The Ridge School Magazine 2020

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At the onset of 2020, one of the mothers in 7M came

up to me and said “this is the Grade to watch, the boys

are different, they nudge at your heart and run away

with it”. I couldn’t agree with her more.

The year 2020 will go down in history as the year in which

humanity’s fault lines, and by default in our daily lives, were

exposed. The world was caught wanting. Yet, in all that

confusion, hope prevailed. As the burden of lockdown

came into full effect and the reality of the poverty into

which most of our fellow countrymen live played out on

national TV, the generosity of our

people was also made manifest.

From further afield, the unfortunate death of Mr Floyd

grew the global Black Lives Matter movement. The

beheading of a teacher in France, shook the world, but

from that regrettable event conversations about sensitivity

and acceptance were started and should continue long into

the future, with the ultimate understanding that violence

can and will never be the answer.

My dear valedictorians, my message to you today is one

of hope. HOPE being a feeling of expectation of things

to come. Better days are coming. Days where you will be

happy and free to do as you please once more. Here, at

The Ridge, we believe that the experience we offer is one

where being a boy is celebrated.

Where being naughty and brave is encouraged, where

pushing boundaries is accepted and cheered, where we

help you find your character and personality free of the

judgement of the world.

Although 2020 has been different, it did not go to total

waste. We saw you explore and work in ways we never

thought possible this time last year. We marvelled at

how you took the change in your stride and embraced it

fully. We were encouraged by your zeal for life and your

enthusiasm. You, the class of 2020, are our heroes. You,

dear boys, are the wind that carried us when days were

cold and bleak. You ushered in a new decade like no other

class before you. We will long remember your charity

drive at the Zoo lake at the height of the corona virus, the

Headmaster’s leadership program that you took on with

enthusiasm, the beautiful music at the online Founders’

Day, and the gracious and intimate Remembrance Day

service you hosted a couple of weeks ago.

Your generosity of spirit will be your legacy I hope 2020

will not be your annus horrobilis, a year to be forgotten.

That you will not be in a rush to go back to your old ways,

and put this year past you. But rather, for you it will be a

catapult from which you will launched your life. That it will

be a reference and a place for you to come back too, time

and time again, to reflect and source new strength from.

And lastly that you will learn to appreciate the freedom

that we have, the ability to make choices, and the beauty of

human connections so long taken granted.

Gentleman, since forever you have known that change

is inevitable, what you discovered this year is that it can

be swift and violent. Adapt anyway, and make the best of

the situation you are in. So, in conclusion I implore you

to live your truth, whatever that may be. Love humanity

passionately and, work hard and change yourself one day at

a time. Thank you.

Today, as I pay homage to my boys I choose to concentrate

on the qualities they exhibited throughout 2020.










A time to look back on lessons learned and adventures we shared

bright moments filled with special meaning

A farewell, a time for saying goodbye to old friends and a time to

say hello to new friends, a time to remember the memories and a

time to make new memories.

The years have gone by in a blink of an eye and have been the

best times of my life.



Some people touch our souls in amazing ways, they

remind us that it is not in the robust discussion and

rat race of life that we are fulfilled, but rather in the

quiet and beautiful personal moments that we share.

Yusuf, with a wicked sense of humour, has been

that person for us in 7M. We have appreciated your

person and wish that you would share that with the rest of the world.


As I walk through the gate for the last time

I breathe in the greatness that surrounds me and my heart feels

heavy Knowing that this extraordinary school helped to shape this

life of mine I see all the familiar faces and places and I miss them


So many of them have touched my life.

Today I feel proud and I stand tall

But when I realize how fortunate we all are

I cannot help but to feel humble and small

I hope that I can one day look back on this incredibly journey

from afar And trace my steps back to where it all started – at this

special place.



Dedicated, Diligent, Delightful. That is sweet old

Mike. The world over, there is no one as unique

as you are. So slim soos ‘n jakals, die seunkie is

net so vinning soos bliz in die water. He is as

bright as a diamond, delightful old Mike.


My time here was fun,my time here was grand my time at the

ridge was anything but bland. Through memory lane I now will

stroll as I leave the ridge my heart takes a toll. Late afternoons

laughing at yahoo answers or early morning struggles to finish

homework and avert disaster losing old friends is going to be

rough but with enough effort we’ll keep in touch. Thanks for all the




I am convinced that Elliot was born to be a

teacher, a master and guru of knowledge. His

insight into subjects that hold his interest is

beyond his years. His research skills are second

best to none of his mates. Watch this young man,

he has the making of an Einstein.

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