Rafiq-ul-Haramayn - Ilyas Attar Qadri

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Rafiq-ul-Haramayn 29

‏[بَاب ُ الس َ َّ م]‏ 18. Bāb-us-Salām

A blessed door of Masjid-ul-Ḥarām situated towards the east. When

making first visit to the Masjid, it is preferable to enter through this

door. (But now it usually remains closed.)

‏[كَع ۡ ب

‏َة]‏ 19. Ka’baĥ

It is also called ‘

بَ‏ ُ ت ا‏ّٰ‏ ’, i.e. the ‘House of Allah .’ It is situated at


the very centre of the earth. People throughout the world offer their

Ṣalāĥ facing it. The Muslims make Ṭawāf (i.e. circumambulation)

of it with great fervour.

Names of 4 corners of Ka’baĥ

‏َس ۡ وَد]‏ 20. Rukn Aswad

‏[رُك ۡ ن ا

The south-east corner of the Ka’baĥ where Ḥajar-ul-Aswad is affixed.

‏[رُك ۡ ن عِرَايقِ‏ [ ‘Irāqī 21. Rukn

The north-east corner of the Ka’baĥ towards Iraq

‏[رُك ۡ ن ش َ ايمِ‏ [ Shāmī 22. Rukn

The north-west corner of the Ka’baĥ towards Syria

‏َاينِ‏ [ Yamānī 23. Rukn


‏[رُك ۡ ن ي

The western corner of the Ka’baĥ towards Yemen

‏َة]‏ 24. Bāb-ul-Ka’baĥ

‏َع ۡ ب

‏[بَاب ُ ال ۡ ك

The blessed door of the Ka’baĥ made of gold. It is elevated from

the ground. It is located in eastern wall between Rukn Aswad and

Rukn ‘Irāqī.

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