> collections<br />



To find out more about flexible options<br />

to gain CICMQ accreditation<br />

E: T: 01780 722900<br />

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 63

Advancing the credit profession / / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2021</strong> / PAGE 64

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