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TheTime COIN

Camille Anding

How did time manage to carry life

through such fleeting days and years?

It seems much too quick to see the end of life on this

earth and be left holding only memories and a few tokens

of our loved ones lives. Yet our God has a miraculous way

of bonding wonderful memories in our minds that are

associated with our parents, but in such a way that we

don’t live in the past or remain paralyzed in grief.

However, it is ironic that there are still moments when

I feel like a wide-mouth Lucy from Charlie Brown shouting,

“I MISS MY MAMA!” And even though I realize my memory

is losing some of its needed cells, I rejoice that there are

moments and images in my mind that time hasn’t erased.

I remember Mother converting the dining room into

her sewing room where she would cut out a new fall

dress on that mahogany surface and make her Singer

machine sing. Ther’s one specific two-piece ensemble I still

recall–a blue-green plaid with a gazillion pleats in the skirt.

It required way more time than I required for my taste, but

it was the latest style, so Mother kept making pleats.

It never dawned on me as a child that

Mother’s closet had a lot

more space than my sister’s

and mine. In years to come

I would realize more of her

sacrifices for her four children.

When I hear about plans for

VBS, I think of Mother. It was so

special to me that she was the

principal, the main person to

organize and make it work.

I thought she was an outstanding storyteller. Her

missionary stories came alive as we cleared jungle paths

to remote villages and glided down the Amazon in a

canoe to join the missionaries sharing the Gospel.

I sang the Psalms to present day tunes and learned

pledges to the Christian flag and Bible—all under

the tutelage of my mother.

I loved the way Mother loved my daddy, how she

trained us to appreciate and look for dessert after every

lunch and dinner, how she hung a line of clothes like the

military might have ordered, how she let us have a real

but small fire to cook our mud pies, how she saved all

her empty spice tins and oatmeal containers for our

playhouse, how she made our being sick almost better

than being well, due to her constant attention and

special treats, how she loved musical performances by her

offspring and how we knew she loved us unconditionally.

Life lessons, intentional and unintentional, were forged

into my years by my mother and

daddy. I know they weren’t perfect,

but time has a way of dissolving

the flaws and polishing the jewels.

I’m grateful that memories like

mine allow me to celebrate

Mother›s Day on a daily basis

because my mother’s influence

is branded in my heart and

mind. And I count that as

a really good thing!

122 • MAY 2021

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