Rafiq-ul-Haramayn - Ilyas Attar Qadri

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Rafiq-ul-Haramayn 9

Jeddah to Makkaĥ

On arriving at Jeddah airport, disembark from the plane with your

hand-luggage reciting Labbayk ( َّ َ

) with utmost devotion. Make

بلي ك

your way towards the custom’s counter. After collecting baggage

and getting your passport and documents checked, proceed to the

bus organized by your Mu’allim.

The formalities of clearing customs and arrival of the bus may take

around 6 to 8 hours; therefore, show great patience in this situation.

The distance between Makka-tul-Mukarramaĥ and Jeddah airport

is covered in about one or one and half hours, but there may be

some delay due to traffic jams and legal formalities. You may also

have to wait for the bus. On every occasion, remain contented and

have patience, and keep reciting Labbayk.

Stirred up with anger, if you quarrel with organizers and shout [at

them], you will end up exploiting the situation instead of improving

it. You may also fall into committing the sins of wasting the Šawāb

of patience, hurting the Muslims, backbiting, accusing, bad suspicion,

etc. As the bus is organized by your Mu’allim, get on it with your

luggage while reciting Labbayk to lead towards Makkaĥ Mu’aẓẓamaĥ.

Iḥrām of those flying to Madīnaĥ

Those who directly reach Madīna-tul-Munawwaraĥ from their

country are advised to cover this journey without Iḥrām. When they

move towards Makkaĥ from Madīnaĥ, they should make the intention

of Iḥrām from Madīnaĥ or at Żul-Ḥulayfaĥ (Abyār-e-‘Alī).

Transport organized by Mu’allim

Whether you travel by air or by sea, all transportations from Jeddah

to Makkaĥ, ‘Arafāt, Minā, Madīnaĥ etc. and finally back to Jeddah

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