The Ridge School Magazine 2020

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The year in Grade 3 started as any other. Excitement about being the seniors of the junior

prep, butterflies about all the sport that was taking place and of course, the all time favourite

that is hot lunch! Once the boys had settled, we quickly got into the routine of the longer

days and more time spent with friends.

We enjoyed learning about a different culture learning about Chinese New Year. Many a smile

was seen while trying to slurp up noodles using chopsticks. The next highlight was Mr Men

Day where all boys showed their creativity with how to dress like a traditional Mr Men or

making up a new one.

It was soon after these wonderful celebrations that the newest growth took place. Both

teachers and boys alike had to find new technological skills to remain connected and

continue to learn. Whilst online for the remaineder of the first term, the Grade 3’s continued

to try and make the learning as interactive as they could. Boys built their own pirate boats at

home, made fruit salad and then planned a picnic for their family within the confines of their

garden. Although it was a challenging time, in these initial stages we were all positive about

the possibilities.

Heading into the second term saw some disappointed boys as they were now starting to

miss their friends and all the social interactions. The sports also took a back seat, and perhaps

the boys were longing for the return of some of those butterflies to show that they were

once again fully engaged in the sporting calendar.

This was a year of first’s to remember. It was the first time we could learn from the comfort

of our homes, while snacking all day long. It was the first time animals joined many a google

meet to see what what was going on. It was perhaps the first time that boys have seen

exactly what their teachers looked like without having regular visits to the hairdressers.

The third term started with some sense of returning to a new normal and the boys were

very excited to see the school buildings. It become very clear to all of us how important

our daily interactions are and how lucky we were to have technology to help us through the

trying second term. Although we saw many of our highlights take a back seat, the end to the

year was still meaningful. We celebrated Heritage Day where each of boy was proud of who

he is and where he comes from. This was followed by a Lumo Day, where amazing colours

made all of us feel so much more positive. The highlight of the year was the Thansgiving

assembly, where we officially said goodbye to our wonderful boys as they survived (no ...

thrived!) in a very difficult year. The year 2020 was hard in many ways for all of us, but the

lessons learnt that extend beyond the classroom will be treasured forever.

Grade 3’s of 2020 can be proud of the learning, resilience and determination shown

throughout the year. They are most certainly adaptable and flexible as a result




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