North Canterbury News: July 29, 2021

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Thursday,<strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>,<strong>2021</strong> | Issue 956 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Retail spend<br />

grows in the<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Retail spend continuestogrow in the Waimakariri<br />

district despite the uncertainty of Covid­19.<br />

Figures from Marketview, basedonPaymark eftpos<br />

transactions,showsthe total spend in the Waimakariri<br />

district from January to May this year was $<strong>29</strong>6.6 million.<br />

This compares to $232.8 million for the same period<br />

last year and $241.3 million in 2019.<br />

Last year’s dip is due to the impactofthe Covid­19<br />

lockdown, Waimakariri District Council business centres<br />

manager Simon Hart says.<br />

‘‘The loss of spend during the lockdown was mitigated<br />

to some degree by significant spendingjust before<br />

lockdown,and people spending morethan normal<br />

directly after lockdown.’’<br />

Last year’s spend quickly bounced back after lockdown<br />

and finishedthe year ahead of 2019’s totalspend.<br />

‘‘It would be afair assumption that without lockdown,<br />

retailspend in 2020 would have been somewhere in the<br />

midpoint of 2019 and <strong>2021</strong>,’’MrHart says.‘‘This reflects<br />

reasonably steady retailgrowth within the district over<br />

the last three years all thingsconsidered.’’<br />

Enterprise<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> chiefexecutive Heather<br />

Warwick says there is plenty of optimism in the region,<br />

despitethe challenges of Covid­19,drought and flooding.<br />

‘‘It's very pleasingtosee how well the business<br />

community has come through the last year in general, and<br />

how some of the projections given at the start of lockdown<br />

have not come to pass, particularly the unemployment<br />

projections.<br />

‘‘We are not back to ‘business as usual' just yet, however<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> businesses remain confidentand<br />

continuetoplan and respond well for adverse events.’’<br />

The Marketview data covers retail spend across six<br />

categories including apparel and personal, cafes,<br />

restaurants, bars and takeaways,fuel and automotive,<br />

groceries and liquor,home and recreation retail, and<br />

other.<br />

Rangioraled the way with $184.9 million spentfrom<br />

JanuarytoMay, up from $159.6 million last year and<br />

$162.5 million in 2019. Kaiapoi’s retail spend was $48.2<br />

millionfor the first five months of this year,upfrom $43.1<br />

millionlast year and $44.9 million in 2019.<br />

In Oxford,around $9.5 million was spent earlierthis<br />

year, which was down slightly on last year’s retail spend<br />

of $9.6 million, but up on the $9.2 million spentin2019.<br />

Spending in Woodendand Pegasuscontinues to grow<br />

with $15.5 million spent earlierthis year compared to<br />

$13.6 millionin2019 and last year’s dip to $11.3 million.<br />

An icy festival tribute<br />

Cool work ... Auckland ice sculptor Victor Cagayat working<br />

on atribute in recognition of Blackwells Department store’s<br />

150 years of retailing in Kaiapoi. He sculpted the tribute in the<br />

carpark last Satruday afternoon during the store’s Fire and<br />

Ice Festival. Turn to page 2.<br />


NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Grow<br />

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to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

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Fog causes nervous moments<br />


From Page 1<br />

Kaiapoi retailerAndrew Blackwell had a<br />

few nervous momentslast Saturday<br />

whenfog stoppedearly morning flights<br />

out of Auckland airport.<br />

Andrew,the Blackwell’s Department<br />

Store managingdirector, was busy<br />

preparing for the store’s annualFire and<br />

Ice Festival later in the day whenhewas<br />

toldabout the fog.<br />

For ashort time it looked like it would<br />

derail the eventwith the show’sstar,<br />

Auckland ice sculptor VictorCagayat,<br />

still in Auckland and unable to travel<br />

south.<br />

Luckily the fog lifted and Victorwas<br />

abletocatch alater flight to<br />

Christchurch to begin his ice sculpting<br />

demonstrationinthe Blackwell’s car<br />

parkonly 30 minutes later than<br />

scheduled.<br />

The sculpting and Fire and Ice Night<br />

Market wererun in supportofthe<br />

Kaiapoi Art Expo next door at the<br />

Kaiapoi Club.<br />

‘‘Wewanted to complementitand give<br />

something backtothe community for<br />

supporting our store,’’ saysMrBlackwell.<br />

Victor carvedfour ice sculptures<br />

during his public demonstration,<br />

including the one recognising the<br />

Blackwell family’s forthcoming150th<br />

anniversary of retailinginKaiapoi,next<br />

month. Alarge crowdlater gathered at<br />

the night markettosee the ice sculptures<br />

lit up, listentoArgentinian­born,<br />

Christchurch­based guitarist and guitar<br />

teacher, SantiagoSamonta, watch the<br />

firedancers perform and sample food<br />

fromaround20stalls.<br />

Market visitors were alsoable to shop<br />

at Blackwell’sDepartment Store, which<br />

remainedopen until late.<br />

Warming up ... Afire dancer performing during the festival.<br />

Big night ... Andrew Blackwell, left, with<br />

family friends Greg Comfort, centre, and<br />

Maarten Loeffen beside the tribute sculpted<br />

by Victor Cagayat.<br />


Ice art ... Another work of art by Auckland<br />

ice artist Victor Cagayat.<br />

Financial boost for wellbeing in Kaikoura<br />

Kaikoura’swellbeing is set to receive<br />

aboost as part of the government’s<br />

tourism support.<br />

Mental wellbeingsupportisbeing<br />

rolled out to five SouthIsland<br />

communities most affected by the<br />

absence of international tourists as<br />

part of the government’s $200 million<br />

‘‘Tourism Communities:Support,<br />

Recoveryand Re­set Plan’’.<br />

‘‘Agreements have now been put in<br />

placewith District Health Boards in<br />

the South Island to deliver thiscrucial<br />

support to regional communities,’’<br />

TourismMinister Stuart Nash says.<br />

‘‘The$4.5 million investment allows<br />

DHBs to provide supportinKaikoura<br />

(<strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB), MackenzieDistrict<br />

(South <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB), Queenstown<br />

Lakesand Fiordland (Southern DHB),<br />

and Westland (WestCoast DHB).<br />

‘‘TheDHBs will provide arange of<br />

mental well­being services and<br />

initiatives at alocal level. They will<br />

work with communities to decide<br />

what’s neededand how it’s delivered.’’<br />

Mr Nashsays businesses,workers<br />

and their families in tourist<br />

destinations are facingchallenges<br />

from borderclosures designed to keep<br />

New Zealandsafe.<br />

Furtherbusiness supportinitiatives<br />

in the five communities is progressing,<br />

he says.<br />

‘‘Each community now has alead<br />

entity to manage the business support<br />

services, and recruitmentisunder<br />

way locally to supportthem.<br />

‘‘The initiatives include business<br />

advisory support, agranttoimplement<br />

the advice, and akick­startfund.<br />

‘‘They are on track to be available<br />

from later next month.<br />

‘‘We want access to thissupport to be<br />

easy for businesses to tap into.<br />

Businesses will be talking to one<br />

person locally aboutwhat support is<br />

rightfor them. Iencourage businesses<br />

in the five communitiestocheck their<br />

eligibility criteriaonthe Ministry of<br />

Business, Innovationand Employment<br />

website.’’<br />

Businesssupport initiatives<br />

include:<br />

BusinessAdvisory Support fund (up<br />

to $5000 per business) to enable<br />

businesses to receive expert advice<br />

and support such as changing target<br />

market, or scaling their business.<br />

Grants for businesses to implement<br />

business advice (up to $5000per<br />

business).<br />

Tourism Kick­start Fund, to<br />

contributetowardsexistingtourism<br />

businesses scalingback up for the<br />

return of internationalvisitors. The<br />

grantwill be calculated basedontwo<br />

weeksofpre­Covid revenue set at two<br />

weeksofaveragerevenuefor 2019.<br />

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NC councils seek information<br />


The Hurunui District Council willnot be<br />

joiningthe Government’s3Waters<br />

Reformprogramme based on the<br />

information it hastodate.<br />

It is thelatest council to express<br />

concern about thelackofinformation, the<br />

haste withwhich the Government is<br />

drivingthe reform, andthe tighttimetable<br />

to consult withtheir communities.<br />

The Waimakaririand Kaikoura District<br />

Councilshave also expressedsimilar<br />

concerns.<br />

HurunuiMayor Marie Black saysthere<br />

are aspectsofthe analysisreleased by<br />

Government in support of thereforms,<br />

thatare not directly applicable in thethe<br />

HurunuiDistrict.<br />

‘‘It(theanalysis) does not fairlyreflect<br />

our current position, andsecondly it<br />

included an underlyingmessage that<br />

council’shistoricallyhaveunder­invested<br />

in basic infrastructureassets.<br />

Mrs Blacksays thecouncilhas intimate<br />

knowledgeofits infrastructure, and had<br />

invested heavily in these critical assets<br />

overrecent years.<br />

‘‘Itwouldappear on thefactsinfront of<br />

us thatthe compellingcase forchange is<br />

unfounded, and we areunlikely to<br />

considerthatthis ReformProgramme<br />

willbring thebestoutcomefor our<br />

district.<br />

She assuresratepayersthe council<br />

teamisscrutinisingall theinformation it<br />

has received.<br />

‘‘Itisseriously disappointingtohear<br />

thatwehave onlyeight weeks to apply<br />

thisscrutiny and undertakecommunity<br />

engagement, prior to making thefinal<br />

decision,’’ she says<br />

‘‘Itismy opinion, theinformationthat<br />

the government hasprovided is not robust<br />

enoughtoconvince me that the proposed<br />

benefits of reform will be realised.<br />

‘‘Based on theinformation receivedto<br />

date and thecomparative datathatwe<br />

have available, ourcouncil willnot be<br />

preparedtoparticipate withthisReform<br />

Programme.’’<br />

She says engagementwith theHurunui<br />

communityiscritical and shewants the<br />

community’sinvolvement.<br />

Meanwhile the Waimakariri District<br />

Council has sent LocalGovernment<br />

MinisterNanaia Mahutaalistof28<br />

questionsitwants answerstoonthe<br />

reformssoitcan take ‘‘meaningful<br />

consultation to its community’’.<br />

MayorDan Gordon says in the letterthe<br />

council wantsconstructive and<br />

informative engagement on the reforms<br />

proposedtobetter understand thebasis<br />

of theinformationand assumptions sent<br />

to thecouncil.<br />

‘‘This willhelp us fulfilour statutory<br />

and partnershiprequirementsunderthe<br />

LocalGovernment Act2002.<br />

‘‘Similarlyitwill enable the council to<br />

fullyunderstandthe proposal and consult<br />

effectivelywith ourcommunity,’’ Mr<br />

Gordon says.<br />

He says thecouncilisdisappointed the<br />

timeline for consultation haschanged<br />

from December to September,withno<br />

date finalised.<br />

‘‘Theproposedreform is asignificant<br />

issuefor our community,and it is<br />

important thatweunderstandall the<br />

information in detailbeforeweseek the<br />

viewsofour residents.<br />

‘‘Based on thelimited information<br />

presented so far, the viewofthe<br />

councillors, and my own, would be thatwe<br />

do not jointhe Government’s 3Waters<br />

Reform programme.<br />

‘‘Atthispoint we arenot convinced<br />

thereare benefitsfor the Waimakariri<br />

community,’’ Mr Gordon says.<br />

Kaikoura chief executiveWillDoughty<br />

is seekinganexplanation after<br />

Department of Internal Affairsfigures<br />

suggestedthe council wouldneed to<br />

invest $280million on its3Waters<br />

infrastructureover the next30years.<br />

‘‘Wehaven’t made afinal decision as<br />

yet, andweare waiting formore<br />

information, but we are questioningthe<br />

informationthey have provided.<br />

‘‘The governmenthas said it is still a<br />

choice forlocal councilsonwhetherto<br />

optinor opt out,but we are seeing aslight<br />

change in thelanguage.’’<br />

Mr Doughtysaysthere was<br />

considerableinvestmentinthe district’s3<br />

Waters infrastructureaspart of the $38<br />

million earthquake rebuild, which was<br />

completed last year.<br />

‘‘If we compareittoour infrastructure<br />

strategy, we estimate thatwewill needto<br />

spend just over $28 million.<br />

‘‘The totalvalueofour 3Waters<br />

network is $57 million.<br />

‘‘Weunderstandthe numbers have<br />

beendoneatanational macro economic<br />

level, but when it’s broughtdown to a<br />

local level for asmall, localcouncil, how<br />

real are thosenumbers forour<br />

community.’’<br />

With the prospect of change on the<br />

horizon, with3Waters, Resource<br />

Management Act and local government<br />

reformbeingproposed, Mr Doughtysays<br />

thecouncilisnot opposed to change.<br />

‘‘Fromwhat we have seen to date, we<br />

can’t seethe casefor change at alocal<br />

level. But the voice of local government<br />

hastobeabout what’s bestfor ourrate<br />

payers, ratherthan what’sbestfor the<br />

entity, so if thecase forchange can be<br />

made then we oweittoour community to<br />

support it. One thingisfor certain is this<br />

community understandshow to respond<br />

to change and we willdealwith these<br />

reforms as it becomesclearer.’’<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

3<br />


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Councils’ underestimating water costs<br />

Councils such as Kaikoura are<br />

underestimating the future cost of<br />

maintaining their 3Waters<br />

infrastructure, the Department of<br />

Internal Affairs (DIA) says.<br />

The DIA estimates it will cost up to<br />

$280 million over the next 30 to 50 years<br />

to maintain and upgrade Kaikoura’s 3<br />

Waters infrastructure, while the<br />

Kaikoura District Council estimates the<br />

required investment to be $28 million.<br />

‘‘TheDepartment of Internal Affairs<br />

believes the figures providedto<br />

Kaikoura and other councils are robust<br />

and well founded,’’ ADIA spokesperson<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Theseprojectedcosts need to be<br />

considered in the contextofahistoryof<br />

under investment in water infrastructure<br />

in New Zealand and the need to take a<br />

long­term (30 to 50 year)<br />

intergenerational view in providing safe<br />

and environmentally appropriatewater<br />

services.<br />

‘‘There is avery low probability that<br />

Kaikoura could deliver three waters<br />

services at alower cost on its own than<br />

what might be expected throughreform,<br />

and even in that scenariothere wouldbe<br />

worse service, health and environmental<br />

outcomes for residentsassociated with<br />

the lower level of investment.’’<br />

The DIA’s figures are basedonthe<br />

experiences of local councils operating<br />

underthe Water Industry Commission of<br />

Scotland, following3Watersreforms in<br />

the United Kingdom.<br />

The UK reforms led to much higher<br />

costs than wereinitially expected, which<br />

helps to explain why the DIA’sestimate<br />

is significantly higherthan local council<br />

estimates,the spokesperson says.<br />

The DIA says under­estimating the<br />

costs of consumer expectations, a<br />

changing regulatory environment,<br />

meeting iwi/Maoriaspirations, and<br />

building resilience to climate change<br />

and future seismic events are reasonsfor<br />

the differences.<br />

‘‘Thechallengeofestimating future<br />

investment requirements can be<br />

compounded by some councils’<br />

imperfectand incomplete information<br />

on the condition of theirassets, a<br />

situation that has been highlighted by<br />

theauditor­general on several<br />

occasions.’’ The DIA’s analysis has been<br />

independentlyreviewed by both Beca<br />

Ltd and Farrier Swier Consulting Pty<br />

Ltd, the spokespersonsays.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Kaiapoi art showcase makes stylish return<br />


Kaiapoicelebrated the artsinstyle<br />

lastweekend withthe returnofthe<br />

KaiapoiArt Expoand theFire andIce<br />

Festival.<br />

The popular winter events, which<br />

bring manyvisitors to the river town,<br />

werecancelled last year due to the<br />

Covid­19 pandemic, althoughavirtual<br />

Art Expo was establishedonline by<br />

MartynCook, the thenbusiness<br />

manager of theKaiapoi Promotion<br />

Association.<br />

At this year’s15th annual expo,<br />

which opened lastFridayeveningand<br />

ran on Saturdayand Sunday,125<br />

artistsexhibited 800artworks.<br />

The expo, in the KaiapoiClub, was<br />

organised by theWaimakariri Arts<br />

Trust andincluded the School Art<br />

Expo, featuring paintingsand<br />

drawings from Waimakaririschool<br />

children. There was also an<br />

opportunity to learnaboutarts and<br />

crafts at the HaveAGosectionofthe<br />

expo.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Mayor Dan<br />

Gordon,who is also the former<br />

WaimakaririArts Trust chairman, said<br />

the artexpowas now ‘‘very firmlyon<br />

the arts calendar as amustsee’’.<br />

In the 15 years thatthe expo has been<br />

helditisestimatedthe eventhas<br />

attractedmore than 60,000 visitors to<br />

the town to appreciate artwithjust<br />

under $400,000insalesgoing to the<br />

artistswho haveexhibited.<br />

‘‘Itisanexcitingtimetobeinvolved<br />

in thearts in Waimakariri,’’ Mr Gordon<br />

said.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrictCouncil is<br />

workingwith theartscommunityto<br />

establish aWaimakaririArtsstrategy<br />

and councillorAlBlackie will leadthe<br />

initiative with anew portfolioofArts<br />

and Culture, to signify theimportance<br />

of the artsinWaimakariri.<br />

Meanwhile Mr Gordon realised a<br />

long­held ambition to ownapainting<br />

by KaiapoiartistPaul Smith.<br />

He wasgifted oneofPaul’s paintings<br />

As Time GoesByduring the openingof<br />

theKaiapoi Art Expo.<br />

Thepainting,which was one of two<br />

Paul had in theexhibition, was givento<br />

Mr Gordon, by the WaimakaririArts<br />

Trust committeeinrecognitionofhis<br />

service as chairman.<br />

Mr Gordonannouncedhis<br />

resignation as the trust chairman, at<br />

theopeningofthe expo.<br />

‘‘Ihavedecided thatafter 17 years as<br />

chairthe timehas cometostepdown,<br />

butIwill remain as atrustee,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘Ihaveafew things happening in<br />

another jobthattakesmyfocus, butI<br />

am veryproudofeverythingwehave<br />

achievedover theselast 17 years.<br />

‘‘From aconversation withElaine<br />

Armstrong thatled to adiscussion with<br />

fellowneighbour JackieWatson,and<br />

others, here we are,’’hesaid.<br />

Initially theythought theexpo would<br />

only be afew events, but every year it<br />

hasgreatlyexceededexpectations and<br />

grown in popularity to become a‘‘must<br />

see’’ annualart showcase bringing<br />

many visitorstoKaiapoi.<br />

Trust deputychairwomanJackie<br />

Watsonwill succeed Dan in thetop job.<br />

Thepainting giftedtoDan by the<br />

trust committeewill hanginhis newly<br />

decoratedmayoral office.<br />

‘‘IhavealwayslovedPaul’s work and<br />

have wantedtobuy oneofhis paintings<br />

foralong time,soitisgreat to finally<br />

have oneand to be able to put it up in<br />

my office,’’ he said.<br />

Guest artist ... Kim Henderson, of<br />

Motunau Beach, in Greta Valley, with some<br />

of her work on opening night.<br />

Enjoying the moment ... Rangiora artist Carol McQueen, who is also aretired sign writer,<br />

with her work at the Kaiapoi Art Expo on opening night last Friday evening. PHOTOS: SHELLEY TOPP<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

5<br />

Kaikoura has experienced a<br />

steady flow of visitorsfor the<br />

school holidays.<br />

Whilevisitornumbers have<br />

not reached the heights of <strong>July</strong><br />

last year,when New<br />

Zealanders burst out of<br />

lockdown, the townhas<br />

experienced asteadyschool<br />

holiday tradeproviding amuch<br />

needed boost to some<br />

businesses.<br />

But several tourism<br />

operatorsare continuingto<br />

struggle.<br />

‘‘Accommodation providers<br />

seem to be doing reasonably<br />

well,but the main operators<br />

like WhaleWatch and Dolphin<br />

Encounterare well down,’’<br />

Destination Kaikoura adviser<br />

Louise Frendsays.<br />

Kaikoura iSite supervisor<br />

Damo McDonnellsays<br />

weekends are typically busier<br />

than weekdays,with the bulk of<br />

the visitors travelling up from<br />

Christchurch and <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘We are luckythat we are still<br />

popular. We catertoalot of<br />

flavours, so we’vegot stuffthat<br />

Kiwisdoquite regularly, such<br />

as goingfishing, hunting and all<br />

the other outdoorsactivities.<br />

‘‘A lot of peoplehave batches<br />

and we are lucky that we’ve got<br />

agroup of people who are keen<br />

to come hereregardless of the<br />

time of year.’’<br />

Kaikoura Museum is proving<br />

to be apopular destination,<br />

particular for families,<br />

museum managerStephanie<br />

Langesays.<br />

Visitor information ... Kaikoura iSite supervisor Damo McDonnell (left)<br />

and sales consultant Phoenix Laugesen say visitor numbers have been<br />

steady in recent weeks.<br />

The bulk of the museum<br />

visitors are fromChristchurch,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Blenheim, but there are been<br />

several <strong>North</strong> Islanders<br />

passing through.<br />

‘‘We have noticed in the last<br />

12 monthsthat family visitors<br />

are up, even though over all<br />

numbers are down.<br />

‘‘Families are coming in and<br />

enjoying the spaceand it’s<br />

alwaysgood to hearthe sound<br />

of kidsenjoying themuseum.’’<br />

The Kaikoura Museum is set<br />

to markits 50th anniversary on<br />

September11, Ms Lange says.<br />

The Kaikoura District<br />

Council voted to increase its<br />

fundingtoDestination<br />

Kaikoura to supporttourism<br />

promotioninthe domestic<br />

market and overseas in the<br />

<strong>2021</strong>/31 Long Term Plan.<br />

Chief executive WillDoughty<br />

sayshehopesnext month’s<br />

Kaikoura WinterFestival and a<br />

new Matariki event will<br />

continue to growtoprovide<br />

morereasons for peopletovisit<br />

the town.<br />

‘‘It’s aboutkeeping thisplace<br />

on people’s radars. We have a<br />

pretty unique and special<br />

location, so it’sabout helping<br />

people to enjoy it.’’<br />

Autograph time ... <strong>Canterbury</strong> half back, Mitchell Drummond,<br />

signs his autograph for fan, Zac Ford.<br />


Alpinerugbytreat<br />

The TasmanMako’stook out<br />

the winover<strong>Canterbury</strong>inthe<br />

annual Hanmer Springs<br />

Trophy pre­season rugbymatch<br />

in the alpine village last<br />

Friday.<br />

Around 2000 turned out to<br />

watchthe spectacle.<br />

The day prior around 100<br />

fans and supporters were able<br />

to attend aquestionand<br />

answer session with the squad,<br />

and get autographs and join<br />

team membersfor photos.<br />

Wet weather forcedthe<br />

sessionindoors at the<br />

MemorialHall.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> player, Isaiah<br />

Punivai saysthe guys love to get<br />

out in thewider <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community. ‘‘Hanmer Springs<br />

is no different, especially when<br />

we’relucky to play in front of a<br />

passionate Hurunui crowd.”<br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Hurunui Council<br />

supports campaign<br />

In collaborationwithCrohns and<br />

Colitis NZ theHurunuiDistrict<br />

Council lendssupportfor this<br />

nationalcampaign.<br />

Ican’tWait is acampaign<br />

encouragingbusinesses to provide<br />

access to theirfacilities when<br />

someonewith bowel disease is in<br />

urgentneed.<br />

The campaignwas started by a<br />

young 12­year­old New Zealander<br />

who suffers with Crohn’s disease,<br />

and hasbeen fightingfor better<br />

awarenessaround theissue.<br />

It simply involves businesses<br />

displaying awindow sticker supplied<br />

by Crohnsand Colitis NZ, honouring<br />

the Ican’tWait cards heldbypeople<br />

withboweldisease,givingthe person<br />

undeniedaccess to their bathroom.<br />

Hurunui Districthas 14 businesses<br />

alreadysigned up and we are leading<br />

the wayinthis national campaign<br />

being the secondSouth Island<br />

council to signupand Iwould<br />

encourageother businessesto<br />

support this by emailing<br />

info@crohnsandcolitisnz.org.nz.<br />

The HurunuiHealth services<br />

DevelopmentGroup in in the process<br />

of transitiontoalocaladvisory<br />

group.<br />

Iamgrateful that17volunteers<br />

across the district haveofferedtheir<br />

voice,asthe purposeofthe advisory<br />

group is to advocatefor thedistrict<br />

and supporthealth outcomes.<br />

Withthe pending health reforms<br />

the advisory groupcan considerthe<br />

health and wellbeing of our district<br />

to drive opportunity.<br />

AlixBush, <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Flood<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Jul <strong>29</strong> Jul 30 Jul 31 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4<br />

Rise 7:44am<br />

Set 5:26pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:22am<br />

4:43pm<br />

Set 10:38am<br />

Rise10:59pm<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate S<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:43am<br />

Set 5:27pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:04am<br />

5:25pm<br />

Set 10:59am<br />

Moderate SWeasing<br />

to gentle SE<br />

recovery co­ordinator, may be<br />

contacted if youhave been impacted<br />

by therecent flood events. Alixis<br />

available to assist withgathering<br />

critical information to understand<br />

theneeds forarecoverypackage.<br />

Alix may be contacted on alixbush.<br />

ncrst@outlook.co.nz or 02102773370.<br />

Cr RobbieBruertonand Iattended<br />

theLocal GovernmentConference<br />

andAGM in Blenheim recently.<br />

Theannouncement of the tranche 2<br />

funding package receivedavaried<br />

responsefrom delegatesin<br />

attendance.<br />

Hurunui District’sallocation based<br />

on population is $10,682,254million.<br />

This formspartofthe $2.5billion<br />

investmentpackage.<br />

This packageisdesigned to ensure<br />

that local authorities are supported<br />

through the proposed transition<br />

process, although drawing on these<br />

fundsisnot availableuntil 2024.<br />

Engagementwithour district is<br />

critical to thisdecisionmaking.<br />

Thereare major issues facingthe<br />

district­3waters,Natural and Built<br />

environment (RMA),NPS freshwater<br />

and Indigenous Biodiversity and the<br />

Heath reforms –wemust keepour<br />

eyeonall these issuestoensure no<br />

loss of valuestoour district.<br />

Thanks to all the community<br />

memberswho cameout in support of<br />

TheHowlofaProtest lastweek,<br />

unfortunately Iwas unable to attend<br />

locally butitwas equallysatisfying to<br />

stand shoulder­to­shoulder with<br />

other MayorsfromWestland,<br />

Thames­Coromandel, Far <strong>North</strong>, and<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Electric scootersontrial<br />

Electricscooters willsoon be popping up acrossthe Waimakariri district.<br />

All community boards havegivenfeedbackonthe proposed six month trial, which will<br />

include Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend andPegasus.<br />

Kaiapoi­Tuahiwi CommunityBoard deputychairperson Jackie Watson saysthe trial<br />

is agood opportunity to explore theuse of e­scooters and assesswhether there is aplace<br />

for this technology in the Waimakariridistrict.<br />

Staff haveengaged with the Waimakariri Access Group, Age Friendly Waimakariri and<br />

the Waimakariri Youth Council to addressany concerns in the trial planning.<br />

The proposed trialwill start at the beginning of OctoberorNovember.<br />

Fair<br />

Rise 7:42am<br />

Set 5:28pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:46am<br />

6:07pm<br />

Rise 12:02am<br />

Set 11:20am<br />

Gentle SW turning<br />

S<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:41am<br />

Set 5:<strong>29</strong>pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:28am<br />

6:49pm<br />

Rise 1:05am<br />

Set 11:43am<br />

Gentle SE<br />

Ok<br />

Neighbourhood support ..<br />

in your street.<br />

Rise 7:40am<br />

Set 5:30pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Expanding support<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Neighbourhood<br />

Support is keen to expandits community<br />

support, if it can securethe funding.<br />

SarahSaunderstook overasmanager<br />

four months ago on apart time basisto<br />

oversee the organisation’sworkacross the<br />

Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura<br />

districts.<br />

‘‘It’s quite difficult to secure funding.<br />

Our longterm aim would be to be working<br />

in partnershipwith the councils.’’<br />

She has one staffmember in Rangiora,<br />

whilethe Kaikoura District Council has a<br />

staffmember ‘‘who lives and breaths<br />

anything neighbourhood support in her<br />

position’’and hopes to appoint someone in<br />

the Hurunui districtsoon, if funding<br />

allows.<br />

Neighbourhood Support has avarietyof<br />

roles, includingproviding support in<br />

emergencies, working alongside police,<br />

CivilDefenceand community patrols, and<br />

supporting street groups.<br />

‘‘We workinwith policeoncrime<br />

preventionand we worktosupport<br />

neighbourhood connections, and through<br />

our database(<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Gets<br />

Ready) we connect with Civil Defence to<br />

help get messages out to support our<br />

communities.’’<br />

The recent flood event highlighted the<br />

valueofthe <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Gets Ready<br />

database, which allows communities to<br />

know what resources are available, such as<br />

wheretofind agenerator, trailer or<br />

defibrillator, Sarah says.<br />

More than3500 <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

households were signed up to GetsReady<br />

before the flood event and that number<br />

keepsgrowing.<br />

7:11am<br />

7:33pm<br />

Rise 2:07am<br />

Set 12:08pm<br />

Moderate Eturning<br />

SE<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:39am<br />

Set 5:31pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:56am<br />

8:20pm<br />

Rise 3:09am<br />

Set 12:38pm<br />

Moderate SE turning<br />

SW<br />

Sarah Saunders is keen to promote Neighbourhood Support<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:37am<br />

Set 5:32pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:44am<br />

9:09pm<br />

Rise 4:11am<br />

Set 1:14pm<br />

Moderate SW<br />


‘‘My hopeiswecan develop astrong<br />

relationship with CivilDefence and the<br />

councils to be abletowork together to<br />

achieve some fantastic resultstoensure<br />

our communities are safe,resilient and<br />

connected.<br />

‘‘And that comes back to what we<br />

provide andwhatthey can provideeach<br />

other.’’<br />

Sarah works closely with senior<br />

constableTony Maw to support crime<br />

prevention and to help prevent the spread<br />

of misinformation.<br />

‘‘It might be that there’s aspate of car<br />

burglaries in an area, so we can senda<br />

message with Gets Ready.<br />

‘‘An importantpart of our work is<br />

helping people to feel safe andmaking<br />

peopleaware of whatthey can do to help<br />

their neighbourhoods to be safer.’’<br />

Simplethings such as closing windows<br />

when you go out and locking car doors can<br />

reducethe risk of crime.<br />

While there are perceptions on social<br />

media of high crime rates,<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> ‘‘is avery safecommunity’’<br />

compared to the restofNew Zealand.<br />

Around80percent of policecall outs are<br />

for domestic violence.<br />

Prospective volunteers,streetleaders<br />

and board members cansign up on Gets<br />

Ready at northcanterbury.getsready.net/..<br />

Being astreet leader requires a<br />

commitment of two hoursamonth,<br />

‘‘receiving information and informingyour<br />

streetgroup’’ and NeighbourhoodSupport<br />

provides the resources to establish astreet<br />

group.<br />

Dial 111 in an emergency,105 when its<br />

not an emergency or go to police.govt.nz/<br />

105support.For ‘‘non­threateningtraffic<br />

matters’’ dial *555fromamobile.<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

E1.2 m E1.2 m E1.4 m E1.5 m E1.4 m E1.2 m E1.2 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 8:42am 2.3 2:28am 0.5 9:32am 2.2 3:17am 0.5 10:21am 2.2 4:07am 0.6 11:10am 2.1 4:57am 0.7<br />

5:46am 0.7 12:23am 2.0 6:34am 0.7 1:13am 2.0 7:22am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

9:03pm 2.3 2:47pm 0.6 9:53pm 2.2 3:37pm 0.7 10:43pm 2.1 4:30pm 0.7 11:33pm 2.1 5:24pm 0.8 12:00pm 2.1 6:18pm 0.8 12:51pm 2.1 7:10pm 0.8 1:41pm 2.1 7:59pm 0.8<br />

Amberley 8:42am 2.3 2:28am 0.5 9:32am 2.2 3:17am 0.5 10:21am 2.2 4:07am 0.6 11:10am 2.1 4:57am 0.7<br />

5:46am 0.7 12:23am 2.0 6:34am 0.7 1:13am 2.0 7:22am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

9:03pm 2.3 2:47pm 0.6 9:53pm 2.2 3:37pm 0.7 10:43pm 2.1 4:30pm 0.7 11:33pm 2.1 5:24pm 0.8 12:00pm 2.1 6:18pm 0.8 12:51pm 2.1 7:10pm 0.8 1:41pm 2.1 7:59pm 0.8<br />

8:51am 2.3 2:37am 0.5 9:41am 2.2 3:26am 0.5 10:30am 2.2 4:16am 0.6 11:19am 2.1 5:06am 0.7<br />

5:55am 0.7 12:32am 2.0 6:43am 0.7 1:22am 2.0 7:31am 0.7<br />

Motunau 9:12pm 2.3 2:56pm 0.6 10:02pm 2.2 3:46pm 0.7 10:52pm 2.1 4:39pm 0.7 11:42pm 2.1 5:33pm 0.8 12:09pm 2.1 6:27pm 0.8 1:00pm 2.1 7:19pm 0.8 1:50pm 2.1 8:08pm 0.8<br />

8:53am 2.3 2:39am 0.5 9:43am 2.2 3:28am 0.5 10:32am 2.2 4:18am 0.6 11:21am 2.1 5:08am 0.7<br />

5:57am 0.7 12:34am 2.0 6:45am 0.7 1:24am 2.0 7:33am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 9:14pm 2.3 2:58pm 0.6 10:04pm 2.2 3:48pm 0.7 10:54pm 2.1 4:41pm 0.7 11:44pm 2.1 5:35pm 0.8 12:11pm 2.1 6:<strong>29</strong>pm 0.8 1:02pm 2.1 7:21pm 0.8 1:52pm 2.1 8:10pm 0.8<br />

8:50am 1.7 2:42am 0.4 9:41am 1.7 3:32am 0.4 10:32am 1.7 4:21am 0.5 11:22am 1.7 5:09am 0.5<br />

5:56am 0.5 12:36am 1.6 6:42am 0.5 1:23am 1.6 7:28am 0.6<br />

Kaikoura 9:15pm 1.8 2:58pm 0.4 10:06pm 1.7 3:50pm 0.5 10:57pm 1.7 4:43pm 0.5 11:47pm 1.6 5:36pm 0.6 12:11pm 1.7 6:28pm 0.6 1:00pm 1.7 7:19pm 0.6 1:48pm 1.7 8:06pm 0.6<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />





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TheFit3D scanner is broughttoStadium Fitness Centreinassociation with ActiveHealth <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />


St John to benefit from<br />

inaugural show in Rangiora<br />

The inaugural<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Caravan, MotorHomeand Leisure<br />

Show opensinRangiora on Saturday<br />

August the7th <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Wayneand MarilynTeAmo are<br />

hostingthe eventatthe Arlington<br />

ShoppingCentrewithall funds<br />

raised goingtoStJohn, Rangiora.<br />

Marilynsaystheywanttogive<br />

somethingbacktoStJohnthathad<br />

been so supportive of them on a<br />

number of occasions,and theshow<br />

wasagreatway to showcasewhatis<br />

newincaravans,and motorhomes,<br />

andalsohighlight theworkStJohn<br />

does.<br />

Marilyn andWayne,who runtheir<br />

Kakapo Linenbusiness from the<br />

centre, sayitisanideal site forthe<br />

show whichwill become an annual<br />

event, andwhichlongtermmay<br />

have to look foralargerarea.<br />

It will enablepeopletoenjoy a<br />

relaxedenvironment locallyinstead<br />

of having to travel into thecitytogo<br />

to shows.<br />

Both arekeencaravanersand say<br />

people arealwaysonthe lookoutfor<br />

thelatestmodels to tour andcamp<br />

in, alongwithall theaccessories now<br />

availabletomaketheir home-awayfrom-homecomfortable.<br />

Local FM radio station, Compass,<br />

isthe show’smainsponsor,in<br />

conjunctionwithKakapoLinen.<br />

Up to 20 exhibitorsare expected<br />

with experiencedand professional<br />

sales people will be on handtohelp<br />

thoseinterestedincaravans, motor<br />

homesand leisure products.<br />

Exhibitorswill payafeefor asite,<br />

andadultsvisitingthe showwill pay<br />

a$5entry fee, with children under<br />

15 free.All fundsraisedwillgoto St<br />

John.<br />

Marilynsaysitwill be alively,fun,<br />

showwithspotprizes, andplenty to<br />

seeand enjoyfrom10amto3pm.<br />

Compass FM’s station manager Kerry Treymane with Marilyn and Wayne Te Amo of Kakapo<br />

Linen (right).<br />

2402823<br />

Compass Radio in conjunction with Kakapo Linen announce the inaugural<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Caravan,<br />

Motorhome &Leisure Show.<br />

This is acharitable<br />

fundraising event with<br />

all proceeds being<br />

donated to The StJohn<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Arlington Shopping Complex<br />

Car Park, Rangiora.


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

9<br />

Bigger, better, brighter lighting experience<br />

Alighting extravaganza returns to<br />

Rangiora’s Victoria Park next month.<br />

The MainPower Light Festival will<br />

transform the park into alight and<br />

sound wonderland from September 16 to<br />

18.<br />

Event spokesman Karl Horwarth says<br />

close to 8000 people attended last year’s<br />

inaugural event, making it one of the<br />

biggest events in the region,<br />

encouraging the trust behind the<br />

venture to hold it again.<br />

This year’s theme is ‘Bigger, Better,<br />

Brighter’.<br />

Twice as many lights will be installed,<br />

with mirror balls, a5mmushroom, neon<br />

trees, fairy light tunnels and canopies,<br />

and pulsing arches, adding to the<br />

experience.<br />

‘‘Victoria Park will be lit up over three<br />

nights with afairyland of laser lights,<br />

neon, disco lights, interactive lighting<br />

displays, glow toys and more,’’ Karl says.<br />

Thursday and Friday will be mainly a<br />

light show, but if tickets sell well, a<br />

licenced bar, craft and food stalls may<br />

be added on the Friday night, plus an<br />

outdoor movie could be shown.<br />

For the finale on Saturday evening, a<br />

UV dance floor, food and craft stalls, a<br />

licenced bar and kid’s activities such as<br />

bouncy castles and bumper boats will be<br />

included along with roving entertainers,<br />

and live music.<br />

An outdoor family movie will also<br />

feature on the big screen starting at<br />

5.30pm.<br />

On Thursday and Friday evening the<br />

festival gates open at 5.30pm and close<br />

at 8.30pm, while Saturday’s<br />

entertainment starts at 5.30pm and runs<br />

until 9.30pm.<br />

Tickets are $5 per person, under 2s<br />

are free. Family tickets are $15 for two<br />

adults and three children under 16<br />

years.<br />

Tickets can be used on multiple<br />

nights. There are limited tickets<br />

available.<br />

They will be on sale at www.<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz or via the<br />

Facebook page www.facebook.com/<br />

rangioralightandsound.<br />

The MainPower <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Lights photo competition will run again<br />

this year.<br />

There are sections for youths and<br />

adults. Competition entries must be<br />

emailed to<br />

rangioralightandsound@gmail.com by<br />

noon on September 11.<br />

Up to five photos can be entered per<br />

person.<br />

Finalists will have their work<br />

showcased in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong>.<br />

Imaginations illuminated ...<br />

Agroup of boys do battle with<br />

glowing swords in an archway<br />

during last year’s Light<br />

Festival.<br />


Light<br />

Festival<br />

16 -18SEPTEMBEr<br />

Victoria park, rangiora<br />

Experience alight &sound wonderland.<br />

Afairyland of laser lights, neon, disco lights, interactive<br />

lighting displays, glow toys &more. On the main night, food,<br />

UV dance floor, licensed bar, stalls, kid’s activities, roving<br />

entertainers, live music &anoutdoor movie.<br />

ENTRY:Just$5, $15per family.<br />


Limited Numbers, Get Your TicketsNow<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Lego apopular holiday activity for all ages<br />

Lego was the centre of attention in<br />

Kaikoura during the last week of the<br />

school holidays.<br />

Toni Batey, amum of two teens, set up<br />

an ‘‘Inspiration Corner’’ with the help of<br />

the Creative Communities Trust and the<br />

Kaikoura District Council.<br />

She says there is no use having toys in<br />

boxes, and set the corner where all ages<br />

could go and hang out with their lego<br />

and show it off.<br />

This also gave her achance to get out<br />

collection of 60 sets.<br />

With the help of another Lego<br />

enthusiast Lorraine Diver, she set about<br />

displaying builds which were voted on<br />

by the public.<br />

“It was lovely to see parents, sitting on<br />

the floor with their kids and building<br />

from the free flow building blocks.<br />

‘‘We had over 300 people through the<br />

event with over 60 build entries.’’<br />

Paper Plus sponsored prizes for those<br />

that the public voted the best.<br />

Suburban School took out the schools<br />

build, Andrew Harvey, adad, won the<br />

best kitset build with his rocket and Gus<br />

Hoggard, aged 12, won with his tank<br />

built using his imagination.<br />

The youngest who created alego<br />

build, was 3and the oldest 74. Lorraine<br />

and Toni are already planning asimilar<br />

event next year.<br />

Down by the seaside ... Toni Batey’s<br />

private lego build.<br />


Supreme ... Gus Hoggard’s winning build.<br />


Deadline draws near for Mandeville Hunt<br />

Hunters wantingtotake part in the<br />

popularMandeville Tavern deerand<br />

pig hunthave until5pm, on August8,<br />

to confirm theirentryinthe<br />

competition.<br />

The competition runs from Friday,<br />

August 13, withthe final weigh in at<br />

2pm at theKaiapoi, Raven Quay<br />

tavern,onSunday, August 15.<br />

Tavern owner Lindsay Peters says<br />

the prize pool for the annual event is<br />

$7000, whichincludes a$1000 rifle<br />

sponsoredbyHazeldine Construction.<br />

One luckyentrant willhave the<br />

opportunity to win the rifle, but will<br />

needtopresent their Firearms<br />

Licence to claim the prize. Other<br />

majorsponsors includeHuntingand<br />

Fishing,<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>, Pre­Cut<br />

Construction, and Forbes Builders.<br />

Hunters enteredinthe Mandeville<br />

Pig Hunting committee’s competition<br />

will be taking aim at pigs and deer<br />

over the duration of the hunt to be in<br />

for ashare of the prize pool.<br />

Last year 100 huntersentered the<br />

competition, with nearly90animals<br />

weighed in. There are draws and<br />

prizes for the heaviest boar, sow,stag<br />

and hind,and the heaviest average<br />

weight of agroup of pigs.<br />

Hefty line up ... Some of the 90 animals entered in last year’s the Mandeville Tavern Pig Hunting competition.<br />


•Bar snacks available at all times<br />

•Happy Hour Thursday &Friday 5pm to 7pm, Free Nibbles<br />

•9Pokie Machines •Courtesy van available<br />

•Great outdoor area<br />

The Mandeville Tavern Annual Deer &Pig Hunt Competition,<br />

Friday 13 th August to Sunday 15 th August, weigh in no later than 2pm Sunday.<br />

99 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi • Phone: 03 327 8010<br />



Discover, challenge and<br />

extend at Nelson College<br />

PamsFresh Avocado<br />

3Piece Prepack<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

$<br />

2 <strong>29</strong> ea<br />

Pams Fresh NZ<br />

Oven Ready<br />

Chicken<br />

1.5kg<br />

$<br />

11 99 ea<br />

Youngmen want to explore.<br />

Theywantlearningtobefunand<br />

challenging;aplace wheretheycan<br />

question andtestnew ideas,aswellas<br />

acquirethe skills andknowledge they<br />

need to succeed in thenextchapter<br />

of their educationand in lifebeyond<br />

college.<br />

At Nelson College, ourcurriculum<br />

andteachingisdesignedfor boys. We<br />

want ourstudentstobeexcited about<br />

lifeand to discover andpursuetheir<br />

dreams.School shouldbesomewhere<br />

that provides thespacesand support<br />

foryoung mentolearn andfind their<br />

passion. Aplace to be encouraged and<br />

extendedtosucceed in learning.<br />

Ourfocus is on buildingstudents’<br />

keycompetencies such as literacy, selfmanagement,and<br />

criticalthinking;to<br />

buildafoundationfor furtherlearning.<br />

As aspecialistinboys’ education, we<br />

provide thestructure,opportunities<br />

andpastoralcarethatwill see your son<br />

succeed at school andbeyond.<br />

Nelson CollegeBoardingiswell-known<br />

forits welcomingfamilyenvironment.<br />

‘Wehaveboysfrom allaroundNew<br />

Zealandand overseas,’ says Director<br />

of BoardingSamme Hippolite. ‘and we<br />

know howimportant it is forthemto<br />

have asense of belongingwithin our<br />

community.<br />

We want ourboystothriveand<br />

succeed in theseformulative years,<br />

so we ensure that they’resupported<br />

throughout theirstudies, as well as<br />

encouraged in theirown interests<br />

andendeavours. Becauseour two<br />

hostelsare on theschool grounds,<br />

it’s easy forthe boys to getinvolved<br />

in extracurricular school activities.<br />

We want them to safely have fun,<br />

make lifelongfriendshipsand create<br />

incredible memories of theirlifeat<br />

Nelson College.<br />

PamsFries 1kg<br />

$<br />

2 99 ea<br />

PamsMarinated NZ<br />

Greenshell Mussels 375g<br />

$<br />

5 49 ea<br />

StartyourlegacyatNelsonCollege.<br />



PamsFresh<br />

Carrots<br />

1.5kg Prepack<br />

Product of New<br />

Zealand<br />

$<br />

3 <strong>29</strong> ea<br />



Pams Fresh<br />

Potatoes<br />

2.5kg Prepack<br />

Product of New<br />

Zealand<br />

$<br />

6 49 ea<br />

Nelson College offers theverybestinboarding. Talk to us<br />

about life-changing opportunitiesfor your son.<br />

•Welcoming family environment<br />

•High-levelacademic &leadership programmeswith<br />

tutorsupport<br />

•35differentsports options<br />

•Year-round outdoor activitiesacrossthe Nelsonregion<br />

•Competitive rates&noschool fees<br />






BUY any 3*<br />

Continental soup<br />

or Pasta 85-105g<br />

Products<br />

= A free mug<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials available SouthIsland onlyfromMonday 26th <strong>July</strong> untilSunday 8th<br />

August <strong>2021</strong> or whilestocks last.Wine and beeravailable at stores with an off<br />

licence.Wineand beerpurchasesrestricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.<br />

Educatingfor the future since 1856.<br />

Contact us forenrolmentinformation or aBoarding Prospectus:<br />

boarding@nelsoncollege.school.nz |03548 3099 |www.nelsoncollege.school.nz


The experience ofalifetime<br />

SammyHoodisakeenadvocateofall<br />

that boardinghas to offer.<br />

She’sbeenboardingatStMargaret’s<br />

Collegesince she startedinYear9.Now<br />

in Year 13, Sammyisthe school’s Head of<br />

Community Relations.<br />

“I wasbuzzingwithexcitementtostart<br />

boardingatSMC.Itwas awhole new<br />

experience butitdidn’ttakemelongto<br />

getusedtothe boardinglife. The friendly<br />

andcompassionate staff definitely made<br />

thetransitionfromhomeinAshburton to<br />

boardingmucheasier.They helpedusall<br />

adjust to thenew rules andtolivingwith<br />

othergirls.<br />

“Livinginthe dormsduringmyfirst<br />

twoyears made it very easy to form<br />

newfriendshipsand theseconnections<br />

definitely helpedwhenIdid feel home<br />

sick.”<br />

The boarding communityisatthe<br />

heartofStMargaret’sand theculture is<br />

closelyalignedwiththe school’s vision<br />

of aholisticeducation,embracing the<br />

spiritualand emotionalwellbeingofthe<br />

girls,aswellastheir academic growth<br />

andtheir developmentinsport andthe<br />

arts.<br />

The threeboardinghousesare arranged<br />

in year groups andstructuredtothe<br />

specific needsofeach developmental<br />

stage. In Julius House(Years7-10) the<br />

environment is structured andnurturing<br />

forthe girlstomakethe transitioninto<br />

boarding. KilburnHouse (Years 11-12)<br />

encouragesthe girlstobegin personally<br />

integratingthese skills.Cranmer House<br />

(Year13) allowsfor more freedomto<br />

helpthemdevelop lifeskills andbecome<br />

driven, self-managed youngwomen, all<br />

in amonitored setting. These seniorgirls<br />

thrive astheybecomethe leadersofthe<br />

boardingschooland the‘oldersisters’of<br />

theyoungergirls.<br />

SammysaysboardingatSMC has<br />

helped hertobecomemore independent.<br />

“Asyou progressthrough theyear<br />

levels,yourindependence grows. The<br />

connectionsand relationshipsyou<br />

build in theSMC boardingcommunity,<br />

whetheritbegirls in your year group or<br />

thestaff, areall valuableand also helpyou<br />

grow as aperson. The academic support<br />

andpastoralcareprovidedbystaffis<br />

exceptional.Ithelps thegirls to strive to<br />

their full potential. At thesametime, staff<br />

are always keepingacloseeye on each<br />

girl’s wellbeing.<br />

“I’vebuilt strongfriendshipsthatwill<br />

last alifetime, andit’salot of fun! Youget<br />

to meet adiverse range of people from all<br />

backgrounds andeveryoneistreated as<br />

equals.”<br />

To learnmoreabout lifeat<br />

St Margaret’s College, visit<br />

www.stmargarets.school.nz or call<br />

03 379 2000 to arrangeapersonal tour<br />

of the BoardingHouse andCollege.<br />

Empowering Girls<br />

to Learn, Live &Lead.<br />

Learnmoreabout aStMargaret’s<br />

Collegeeducation foryourdaughter<br />

–bookapersonaltourtoday.<br />

Contact Susie Campbell,<br />

Admissions Manager<br />

(03) 353 2563<br />

enrol@stmargarets.school.nz<br />

Balanced<br />

foundations,<br />

bright futures.


Aboarding home<br />

with heart at Selwyn<br />

House School<br />

Selwyn HouseSchoolisanall girls’<br />

school forYears 1to8.Weare an<br />

InternationalBaccalaureateschool, with<br />

afuture-focused curriculum basedon<br />

interculturalunderstandingand respect.<br />

Ourfocusison developing inquiring<br />

andempatheticminds andbuilding<br />

strong knowledgefoundations so that<br />

ourstudentswill face thefuturewiththe<br />

skillsand confidence to be empowered<br />

global citizens.<br />

Selwyn HouseSchoolisproud to offer a<br />

safe,nurturing,family-orientedboarding<br />

housefor girlsinYears 4to8(ages 7to<br />

13). OurBoardingHouse is conveniently<br />

locatedwithin theschool grounds,<br />

offeringahomeawayfromhomefor up<br />

to <strong>29</strong> students.<br />

Ourboarderscomefromaround<br />

NewZealand, particularly ruralareas<br />

of <strong>Canterbury</strong>,and internationally, and<br />

casual boardingarrangements arealso<br />

abletobemade.Weare proudofthe<br />

diversityinculturalbackgrounds that our<br />

bordersbring to this community,which<br />

promotes tolerance, trust, friendliness,<br />

understandingand respect.<br />

We valuethe special characterthateach<br />

girl brings to ourcommunity,and we<br />

supporteachgirls’passions andinterests<br />

with variousactivitiesofferedbothonsite<br />

andoff-site.<br />

The girlsare supportedbyacaring<br />

andprofessionalteam, whotakehuge<br />

pride in helping each girl reachher full<br />

potential. OurBoardingHouse Managers<br />

will provide awarmwelcome foryour<br />

daughter andoversee herwellbeingand<br />

developmentthroughout hertimein<br />

theBoardingHouse.Our full-timeChef<br />

will ensure that she receivesahealthy,<br />

balanced diet, andmakeprovisions<br />

forany dietaryneeds. Ateamoftutors<br />

supportthe girlswiththeir homework<br />

andfulfil abig sister role to ourboarders.<br />

We believe boardingisaunique<br />

opportunity foreachgirland we<br />

pride ourselvesoncreatingapositive<br />

environmentwhere thegirls areableto<br />

developtheir academic, socialand life<br />

skills. With theright combinationof<br />

nurture, supportand encouragement,<br />

ourboardersare giventhe toolsand the<br />

environmenttothrive.<br />

Come andsee what we have to<br />

offer at ourOpenDay on Wednesday<br />

20 October, 9am-12pm, or contact<br />

enrolments@selhouse.school.nz or<br />

phone(03) 355 7<strong>29</strong>9 to arrangea<br />

personal tour on anotherdate.<br />






PHONE (03) 3557<strong>29</strong>9 EMAIL office@selhouse.school.nz<br />

122Merivale Lane,Merivale,Christchurch<br />


An International<br />




STARTING 12PM 4.30PM • SUNDAY 8AUGUST <strong>2021</strong><br />


Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon and<br />

Councillors invite you tothe official opening<br />

of MainPower Stadium.<br />

—<br />

Nau mai, Haere mai<br />

We are excited to show MainPower Stadium tothe District.<br />

Join us for anaernoon of entertainment.<br />

Aer the official opening at12pm tour the facility, and enjoy<br />

demonstrations of avariety ofsports and kapa haka groups.


TOUGH<br />



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SORTED.<br />


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If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelowerthan thatadvertised.

Giant totara ageing gracefully<br />


Agiant totara in Ashley Gorge could be<br />

Waimakariri’s oldest tree.<br />

At an estimated age of more than<br />

1000­years­old the totara, which is<br />

situated on the Forest Giants Track<br />

under development on the bush face<br />

above the existing Loop Track at Ashley<br />

Gorge, is adefinite candidate for oldest<br />

tree in Waimakariri, said John Burton,<br />

manager of the Ashley Gorge Tracks<br />

Group.<br />

‘‘My guess is that this totara is<br />

certainly hundreds of years old and<br />

quite possibly more than one thousand<br />

years old,’’he said.<br />

Trees, especially those this old, were<br />

vital to the environment for many<br />

reasons.<br />

‘‘They provide ahome for many living<br />

beings and exist in an environment<br />

humans could learn so much from,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Especially if we want to survive as a<br />

species on this planet along with all the<br />

other species, most of which wouldn't<br />

mind greatly if we weren't here.’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Trees also clean the air by taking in<br />

carbon, locking it up and producing<br />

oxygen, and forests provide acalming,<br />

stimulating and educational place to<br />

spend time in.’’<br />

Department of Conservation (DOC)<br />

community ranger Sarah Ensor said it<br />

would be difficult to pin point the oldest<br />

tree in the Waimakariri district, but<br />

there would be many contenders.<br />

‘‘The first to spring to mind for me is<br />

the giant matai that the Ashley Gorge<br />

kaitiaki(guardians) are hoping to create<br />

aside track to, and Ithink there is a<br />

massive New Zealand tree fuchsia<br />

(kotukutuku), there too,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘Failing that there are some pretty<br />

magnificent New Zealand tree fuchsias<br />

Young caretakers ... Amassive Totara tree believed to be more than 1000­years­old, on<br />

the Forest Giants Track under development on the bush face above the existing Loop Track<br />

at Ashley Gorge. Bailey Baker, left, Keegan Bremner and Emma Warwick, are members of<br />

the Ashley Gorge Tracks and Trapping Project.<br />


on the Kereru Loop Track at Wooded<br />

Gully (in the Mt Thomas Forest<br />

Conservation Area).’’<br />

However, DOC’s <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

operations manager, Kingsley Timpson<br />

believes the matagouri and kanuka trees<br />

situated in Okuku Gorge, ‘‘true right on<br />

the journey up to Pinchgut Hut and<br />

around the hut,’’ could also be<br />

candidates for Waimakariri’s oldest<br />

tree.<br />

‘‘These trees are likely to be many<br />

hundreds of years old, way in excess of<br />

the surrounding beech trees, as they are<br />

very slow growing,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘A matagouri the diameter of your<br />

arm is likely to be acouple of hundred<br />

years old and the same for kanuka.”<br />

New Zealand’s oldest tree is believed<br />

to be Tane Mahuta (Lord of the Forest),<br />

which is located in <strong>North</strong>land’s<br />

Waipoua Forest and is estimated to be<br />

between 1250 and 2500 years old.<br />

However, compared to the world’s<br />

oldest non­clonal, individual tree, a<br />

Great Basin bristlecone pine in<br />

California’s White Mountains, which is<br />

thought to be 4852 years old this year,<br />

New Zealand’s giant kauri is just a<br />

young sapling.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

IN BRIEF<br />

15<br />

Comfort plus<br />

Comfortstops in Greta Valley, Rotherham<br />

and at St Anne’s Lagoon, will be alittle<br />

more up marketbysummer. TheHurunui<br />

District Councilhas received $352,000<br />

fromthe Ministry of Business, Innovation<br />

andEmployment Tourism Infrastructure<br />

Fund fornew toilets in the three areas.<br />

Free pianoconcert<br />

University of <strong>Canterbury</strong> pianostudents<br />

are planning afree concert in Rangiora.<br />

Piano at theGallery, is presented by the<br />

WaimakaririCommunity Arts Council and<br />

willbeperformed in the Rangiora<br />

Library’s Chamber Gallery on Sunday,<br />

August 22,at2pm.<br />

Thestudents will be joined by their<br />

teacher,well known Christchurch pianist,<br />

Tim Emerson, fortheir performance. The<br />

concert will be the students’ last<br />

performancebeforetheirfinalpiano<br />

exams.<br />

Lost property<br />

Thefollowingproperty has been reported<br />

to the policeasbeinglost in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>­have youseen it? Mazda keys<br />

withScotland andunicornkeyrings, a<br />

rosegold ring which is aplain band with<br />

abow,alightgreenwallet,blackiPhone<br />

11 in aclear case, ablack Mitsubishi<br />

remote car key (fobhas redstitching and<br />

embossed “Christchurch Mitsubishi”)<br />

plusasilver house key, ablackleather<br />

wallet, and an iPhone 5S in white<br />

diamante case.<br />

Floodrelief<br />

Bloom Hearing hasbeen overwhelmed<br />

withclothing and bedding leftatits<br />

Rangiorapremises for victims of the<br />

Westport floods. Thank you all, butno<br />

more is needed.<br />




New Jaguar E-PACE. Restyled on the outside with new bolder looks and an even more dynamic<br />

stance. The newly crafted interior has abeautifully detailed, modern feel, while the next-generation<br />

infotainment system -with 11.4-inch HD touchscreen –keeps you connected, informed and entertained.<br />

The new E-PACE. Every curve and contour, carefully considered. Striking from every angle.<br />

To book atest drive, please contact Archibalds.<br />

38 Tuam Street, Christchurch |Corey Gray |03377 5200 |cgray@archibalds.co.nz<br />

archibalds.co.nz<br />

*Terms and conditions apply. The standard Scheduled 5Year Servicing is included. Speak to Archibalds for more details or visit archibalds.co.nz/new-jaguar-e-pace

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Tobogganing on real snow captivated the youngsters at last year’s festival.<br />

WHILEWEmay be experiencing<br />

averychillywinterthis year,that’s<br />

all themorereasontoget the<br />

family together andheadintothe<br />

city forthis year’s Winter Festival<br />

‘Chill in theCity’.<br />

Runbythe CentralCity<br />

BusinessAssociation with<br />

supportfromthe Christchurch<br />

City Counciland many of the<br />

city’s businesses,itfollows last<br />

year’s very successfulevent,<br />

whichattracted thousands to<br />

thecentral city with arange of<br />

exciting winter-themedeventsand<br />

activities.<br />

This year therewill be even<br />

more to enjoy, from iceskating,<br />

hugahusky andHagglundrides,<br />

to Disney’s frozen bouncy castle,<br />

tobogganingonreal snow,and<br />

Hillary’sHuttVRExperience, all<br />

takingplace in andaroundthe<br />

City Mall area.Real-life winter<br />

fairieswill be therefor thekids,<br />

alongwithactivities foreveryone<br />

to enjoy.<br />

These include iceskating<br />

starting tomorrow andrunning<br />

rightthrough theweekend,with<br />

allother winter activities running<br />

on Saturday andSundayfrom<br />

10amto5pm daily.<br />

Hagglund rides should again prove apopular attraction atthis year’s event.<br />

Winter-themed festival offers family funinthe city<br />

There is asmall donation cost<br />

forsomeofthe activities andall<br />

moneyraisedisbeingdonated to<br />

theChristchurch City Mission.<br />

Last year’s festival raised just<br />

over $12,000and thebusiness<br />

associationhopes with the<br />

communitycomingintosupport<br />

thefestival, it candomorethis year.<br />

Whilemostof‘Chill in the<br />

City’activities areaimed at<br />

family enjoyment, Saturday night<br />

offerssomethingalittledifferent,<br />

with ‘Chill in theCity’ After<br />

Dark on NewRegentStstarting<br />

earlyeveningand featuringlive<br />

entertainment, mulled wine, hot<br />

toddies anddelicious food.<br />

•Full details of Winter<br />

Festival ‘Chill in the City’ can<br />

be found on the website<br />

www.chchcentral.co.nz.<br />

Checkout ourlatest<br />

deals<br />

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Exclusions may applyonsome brandsadvertised. Offers end close of trade 1st August <strong>2021</strong>, while stockslast.Available at participatingstoresonly. Multi Dealonly available in store. Varietals may<br />

vary by store. Limits may apply.Wholesale (otherliquor retail banners) notsupplied.Termsand conditionsmay apply.Available 19th <strong>July</strong> -1st August <strong>2021</strong> inclusive. Please see www.superliquor.co.nz fordetails.<br />


PEOPLE’S<br />


SPECIAL PULL OUT SUPPLEMENT <strong>2021</strong><br />




Waimakariri<br />

Hurunui<br />

<strong>News</strong> Kaikoura<br />



Support your Favourite Local Business<br />

The <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards is achance to celebrate and<br />

give recognition to the many exceptional businesses in our community.<br />

This year, 62 local businesses have been selected to compete in the awards.<br />

They are now competing not only in their chosen category, but also for the<br />

MainPower Supreme Award and the much-coveted <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

People’s Choice Award.<br />

To show your support for your favourite <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> business, go online<br />

and cast your People’s Choice Award vote: www.northcanterbury.co.nz/choice.<br />

It’s free, easy and agreat way tosupport our amazing local businesses.<br />








Voting is now open for the <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business Awards People’s Choice Award.<br />

Your vote puts you in the draw to WIN aMini Group<br />

Pass from Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools &Spa, OR a<br />

MADE NORTH CANTERBURY Food & Beverage Hamper.<br />

Cast your vote now at<br />

www.northcanterbury.co.nz/choice<br />


Waimakariri<br />

Hurunui<br />

<strong>News</strong> Kaikoura<br />

The <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business<br />

Awards contestants are:<br />

Professional Services Award<br />

–Sponsored by BDO<br />

Advice Kiwi<br />

Anytime Fitness<br />

Candrive<br />

Career Matters<br />

Head 2ToeMassage Therapy<br />

Higham Architecture<br />

<br />

McLean Fire Protection Services<br />

Ltd inc. Fire and Hazard Training<br />

Services<br />

MoMac<br />

Morris and Co Property Management<br />

Limited<br />

Rangiora VetCentre<br />

Techmedics<br />

Excellence in Retail Award<br />

–Sponsored by Percival Street Bakery<br />

Cocoon Beauty and Day Spa<br />

Fi's Flowers and Art<br />

Handzon<br />

Kaiapoi ITM<br />

Robe Boutique<br />

SoYou!<br />

Tourism and Hospitality Award<br />

–Sponsored by Hanmer Springs Thermal<br />

Pools and Spa<br />

Hanmer Springs Fete<br />

Hurunui Attractions<br />

Hurunui Garden Festival<br />

Lacebark Function Centre<br />

NZwildthings (Island Hills Station<br />

Walking Track)<br />

Paris Bakery and Café<br />

Red Post Café<br />

Waiau Motor Camp Ltd<br />

Misco Manufacturing and<br />

Trades Award<br />

-Sponsored by Misco Joinery<br />

Angus Robertson Mechanical<br />

Designer Gates<br />

Kakapo Linen<br />

Sutherland Timber<br />

Waghorn Builders<br />

Wilson Construction<br />

Food and Beverage Award<br />

–Sponsored by MADE NORTH CANTERBURY<br />

With additional support from Harris Meats<br />

and Patoa Farms<br />

27Seconds<br />

Fitfood<br />

Greystone Wines<br />

Make it Raw<br />

<br />

Torlesse Farm Ltd<br />

Emerging Business Award<br />

-Sponsored byHellers<br />

Empire Athletics<br />

Lime Real Estate<br />

Mike Pero Real Estate Rangiora<br />

NZCustom Trees<br />

The Grumpy Merino<br />

Your Garden Genie<br />

Innovation Award<br />

-Sponsored bySpark Business Christchurch<br />

Alpine Jet Thrills<br />

Dance Sock Academy<br />

Funky Monkey Bars<br />

International Culinary Studio<br />

Shed Specialists<br />

The cGP Lab<br />

The Skool Loop App<br />

Community Enterprise Award<br />

–Sponsored by PAKnSAVE Rangiora<br />

Compass FM<br />

Driving Miss Daisy<br />

Kidsbase<br />

Mindfulness <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Satisfy Food Rescue<br />

Sustainability Award<br />

-Sponsored byLime Real Estate<br />

Back to the Wild<br />

Eco Educate<br />

Flora<br />

MtLyford holiday Homes<br />

Natural New Zealand Honey<br />

Waikuku Beach Holiday Park<br />


People’s Choice Award –sponsored byThe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

All businesses can compete for this award<br />

Supreme Award –sponsored byMainPower<br />

All business are automatically entered into this award<br />





Owners expect their precious animals toget<br />

thesamelevelofcare they receive as humans<br />

RangioraVet Centre, which is locally<br />

owned and operated, has been providing<br />

veterinarycaretothe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community forthe last70years. Covering<br />

all speciesfrompetstofarm animals, and<br />

the wildlifeatOrana WildlifePark.<br />

<br />

Accredited facility and equine surgery<br />

located on the corner of Oxford and<br />

Lehmans Roads in Rangiora, is fully<br />

equipped with the latest technology,while<br />

specialistsurgeons, and post-graduate<br />

<br />

that youcould expect forall animals.<br />

Ourvision is to be the Centreof<br />

<br />

our overwhelming ‘Why’isEnhancing<br />

Lives Together.This includes the lives of<br />

animals, their ownersand our people who<br />

work in the business. We do this together<br />

in strong teams and in partnership with<br />

the animal owners. We aim to be the<br />

<br />

<br />

and building strong and meaningful<br />

<br />

underpinned by our values of excellence,<br />

empathyand respect, team, community<br />

<br />

Thereisanincreasing demand formore<br />

specialistcare, as animal ownersexpect<br />

their animals to receivethe same levelof<br />

care as humans receiveinhuman health.<br />

Manyofour vets have post-graduate<br />

ons, including twospecialists.<br />

This means we areable to provide a<br />

referral service forvet clinics around the<br />

South Island. We areseeing pets and<br />

horses from Nelson to Invercargill for<br />

specialized procedures such as advanced<br />

<br />

<br />

surgeries and complicated abdominal<br />

surgeries.<br />

RVCisunique in thatthereisnoother<br />

privatelyowned veterinaryclinic in New<br />

<br />

animalspecialistsurgical services. Our<br />

<br />

<br />

veterinarysurgeon)takereferrals such as<br />

totalhip replacements and heart surgeries<br />

<br />

complexhorse surgeries.<br />

To complementthis top-end service<br />

<br />

forclients to see aveterinarian with<br />

<br />

but who arenot specialists. At RVCthis<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

acupunctureand physiotherapy. All of<br />

these advanced care services support our<br />

comprehensiveGP<br />

Our veterinaryteamissupported by<br />

<br />

one of our vetnurses who is aVet Tech<br />

Specialistinanaesthesia, and analgesia,<br />

she is one of only twonurses to hold this<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

is unique, the only other place youwill<br />

<br />

MasseyUniversity,home to NewZealand’s<br />

vetschool.<br />

<br />

team, we have alarge animal vetoncall<br />

overnight, and also onsiteovernight,a<br />

dedicated small animal vetand nursing<br />

<br />

emergency medicine and surgery.Aswe<br />

<br />

other local clinics nowsend their intensive<br />

<br />

theclock care and monitoring.<br />

<br />

care,wecanprovide peace of mind for<br />

the client, and also forthe dayvets, who<br />

knowtheir post-surgical and intensive<br />

<br />

monitored and managed overnight.<br />

This is especially importantfor ensuring<br />

the animal is pain free and receiving its<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the lives of manyanimals over thelast4<br />

years.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>BusinessAwards<br />

have provided our business with the<br />

opportunity to see howweare doing<br />

alongside similar businesses in the area.<br />

<br />

the Professional Services Category,it<br />

<br />

wherewehavecome from,s and whatwe<br />

have achievedasateam. We wish all the<br />

<br />

also the People’s Choice Award, the best<br />

of luck.<br />

Enhancing Lives Together<br />

Locally owned &operated<br />

www.rangioravetcentre.co.nz<br />



Lime Real Estate putting clients’<br />

properties in the limelight<br />

The drivingforce behindLimeRealEstate<br />

is adesiretoprovide apoint of difference<br />

andput clients’properties in thelimelight.<br />

Lime Real Estate specialisesinresidential,<br />

lifestyle andruralsales. The team is also<br />

experiencedindevelopment project sales,<br />

andpropertymanagement,and after only<br />

16 months in businessLimeRealEstate<br />

has become <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’sleading<br />

independentrealestateagency.<br />

The companyisowned by themanaging<br />

directorBrookeAzzopardi (nee Wallis)<br />

with shareholdersFredRahme,JackLin<br />

andMichelleAllen.<br />

“Wespecialiseinprovidinganamazing<br />

customerexperience with customer<br />

service beingour passionand priority,”<br />

Brooke says. “Weare an independent, 100<br />

percentlocallyowned real estate brand.”<br />

Thismeans theLimeReal Estate<br />

team cantailorthe businesstosuitthe<br />

needsofits growingbusinessinthe<br />

community by providingexpertrealestate<br />

services, to clients in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Oxford, Amberley<br />

andeverywhereinbetween plus the<br />

Christchurchareaand even furtherafield,<br />

in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

At Lime Real Estate,the team recognises<br />

that onesize does notfitall andthey<br />

believe in always goingthe extra mile for<br />

clients by making good oldfashioned<br />

service atop priority.<br />

“Our wholeteamcomes together with<br />

thecommongoal of providingaseamless<br />

andpersonalexperience to everyclient,”<br />

Brooke says.<br />

“Wehaveeight licensedsalespeople at<br />

Lime Real Estate. Theyall come from<br />

differentbackgrounds andalthoughLime<br />

Real Estate is young, we have acombined<br />

total of 60-plusyears experience in thereal<br />

estate industry within ourteam,”she says.<br />

“Wealsohaveamazing administrators,<br />

andone of them worksasour graphic<br />

designer, andmarketing guru.”<br />

HoweverLimeRealEstatealsohas access<br />

to ateamofexternalgraphic designers<br />

andmarketing professionalsthe company<br />

workswithtoensurethe highest quality<br />

coverage andmarketing skills areavailable<br />

to highlight their clients’requirements and<br />

put their properties in the“limelight.”<br />

Thisexceptional team work mindset and<br />

determinationtosucceed wasseverely<br />

testedwhenLimeReal Estateopenedfor<br />

businessinMarch 2020. “Weopenedour<br />

newbusinessinKaiapoi on thesameday<br />

as receivingthe news of theCovid-19<br />

pandemic lockdown,” Brooke says.<br />

“Weessentiallyopenedand closed<br />

thebusinessonthe same day. Thiswas<br />

The experienced team at Lime Real Estate share the common goal of providing a<br />

seamless and personal experience to every client.<br />

extremelynerve rackingand upsettingfor<br />

us as we were uncertain what ourfuture<br />

wouldbe.”<br />

However theplan“to stay open and<br />

generate what businesswecould to help<br />

us push forward,”has worked well.The<br />

companyhas nowopenedasecondoffice,<br />

locatedinRangiora, andLimeRealEstate<br />

is goingfromstrengthtostrength.<br />

“Wehavethe community to thankfor<br />

this,for so graciously supporting us,<br />

believing in us andchoosingtosupport<br />

local,” Brooke says.<br />

“Weintendtocontinueworking towards<br />

ourcore companyvalue of ‘supporting the<br />

community that supportus.”<br />

23984<strong>29</strong><br />

“your best move”<br />

"<br />

Our Values: You<br />

<br />

that good old-fashioned client service leads the way in dealing<br />

<br />

We love how Lime is an independently owned Business in our location.<br />

We love the connection between Owner and Agent. Very friendly team.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

wonderful experience. Gaye and Dave<br />

0508 call lime<br />

"<br />

limerealestate.co.nz Free call 0508 2255 5463 |Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA 2008


2396413<br />

www.floragrow.co.nz<br />

hello@floragrow.co.nz<br />



Grow Kits,<br />

Microgreens<br />

and more!<br />

All you need to<br />

startyour mini<br />

garden.<br />

Online gardening business<br />

blooming success<br />

Apassionfor theenvironment andteachingis<br />

thedriving forcebehindFLORA.<br />

The Amberley-based,onlinebusinessinspiring<br />

people to begingardening andlive more<br />

sustainably wasestablishedbyFlora Brons,<br />

whohas an agriculturaldegreefromLincoln<br />

University,and is asecondary school teacherof<br />

Agribusinessand Agricultural Science.<br />

Flora’s passionfor plants, nature andpeople<br />

came from spendingtimegrowing up withher<br />

mumPaula,anavidgardener.Afterobtaining<br />

herdiploma in teaching, Flora decidedtoput<br />

herentrepreneurial mindset to good useby<br />

developing FLORA, helping people to embark<br />

on their gardeningjourney andlive amore<br />

sustainableway of life.<br />

“Education is my main purpose forFLORA.<br />

ObviouslyIneed sales to survive as abusiness<br />

but if Iameducating people andinspiringthem<br />

to give somethinginthe garden agothenIam<br />

winning.’’ Flora says.<br />

Although FLORAhas only been in business<br />

alittleovertwo years,the initiative is proving<br />

popular, with FLORA’sproducts, including<br />

FLORAGrowKits, nowindemandinmore<br />

than 40 storesaroundNew Zealand.<br />

“Thesekitsare just thebeginningofhow<br />

FLORAhopes to encourage allNew Zealanders<br />

to begintheir journeytoself-sufficiency by<br />

growingtheir ownplantsand food,’’Flora says.<br />

‘‘Youcan startsmall by just growingsome<br />

parsley in apot on your kitchenwindowsill.’’<br />

The kits aremade usingsustainableand biodegradableproductswhichinclude<br />

everything<br />

needed to startamini garden. There arearange<br />

of options availablefromTheCocktailHerbKit<br />

to The My First Garden Kitand more.FLORA<br />

also sells microgreen seed packs, beehotelsand<br />

Flora Brons<br />

awide range of succulents andisnow part of the<br />

SustainableBusinessNetwork.<br />

“This is oneofthe ways to highlight our<br />

dedicationtoasustainablefuture,’’ Flora says.<br />

“Asmembers we arecommitted to improving<br />

oursustainability andworking together to<br />

ensure people andnatureprosper whilealso<br />

supporting therestoration ofNew Zealand’s<br />

waterwaysthrough ourcontributiontoMillion<br />

Metres. ‘’<br />

Garden Festival set to thrill<br />

Back for<strong>2021</strong>!<br />

Saddlewood<br />


Thursday28 th -Sunday31 st<br />

st Oct<strong>2021</strong><br />

Find outmoreathurunuigardenfestival.com<br />

We’rethrilled to welcome youtothe fourth<br />

HurunuiGarden Festival,Thursday 28 to<br />

Sunday 31 October,9am to 5pmdaily,entry<br />

$10 pergarden.<br />

Over theweekend youcan visitprivate<br />

gardens, historichomes, andartistsfrom<br />

Amberley to Gore Bay, WaikaritoHanmer<br />

Springs, andmore in between. Ourgarden<br />

ownersare readytogreet youand sharetheir<br />

stories of howthey’ve createdtheir gardens.<br />

Thisyearfor thefirst time,wehavean<br />

opportunity to walk inside some of Hurunui’s<br />

outstandinghistorichomesteads. Also on offer<br />

is ashowcaseoflocal artists, their place of<br />

work andbeautiful exhibitsfor sale.<br />

We areexcited to have NewZealand’s<br />

celebritygardeningguru, thewonderful Lynda<br />

Hallinan,attendingthe festival.She willbe<br />

with us forspeakingeventsthatwill educate,<br />

entertain, andinspire you.<br />

The gardensare arranged into geographically<br />

basedclusters, making it easy foryou to plan<br />

yourvisit.Eachcluster has itsown detailed<br />

map, showing youthe preciselocationofthe<br />

gardens, alongwithuseful information,suchas<br />

thelocations of public toilets, accommodation,<br />

petrol anddiesel stations,and food outlets.<br />

Whileyou’reenjoyingour gardens, historic<br />

homesteads,art andwarmhospitality,wehope<br />

you’ll stay thenight andvisit ourwineries,<br />

cafes, andthe many otherattractionsthatthe<br />

HurunuiDistricthas to offer.<br />

The HurunuiGarden Festival Inc. is<br />

committed to investingbacktoits community.<br />

The committeeisunitedinfollowing itsethos<br />

of beinginspirational andsupportive to the<br />

residents of Hurunui.<br />

In anygiven year that theHurnuiGarden<br />

FsetivalInc.makes areasonableprofit,itwill<br />

give onestudent, graduating from aHurunui<br />

secondaryschool, ascholarship to thevalue<br />

of $2000 towardsstudy in horticulture at their<br />

choiceofUniversityorInstituteofTechnology.<br />

We arecommitted to reviewing, updating<br />

andexpandingthe garden festival to ensure<br />

it becomesthe district’s premier event, and<br />

oneofNew Zealand’smostpopulargarden<br />

festivals.<br />

There’s so much to experience andenjoy.For<br />

more information andtobuy onlinetickets to<br />

ourgardensorguestspeakers, visit<br />

www.hurunuigardenfestival.com.<br />



Looking to upskill or achange in career?<br />

Candrive may have the solution for you<br />

If youhaveafull Class1(car) licence,there area<br />

varietyofopportunities open to youwithin many<br />

differentindustries.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>DriverTrainingLtd, operating as<br />

Candrive,has been operating in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>for<br />

over 15 years, andcan helppeopletoget thenecessary<br />

drivingqualificationstoworkinthese industries.<br />

Candrive specialisesincommercialdrivertraining<br />

andlicencingcourses, workingwithindividuals looking<br />

to upskill, andcorporateswho requirecustomised<br />

trainingspecific to their industry andenvironment.<br />

The local, family-owned andoperatedbusinesshas<br />

been operating in the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>areafor over<br />

15 years, offeringawide range of courses, ensuring<br />

thereissomethingfor everyone.<br />

Owners Scott, Dianeand Philip allworkinthe<br />

business.<br />

Most coursesare runweeklyfrom their Edward Street<br />

TrainingCentreinRangiora.<br />

There areawide range of coursesonofferincluding<br />

Waka Kotahi/NZ TransportAgencyapproved courses<br />

forTruck licences: Class2,4and 5.<br />

Alongwiththe licence endorsements forWheels<br />

(W), Tracks (T), Rollers(R), DangerousGoods(D)<br />

andForklift (F) andForklift Operators Certificate, a<br />

range of othercustomisedcommercialdrivertraining<br />

coursesincluding4WD forlight andheavy vehicles are<br />

available.<br />

The Candrive Team arekeentohelptheir clients<br />

Admin –Haley and Diane<br />

Trainers –Scott and Phil<br />

achieve their personal drivertraininggoalsand pride<br />

themselvesontheir excellentcustomerservice,that<br />

exceedsclients’expectations.<br />

Haleyand Dianeare your first pointofcontact.They<br />

arefriendly, knowledgeabletrainingco-ordinatorswho<br />

canhelpyou with anybookingsorgeneralenquiries.<br />

Theytakethe time tolisten to yourneeds, understand<br />

your situationand will helpyou make thebestchoice<br />

foryourself<br />

Candrive’s highlyqualifiedtrainingspecialists Scott<br />

andPhilare extremelypassionate andmotivated.They<br />

arebothkeentopassontheir skills, knowledgeand<br />

experience.<br />

Theyhaveafresh andup-to-dateapproach to your<br />

trainingusingmoderntechnologywithsmall classsizes<br />

to helpmakeyourlearningexperience enjoyable. They<br />

focusonthe “shouldknow”,the “need to know”and the<br />

“nice to knows”<br />

The focusfor Candrive is very much around providing<br />

qualitytrainingfor individualsand companies, many of<br />

whom arereturningclients.<br />

Candrive workswithadiverserangeofclients, from<br />

avarietyofindustries includingrural, contracting,<br />

transport andservice industries forbothindividuals<br />

andcompanies lookingtoupskill anddevelop<br />

themselves or their staff.<br />

Contact us if youwould like more information on<br />

anyofour courses–training@candrive.co.nz –03313<br />

6567.<br />

Candrive was honoured to be nominated for the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards in the BDO Professional Service Award category. This means<br />

that we are also in the running for the People’s Choice Award and would really appreciate your support, you can vote for us at www.candrive.co.nz<br />



Specialising in the following courses<br />

Truck<br />

Licences<br />

Roller<br />

Tracks<br />

Wheels<br />

Forklift<br />

Safety<br />

Dangerous<br />

Goods<br />

Spreadmark<br />

Driver<br />

Training<br />

www.candrive.co.nz<br />

Enquire today!<br />

03 313 6567<br />

027 20 40 700<br />

training@candrive.co.nz<br />



Value added from<br />

strong relationships<br />

In January2015 Stuart andClaireMorris<br />

alongwithKatrina Greenset outwitha<br />

dreamtorun thebestpropertymanagement<br />

companyin<strong>Canterbury</strong>, wheretheir focus<br />

wasputting people at theheart of property<br />

management, andalmostsix yearslater they<br />

areextremelyproud of theculture they have<br />

builtwithin their team andthe professional<br />

yetpersonalisedservice they offer to their<br />

clients.<br />

“Weunderstandthatall of ourclients are<br />

individuals, we deal with alot of smaller<br />

investors,and arepassionate aboutensuring<br />

that we notonlydeliverontheir expectations<br />

butexceedthem,”saysKatrina.<br />

Although nestledunder theRay White<br />

umbrella,Morrisand Co Property<br />

Management is adedicated property<br />

managementteamwhichmeans theirfocus<br />

is completelyontheir industry,and are<br />

proud to employ a<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>team<br />

wholive andworkinthe community.<br />

With offices basedinRangiora, Kaiapoi,<br />

Pegasus, Papanuiand Sumner their<br />

teams work across<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Christchurch delivering ahighlevel of<br />

service to both landlordsand tenants.<br />

Their supportofbothlandlords andtenants<br />

(not only theirown but thosewithother<br />

companiesorthose operatingprivately)<br />

througheducational seminars, andthe<br />

community by supporting severallocal<br />

events andorganisations,isongoing andof<br />

highpriorityfor them.<br />

Theyare driventoadd valuefor everyone<br />

their businesstouchesand theirproperty<br />

Operations Manager, Katrina Green,<br />

proudly showing off their Honda hybrid.<br />

managers buildcloserelationships with both<br />

their tenants andlandlords. Often these<br />

associationsspanaconsiderablelengthof<br />

time wheretheywatch their tenantschildren<br />

grow from babies to school children andin<br />

some casesbeyond. Thisisaveryspecial part<br />

of thejob.<br />

Their locallyfocusedexpertise is invaluable<br />

in their daytodayoperation andthe backing<br />

of RayWhite NewZealand ensuresthat<br />

they have accesstotheverylatestsystems<br />

andtools.This,coupledwithacombined<br />

industry experience of over 50 years, means<br />

that they areabletodeal expertlyand<br />

efficientlywithany situationthatmay arise.<br />

2399774<br />

Your local team in<br />

Property Management<br />

Vote for us in the People’sChoice Awards<br />

P: 03 331 6755<br />

E: morrispm.nz@raywhite.com<br />

W: www.canterburypm.co.nz<br />

RayWhite Kaiapoi<br />

116WilliamsStreet<br />

RayWhite Pegasus<br />

Shop 4, 8Tahuna Street<br />

RayWhite Rangiora<br />

Level1,ConwayBuilding,188 High Street<br />

RayWhite Papanui<br />

Level1,Winston House, 7Winston Avenue<br />

Morris &CoProperty Management Ltd<br />

RayWhite Sumner<br />

2/41 MarrinerStreet<br />

WHO ARE WE?<br />

We are so proud and so<br />

excited tobetaking part in<br />

thisyears <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business Awards.<br />

Please take aminute to<br />

vote for usforthe<br />

People’s Choice Award -<br />

you’ll make our day!<br />

160<br />

High Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5552<br />

Email: cocoonbeautyanddayspa@gmail.com<br />

www.cocoonbeautyanddayspa.co.nz<br />

Cocoon is very proudly ownedand operated<br />

by Jess andSally Telfer,amother-daughter<br />

duo, whotookonthe challenge of owning<br />

andrunningaBeautyClinic10years agoin<br />

post-earthquake<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Jess is an InternationallyQualified Beauty<br />

Therapist,and also holdsanNZCertificate<br />

in Adultand Tertiary Teaching. Sheisthe<br />

Managing Director, Technical Educator and<br />

aSeniorSkinTherapist at Cocoon.<br />

Sallyhas alongand successful background<br />

in business,and is thecompany’s very able<br />

CFO.Sallyhas akeeninterest in all things<br />

beauty andwellness related,includingbeing<br />

acertifiedyogateacher.<br />

Together,Jessand Sallyare proud of the<br />

longevity andsuccessofCocoon, andlove<br />

that they areabletosurroundthemselves<br />

with ateamoftalentedand enthusiastic<br />

women. Ourteamiswhat makesusspecial.<br />

We areateamofnine, with acombined<br />

total of nearly 70 yearsofexperience in the<br />

beauty,skin, andwellnessindustry! Our<br />

Therapistsand ourClinicCoordinatorsall<br />

hold Beauty Therapy qualifications,ensuring<br />

that everyone on theteamisthe technical<br />

knowledgetoassistclients in selectingthe<br />

righttreatmentsand productstoachieve<br />

theirgoals.<br />

All of ourteamhavestronglocal ties to<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>, andseven of us continue<br />

to live locally.<br />

We love Rangiora,and we love beingapart<br />

Rangiora’s vibrantHighStreet. We’vebeena<br />

part of theHighStreet nowfor 10 yearsand<br />

counting.<br />

It’s aprivilegetocometoworkeachday,<br />

with the purposeofmaking each clients day<br />

alittle better than when they walked in.<br />

We aresoproud andsoexcited to be taking<br />

part in this years<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Business<br />

Awards.Pleasetakeaminutetovotefor us<br />

forthe People’s Choice Award-you’llmake<br />

ourday!<br />



Experience the best of rural New<br />

Zealand with Hurunui Attractions Ltd<br />

Adesiretostayonthe land hasled to<br />

successful tourismventure.<br />

HurunuiAttractionsLtd, which<br />

encompassesbothEnergyJet and<br />

TawanuiFarmbrands andincorporates<br />

jetboatriverexperiences, glamping,farm<br />

toursand meat sales, is afinalist in the<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>business<br />

awards.<br />

TimLoughnanstarted thebusinessbased<br />

on andaroundtheir family farm in the<br />

BlytheValley southofCheviot.<br />

“Theneighbouring HurunuiRiverhas<br />

been ahugepartofour lives, mainly on a<br />

recreational level,”Tim says.<br />

“Endlesssummer afternoonsswimming,<br />

weekends jetboating,fishingand<br />

socialisinghavecreated adeepconnection<br />

to theriver.”<br />

Timand hisfatherMikehavedecades<br />

of experience betweenthemwithjet<br />

boatsand with thefamilyfarm, Tawanui,<br />

locatedonthe banksofthe HurunuiRiver,<br />

branchingout into acommercialjet boat<br />

enterprise wasthe logical solution.<br />

“Asthe only jet-boatoperatoronthe<br />

Hurunui, we have exclusive accesstoover<br />

100kmofthe riverand itsamazingvariety,<br />

allowingyou to personaliseyourtrip<br />

preferences,”Tim says.<br />

The jetboatexperience allowsyou to<br />

enjoythe beautiful sceneryofthe wild<br />

coastline, stunning<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

farmlandand pristine alpine lake-fed<br />

waters,while venturingupshallow river<br />

braids andnarrowcanyons.<br />

Your jetboatadventurecan be combined<br />

with clay-birdshootingand riverside<br />

BBQcombosinanidyllic location,<br />

complementedbydelicious,local produce.<br />

These areperfect forbothsmall groups<br />

lookingtosoak in theamazingriver<br />

environment or forlargegroupssuchas<br />

sports teams or work functions.<br />

The glamping campsite caters for2to<br />

8peopleand is setonrollingfarmland,<br />

surrounded by kanuka andpine<br />

plantations.<br />

Stay in twogeodesic dome tentswitha<br />

central camp kitchen andalargehot tub,<br />

setagainst agentlehillside backdrop.<br />

An incredible 180-degreeviewinfrontof<br />

thesitelooks down toward theHurunui<br />

River, with viewstothe inland Kaikoura<br />

mountain ranges.<br />

“Atthe endofthe day, relaxinthe hottub<br />

under avastand starry night sky,before<br />

gettingcosy in your boutique tent,” Tim<br />

says.<br />

“Wakinguptoanew day, you’ll hear the<br />

birdssinging from theplantationbehind<br />

thesite, andonsomemornings, youcan<br />

Scenery, serenity and relaxtion -glamping offers an unforgetable experience.<br />

even hear theocean,3kmsaway.”<br />

TawanuiFarmisaworking sheep,beef<br />

farm so you’ll seeplenty of animal andbird<br />

life.<br />

Farm toursare also offered,whichcan<br />

be combined with an unforgettableriver<br />

experience up theHurunui Riverwith<br />

Energy Jet.<br />

“This packageisascloseasyou will get<br />

to theruralNew Zealandexperience,” Tim<br />

says.<br />

TawanuiFarmalsosells meat sourced<br />

from thefamilyfarm. Beef andlamb boxes<br />

canbepurchased onlineand couriered<br />

direct to your door, nation-wide.<br />

“Werun ourfarmunder regenerative<br />

farmingprinciples,”Tim says.<br />

“This practice focusses on feedingour soil<br />

with more naturalproductsasopposed<br />

to harmful chemicals, allowinghealthy<br />

pastures andtherefore healthyfood.<br />

“Thehealth of ouranimals, environment<br />

andpeopleisatthe forefrontofeverything<br />

we do.”<br />

Hurunui River<br />

Experiences<br />

• Scenic and thrill rides<br />

• Riverside BBQ’s and clay-bird shooting combos<br />

• Can cater for small or large groups<br />

• Perfect for birthdays, work functions or sports teams<br />

• Group discounts available<br />

Glamping<br />

&Farm Tours<br />

Tawanui Farm Glamping is set on rolling farmland, surrounded<br />

by kanuka and pine plantations. Twolotus belle tents, acentral<br />

camp kitchen and alarge hot tub are sensitively landscaped into<br />

agentle hillside. An incredible 180-degree view in front of the site<br />

looks down toward the Hurunui River,with views from the inland<br />

Kaikoura mountain ranges.<br />

P: 027 426 0154<br />

E: tim@energyjet.co.nz<br />

W: www.energyjet.co.nz<br />

Cheviot, New Zealand<br />

Tawanui<br />

Farm Meats<br />

Tawanui Farm Meats operates under regenerative<br />

farming practices and our animals are grass-fed all<br />

year round on healthy,nutritious pastures. Our beef<br />

and lamb boxes are now available to order online and<br />

will be couriered direct to your door.Each frozen box<br />

will be made up of individual vacuum packed cuts.<br />

Follow us on<br />



Busy season ahead for Island Hills<br />

The Island HillsStation WalkingTrack<br />

has been back open forbusinessfor one<br />

season andisalready attracting plenty of<br />

attention.<br />

Shaun Monk approached Island Hills<br />

owners Danand MandyShand about<br />

reopeningthe highcountry trackduring<br />

lock down last year and haditupand<br />

runningbyOctober.<br />

‘‘There wasanestablished businessfor<br />

years, butgetting it up andrunningagain<br />

wasachallenge,’’Shaun says.<br />

‘‘We made thedecisionand then only had<br />

5monthstodeliver. It wasabig joband<br />

we bit off waymore than we couldchew,<br />

so we enlistedsomeawesome volunteers<br />

to lendahand. It wasgruelingwork, but<br />

greatfun andwegot it finished on time.’’<br />

Thiswalkingtrackislikenoother in<br />

thecountry,withadiverserangeof<br />

landscapes andvegetationwhichchanges<br />

continuouslythroughout your experience.<br />

The farm has1000’sofhaofun-grazed<br />

bush andmountaincountry andincludes<br />

a600-hectareQEIIOpenSpace Covenant,<br />

thelargest of itstypeinthe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

district.<br />

After featuringonCountry Calendar<br />

(see -https://www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/<br />

countrycalendar/episodes/s<strong>2021</strong>-e19),<br />

bookingshaveexceededexpectations<br />

making forabusyseasonahead.Visitors<br />

come from all over NewZealand, with<br />

many flyingtoChristchurchAirport and<br />

hiringarentalcar to head on up to the<br />

farm.<br />

‘‘People often stopfor ameal at the<br />

HurunuiHotel on theway in, then stay<br />

at Hanmer Springs afterwards, they<br />

canmakeitafull <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

experience,’’Shaun says.<br />

Walkinggroupscan choose between<br />

threeday andtwo dayoptions,withthe<br />

threeday most popularasitgivesgroups<br />

time to immerse themselves in their<br />

surroundings.<br />

Island Hillstrackisaself-guided private<br />

walkwaywhich is well marked andeasyto<br />

follow with dailypacktransfers so youcan<br />

take afew extra goodies andjustcarry a<br />

daypackalong thetrails.<br />

The lodgestyle accommodationisunique<br />

andisolatedbut still hasfully serviced<br />

kitchen, barbecue anddiningfacilities,<br />

bunk beds andplentyofprivacy. This<br />

is complementedbythe luxuryofhot<br />

showers,comfortable mattresses and<br />

pillows.<br />

There is no cell phonecoverage butyou<br />

remain in contactwiththe hostsvia walkie<br />

talkieand VHFradios in thehuts.<br />

There arealsooptions to bringyourdog<br />

on thewalk or to bringyourown horse<br />

andride on separate trails to thewalkers.<br />

Shaun, an experiencedhunterand<br />

bushmanwithgreat knowledgeonecology<br />

andhistory,alsooffers guidedtours<br />

including‘‘wildfood’’ meals. Guests can<br />

NZwildthings manager Shaun Monk, the operator of the Island Hills Station Walking Track.<br />

Image by Claire Inkson Creative<br />

choose an adventuretosuittheir group,<br />

from conservation “trapline” tours, alpine<br />

tent camp outs, kids’outdoor adventures,<br />

corporate getaways, huntingtrips andeven<br />

“stag” parties.<br />

Shaunvolunteershis time andfunds<br />

from thebusinessintoconservationefforts<br />

on thefarm’snaturereserve.Control of<br />

possums,pigsand deer areatthe forefront<br />

of native plantprotection, whilenative<br />

birdsare protectedfromintroduced<br />

predatorssuchaswasps,stoatsand rats,<br />

whichneedregularremoval.Thepublic<br />

canjoinintoo by donating humane kill<br />

trapswiththe owners name paintedon<br />

andplacedalong thewalking trackwhere<br />

they aremostneeded.<br />

Vote forNZwildthings (IslandHills<br />

StationWalking Track) in thepeople’s<br />

choice awards.<br />


Atwo or three night self-guided walking<br />

track with comfortable lodgings, hot<br />

showers, pack transport and something<br />

different every step of the way.<br />

Dogs welcome, BYO horse options.<br />

Available October to mid-March.<br />

Walkers on Island Hills Station enjoying the vast mountain scenery in this hidden<br />

Image by Claire Inkson Creative<br />

corner of the Hurunui. .<br />

www.islandhillsstation.com<br />

Phone<br />

Email<br />

Phone 022 464 0140<br />

Email shaun@islandhillsstation.com<br />

Sign up to our newsletter through our website and<br />

keep up todate on news around Island Hills Station.<br />

Owners of Island Hills Station, Dan and Mandy Shand looked to diversify their<br />

Image by Dan Henry.<br />

farming business with the addition of aprivate 3day walking track .<br />

Followus<br />

To vote for us in the People’s<br />

Choice Award, scan the QR<br />

code to access the form


Turning your ideas into reality<br />

KaiapoiITM is aone stop shopfor all building<br />

supplies, toolsand more.<br />

The store,which is part of oneofthe largest<br />

independentbuildingsupplynetworksinNew<br />

Zealand, takes pride in providingits customers<br />

with ahighlevel of personal service.<br />

It ensuresevery customer’sneedsare metwith<br />

good oldfashionedfamilyvaluesofcourtesy<br />

andrespect.<br />

KaiapoiITM supplies serioustradeand DIY<br />

customers with excellentproduct at agreat rate,<br />

with itsstafftrained to be able to helpmake<br />

thosedifficultdecisions.<br />

The familyoperatedbusinessisproud to be<br />

part of theKaiapoi and<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community.Ithas stood thetestoftime, andis<br />

in its5th generation of theSutherlandfamily.<br />

DavieSutherlandisatthe helmofKaiapoi ITM,<br />

whichwas established at 197 Ohoka Road,<br />

in 2003. Hisbrother Jonnie,isthe managing<br />

directorofSutherlandand Co,establishedin<br />

1920, of whichKaiapoi ITMisapartof.<br />

KaiapoiITM supplies buildingmaterials for<br />

almost anyjob from largecommercialand trade<br />

projects, to DIY.<br />

It stocksWinstoneWallboards,James Hardie,<br />

Tasman Insulation,Wattyl, Firth,Marley, PSP-<br />

JSC andMakita,justtonameafew.<br />

It canalsosourcealmostany product youneed.<br />

Alltimberismilled andtreated on-site,<br />

stocking over 123baysinits drive-through<br />

yard,includingboxinggrades,outdoor treated,<br />

roughsawn, dressed, kiln driedframingand dry<br />

dressedfinishingtimber.<br />

As amemberofthe ITMnetwork,the one<br />

thingcustomerscan countonissupport,<br />

becauseit’sacore principleonwhichthe<br />

IndependentTimberMerchantCooperative was<br />

founded.<br />

Customerscan enjoythe benefitsITM gains<br />

from buying as agroup,sharing marketing<br />

opportunities, andmuchmore.<br />

The co-operative approachtopurchasing,<br />

combined with thesizeofthe network, ensures<br />

We do more than just building materials ... our production department can build frames &<br />

trusses, pallets, bins, and much much more ... want more info? Come into store and have<br />

achat..... “We’ll see you right”.<br />

Another beautiful build by Hickson Homes, with frames and trusses proudly supplied by<br />

Kaiapoi ITM.<br />

an increasedlevel of recognition andsupport<br />

from NewZealand andinternational suppliers.<br />

KaiapoiITM,thoughurban-based,has astrong<br />

focuson<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s ruralhinterland.<br />

It offersadesignand buildfarmorlifestyle<br />

blockshedtosuityourneeds. It canhelp<br />

designthe ideal shedfor farm equipment,<br />

boat,caravan,orbulk storage,thensupply the<br />

materialstobring it together.<br />

KaiapoiITM canevenhelprefer youtoalocal<br />

builder.<br />

‘‘We specialiseinsupplying qualitybuilding<br />

materialsthatwill standthe test of time. From<br />

foundationtoframingroofing, you’ll findthe<br />

rightmaterialsatITM,’’saysmarketing manager<br />

AmySherwin.<br />

‘‘After all, youonlywanttobuild your shed<br />

once.’’<br />

‘‘We’llhelpyou turn your ideas into finished<br />

designs,giveyou an accurate estimate and<br />

deliveryourmaterials to your site readyfor you,<br />

or your builder,toget to work.<br />

It sounds easy becauseitiseasy,’’ says Amy.<br />

KaiapoiITM opensat7amMondaytoFriday,<br />

to caterfor tradesmen, andcloses at 5pm. On<br />

Saturday mornings it opensfrom 8amtonoon.<br />

Kaiapoi ITM has been happily supplying<br />

Here at Kaiapoi ITM we take great pride<br />

in providing all our customers with ahigh<br />

level of personal service, the kind of service<br />

your granddad used to receive at his local<br />

hardware store, where he was always<br />

greeted by his first name.<br />

We will make that effort and provide you with<br />

the service you deserve without you paying<br />

the extra cost.<br />

We can supply building materials for almost<br />

any job from large commercial and trade<br />

projects to DIY.<br />

Kaiapoi for over 60 years<br />

Come on in and see the friendly team<br />

where no job is too big or too small<br />

and as always “We’ll see you right”<br />

2399288<br />

197 Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 327 88<strong>29</strong><br />

Monday toFriday 7am –5pm,<br />

Saturday 8am to 12 noon<br />

sales@kaiapoiitm.co.nz<br />

“Proudly family<br />

owned and operated<br />

for 100 years”<br />

Vote for us for the<br />

People’s Choice Award


Quality timber products a<br />

sustainable industry for family<br />

Kaiapoi’sSutherlandfamilycelebrated100 years<br />

in businesslastyear.<br />

Sutherland Timber wasestablishedin<br />

Southlandafterbeing conceivedbytwobrothers<br />

correspondingduringWorld War1.<br />

The business remainsinthe same family,with<br />

Murray Sutherland having handed over the<br />

reinstothe fifthgeneration.<br />

Eldestson Jonnie is nowmanagingdirector,<br />

with second sonDavie runningthe Kaiapoi<br />

ITMtimberyardand daughter AmySherwin<br />

lookingafterthe marketing.<br />

Sutherland Timber became incorporatedin<br />

1920. Itsanniversarycelebrationsweredelayed<br />

becauseofCovid-19, Amysays.<br />

‘‘It’s aprettyspecial story howitstarted,with<br />

twobrothers writingtoeachother whilethey<br />

were in thewar,and they startedtoplantostart<br />

somethingwhentheycameback.’’<br />

Whileone of thebrotherswas killed in<br />

action,Murray’sgrandfather returned home<br />

safely and persuadedhis father to bankrollthe<br />

establishment of asawmill at Tuatapere.<br />

After 12 years,the sawmill wasrelocated to<br />

theCaitlinsonthe Otago coast,withthe focus<br />

beingonnative timber production.<br />

The business relocatedtoCheviot after World<br />

War2,withthe focusmovingtoPinus radiata<br />

timber.Itmoved to Kaiapoiin1956, when<br />

Murray wasatoddler.<br />

After ashort stintawayfromhome, Murray<br />

returned to Kaiapoiwithhis wife,Annie,<br />

38 yearsago to takeoverthe runningofthe<br />

business.<br />

‘‘I’ve been here 38 yearsand in that time we’ve<br />

expandedintothe exportmarketinthe 1990s<br />

with furnituregradetimbers,and ourlogs<br />

areall locallysourced from Ashley Forest and<br />

Hanmer StateForest.’’All aremilled on site in<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

Sutherland Timber producesqualityNew<br />

ZealandRadiata andOregonproductssuitable<br />

forthe domestic andinternational markets, and<br />

in recent yearsithas establishedstrongmarkets<br />

Family affair ...Jonnie Sutherland (left) is continuing the family tradition at Sutherland<br />

Timber with his brother Davie Sutherland,who is at the helm of Kaiapoi ITM and sister Amy<br />

Sherwin, marketing manager.<br />

with Douglasfir.<br />

It is aproduct preferred forits strength,stability<br />

andstiffness, standingout as atop performeras<br />

well as offering naturalmoistureresistance and<br />

treatedoruntreated buildingoptions.<br />

Murray continues to be active in thebusiness,<br />

with eldestson Jonnie as managing director.<br />

‘‘You’ve got to have onepersonsteeringthe<br />

ship,’’Murraysays.<br />

‘‘Butit’sverymuchateam effort,’’ Jonnie adds.<br />

‘‘I’ve been around theplace since Iwas akid<br />

andI’vealwayshad apassionfor thetimberand<br />

theengineering that goes with it.’’<br />

In recent years, Sutherland Timber has embarked<br />

on amill upgrade to keep it sustainablefor the<br />

future,Jonnie says.<br />

‘‘We processmostthings on site andwehave75<br />

people employed in Kaiapoi.<br />

‘‘It’s agreat industry to be apartof. There’s<br />

some amazingpeopleinour industry andthe<br />

lifeexperiences youget alongthe way, you can’t<br />

replace them.’’<br />

AmysaysSutherlandTimberislooking to the<br />

future.<br />

‘‘Ilovethe fact that it’s renewableand<br />

sustainableand it’s anaturalresource. Ithink<br />

people areshiftingbacktorealisingthattimber<br />

is agreat product.’’<br />

Sutherland<br />

Timber has<br />

proudly been<br />

operating for<br />

over 100 years,<br />

with over 60 of<br />

those in Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 8843<br />

14 Stone Street, Kaiapoi<br />

sales@sutherlandtimber.co.nz<br />

Vote for usfor the People’s Choice Award



Understanding individuals key<br />

to affordable fitness coaching<br />

AnytimeFitnessRangiora prides itself on<br />

beingall aboutits members.<br />

Coach,Care, Connect, areatthecore of<br />

what the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>-owned and<br />

operatedftness centreat194 King Street,<br />

does, as it aims to buildstrongrelationships<br />

with itsmembers.<br />

Theystrive to understandindividualgoals<br />

andhelpmembers to reachthem.<br />

Owners Paul &Julie Blackler,who opened<br />

thedoors of AnytimeFitness Rangiora in<br />

November,2017, sayowningthe Anytime<br />

Club means beingpartofagroup committed<br />

to ‘‘findingthe funineverythingwedo’’.<br />

‘‘Youare notjustjoining agym.You’re<br />

joiningasupportive community club of likemindedpeoplewho<br />

areheretogive youthe<br />

encouragement youneed’’.<br />

Theysay.‘‘Everybodydoesbetterwitha<br />

coachbeitinlife, business,school, or sport’’.<br />

Therefore theclubstrivestooffereverybody<br />

acoachingprogramme they canafford,<br />

through theAnytime FitnessApp,insmall<br />

group trainingsessions, or one-on-one.<br />

“All ourprogrammesare setatdifferent<br />

levels so everyone canaffordsomeformof<br />

coaching.”<br />

‘‘What makesusdifferentisthatasateam<br />

we arehelping people tackle what stands in<br />

their waytoahealthyway of life.’’<br />

The Blackler’s sayahealthylifestyle doesn’t<br />

startand stop at thegym -itstartswitha<br />

plan,whichiswhy thecluboffers solutions<br />

that incorporatefitness, coaching, recovery<br />

andbodyscanningtoprovide a360 deg<br />

approachtoyourwellnessjourney.<br />

‘‘Your needsare unique andaone-size-fitsallapproachtocoachingisn’t<br />

goingtocut<br />

it.That’s whyall of ourteamare qualified<br />

personal trainers/coachesand areready to<br />

create aplanwithyou that is designedto<br />

meet your needs, so youcan reachthe goals<br />

you’ve setfor yourselfand feel confident<br />

about thejourney of gettingthere.’’<br />

AnytimeFitness Rangiora is open to its<br />

members24/7, with staff on site from 10am<br />

to 7pmMon -Thu, 10amto2pm Fridaysand<br />

10amto1pm Saturday andSundays.<br />

Workout 24/7 with the flexibility of the Anytime Fitness &Workouts Apps.<br />

The experienced Coaches will create apersonalised programme tohelp you reach your<br />

individual fitness goals.<br />

This allows membersthe flexibility to<br />

workout at atimethatbestsuits them, but<br />

they canstill enjoythe otherbenefits on<br />

offer at thegym includingthe guidance of<br />

friendlyand interactive coaches, andthe<br />

exciting AF group training, Base,Burn,<br />

Build.<br />

The Blackler’s businessstarted with Julie<br />

having been an avid gymgoerfor many<br />

years andknowing thebenefits of health<br />

andwellness, andPaulhavingafewhealth<br />

challenges, whichhelpedhim make the<br />

decisiontoget intothe health andfitness<br />

industry andtomakehealthy happen for<br />

others in thecommunity.<br />

“Ittookayearfrom theday we found the<br />

buildinguntil theday we opened.”<br />

‘‘We getalotofpeoplecominginand<br />

tellinguswhatagood gymitiswith the<br />

amount of space,the best equipmentand the<br />

wayit’slaidout,soitshows theimportance<br />

of spendingthe time gettingthings rightat<br />

thestart.’’<br />

‘‘It is abusinessthatputspeoplefirst<br />

always’’.<br />

Sometimespeopleneed more than a<br />

treadmill or dumbbell,theyneed an<br />

encouraging high-five or patonthe back.<br />

‘‘Ourculture embraces theideathatifyou<br />

do it right, thereisnodistinction between<br />

work andplay.<br />

‘‘Having funinyourclubmakes work<br />

better foryou andyouremployees.<br />

‘‘Playinginyourclubmakes workingout<br />

seem lesslikeworkfor yourmembers.<br />

‘‘Making healthyhappenisabout more<br />

than goingtothe gym. That’swhy we offer<br />

personal coachingand group trainingwhen<br />

you’re here,and theright toolstokeepyou<br />

on trackwhenyou’renot.”<br />

We have an amazingteamthatmakeall<br />

this possibleand arejustascommitted to<br />

Making Healthyhappenfor youasweare.<br />

Feel free to call in forachatANYTIME.


Wedding Venue, Function Centre<br />

and Luxury Accommodation<br />

Lacebark is astunning weddingvenue and<br />

function centrefeaturing anewly renovated,<br />

modernand luxurious barn, in abeautiful<br />

countrygarden setting.<br />

Bringing together idyllic, landscaped formal<br />

gardens, with stunningruralviews anda<br />

modern, Americanstyle barn,Lacebark offers<br />

an elegant,yet rustic settingfor your wedding<br />

reception,corporate eventorcelebration.<br />

With gorgeousviews, adance floor,<br />

commercial kitchen andBed &Breakfast<br />

accommodationavailable, youroptions to<br />

celebrateinstyle,are endless.<br />

OurBed &Breakfast specialises in creating<br />

aspace that is warm andwelcoming,with<br />

beautiful finishing touches, including<br />

aprivate patioareaand outdoor spa,<br />

overlookingthe immaculately landscaped<br />

gardens. Popularasabridal suite, youcan sit<br />

back andtruly relax.<br />

HostsMarionand Lindsay Pulley warmly<br />

invite youtoshare in themagic they have<br />

createdattheir Ohoka home.<br />

We arehonouredtobeinthe runningfor<br />

this yearsTourism &Hospitalityand People’s<br />

Choice Awards.<br />

Ph 03 327 5<strong>29</strong>6 or 027 378 2508<br />

41 Moodys Road,RD2 Kaiapoi<br />

2399<strong>29</strong>4<br />

AirBoat experience -a<br />

first for New Zealand<br />

In the1950s Bill Hamilton introduced hisjet boat to theworld after unsuccessful<br />

attempts to build an airboat.<br />

70 years laterAlpine JetThrills successfully builtand introduced thefirstpassenger<br />

AirBoat to NewZealand.<br />

Now that’s Innovation... righthere in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>!<br />

alpinejetthrills.com 0800 26 36 26<br />

Alpine JetThrills offersmore than aride.It<br />

offersanexperience.<br />

The privately-owned commercial jetboat<br />

businesshas operatedonthe Waimakariri<br />

Riversince 1984.<br />

It boasts thefirst,and only,commercial<br />

AirBoatoperation in NewZealand, opening<br />

up newexperiences forclients.<br />

It skimsthe braidedshallowsofthe river,<br />

runs on ‘‘wetstones’’and givesclients a<br />

smootherride than ajet boat in afresh.<br />

The AirBoatwas proudly builtentirelyin<br />

NewZealand anddeveloped forNew Zealand<br />

conditions -alarger aluminium hull rather<br />

than fibreglassand severalsafety measures for<br />

Maritime NZ compliance such as seat belts.<br />

The innovationhas helpedthe company<br />

to recoverfromthe ‘double-whammy’ of<br />

theChristchurch earthquakes, wiping out<br />

potential customers from cruise shipsberthing<br />

at Lytteltondue to wharfdamage, and<br />

Covid-19 puttingthe brakes on thetourism<br />

industry.<br />

RunbyPauland LyndaVernelfor 20 plus<br />

years,Pauland RobynMullan, bought in to<br />

thebusinessfouryears ago.<br />

The friendly andprofessional staff areproud<br />

to deliveranexhilaratingand personal Kiwi<br />

experience on thebreath-taking Waimakariri<br />

River.<br />

2399<strong>29</strong>3<br />

We’ve got style<br />

Empowering women through clothing -the team at So You! Boutique.<br />

“I came in this morning&Iwouldliketo<br />

thankJacqui &you for thehelpthatyou gave<br />

me.Ihavecomehomefeelingsomuchbetter<br />

about myself.Iwouldn’t normally askfor<br />

help, glad Idid.” Thisisthe type of feedback<br />

theteamatSoYou!Boutiquelovegetting<br />

becauseSoYou!Boutiqueismore than just a<br />

clothingstore;itisaspace to helpwomen feel<br />

empowered&confidentthrough clothing.<br />

‘Enter as strangers, leaveasfriends”isone of<br />

thesayings Debbie &her team believein, &<br />

when youreadthe feedback they receive you<br />

canreally seethisinaction.<br />

So You! Boutique hostsevents, workshops<br />

&fashionshows, &truly believes in helping<br />

womencreateahard-working wardrobe;their<br />

12 piecepackworkshopevenshows youhow<br />

to create over 60 outfitsfrom just 12 items!<br />

Plus theirpersonalshopping service makes<br />

tiredwardrobes &“nothingtowear” athingof<br />

thepast.<br />

This is afun, stress-freeone-on-one<br />

personal shopping consultationwithJacqui<br />

that willleave youinspiredwithawardrobe<br />

transformationthat’ll be theenvyofyour<br />

friends andfamily! Forjust$100, notonly<br />

do youget twohours of one-on-one styling<br />

but you canredeemthe $100 voucheronany<br />

purchase.<br />

Beforeyoursession,Jacqui will send a<br />

clothingpersonality questionnairesoshe can<br />

find outwhatyou arecurrently wearing &<br />

howyou want your wardrobetoworkfor you.<br />

You’ll come in foryoursession(&feelfreeto<br />

bringsomeitems that aren’t workingfor you!)<br />

&overatwo hour period you’ll work with<br />

Jacqui one-on-one to findcohesive pieces that<br />

make youfeel&lookamazing -plusyou’ll<br />

have awholeheapoffun alongthe way.<br />

The So You! teamoffers honest girlfriend<br />

advice &loves workingwithwomen just<br />

like youtohelpthemfeelfabulousintheir<br />

clothing. Next time you’re down Conway Lane,<br />

popin&say hi.Not only willyou seetheir<br />

wonderful rangefromanumberofdesigners,<br />

but you’llmakeanew friendortwo as well!<br />



Unique Alpine Holidays<br />

Escape the crowds for<br />

aunique experience<br />

34 Lulus Lane, Mt Lyford Phone 03 315 6523<br />

Visit lyfordholidayhomes.co.nz Email lyfordholidayhomes@gmail.com<br />

Fire safety and hazard<br />

training ahot topic<br />

The sustainableeco lodges of Mt Lyford<br />

Holiday Homesare highlycoveted quality<br />

holiday accommodationwithin 2hrs<br />

drive from Christchurch.<br />

Experience thecharm andcharacterof<br />

themountainvillageofMtLyford in the<br />

midst of themajesticmountains of the<br />

Kaikoura Ranges. Youcan escape from<br />

thecrowdshere, it’s peace andquiet,<br />

space andnature. Authenticlog cabins,<br />

ecolodgesand glamping huts offer a<br />

choice of accommodationfor anysize<br />

group.<br />

Spendagreat holiday that canbeboth<br />

active andrelaxing, whatever youchoose.<br />

Take thetimefor doingnothingjust<br />

enjoying theview, agood book, maybea<br />

woodfired hottub or sauna.<br />

Or findyourrelaxation in swimming<br />

in acrystal clearmountainlake, hiking<br />

andbiking,and of course skiing–thereis<br />

somethingherefor everyone.<br />

Book here:<br />

lyfordholidayhomes@gmail.com<br />

2399092<br />

McLean FireProtectionServicesLtd now<br />

provide firesafety andhazard trainingafter<br />

taking over Fire&Hazard TrainingServices<br />

earlier this year.<br />

Theyofferarange of individually-tailored<br />

trainingcourses designedfor theworkplace<br />

environment,ensuring alllegislative and<br />

evacuation scheme requirements arefulfilled.<br />

Usingcurrent technologyand<br />

environmentallysafe practicaltechniques<br />

andequipmentthe qualifiedteamof<br />

instructorsprovide excellentvalue based<br />

on their extensive experience andresponse<br />

skills.<br />

“I love beingabletogoabove andbeyond<br />

to helpsortout anyfire safety-related issue,”<br />

says director,RyanMcLean.<br />

“Peopleattending getalotofvalue notonly<br />

outofprotectingtheir businessenvironment<br />

but also beingaware of firerisk around their<br />

homes.”<br />

Ryan McLean has aprofessionalbackground<br />

andextensive experience in training<br />

emergencyresponseand management for<br />

over 18 years.<br />

Trainingcourses have aduration of between<br />

oneand twohours andeachattendeereceives<br />

acertificateofattendanceuponcompletion.<br />

We provide<br />

Fire Extinguisher Sales and Servicing<br />

Fire Extinguisher Training (hands on experience)<br />

Fire Warden Training<br />

Chemical SpillTraining<br />

Evacuation Schemes<br />

FirePro Switchboard Protection<br />

Vote for us<br />

for People’s<br />

Choice<br />

021 115 2580 ryan@firehazard.co.nz<br />

firehazard.co.nz<br />

2399<strong>29</strong>2<br />

Providing great<br />

first impressions<br />

with custom,<br />

locally made gates<br />

and fences<br />

Vote forusinthe<br />

People’sChoice<br />

Award<br />

22B Newnham Street<br />

Rangiora<br />

Ph: 027 845 3980 James<br />

E: info@designergates.co.nz<br />

James and Emma Tillman, centre, with their team at Designer Gates.<br />

Exceeding expectations<br />

DesignerGates, alocal family-owned and<br />

operatedbusiness, is helpingtransform homes<br />

across<strong>Canterbury</strong>thankstohusband andwife<br />

team,James andEmmaTillman, andtheir<br />

wonderful team.<br />

Their specialist team constructs,installsand<br />

automatescustomised gatestosuitpeople’s<br />

needs, aimingtoexceed their expectations.<br />

The business wasbuilt on afoundationof<br />

passionand aspiration in 2017, coupled<br />

with James’ experience in thelandscape<br />

construction industry.<br />

Jamesand Emmawatched theirbusiness<br />

burst into lifeand grow,and say‘‘being able<br />

to callour jobs ourpassion, is successinour<br />

eyes’’.<br />

It hasallowed thecouple to raisetheir young<br />

children Mahe andMillywhile buildinga<br />

flourishingbusiness,adream come true.<br />

Sinceits establishment,DesignerGates has<br />

hadthe privilegeofworking withanumber<br />

of buildingand landscaping companies,<br />

architects, project managers,private residential<br />

andcommercial clients.<br />

Basedonits outstandingreputationasa<br />

dependablebusiness,who areeasytowork<br />

withand pride themselvesontop quality<br />

productsand workmanship, theteamhas had<br />

to rapidlygrowtoaccommodatethe increasing<br />

demandfor theirservices.<br />

Whetherclientsare lookingatsomething<br />

DesignerGates hasalready built, or have<br />

aspecificideainmind, Jamesand Emma’s<br />

speciality is workingwiththemtodesignand<br />

buildevery gate as an originalpiece.<br />

Allits gatesare customised anddesigned<br />

to caterfor what client’sneed andwhatfits<br />

aestheticallyontheir property.<br />

The gatesand automation arestrong, secure,<br />

stylish anddurable.<br />

Theyofferamultitude of automation<br />

accessories includingswingingand sliding<br />

motors,mains,low voltageand solarpower,<br />

keypad andintercom entry, loop detectionfor<br />

hands free opening, smartintegration through<br />

appintegration.<br />

DesignerGates also offers theopportunity to<br />

completethe look,increaseyourcurb appeal<br />

andadd valuetoyourproperty, with matching<br />

or featurefences, privacyscreens,steel or<br />

wooden pergolas or planters to nameafew.<br />

Jamesand Emmawould love to meet with<br />

youtodiscuss your needs, offer anoobligation<br />

free quoteand bringyourideas to fruition.<br />



Show-stopping performance winner<br />

for Empire Athletics gym<br />

When an Empire Athletics competitive<br />

cheerleadingteamdelivered ashow-stopping<br />

performanceinthe KaiapoiSanta Parade,<br />

last year,MichelleCumming’sphone ranhot.<br />

Michelleisthe ownerand also acoach<br />

andteamleader at Empire Athletics, which<br />

launched in Rangiora only four weeksbefore<br />

theCovid-19 pandemic lockdownlastyear<br />

with under 40 athletes enrolled.<br />

Nowthere are110 athletes, ranginginage<br />

from fiveto40plus, learningcompetitive<br />

cheerleadingatthe gymin KingsfordSmith<br />

Drive, thanks, in part,tothe Kaiapoiand<br />

Rangiora Santaparadeperformances which<br />

attractedalotofattention forthe business.<br />

Butsince then thegym membership has<br />

continuedtogrow, often by word of mouth,<br />

as parentshaverecognisedsignificant<br />

improvements in confidence,fitness, self<br />

discipline and happinessintheir children<br />

after they begantrainingatEmpireAthletics.<br />

The gym’ssuccessatnationwide<br />

competitions has also helpedpromote the<br />

business. Recentlythe teams competed at<br />

their first eventofthe season,the United<br />

Cheerleadingcompetition in Wellington,<br />

takingout thegoldfor Open Coed 3<br />

division, andSilverfor both their SeniorAll<br />

Girl 3, andJunior AllGirl1teams.Itwas an<br />

exceptional result andisatestament to the<br />

positive culturewithinEmpireAthletics.<br />

Competitivecheerleadingisone of the<br />

world’sfastest growingsportsand was<br />

officiallyrecognisedasasportinMay<br />

2013 at theAnnualGeneralAssembly of<br />

Sports Accord in St Petersburg.Itisahigh<br />

energy,multi-disciplinaryactivity,involving<br />

acrobatics, jumps, gymnastic tumbling,and<br />

dance, whichoffers alittle bit of everything<br />

that othersportingactivities just focus<br />

solely on.Teams performan intricately<br />

choreographed2.5 minuteroutine to fastpacedmusic<br />

at competitions andare judged<br />

by apanel.<br />

Competitive cheerleadingalsodevelops<br />

motorskills and cardiovascular fitness,<br />

whichare useful forother sports, and<br />

becausethere isarolefor everyoneitis<br />

also greatfor children whodonot want to<br />

participate in traditional schoolsport or<br />

after-school activities.<br />

“Itisagreat waytoincreasefitness, create<br />

lifelongfriendships, and itevenhelps to<br />

increase self-esteem,’’ Michelle says.<br />

“Nomatterwhatyourexperience is,age,<br />

bodyshape,orfitnesslevel, EmpireAthletics<br />

has aposition on ateamfor you.”<br />

The nature of cheerleading, where<br />

participantsworkcloselytogetherasateam<br />

andmustsupportone another, physically<br />

andmentally,inthegymnasticroutinesthey<br />

do,encouragesteambonding whichalso<br />

often resultsinlifelongfriendships. Michelle<br />

has friends all around theworld made from<br />

Team work… Members of Empire Athletics training together in their Rangiora gym, at5B<br />


Kingsford Smith Drive, on the biggest spring floor in the South Island.<br />

her backgroundincompetitive cheerleading.<br />

“Itisthe ultimate sport,”she says.<br />

“Weprovide apositive,supportive,and<br />

happyenvironment whereathletes cantruly<br />

be themselves, andwehaveastrong focuson<br />

teamworkand dedicationwhile training, with<br />

amantraof‘perfection before progression’ to<br />

ensure safety.”<br />

WhatisCheerleading?<br />

Empire Athletics isacheerleading gym in Rangiora.<br />

Cheerleading is ahigh energy, well rounded activity, involving acrobatic stunts, jumps, gymnastic tumbling<br />

and energetic dance.<br />

Agreat way to increase fitness, lifelong friendships and helps toincrease self esteem. Nomatter your<br />

experience, age, body shape or fitness level we have aposition onthe team for you!<br />

CompetitiveCheerleading<br />

There are no pom poms or cheering involved inCompetitive Cheerleading. Teams of 6-36 athletes train<br />

to perform afast paced 2.5 minute routine at competitions. These intricately choreographed routines<br />

showcase the best ofthe team’s stunt, jump, tumbling and dance abilities.<br />

If dance, gymnastics or acrobatics has been something you have always wanted todo-You are never too<br />

oId! We have teams from age 5yrs to adult.<br />

Recreational Cheerleading<br />

Recreational cheerleading isagreat way tokeep fit and can beagreat pathway into acompetitive team<br />

should an athlete want to progress further.<br />

For more information<br />

visit our website<br />

www.empireathletics.co.nz<br />

or get in touch via email<br />

office@empireathletics.co.nz<br />

VOTE FOR<br />

US IN THE<br />

PEOPLE’S<br />

CHOICE<br />

AWARD<br />

Unit B, 5Kingsford Smith Drive, Rangiora<br />

Instagram @EmpireAthleticsNZ<br />

Facebook @EmpireAthleticsNZ


2398689<br />

Sharing Abundance<br />

Since2015 Kaiapoi-based SatisfyFood<br />

Rescue has been workingcollaboratively<br />

with Waimakaririand Hurunuifood<br />

retailerscommunity organisationsto<br />

collect anddistributethe abundance<br />

of surplusperishablefood in our<br />

community.<br />

In thelastsix yearsvolunteersand staff<br />

have collected520 tonnes of food items<br />

that wouldotherwise be destinedfor<br />

landfilloranimal feed andturneditinto<br />

theequivalentof1.49millionmealsfor<br />

organisationswho provide assistance to<br />

strugglingfamilies or individuals. This<br />

VOTE<br />

FOR US!<br />

People’s choice award <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards<br />

VOTE & WIN!<br />

All votes go into the draw to win a Mini<br />

Group Pass from Hanmer Springs<br />

Thermal Pools & Spa or a MADE <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> ry Food & Beverage Hamper<br />

Support us by voting at<br />

northcanterbury.co.nz/choice<br />

Votingcloses 11th August<strong>2021</strong><br />

Designer dance socks are helping point budding<br />

ballerinas in the right direction, around the<br />

world.<br />

They are the brainchild ofJenna McKenzie, the<br />

principal of Rangiora-based Jenna McKenzie<br />

School of Dance.<br />

Jenna isamazed her “crazy little sock idea” has<br />

takenoff.<br />

She lovestomakeballet magical andinteresting<br />

for her students and uses imagery and props<br />

to help them with their technique. Socks, with<br />

fairies, wands, stars, with afew strings attached,<br />

arenow proving to be an invaluableextensionto<br />

this.<br />

The socks grew out of achat atateachers<br />

training course onhow to teach children the<br />

technicalsideofballet without making it tedious<br />

andonerous.<br />

Imagining strings pulling attheir heels, mice<br />

under theinsteps to keep them from rollingtheir<br />

past year Satisfyhas rescued almost 60%<br />

more food!<br />

Alongside herenthusiasticteam,<br />

Founder andChairperson PhillipaHunt,<br />

is dedicated to reducingfood waste and<br />

creating asustainable environment to<br />

seeyoung people andfamilies thriving<br />

physicallyand emotionally.<br />

“Weare privileged to work with an<br />

amazingbunch of volunteers, food<br />

donors andcommunity organisations.<br />

The scaleand impact of ourworkin<br />

thecommunity wouldnot be possible<br />

without their contributions.”<br />

Making ballet magical<br />

feet, and fairies on their toes to make sure their<br />

kneespointed in theright direction have allbeen<br />

helpful,along with stickers on their feet.<br />

But anactual pair of socks with visual marks<br />

children cansee,and touch, areproving farmore<br />

effective.<br />

Jenna, who learnt ballet from the age of 6, has<br />

taught dance inRangiora for over 20 years, and<br />

also in London foratime.<br />

She did some “terrible” sketches ofher ideas,<br />

then turned to glueingsomestringsonsocks and<br />

introducedthemtothe class.<br />

The class loved them, which encouraged Jenna<br />

to developthe ideafurther.<br />

“I then designed 10special features toassist<br />

dance teachers inclass and students practising<br />

at home. Ittook ayear to develop the design,<br />

incorporatingalifetimeofdance teachingtricks.”<br />

Rangiora’s Create Design helped bring the<br />

project tolife with final designs, alogo and the<br />

DanceSockAcademy website.<br />

Today Jenna has 12 retailers around the world<br />

including inItaly, Chile, Australia, South Africa<br />

andScotland.<br />

“Itissuper exciting,” she says.<br />

Forevery pair of ballet sockssold, theacademy,<br />

a company formed by Jenna to make socks,<br />

donates apair ofsports orschool socks toKiwi<br />

children in need through The Clothing Project.<br />

2398947<br />




Safety and fun offers peace<br />

of mind to parents<br />

KidsBase is afamilyrun businesswhich<br />

opened thedoors of itsfirst OSCAR (out of<br />

school care andrecreation) programme in<br />

2006.<br />

From itsearly beginnings of just one<br />

programme with 11 children, KidsBase has<br />

grownand nowoperates11before,after<br />

andschool holiday programmesacrossfour<br />

differentvenues in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

BasedinMandeville, owners Matthewand<br />

PaulineHowden have threechildren of their<br />

ownand experience theevery day, constant<br />

demands of balancingworkand home life<br />

withprimary aged children.<br />

As aqualifiedprimary school teacher,<br />

Dance Sock Academy |<br />




AWARD!<br />

We have awonderful team of<br />

65 dedicated volunteers and<br />

staff who work hard each day<br />

to support our 30recipient<br />

organisations.<br />

We send out, on average,<br />

14 tonnes of food amonth.<br />

Satisfy has distributed<br />

over 520 tonnes todate!<br />

Thriving, strong, satisfied and sustainable community<br />

Ph 027 951 6052 ● satisfyfoodrescue.org.nz<br />

Paulineisanexpert in programme<br />

development, making sure thereisareal focus<br />

on educationalactivities as well as building<br />

self-esteem, confidence andfriendships.<br />

AllKidsBaseprogrammesare Ministry<br />

of Social Developmentaccredited,and<br />

OrangaTamarikiapproved.Asaparent, it<br />

is imperative that your childisalsosafe and<br />

most of all, having fun–offeringpeace of<br />

mind.<br />

KidsBase areveryhumbled to have been<br />

nominated forboththe “Community<br />

Enterprise”and “People’sChoice”awards.<br />

Ourcommunity andpeopleare the<br />

cornerstoneofour programmes.<br />

Dance Sock Academy brings you abrand-new innovation.<br />

The educational socks have been created by local dance school owner<br />

Jenna McKenzie, who has been training and supporting <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> dancers for the past 21 years. Dance Sock Academy is also<br />

aproud supporter of New Zealand Charity “The Clothing Project”,<br />

via their ‘sock for sock’ donation.<br />

Available online at dancesock.co.nz and in-store atWee Kiwi Kidz<br />

(133 High Street, Rangiora).<br />

Scan the QR code above to vote or go to<br />

www.northcanterbury.co.nz/choice<br />

hello@dancesock.co.nz |www.dancesock.co.nz<br />

Vote here!<br />



Organic conversion creates<br />

award winning wines<br />

Greystone Winesisacertifiedorganic wine<br />

producer basedin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

From itsbeginnings in 2000 when the<br />

Thomas Family brought afarmonthe<br />

Omihi hillsand beganworktocreatethe<br />

Greystone vineyard,to2004, with thehelp<br />

of ViticulturistNickGill,theyhad planted<br />

13 blocks acrossthe Omihi slopes. Dom<br />

Maxwellbecamewinemaker andateam<br />

wasformedinthe pursuit of realisingthe<br />

potentialofthisexceptional site.<br />

In 2007 thefirst wine wasproducedand<br />

over theyears,Greystone has grownamid<br />

accolades andacclaim to be recognisedas<br />

oneofNew Zealand’sbestwineries. With<br />

itswines, Greystone aims to capture the<br />

essenceofthe site andreflect this in every<br />

bottle.<br />

In early2014 Greystone beganthe<br />

conversionfrom conventional to organic<br />

viticulture. In 2016, wasnamed Vineyard<br />

of theYearinthe NewZealandOrganic<br />

Wine Awards,and more recentlywas<br />

namedasthe SustainableWineryofthe<br />

Year in 2020, andhas claimedtwo top<br />

prizes at the<strong>2021</strong> Organic Wine Awards.<br />

Paris Bakery &Café -<br />

Bonjour àtous!<br />

Didn’t make it to Paris on your last<br />

holiday?<br />

Well, there is no need to travel far for<br />

an authentic French boulangerie and<br />

patisserie.<br />

French baker/owner Sebastien<br />

Bresson and his Kiwi wife Shaan have<br />

brought a little piece of France to<br />

Amberley.<br />

Popular for its beautiful baguettes and<br />

delicate Frenchpastries, you willneed<br />

to get in early to sample what everyone<br />

is talking about; mille-feuille, berry<br />

tarts, Paris brest, chocolate eclairs,<br />

quiche, croissants and baguette rolls,<br />

just to name afew.<br />

With everything baked on the<br />

premises, Sebastien’s pies top off what<br />

everyKiwi bakeryneeds.<br />

With indoor and outdoor seating, great<br />

customer service and exceptional food,<br />

Paris Bakery&Café is not to be missed.<br />

Located at 96b Carters Rd, next to<br />

Sally Mac’s, opposite New Zealand Post,<br />

the bakeryand café is open Monday -<br />

Friday 7am -3pm and Saturdays 7am<br />

-2pm.<br />

Bon appetit!<br />

2397618<br />

Bringing a little<br />

piece of France<br />

to Amberley<br />

•Beautiful, delicate French pastries<br />

•Mille-feuille<br />

•Baguette rolls<br />

•Croissants<br />

•Eclairs<br />

•Quiche<br />

•Kiwi style pies<br />

•Fresh Artisan breads<br />

96B Carters Road, Amberley<br />

Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm Saturday 7am to 2pm<br />

Supporting Community<br />

Construction<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Waghorn Builders provide more than every day construction<br />

services, they also proudly support the community with<br />

various initiatives and donate money,time and resources to<br />

local events and charities.<br />

These include donating to the annual Special Children’s<br />

Christmas Party,fundraising for Heartkids and and<br />

Conductive Education <strong>Canterbury</strong> in charity boxing,<br />

donating aplayhouse for the Kaiapoi Christmas Carnival,<br />

and several sports events in the Waimakariri and Hurunui<br />

districts.<br />

“Wewere honoured to be part of bringing ayoung boys’<br />

vision to life and building him the skateramp that he and<br />

his dad always talked about”<br />

After his dad passed his mum caught himout there getting<br />

frustrated trying to build it himself.<br />

We decided to jump on board and help,” says Managing<br />

Director Jake Waghorn.<br />

The construction team focus on core values of trust,<br />

quality,respect and communication with their clients<br />

ensuring building confidence whether the job is big or<br />

small.<br />

Their network of reliable professionals and trades deliver<br />

services from residential and commercial new builds,<br />

alterations and asbestos removal.<br />

“Communication is akey aspect in our business -with<br />

every job we aim to stick to timeframes and communicate<br />

well with our clients. We understand especially in today’s<br />

market that products can be delayed, we find having<br />

an ‘open book’ policy helps our clients understand and<br />

gain trust with us. Youcan’talways help delays but<br />

communication definitely creates understanding,” says<br />

Jake.<br />

Waghorn Builders have completed construction projects<br />

in numerous sectors, including residential new builds and<br />

alteration works, commercial build and fitout work,<br />

community housing, education, farming and community<br />

facilities, such as Odyssey House, local district councils and<br />

regional schools.<br />

“We made a boy’s dreams come true from<br />

the ‘Make aWish Foundation’ and built him a<br />

playhouse that he had designed himself,” said<br />

Becks Waghorn, Marketing Manager.<br />

When it comes to ensuring safe work practices are utilised,<br />

Waghorn have achieved arating of 100% by Sitewise<br />

accreditation standards.<br />

Their team of professionals offer an exceptional standard of<br />

work from their dedicated and experienced staff of foundation<br />

specialists, builders, painters, and project managers.<br />

They collectively provide an effective solution to successful<br />

project completion as they renovate, extend, build and<br />

complete work the way it is envisioned by their clients.<br />

Waghorn Builders also put alot of emphasis into mental<br />

health and wellbeing, not only for their staff but also subcontractors<br />

and the wider community.<br />

Lately they have worked alongside the Waimakariri District<br />

Council to hold awellbeing breakfast, with guest speakers<br />

discussing ways to be able manage the stresses and strains of<br />

today’ssociety,and saw 200 people attend with great feedback<br />

received.<br />



Fi’s Flowers<br />

‘n’ Art<br />

Beautiful flowers<br />

Stunning homewares<br />

156 High Street Website: www.fisflowers.co.nz<br />

Rangiora<br />

Vote for us in the<br />

Ph 03 3131043<br />

People’s Choice Awards<br />

The Scent of Success<br />

WalkingintoFi’sFlowers ‘n Artthe scentof<br />

successsurroundsshoppers, from thearoma<br />

of flowers to thesophisticated eleganceof<br />

theextensive range of home decorproducts<br />

available.<br />

Since2008 theRangiora-based business,<br />

nowinthe heartofHighStreet, hasbeen<br />

providingflowersfor weddings, corporates,<br />

funerals andspecial occasions,and the<br />

team of experiencedflorists cancater forall<br />

individual requests.<br />

The store provides amoderntwist on<br />

floristry,art andgiftware whichtakes<br />

visitors on avisual journeythroughouta<br />

store whichisfilled with nooksofstylishly<br />

presentedexquisite gifts.<br />

Aconsiderablerange of exceptionally<br />

highquality pictures,photo frames, pots,<br />

cushions,artificialflowersand otherinterior<br />

designitems tempts shoppersand visitors<br />

alike. In addition,Finow offersahome<br />

consultation service to complementfloral<br />

arrangements, giftwareand furniture,<br />

ensuring yourgift remainsasalongterm<br />

memory.<br />

Fi has been in thefloral industry for<br />

around 20 yearsandhas been involvedwith<br />

many community events. She designedthe<br />

floralchalice at theEllerslie FlowerShow<br />

Festival of Flowerswhich is nowusedas<br />

their logo, andher passionfor theindustry<br />

has ledher to teachingand guidingyoung<br />

florists, as well as conducting presentations<br />

at flowergroupsthroughout<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The friendlyand knowledgeablestaffatFi’s<br />

Flowers‘nArt offer well-informedassistance<br />

with allfloral andgiftware requirements,<br />

Fi Sidey.<br />

pridingthemselvesongoing theextra mile<br />

to please all of their customers.<br />

“Apart from providingthe best customer<br />

service,itisour team that brings theWOW<br />

factortoour business,”saidowner/operator<br />

Fi Sidey. “Weall give 110%.”<br />

Red Post Cafe -going<br />

above and beyond<br />

2399246<br />

•Stop, Rest and<br />

Revive<br />

•Exceptional<br />

Service<br />

•Licensed<br />

•Open 7Days<br />

Monday - Thursday<br />

8am – 4pm<br />

Friday - Sunday<br />

8am – 5pm<br />

Main Rd, Culverden<br />

Ph 03 315 8492<br />

Looking foranew destination forthatSunday<br />

driveorsomewheretostopofftobreak the<br />

journeyonyournextbig adventure?<br />

The RedPostCafeinCulverden, <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, is just theplace foryou,<br />

whetherasa<br />

destination<br />

forbreakfast,<br />

brunch or<br />

lunch, or to<br />

break up the<br />

journeywith<br />

acoffee anda<br />

snack.<br />

Red Post Cafe<br />

is situated<br />

in an idyllic,<br />

restored1920s villainthe heartofCulverden.<br />

Stop off forabreatherorameal in the<br />

comfortableindoorsurroundings, including<br />

an open fireinthe winter months andshaded<br />

outdoor garden seatingfor thewarmertimes<br />

of theyear.<br />

After successfully negotiatingthe purchaseof<br />

thebuildinglastyear, amajor refurbishment<br />

has been undertaken, thefirst in thelast<br />

decade,toensurethe customerexperience is<br />

enjoyablefor oneand all.<br />

The friendly staff at theRed Post Cafe are<br />

always goingabove andbeyondtokeepahead<br />

of newdietaryneeds andrecentlyadded a<br />

range of keto options to themenu.<br />

Stop off forlunch in thewinterand enjoy<br />

theyummysoups, whichchangeregularly,<br />

withthe delightful options includingcurried<br />

kumara, pumpkinsoupsand seafood chowder.<br />

The delectablemenuoffers somethingfor<br />

everyone, from morningorafternoontea,a<br />

light lunch, to afull cooked meal.<br />

In addition,there is awide range available<br />

forthose<br />

with dietary<br />

andallergy<br />

needsand<br />

thestaffpride<br />

themselves<br />

on thehigh<br />

standard of<br />

home baked<br />

food including<br />

cakes, slices,<br />

biscuits, pies<br />

andquiches.<br />

RedPostCafeservesgreat,hot andtasty<br />

coffee, andislicensed, whichenables it to offer<br />

awide selection of <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’sfinest<br />

winesand craftbeers.<br />

The menu also caters forchildren, vegetarians<br />

andthose whoare gluten free.<br />

RedPostCafecan also host your special<br />

occasionorfunction either on site in theidyllic<br />

1920s villa,orprovide catering at your place<br />

withamenu or platterstosuit your tastes.<br />

Your friendly Culverden cafe is open seven<br />

days aweekfrom8am to 4.30pm, so follow<br />

Red Post Cafe on Facebook.<br />

Contact(03) 315 8492 or email<br />

redpostcafe@gmail.comfor more information<br />

or to make abooking,orcallinat<br />

2Highfield Street,Culverden.



From hobby to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

social media marketing leader<br />

MoMacisadigital marketingagencythat<br />

is ledand directedbyRyanMcDonald.<br />

It wasfounded on Ryan’s unique skills<br />

andcreative passionfor photographyand<br />

videography.<br />

Todayithas developedinto amultiservice<br />

creative agency basedinBlake<br />

Street, Rangiora, servicing Christchurch<br />

andthe wider <strong>Canterbury</strong>region.<br />

It provides brands andbusinesses away<br />

to market themselveseffectivelythrough<br />

professionalvideo,photo,web design,<br />

socialmedia &graphic design.<br />

It offersvideography, photography, aerial<br />

droneservices,socialmedia andwebsite<br />

design.<br />

Trainedasaqualified motormechanic,<br />

Ryan beganextendingand developing<br />

hisskillswhile workinginthe mining<br />

industry andlivinginPerth,Australia, in<br />

2011.<br />

Originallyhefilmed friends skating,<br />

surfing andother adventures. Once the<br />

videos were edited andproofed he would<br />

post them onlinetosocialmedia such as<br />

Facebookand YouTubefor friends and<br />

family to enjoy.<br />

In theearly years this quicklyevolved<br />

from ahobbyinto apassion, andhaving<br />

travelledtoplacessuchasFiji, theCook<br />

Islands,Thailand,India,Canadaand the<br />

Philippines, it allowedRyantopush his<br />

creative filmprocesstothe next level.<br />

Around this time (2015-16) thedemand<br />

forqualityonlinecontent forsocialmedia<br />

rose sharply andthe demandfor an online<br />

presence increasedevenfurther with the<br />

currentglobal pandemic.<br />

As thesocialmedia landscapeevolved,<br />

Ryan startedtoidentifyand understand<br />

thepsychologybehindengagingand<br />

capturing theattention of usersonsocial<br />

media.<br />

Hisdeeplevel of understandingthe<br />

consumer is somethingthatisforever<br />

changingand with Facebook, Instagram<br />

andthe WorldWide Webconstantly<br />

changing their operating systemsand<br />

algorithms,you must be constantly<br />

immersedinthisfield to keepupwiththe<br />

constant changes.<br />

In 2017 whileonafamilyholiday in<br />

Queensland,Australia,the ideacame<br />

to Ryan to utilisehis uniqueskillsto<br />

showcasebusinessesand organisations<br />

in away that is innovative, creative and<br />

unique.Ultimately capturingpeoples<br />

attentionand engaging them throughthe<br />

powerofcarefully curatedcontent.<br />

Followingatrialstage of producing films<br />

foraselectgroup of diverseRangiora<br />

businesses, thetestmarketing proveda<br />

huge success. MoMacthentransitioned<br />

into an operating businessnow knownas<br />

MoMacSocialisingMedia Ltd.<br />

Nowintohis 4thyearofbusiness MoMac<br />

has worked with avarietyofbrands and<br />

businessescreatingengagingcontent with<br />

both videoand photo.<br />

“Wehavebeenmanagingdifferentsocial<br />

Left: MoMac crew after a<br />

successful live stream of the<br />

Otago Rally 2019.<br />

Below: Ryan visits the TajMahal<br />

in 2016 whilst exploring India and<br />

filming his travel experiences.<br />

Ryan outside the MoMac HQ at 12 Blake St, Rangiora.<br />

mediaaccountsand have createdover80<br />

websitesfor clients to date.”<br />

“Our clientbaseisdiverseand we love<br />

seeingreal resultsfor thecustomerfrom<br />

ourwork,”saysRyan.<br />

The aimistoconstantlybethe leadersin<br />

creativity,innovationand executionwhen<br />

it comestoworking alongside clients to<br />

produce astandardofworkMoMac and<br />

their clients areall proudof.<br />

It has ateamofweb designers,<br />

videographers, photographersand editors<br />

at MoMac, Rangiora andwho it cancall<br />

on to take on projects. Amorerecent<br />

move to full graphic designand branding<br />

services nowofferMoMac clientsatotal<br />

marketingpackage.<br />

“Weresponded to aneed from our<br />

customers whoalsowantedgraphic<br />

solutionsfrom brochures, to logodesign<br />

to businesscards.Wecan provide<br />

everythingin-house,one-stopshop,”says<br />

Ryan.<br />

MoMac’s vision is to be themost<br />

innovative grassroots, styled marketing<br />

agency in NewZealand, by constantly<br />

creating powerful andengagingwork.<br />

“Wewanttobethe go-toteamthatcan<br />

helpyourbusinessgrowinaway that is<br />

achievable, sustainableand reliable,”says<br />

Ryan.<br />

“Wewanttogive everyone thefeeling<br />

that youare workingwithamotivated and<br />

humble team whereour toppriorityisour<br />

customers satisfaction.<br />

“Our only rules we have in ouroffice<br />

when it comestoMarketing are‘There<br />

Are No Rulesand BeTheBest’.”<br />

MoMacisproud to be in the<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>BusinessAwardsand to be<br />

nominated forthe People’s Choice Award,<br />

open foronlinevoting.


Ahappy place for craft addicts<br />

Handzonisahappyplace forcraftaddicts.<br />

At HandzoninRangiora, happiness manifests<br />

as rows of colourful fabrics, shinynew sewing<br />

machines, squishyyarnand niftytools from all<br />

around theworld.<br />

Complimentedbyfriendly, helpful andengaging<br />

staff,who arecraftaddicts themselves,thisisa<br />

recipe forextreme happiness.Somemay even<br />

sayeuphoria! Doingthings with otherpeople<br />

who‘getit’ is always asourceofthose feel-good<br />

moments that makelifeworthwhile. Crafting,<br />

handiwork,sewing-call it whatyou will-isno<br />

differentand at HandzoninRangiora, that is the<br />

order of theday.<br />

Customers andstaffshare ideas,inspiration and<br />

knowledge, but also encouragement,advice and<br />

afriendlyear when needed.Nowonder youcan<br />

sometimeshardlyget in thedoorofthiscute,<br />

cottage-style store on DurhamStreet.<br />

“Friendly, welcoming, customerservice is a<br />

bigpartofwhatweoffer,”owner RianaAuret,<br />

of Rangiora, says. “Wedon’t just sell products,<br />

we want to ensure agood endresultand an<br />

enjoyablecraftjourney forour customers.”<br />

Selectinggood qualityproductsand materials<br />

that willlastand areethicallysourced is also a<br />

priority at Handzon, andthere is ahugerange<br />

of fabrics, yarns, embroiderythreads andtools<br />

to choose from in thestore,includingBrother<br />

sewingand craftmachines andaccessories.<br />

“Making things from scratch,but also mending<br />

andalteringthings to your personal preference<br />

provides agreat countertofastfashionand<br />

we feel it is theright thingtooffersustainable<br />

productswheneverpossible,”Riana says.<br />

There is also astrongfocus at Handzonon<br />

providingawide range of learningopportunites<br />

forcustomers.Classes, gettogethers,likeStitch<br />

andChatmeetingsand UFO days (those are<br />

unfinished objects, forthe uninitiated!), andeven<br />

one-on-one sessions areall in themix.<br />

“In most of ourclasses youcan work at your own<br />

pace on projects of your ownchoosingand learn<br />

newthings as theneed arises,”Riana says.<br />

There is always alot of fun, crafting andlaughter,<br />

plus theopportunity to learninalow key, relaxed<br />

environment.<br />

Rianahas an extensive background in craftwork<br />

andpublishing, anddescribes herselfasa<br />

“generalist”who enjoys sewing, quilting,<br />

embroidery, knitting andcrochet.<br />

“I believe that creating is therapeutic and<br />

contributes to mental wellbeing. Craftwork<br />

provides people with an opportunity to slow<br />

down andrefocus on life,”Riana says.<br />

“Peoplechoosetodocraftworkbecauseitisan<br />

entertaining, enjoyableprocess, whichcan also<br />

be healing, andyou getsomethingbeautiful to<br />

wear or useout of it atthe endof your project,”<br />

Rianasays.<br />

“Beinginvolvedinour community is another<br />

oneofour passions at Handzon. We love seeing<br />

completed items, helping outwhenhelpis<br />

needed,passingdonationsontocharitable<br />

groups, or even just having anatterabout the<br />

weather. Drop in foravisit,orjoinusinone of<br />

ourclasses or groups -wewould love to meet<br />

you.”<br />

Authorised Brother<br />

Dealer<br />

-<br />

Liberty, Moda, Kaffe<br />

Fassett, William Morris<br />

Fabrics<br />

-<br />

Malabrigo, Bellissimo,<br />

Rowan Yarns<br />

-<br />

DMC, Madeira, Cottage<br />

Garden Threads<br />

3 Durham Street, Rangiora - 03 595 2641 - www.handzon.co.nz<br />



Family-friendly haven<br />

makes many memories<br />

Family andcreatingmemories aretop priorities<br />

forRex andDebbieJefcoate, theoperators of<br />

theWaikuku BeachHoliday Park.<br />

The Ashley/RakahuriEstuary reserveis<br />

itsclose neighbour, andthe couple sayits<br />

amagnificentattraction whichaddstothe<br />

campingexperience at theHoliday Park.<br />

Rexand Debbie both hail from thesouthern<br />

parts—Rexbeing akiwiraisedinOtago<br />

andDebbiea‘southern girl’fromthe United<br />

States. Herexpressionof‘southern hospitality’<br />

is unique,and thecouple’spassiontodevelop<br />

their special‘corner of theworld’isclear from<br />

themomentyou walk in to<br />

their office.<br />

Operating theWaikuku BeachHoliday Park<br />

wasalifestyle choice.Bothworkedinhigh<br />

profile management roles. On arriving in<br />

Waikukufromthe States 17 year ago, they<br />

setabout developing theHoliday Park in to a<br />

family-friendly, funplace to stay.<br />

Rexand Debbie have proudly createdahaven<br />

forfamilies to enjoyacamping experience they<br />

themselvesenjoyed throughout their lives.<br />

Nothinggives them more pleasure than to see<br />

families,grandparents/grandchildren, and<br />

caregivers enjoying time,withfriends,playing<br />

games, enjoying abarbecuetogetherorjust<br />

headingfor thebeach with apicnic, togs and<br />

towel.<br />

‘‘Thisplace is all about creating memories that<br />

last alifetime,’’ they say. It is asentiment which<br />

Rexand Debbie hold dear,and have watched<br />

it unfoldday-after-day, year-after-year,atthe<br />

camp.<br />

With family and grandchildren scattered<br />

Children play on the ‘Waitanic’ at the playground at<br />

Waikuku Beach Holiday Park.<br />

throughout thecountry,Rex andDebbie<br />

have gathered alocal team around them<br />

whosupporttheminthe operation and<br />

developmentofthe Holiday Park.<br />

Theyhaveavisionfor thefutureafter17years<br />

managingthe Park.Anestablishedprogramme<br />

of annual events at theHoliday Park is ever<br />

increasingasitencapsulatesthe wondersofthe<br />

region,and integrates astayatWaikuku Beach<br />

Holiday Park with local activities, events and<br />

businessactivity.<br />

The HolidayParkiscentral to thegrowing<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>regionwhere there isa<br />

lottosee anddo. There arewellestablished<br />

cycleways, walkingtracks, golf courses, ample<br />

opportunities to fishand explore,and capture<br />

lifeinthe estuaryoncamera.<br />

Driving Miss Daisy <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

We’re there for you<br />

Comeonout...Great Memories aremade here!<br />

Waikuku Beach Holiday Park<br />

1DomainTerrace, WaikukuBeach<br />

Phone 03 3127600<br />

waikukubeachholidaypark@gmail.com<br />

www.wbhp.co.nz<br />

Come and explore<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>!<br />

Waikuku Beach Holiday Park<br />

is adestination for all seasons...<br />

•Family friendly pricing<br />

•Birdwatching at the Rakahuri Estuary Reserve<br />

•Soclose to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Wineries<br />

•Lovely cycle and walkways to here, there and everywhere!<br />

•Close to popular eateries and cafes<br />

•Dog friendly sites available on request<br />

•Stunning sunsets on our long sandy beach<br />

•Listen to the sound of the sea as you relax at<br />

your campsite /cabin<br />

Vote for us for<br />

People’s Choice<br />

Award<br />

Welcome to Driving Miss Daisy<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

2401749<br />

We are asafe,friendly and reliable<br />

companion driving service offering<br />

independenceand peace of mind in<br />

yourcommunity.<br />

We can drive and accompany you to:<br />

• Medical and personal appointments<br />

• Groceryorshopping trips<br />

• Companionship outings<br />

• Family/social occasions<br />

Total Mobility Scheme cards accepted.<br />

ACC contracted supplier.<br />

Call Heathertoday:<br />

Ph: 03 312<strong>29</strong>36 Mob: 021 2245606<br />

northcanterbury@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz<br />

www.drivingmissdaisy.co.nz<br />

Scan the QR Code<br />

to vote for us in the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

People’sChoiceAwards<br />

HeatherAndersonand Rochelle McLachlanare<br />

passionate aboutprovidingthe DrivingMiss Daisy<br />

companiondriving service in their community.<br />

Both arelongtermresidents of <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

andtookoverownership of DrivingMiss Daisy<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>in2019, whichhas operated<br />

successfullyin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>since 2012.<br />

Theycontinuetogrowthe businessand have six<br />

vehicles in their fleet, includingtwo wheelchair<br />

accessiblevehicles, catering foreveryone’sneeds.<br />

DrivingMiss Daisyisapersonalisedservice,<br />

providingacaring, safe andreliabletransport service<br />

forall people in thecommunity.<br />

Heatherand Rochelle saymaking adifference is<br />

importanttothem. Theyare proud of their team<br />

of ninestaff, each providingavastamountof<br />

experience,and arewelltrained in their specialised<br />

field.<br />

Heathersays, theteamisdrivenby‘‘a passionto<br />

supportour clients to enhancetheir engagement in<br />

thecommunity’’.<br />

Theyare familywhenfamilycannotbethere.Their<br />

companionshipservice givesbothclient, andfamily,<br />

support, andconfidence in timesofuncertainty.<br />

Each clientistreated with respectand dignity.<br />

“Welisten, laugh, hug, andcry,asweshare timesin<br />

ourclientslives.”<br />

Their service provides an opportunity for youor<br />

your family to stay connectedtothe community and<br />

maintain importantinterests andactivities.<br />

DrivingMissDaisy offers:<br />

■Doortodoortraveltoappointments,<br />

airport, shopping trips etc.<br />

■Doortodoortravelfor children forschool<br />

pickupsand after school activities.<br />

■Outings withfriends.<br />

■Companion servicetoaccompanyto<br />

appointments or events.<br />

■Traveloptions foryourpets, trips to thevet etc.<br />

Younameitand they will do their utmosttomake<br />

it happen!<br />

Heather with one of her favourite local<br />

clients.<br />

Driving Miss Daisy<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>are<br />

approvedprovidersofthe Total Mobility Scheme<br />

Card providinganaffordable service for thosewho<br />

qualify. Theyare also an ACCcontractedsupplier,<br />

so if youare an ACCclient requiringtransport then<br />

they canassist.<br />

Everyone needstofeelvaluedand caredfor,<br />

Heatherand Rochelle say.<br />

Youare welcome to call Heathertodiscuss<br />

individualneedson03312 <strong>29</strong>36 or 021 224 5606.<br />



2399993<br />

Bringingthe mind,<br />

bodyand spirit into<br />

balance…<br />

31 Blackett Street, Rangiora |Phone 03 313 0349<br />

Email info@head2toe.co.nz<br />

www.head2toe.co.nz<br />

Relaxation Massage<br />

Deep Tissue Massage<br />

Sports Massage<br />

Hot Stone Massage<br />

Pregnancy Massage<br />

Aromatherapy<br />

Indian Head Massage<br />

Cupping<br />

Vote for us in<br />

the People’s<br />

Choice Award<br />

Natural skincare and outdoor care that<br />

keeps adventurers adventuring, our earth<br />

pure, and your skin happy.<br />

Ethically handmade right here in Kaiapoi with<br />

organic ingredients and at aprice your wallet<br />

will love too!<br />

We also stock avariety of other zero waste and<br />

ethical goodies for your skin and the outdoors.<br />

View our Website<br />

www.backtothewild.co.nz<br />

Email<br />

Phone<br />

backtothewildnz@gmail.com<br />

Sonia Barrish<br />

Crafter, BSc<br />

021 0222 3363<br />

Vote For Us for<br />

People’s Choice<br />

Awards<br />

Bringing the mind, body<br />

and spirit into balance…<br />

Head2Toe MassageTherapy’s focusistheir<br />

client’sgeneralhealth andwellbeing.<br />

The clinic basedat‘OasisonBlackett’,<br />

Rangiora, provides DeepTissue,Sports,<br />

Relaxation,Pregnancy,Cupping and Hot Stone<br />

massage.<br />

Head2Toebelieve incorporating massage<br />

therapy into your health maintenance plan,has<br />

ongoingbenefits to helpreduce chronic pain,<br />

musculartension,aid stress managementand<br />

provide injury preventionand recovery.<br />

Head2Toetherapists have theexpertiseto<br />

help you achieve thebestoutcome from your<br />

treatment, witheachsessioncatered to your<br />

Back to theWildisproof that abusinesscan<br />

be ethical andsustainable.<br />

The onlinenaturalskincarebusinesswas<br />

born outofayoung mother‘s need to find<br />

natural, organic andethical skin, body and<br />

home productsfor herfamily.<br />

“I couldn’t findany products that did what<br />

Ineededthemto, andalignedwithmy<br />

values, butIhave gotquite theDIY attitude,<br />

so Idecidedtogive it ago,”saysthe Kaiapoi<br />

ownerofBacktothe Wild,Sonia Barrish.<br />

Some of thethingsBacktothe Wild pride<br />

themselvesonisthe plastic-freepackaging,<br />

andnatural,sustainably-sourced ingredients.<br />

“I love nature andthe wild,and want to<br />

make sure we leaveitinabetterstate for<br />

future generationstoexplore,” she says.<br />

Despitebeingsmall,Backtothe Wild has<br />

hadsomemassive achievementsalready.<br />

“I have formulated NewZealand’sfirst<br />

naturalinsectrepellentthatissafe forbabies<br />

from birth, as well as formulatedanatural<br />

sunscreenrecipethattestedtoSPF 96 at the<br />

labinAustralia.”<br />

individual requirements.<br />

Sessions canbespecific formuscularrelief, or<br />

to just helpyou relax, indulgeand unwind.<br />

Many clients attend theclinic regularlyto<br />

ensure ongoingimprovementsinstrength,<br />

flexibility &painreduction.<br />

Sports peoplefind massage helpsthem<br />

recoverfrom game day&injuries quicker.<br />

The clinic is open at 31 Blackett Street,<br />

Rangiora, Monday to Friday,9am to 7pm, and<br />

Saturday 9amto1.30pm.<br />

It is easy to find, with onsite parking.<br />

To discussyourrequirementsEmailinfo@head2toe.co.nz<br />

or phone(03)313 0349.<br />

Back to the Wild -an ethical<br />

and sustainable business<br />

Natural, ethical and affordable skincare is<br />

the heart of Back to the Wild.<br />

Owner, Sonia Barrish<br />

Soniaisalso usingher businessasadriving<br />

forcefor good.<br />

“Not everyone comesfrom aposition<br />

wherenaturalisaffordable,evenifitisa<br />

requirementdue to allergies, so Iwantto<br />

keep my prices as accessibleaspossible,”she<br />

says.<br />

“Givingbackisalso really importantto<br />

me. Businessshouldn’t be just about making<br />

money, butabout enrichingthe community.”<br />

Everymonth aportion of each sale goes to<br />

theCharity of theMonth.<br />

Back To The Wild also runs<br />

PayWhatYouCanAfford workshops, and<br />

variousother give-backs throughout the<br />

year.Sonia canalsooftenbefound readily<br />

sharing herextensive knowledgeonvarious<br />

eco-friendlylivingtopics throughthe Back<br />

to theWildsocialmedia andwebsite, as well<br />

as happily answeringquestions.<br />

2399<strong>29</strong>0<br />


Voting is now open for the<br />

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Your vote puts you in the draw to WIN aMini Group<br />

Pass from Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools &Spa, ORa<br />

MADE NORTH CANTERBURY Food and Beverage Hamper.<br />

Cast your vote now at www.northcanterbury.co.nz/choice

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NEWS<br />

18 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Helping young writers find avoice<br />


AKaiapoi­based writer has<br />

found apassion for working<br />

with the next generation.<br />

Originally from the United<br />

States, Claire Wright moved<br />

to Kaiapoi in January 2018 to<br />

be with her fiancee and<br />

began working with young<br />

writers.<br />

‘‘When Ifirst came here I<br />

taught English to Korean and<br />

Chinese children online. I<br />

found Ihad no friends<br />

because Iwas working at<br />

night,’’ Claire recalls.<br />

She signed up for a<br />

creative writing course at<br />

Kaiapoi Library, run by<br />

Christchurch­based Write On<br />

School for Young Writers<br />

director Heather McQuillan.<br />

‘‘I was the only non­retiree<br />

in the class, so it was amazing<br />

as there were so many<br />

wonderful stories.’’<br />

When Heather found out<br />

Claire had adegree in<br />

creative writing she invited<br />

her to come to classes held at<br />

Hagley College on Saturdays<br />

during school terms.<br />

‘‘I volunteered for afew<br />

weeks and then Idid some<br />

relief teaching, and by term<br />

three Ihad my own class. I<br />

really enjoy it and miss it<br />

during the school holidays,’’<br />

Claire says.<br />

After starting with the<br />

youngest age group and<br />

working with teenagers,<br />

Claire has aclass of years 8to<br />

10 students and works with<br />

Express yourself ... Claire Wright encourages young people to<br />

experiment with their writing.<br />


correspondence students.<br />

‘‘The biggest thing with this<br />

age group is they have this<br />

need for perfection, but the<br />

point of childhood is to fail.<br />

The kids will often say ‘it’s no<br />

good’, so Itell them it’s OK to<br />

fail because you can rewrite<br />

and improve it.<br />

‘‘I find that the year 8s to<br />

10s are more likely to<br />

experiment and try different<br />

things, and they’re also abit<br />

more confident to try<br />

different things. And they<br />

don’t have the pressure of<br />

exams.<br />

‘‘I always give them a<br />

lesson, but it’s up to them<br />

whether they follow it, as<br />

long as they’re writing.’’<br />

One student is working on a<br />

novel, while another<br />

preferred drawing ‘‘and<br />

that’s fine because it’s still<br />

creative, but he wrote some<br />

pretty cool stories anyway’’.<br />

She is helping another<br />

student who is into Fan<br />

Fiction.<br />

‘‘Fan Fiction often gets a<br />

bad rap, but Ithink if your<br />

children want to do it don’t<br />

discourage them because it’s<br />

agreat way to develop your<br />

skills and find your voice<br />

within the confines of other<br />

people’s characters.<br />

‘‘A lot of famous writers<br />

started out writing Fan<br />

Fiction.’’<br />

When it comes to her own<br />

work, Claire is on her fifth<br />

draft of ayoung adult<br />

romance novel, which her US<br />

publisher has invited her to<br />

‘‘revise and resubmit’’.<br />

She is also working on abig<br />

project on Greek mythology<br />

which she hopes will be<br />

published next year and has<br />

written ahorror mystery<br />

podcast series Fracture,<br />

which can be downloaded<br />

through Apple Podcasts and<br />

Spotify.<br />

Being an American, Claire<br />

says she has no qualms about<br />

working with US publishers,<br />

but she feels for local writers.<br />

‘‘It can be disheartening<br />

for New Zealand writers.<br />

There’s only asmall number<br />

of New Zealand books which<br />

get published each year and<br />

it depends on what they’re<br />

looking for.’’<br />

Despite the challenges,<br />

there are many ways for<br />

today’s writers to express<br />

themselves and writing<br />

books is just the beginning.<br />

There is also film, television,<br />

video, podcasts, video games,<br />

blogging and social media.<br />

Taskforce<br />

ensures Blair<br />

is work ready<br />

Blair Milne is on track to awork­ready<br />

future at E­Cycle, Amberley, thanks to<br />

the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs<br />

programme.<br />

E­Cycle is aNew Zealand­owned<br />

company recycling electronic waste.<br />

Blair was placed at E­Cycle amonth<br />

ago and is already reaping the benefits of<br />

life in the workforce.<br />

‘‘The programme helped me to get out<br />

and land this job. Having aroutine and<br />

purpose has really improved my mental<br />

health,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘Working makes having free time and<br />

doing things for fun more enjoyable<br />

because Iknow Ihave earned it.’’<br />

After ashort time working with Blair,<br />

E­Cycle supervisor Aaron Miller has also<br />

noticed positive changes.<br />

‘‘Blair is reliable, and we can always<br />

count on him to show up and do the job.<br />

You can see the structure and skills he is<br />

gaining from working, which is great.”<br />

The Government­funded programme<br />

connects local businesses with those<br />

displaced by Covid­19, creating<br />

opportunities for both parties.<br />

Hurunui District Council business<br />

recovery adviser Chris King says the<br />

partnership with E­Cycle aligns with the<br />

programme’s vision for youth.<br />

‘‘It’s great having businesses like<br />

E­Cycle who provide apathway for<br />

sustainable work. E­Cycle is big on giving<br />

youth achance and that foot in door that<br />

they need for their futures in the<br />

workforce.”<br />

If you are alocal business or know a<br />

young person who would be interested in<br />

joining the venture, contact Joni or Chris<br />

at the council on (03) 3148816 or email<br />

tfj@hurunui.govt.nz.<br />

Southern Alps escape<br />

It’s right here in Selwyn!<br />

Selwyn is hometosix of the best <strong>Canterbury</strong>ski fields, all within two<br />

hours of Christchurch.Craigieburn, Porters Alpine Resort, Cheeseman,<br />

Mt Olympus, Temple Basin and Broken River offer amix of family-friendly<br />

runs and challenging off-piste skiing.<br />

Plan your SouthernAlps getaway.Stay on the mountain and roll out of<br />

bed and hitthe skifields early, catching the first of the morning snow.<br />

Plenty of parking –noqueues –awesome fun!<br />

Share your Southern Alps photos<br />

and tag us selwyn.nz<br />

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Youth fast fail to success<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

21<br />


Kaikoura youth have been<br />

learning how to fail.<br />

Run by Te Ha oMatauranga (the<br />

Kaikoura Education Trust), the<br />

‘‘Fast Fail’’ entrepreneur<br />

programme offers young people<br />

the chance to learn some business<br />

skills without the risks.<br />

‘‘It’s about taking the pressure<br />

off. We want them to get ataste for<br />

setting up their own business,’’<br />

trust co­ordinator Sarah<br />

Beardmore says.<br />

‘‘It’s been agood learning curve,<br />

because some of them realised<br />

their costs were too high, so they<br />

had to go back and adapt. So<br />

they’re learning by doing.’’<br />

Young people were given $100<br />

each to trial abusiness idea over<br />

asix week period.<br />

Ideas included bath bombs,<br />

soaps, lip scrubs, baby scrubs,<br />

rings, lip gloss and candles with<br />

the items promoted on Facebook<br />

and by word of mouth.<br />

One enterprising student<br />

purchased shoes wholesale to be<br />

on­sold for aprofit.<br />

Alongside the ‘‘Fast Fail’’<br />

programme, the trust is running<br />

three employment programmes<br />

alongside Kaikoura High School,<br />

including the weekly Tahi<br />

Rangitahi, which helps to prepare<br />

young people for the workforce<br />

and works alongside the school’s<br />

Gateway programme.<br />

ASAP (after school aspiration<br />

programme) is for 12 to 14 year<br />

olds, where young people learn<br />

soft skills such as writing aCV,<br />

interview skills and focuses on<br />

preparing for employment, Ms<br />

Young entrepreneurs ... Melody Wang (12, left) and Karys Murphy (12)<br />

have been making and selling bath bombs as part of the ‘‘Fast Fail’’ young<br />

entrepreneurs programme run by Kaikoura’s Te Ha oMatauranga (Kaikoura<br />

Education Trust).<br />


Beardmore says.<br />

Avocational education<br />

programme is also offered, which<br />

includes work experience.<br />

The trust also has education<br />

advocates to help students and<br />

their families ‘‘to engage<br />

positively with eduction and<br />

upskilling around NCEA, because<br />

it’s quite acomplex business<br />

these days’’, she says.<br />

These programmes, combined<br />

with the Mayor’s Taskforce for<br />

Jobs, means the trust has grown<br />

from just three staff to 18 staff to<br />

support the community in the<br />

post­Covid environment.<br />

‘‘Post­Covid there was<br />

recognition from the government<br />

that there was aneed in the<br />

community and particularly in<br />

Kaikoura and there was arisk of<br />

disengagement, so this is to<br />

support people re­engaging with<br />

education and employment,’’ Ms<br />

Beardmore says.<br />

‘‘It’s also an acknowledgement<br />

from the government that NGOs<br />

on the ground are making abig<br />

difference. Ground up<br />

approaches work well.’’<br />

The Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs<br />

in Kaikoura has placed 60 people<br />

in full time employment and a<br />

further 50 people in part time<br />

positions.<br />

Mentoring to help young people<br />

learn to drive is also offered,<br />

while digital inclusion courses<br />

are run alongside Kaikoura<br />

Library.<br />

To find out more, like Te Ha o<br />

Matauranga on Facebook, go to<br />

https://www.kaikoura.link, phone<br />

(03) 3193002 or call in at 14<br />

Ludstone Road, Kaikoura.<br />

motion picture Lion.But the<br />

story of how his adoptive<br />

mother, Sue, came into his life<br />

half aworld away in Tasmania<br />

is every bit as riveting.<br />

Olive, Mabel &me, by Andrew<br />

Cotter<br />

Olive and Mabel are two of the<br />

internet’s favourite dogs. They<br />

are canine companions to<br />

sports commentator Andrew<br />

Cotter, who turned to them for<br />

Down South, by Bruce Ansley<br />

From Curio Bay to Golden Bay,<br />

Down South writer Bruce Ansley<br />

sets off on avast expedition<br />

across the South Island, Te<br />

Waipounamu, visiting the places<br />

and people who hold clues to the<br />

south's famous character.<br />

Lioness, by Sue Brierley<br />

Saroo Brierley’s journey home<br />

to asmall village in India with<br />

the help of Google Earth became<br />

an international bestselling<br />

book and inspired the major<br />

inspiration during the Covid­19<br />

lockdown of 2020.<br />

These titles are available in<br />

both Waimakariri and Hurunui<br />

libraries.<br />

Find out more about recent<br />

additions to the library<br />

collection by going to the<br />

library catalogue at<br />

waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or<br />

hurunui.kotui.org.nz or contact<br />

your local library.<br />

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in New Zealand, New Zealand Veterinary Journal 2020. 2.West, Dave M., Bruere, A. Neil and Ridley, Anne L. The Sheep, Health, Disease and Production. Auckland: Massey University Press, 4th ed., 2018. Print.

New season<br />

challenges<br />


Immigration restrictions are<br />

continuing to be aheadache as calving<br />

gets under way in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> senior vice­president<br />

Rebecca Green says she has endured a<br />

60 day wait to get afarm worker<br />

approved by Immigration New<br />

Zealand to work on the Cheviot farm<br />

she contract milks with husband Blair,<br />

after no locals applied for the position.<br />

On the positive side, the<br />

government’s relaxing of visa rules<br />

means an existing farm worker has had<br />

his visa extended from 12 to 24 months,<br />

‘‘which is really great’’, she says.<br />

‘‘It’s tough for alot of people. It’s just<br />

very stressful and very hard for my<br />

husband and our workers who are<br />

having to carry the extra load.<br />

‘‘A lot of farmers don’t have the<br />

workers that they need, but we just<br />

have to soldier on and get through.’’<br />

Despite the drought and the recent<br />

heavy rain events, Ms Green says the<br />

farm is ready for calving after some<br />

late season grass growth and the cows<br />

are in good condition.<br />

‘‘Calving is under way and if we don’t<br />

get too many more adverse weather<br />

events, we will be fine.<br />

‘‘That second lot of rain probably hit<br />

Hurunui worst than the (May 31) flood<br />

event, but we have just got to try to do<br />

the best we can.<br />

‘‘We still care about our animals and<br />

our people, so it’s about making sure<br />

we are all OK.’’<br />

Anetball injury means Ms Green is<br />

out of action for calving, but she has<br />

managed to find some casual workers<br />

to step in.<br />

‘‘But otherwise everything is looking<br />

good.’’<br />

While the farm is next to both the<br />

Hurunui and Greta rivers, it has come<br />

through the rain events without too<br />

much damage, aside from the Greta<br />

River flooding apump, some debris<br />

and broken fences.<br />

Fewer lambs expected<br />


Spring lamb numbers are expected to be<br />

down around the region.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> scanning contractor<br />

Daniel Wheeler says scanning results<br />

have been mixed around the region, with<br />

the season’s drought taking its toll.<br />

The Amberley­based contractor<br />

pregnancy scans ewes in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Ellesmere areas.<br />

He estimates scanning percentages are<br />

down about 10 to 20 percent.<br />

‘‘The results are quite mixed. Ewe<br />

condition is pretty good, as farmers have<br />

been feeding out for awhile and good<br />

lamb prices are keeping farmers<br />

optimistic,’’ Mr Wheeler says.<br />

‘‘Overall Iwould say lambing<br />

percentages are down 10% to 20%. Some<br />

are down more than that and some have<br />

seen little change.’’<br />

Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

meat and wool vice­chairman Stu Fraser<br />

says most farmers have had reasonable<br />

scanning results, given the dry summer.<br />

‘‘We’ve had the same dry rate but less<br />

triplets, which is agood thing when<br />

there’s afeed shortage. Triplets can take<br />

alot of extra work for very little return,<br />

but twins are perfect.’’<br />

While the recent rain saw the Hurunui<br />

River in flood again, following the May 31<br />

flood event, his farm had come through<br />

with only minor damage.<br />

With plenty of sunshine over the last<br />

two months, soil temperatures have<br />

remained at 9.5 to 10 degrees, allowing<br />

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New season ... Early season lambing is<br />

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for some winter grass growth and<br />

providing some welcomed relief after the<br />

drought.<br />

Lambing is due to get under way in two<br />

weeks and Mr Fraser is feeling<br />

cautiously optimistic about the season<br />

ahead.<br />

‘‘It’s early days yet, but things are<br />

looking promising. Everything else is<br />

ticking along and it’s looking good for<br />

beef and sheep. As long as the market<br />

holds up, we will be right,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘We are reliant on the weather, but as<br />

long as we get some grass growth to<br />

replenish our winter feed we will be<br />

fine.’’<br />

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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

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Saracens and Kaiapoi to play for NC title<br />

RUGBY<br />




Truetoform Saracensand<br />

Kaiapoi willcompetein<br />

Saturday’s LuisettiSeeds<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>rugby grand<br />

final.<br />

Saracens comfortably<br />

accounted for Oxford 37­10,<br />

while Kaiapoiwas forced to<br />

grindout its 19­3 overHurunui<br />

in lastweek’s semi final<br />

encounters.<br />

Saracens raninfivetries to<br />

Oxford’stwo at Southbrook<br />

Parkinagame where both<br />

teams playedanattractive<br />

brand of rugby.<br />

Saracens superiority<br />

however cameinthe forwards,<br />

withascrum thatlaid a<br />

platform for its backstowork<br />

on and exploitthe Oxford<br />

defence.<br />

Fullback HarryMurray was<br />

quickly into the action for<br />

Saracens when he scored after<br />

finding room downthe blind<br />

side touch 25 metres outfrom<br />

the Oxford line. Oxford missed<br />

apenalty attempt before<br />

Saracen’s AlexKennedy scored<br />

from apushover.<br />

Although the Saracenspack<br />

was starting to dominate,<br />

Oxford spent timeonattack<br />

thatresulted in its impressive<br />

numbereight, Jesse Houston,<br />

scoring in the corner.<br />

The scene for the final<br />

outcome was set on the stroke<br />

of half timewhenWillie Kerr<br />

was on handtoscore afterthe<br />

ballwas swung wide on the<br />

openside.<br />

Leading21­5going into the<br />

second half, SaracensRicky<br />

Allinadded to Oxford’spain<br />

kickingtwo penalties in the<br />

first10minutes.<br />

Oxford again spent timeon<br />

attack and wasrewarded with a<br />

well­executedtry from full back<br />

Angus Mitchell.<br />

Thathoweverwas the endof<br />

the scoring forOxford, and with<br />

the penalty count steadily<br />

stackingagainst them,it<br />

allowed Saracenstodominate<br />

the final quarter, with Matt<br />

Freeman and John Wakelin<br />

both scoringtries.<br />

Lock Alex Kennedywas a<br />

stand out forSaracens, on aday<br />

thatcouldhave seen him<br />

rowinginthe New Zealand<br />

eight in Tokyo, but he chose to<br />

remainathome. Willie Kerr<br />

relished being back on the side<br />

of the scrumandRickyAllin<br />

wasagain accurate with his<br />

tactical kicking.<br />

JesseBowringand Angus<br />

Mitchell weredangerousinthe<br />

Oxford backlinewhen getting<br />

an opportunity, while nobody<br />

triedharder in the packthan<br />

evergreen StewDalzell.<br />

Scoreboard: Saracens37,<br />

AlexKennedy, HarryMurray,<br />

Willie Kerr, MattFreeman and<br />

JohnWakelintries. Ricky Allin<br />

3conversions and2penalties.<br />

Oxford 10, JesseHouston,<br />

Angus Mitchell tries.<br />

Kaiapoi off boil<br />

As aspectacle the semi­final<br />

between Kaiapoiand Hurunui<br />

rarely got outofsecond gear,<br />

frustrating both setsofcoaches<br />

and the spectators.<br />

The actionnever movedfar<br />

away fromthe forwards, but the<br />

defensive linesofbothteams<br />

were very efficient.<br />

Hurunui hit the front after<br />

just6minutes withaDigby<br />

Heard penalty, but that wasto<br />

to be the only time Hurunui<br />

offered anyemploymenttothe<br />

scoreboardattendant.<br />

As has beenits practicein<br />

recent weeks, Kaiapoiturned<br />

downastraight­forward<br />

opportunitytolevelthe scores.<br />

It soongained an attacking<br />

scrumopportunity, aphase of<br />

the game where Kaiapoihave<br />

beenparticularlystrong in<br />

recent weeks.<br />

The Hurunuiscrum,<br />

bolstered by the inclusionof<br />

players like theformer<br />

Crusaders hooker Ben Funnell,<br />

and evergreen Nordy<br />

Anderson,held off the Kaiapoi<br />

shunt but as thescrumcrabbed<br />

its way cross­field the ball<br />

poppedout and the ever­alert<br />

Jarred Gilmour pounced on it<br />

and barged over for an<br />

invaluable try. Taine Jacobs­<br />

Lawson converted.<br />

For the restart of the half,<br />

both teams cancelledeach<br />

other out.Kaiapoitook a7­3<br />

Pile up ... Saracens prepares to launch an attack as Oxford defends stoutly.<br />

leadinto the second half.<br />

Moreofthe same ensued<br />

until Kaiapoifinally put<br />

togetheraneffectiveplanned<br />

move, from an attackingscrum.<br />

After acouple of passes to the<br />

right, winger Kimeon Reade<br />

insertedhimself at pace and a<br />

perfectly­timedinpass puthim<br />

across near the posts for<br />

Jacobs­Lawson to add the<br />

extras.<br />

Kaiapoistarted to gain some<br />

ascendancyupfront and played<br />

most of the gameinHurunui’s<br />

half. At the 60 minute mark, its<br />

forwardsconcerted efforts<br />

were rewarded when Logan<br />

Bell forced his way overafter a<br />

series of pickand gos for what<br />

proved to be Kaiapoi’sfinaltry.<br />

CaptainWill Jamieson and<br />

centre HunterJohnson were<br />

the pick of the bunchfor<br />

Hurunuiwhilethe whole<br />

Kaiapoiforward pack deserved<br />

credit for their endeavours<br />

againstanopposition that<br />

never gaveaninch. In the<br />

backs,replacement centre,<br />

Jovilisi Taleqa added amuch<br />

needed spark.<br />

Kaiapoiappears to havegone<br />

off theboil somewhat in recent<br />

weeks and is amereshadow of<br />

the team thatwas playing with<br />

pizzazzand confidence in mid<br />

season.Byand large, though, its<br />

kept winningand will be<br />

buoyed by the opportunity to<br />

play in aGrandFinalonits<br />

homeground on Saturday.<br />

Their standards,though, will<br />

need to go up anotchortwo to<br />

match aSaracensteam thathas<br />

already beaten them twicethis<br />

season,and arehaving their<br />

best season for manyyears.<br />

Scoreboard: Kaiapoi 19<br />

(Jarred Gilmore, Kimeon<br />

Reade, Logan Bell tries. Taine<br />

Jacobs­Lawson,2conversions)<br />

beat Hurunui 3(DigbyHearda<br />

penalty).<br />

Close call<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot passed up<br />

homefield advantage and met<br />

Ohoka under lights in what<br />

were perfect conditionsona<br />

crisp eveningatMandeville. It<br />

won34­33, thanks to alast<br />

minute penalty.<br />

The visitors wentout to a7­3<br />

leadearlyinthe game, however<br />

Ohoka wasnodoubtmindful of<br />

lastweek’s encounter and<br />

never let the visitors settle,<br />

playingwith much improved<br />


intentand structure.<br />

Ohoka wasable to convert<br />

field positioninto points and<br />

closed thefirsthalf with a<br />

rewarding 23­7 lead.<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot was<br />

certainly on the back foot,<br />

however wasnever outofthe<br />

match.<br />

Twoconvertedtries early in<br />

thesecondhalf pushed<br />

momentum the visitors way,<br />

andwhile Ohokawas able to<br />

respondwith aconvertedtry to<br />

theenergeticTom Taylor,<br />

Glenmark­Cheviotclosedthe<br />

gapagainwith afurther<br />

converted try.<br />

Apenalty­a­piece in the<br />

closing stagekept Ohoka in<br />

front, however, withtimeupon<br />

theclock, an offside<br />

infringement fromOhoka<br />

handed Brook Retallick 3<br />

points fromthe ensuing penalty<br />

to takethe match for Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot 34­33. Ohoka’s young<br />

hooker JackWedlake and<br />

Glenmark’s half back Jordie<br />

Gray bothimpressed.<br />

Scoreboard: Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot 34 Ohoka 33.<br />

Ashley comfortably<br />

accounted for astruggling<br />

Woodend side 64­5.<br />

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SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

25<br />

Rangiora hockey women win again<br />

HOCKEY<br />

It was deja vu forRangiora<br />

Hockey Club's division1<br />

women's teamwhen they took<br />

on SouthernUnited last<br />

Saturday, less than aweek after<br />

playing acatch up game.<br />

Once againRangiora was the<br />

strongerteam, affecting aone<br />

goal victory to build confidence<br />

heading into the last rounds of<br />

pool play.<br />

The division 1men werenot<br />

so lucky, outclassed by<br />

Southern United,which sits<br />

second on the tablecompared<br />

to Rangiora's eighth.<br />

Rangiora is well out of the top<br />

four,but withonly two points<br />

separating the next five teams it<br />

can still finish higher on the<br />

table.<br />

In Sunday super league<br />

action Rangiora Korimakoand<br />

Rangiora Oddfellows putin<br />

superb performances to<br />

comfortablyaccount for its<br />

University opponents.<br />

The Colts could onlysalvagea<br />

draw against Avon,while the<br />

Piwakawakawas understrengthwith<br />

players out<br />

injured and was no matchinits<br />

University clash.<br />

Rangiora Amen's midweek<br />

open team was of its best in a<br />

scratchy 1­0 win over<br />

Harewood,failing to score from<br />

anumberofpromising chances.<br />

TheAllsorts(Bteam) created<br />

chances and scrambled on<br />

defencetowin over University<br />

Romans. The two Rangiora<br />

teamsmeet for the secondtime<br />

this season, next week, in what<br />

is shaping up to be acloser<br />

contest than might havebeen<br />

expectedearlieron.<br />

In lower grades, both<br />

Platinum Amen's and women's<br />

teamsput in improved<br />

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On attack ... Neve Fantham scores agoal for the Rangiora Road<br />

Runners Kiwi Sticks Girls team against Harewood Hotsticks. Sammy<br />

Smith watches on.<br />

performances,but in the end it<br />

was only the women which<br />

came awaywithcompetition<br />

pointsinthe game against<br />

Harewood.<br />

There is no stoppingthe<br />

Rangiora Rabbits, which keeps<br />

dominating its opponents<br />

despite being moveduptwo<br />

gradesinthe kiwi sticks<br />

competition.<br />

All Rangiora's kiwisticks girls<br />

teams had winsover the<br />

weekend, as did the Rockets in<br />

the girls mini stickscompetition<br />

and the Rascals in the kwik<br />

sticks11­a­side competition.<br />

Results:<br />

Division 1: Men:Rangiora<br />

CBK 1(John Single 1) lost to<br />

Southern United Sluggers 5.<br />

Women:Rangiora CBK 3<br />

(Kaylee McDonald 1, Claudia<br />

Petrie1,Ronnie Hay 1) beat<br />

Southern United 2. MVP: Malia<br />

Parsons.<br />

SundaySuperLeague<br />

Championship: Men: Rangiora<br />

Colts 1(RhysSeverinsen1)<br />

drew withAvon 1. MVP:Caleb<br />

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Orchard.RangioraOddfellows 4<br />

beat University Celts 1. Women:<br />

RangioraKorimako 8(Tayla<br />

Flemming 2, Kalyn Thomas2,<br />

Poppy Griffith­Jones 1, Ashleigh<br />

Merrick 1, HannahRobertson1,<br />

Indi Wilkie 1) beat University<br />

Athenians 1. MVP: Emma Cook.<br />

RangioraPiwakawaka0lost to<br />

UniversityInca 13. MVP:Kala<br />

Ryan.<br />

Mid Week Open: Men:<br />

RangioraA1beat Harewood<br />

Red 0. Rangiora Allsorts 4(Jon<br />

Green 2, JuandeKock 1, George<br />

Ridgen1)beat University<br />

Romans2.<br />

Platinum Grades: Men:<br />

RangioraA2(Sam Firth 1,<br />

Noah van Tuinen 1) lost to<br />

Carlton Redcliffs 3. MVP:<br />

SandroMarty­Heisiger.<br />

RangioraB0lost to Waikirikiri<br />

5. MVP: Heith. Women:<br />

Rangiora A4(NikitaWarnock 1,<br />

SophieBell 1, BrookeCooper 1,<br />

Tilly Dodds1)beat Harewood<br />

Black 0. MVP: Lily O'Steen.<br />

RangioraB1(Meg Hapgood 1)<br />

lost to Harewood Green 4. MVP:<br />

Kimberlea Orchard.<br />

Kwik Sticks 11­a­side: Boys:<br />

Rangiora Renegades4(Henry<br />

Webb 4) lost to Medbury School<br />

10. MVP: Ollie Taylor. Girls:<br />

Rangiora Rascals3(Felicite<br />

Antoniuk­Newall2,Olivia<br />

Lander1)beatHSOB/Burnside<br />

Lions 1. MVP: Libby Baggott.<br />

Kwik Sticks 7­a­side: Boys:<br />

Rangiora Rampage 1lost to<br />

Waikirikiri Hawks6.Rangiora<br />

Rangers1(JamieRyan 1) drew<br />

with HSOB/Burnside Hunters 1.<br />

MVP: CameronKuch. Girls:<br />

Rangiora Rebels 2(Meg Dunn 1,<br />

Bella Ealam­Smith1)drew with<br />

Malvern Blue 2. MVP: Sienna<br />

Watson. RangioraRainbows 0<br />

lost to Harewood 4. MVP: Lelani<br />

Pokoina. Rangiora Rubies1<br />

(ImogenAbernethy 1) lost to<br />

Hinemoa­Kaiapoi 9. MVP:<br />

ImogenAbernethy.<br />

Kiwi Sticks: Boys: Rangiora<br />

Rogues 1(Seth Cann 1) lost to<br />

Southern United Stick Insects 6.<br />

MVP: TJ Iona. Girls: Rangiora<br />

Rabbits 8(Catherine McKellow<br />

3, Emma McKellow 3, Ashlee<br />

Harkess2)beat Carlton<br />

Redcliffs1.MVP: Quincey<br />

Hawes. Rangiora Raiders7<br />

(Lucy McLean 2, Zara<br />

Cartwright 2, Emma McKellow<br />

2, Ana White1)beat Avon/St<br />

Michaels Blitz 0. MVP:Emma<br />

McKellow. Rangiora Road<br />

Runners10beat Harewood<br />

Hotsticks 6.<br />

Mini Sticks: Boys:Rangiora<br />

Roadsters 3(Aidan Ferguson1,<br />

Harry Pullar 1, JordanThomson<br />

1) losttoSouthernUnited<br />

Snakes 5. MVP: Eli Cann. Girls:<br />

Rangiora Rockets7(Ruby<br />

Hutchison 5, Shaylee Eastmond<br />

2) beatHSOB/Burnside<br />

Ducklings 1. MVP: Ruby<br />

Hutchison. Rangiora RockStars<br />

3(CharlotteHawes2,Ila Beavis<br />

1) drewwith Hornby Lynx 3.<br />

MVP: Charlotte Hawes.<br />

Hurunui netball play-offs next Saturday<br />


The final HurunuiNetball round robinwas<br />

played at the weekend at Glenmark.<br />

Both Glenmarksenior teams, which have<br />

battled with injuries throughout the<br />

season, met in the final round.Glenmark A<br />

won the entertainingencounter<br />

comfortably.<br />

Next week in the Agradesemi finals<br />

Glenmark and Cheviot, and Waiau and<br />

Culverdenwill be fighting foraplace in the<br />

finals.<br />

Glenmark under­14 had acomfortable<br />

win over Culverden, withboth teams<br />

putting in abig effort.<br />

Glenmark future ferns 5s played five<br />

gamesinatournamenttoend the season.<br />

All playedwell putting all their skills learnt<br />

over the season intouse on court. They<br />

demonstrated some greatcatching,<br />

pivoting, passing and defenceskills.<br />

Maisie Teutenberg showed impressive<br />

defensive skills, Henrietta Maxwell had<br />

greatbounce passing, Emma Cowanand<br />

Rebecca Lewis with awesomecatching and<br />

passing and Ella Stanley with her great<br />

shooting style. Ella and Maisie Thomson,<br />

who were absent,have beenshowcasing<br />

great pivoting and catchingskillsalso.<br />

Results: Agrade section 1: Glenmark A<br />

55 Glenmark B19; WaiauA33 Culverden A<br />

21. Section 2: Hawarden 35 Waiau White 14;<br />

Cheviot B36Hanmer B8;HanmerA25<br />

WaiauBlack 23.<br />









Nominations /Applications close<br />

5pm Friday 17th September <strong>2021</strong><br />



31 st <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

LuisettiSeeds Division 1Final -31/07/21<br />

SaracensVKaiapoi, 03:00PM, KaiOv.<br />

Division 1Plate Final -31/07/21<br />

Ashley VGlenmark Cheviot,01:30 PM,Kai 2.<br />

Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Div 2(SectionA)<br />

Division 2Final -31/07/21<br />

Glenmark CheviotVKaikoura,01:00PM, KaiOv.<br />

Division 2Plate Final -31/07/21<br />

Ohoka VWoodend,11:50 AM,Kai 2.<br />

1st XV Round Robin<br />

31/07/21 RHS 1st XV VStAndrew’s College 1st XV,<br />

12:00 PM,RHS 1.<br />

Under15<br />

31/07/21 Hurunui VOxford, 11:20AM,Kai 1.<br />

U12 -U13 -<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Only<br />

Section A<br />

31/07/21 Kaiapoi GoldVAmberley Black, 10:20 AM, Kai<br />

2. 01/08/21 Oxford VAshley, 11:00 AM, Ox2.Hurunui<br />

Blue VGlenmark Cheviot, 11:00 AM, Cul 2. Woodend V<br />

Saracens, 12:25 PM, Wood 2<br />

SectionB<br />

01/08/21 WoodendVOhoka Black, 11:00 AM,Wood2.<br />

Saracens VKaikoura Blue, 11:00 AM, Sbk 2. Oxford V<br />

KaiapoiBlue, 11:00AM, Ox 3.<br />

Under11<br />

01/08/21 Ashley Green V Glenmark Cheviot, 12:00<br />

PM, Omi 1a. Oxford VHurunuiBlack,12:00 PM,Ox4a.<br />

Ohoka RedVKaiapoi. 12:00PM. Mandj5a. AshleyBlue V<br />

Woodend, 12:00 PM, Lob 5a. Ohoka BlackVSaracens<br />

Red, 12:00 PM, Mandj7. Amberley Black VKaikoura A,<br />

12:00 PM,Amb 1a.<br />

Under10<br />

01/08/21 Hurunui Black VOhoka Red, 12:10 PM, Cul<br />

1a.OhokaBlack VOxford, 12:10 PM, Mandj4a. Ashley<br />

VSaracens Blue, 12:10 PM, Lob 4a. Saracens Red V<br />

Amberley Black, 12:15 PM,SBJnr7.<br />

Game of3halves -Woodend vGlenmark Cheviot v<br />

Kaiapoi, 11.00 AM, Woodend2a(25 min halves).<br />

Under9<br />

01/08/21 Glenmark Cheviot VOhoka Red, 10:00 AM,<br />

Omi2a.AmberleyBlack VKaikoura, 10:00 AM, Amb3a.<br />

Woodend VKaiapoi BLUE, 10:00 AM, WoodJ4a. Ohoka<br />

Black VAshley Green, 10:00 AM, Mandj4a. Saracens<br />

Blue VHurunuiBlack,10:00 AM, SBJnr7.<br />

Game of 3halves - AshleyBluevOxford vKaiapoiGold,<br />

10:00 AM,Loburn4(25 minhalves).<br />

Under8<br />

01/08/21 KaikouraVAmberleyBlack,11:05 AM, Kaik1a.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot VSaracens Red, 11:05 AM, Omi 1b.<br />

Ohoka Black VOhoka Red, 11:05AM,Mandj4a. Oxford<br />

VHurunui Black, 11:05 AM, Oxjn5a. Saracens Blue V<br />

Ashley Green, 11:10 AM, SBJnr7.<br />

Game of 3halves - Kaiapoi v Woodend vAshley Blue,<br />

11:05 AM,Woode 3a (25 min halves).<br />

Under7<br />

01/08/21 Hurunui Black VKaiapoi, 10:50 AM, Cul 1a.<br />

Saracens Orange VAmberley Black, 10:50 AM, Sbk3b.<br />

Saracens Red VGlenmark Cheviot Black, 10:50 AM,<br />

Sbk3a. Ashley Green VOhoka Red, 10:50 AM, Lob 4b.<br />

AshleyBlueVSaracens Blue, 10:50 AM,Lob 4a.Ohoka<br />

Black VOxford, 10:50 AM, Mandj6. Woodend Black V<br />

GlenmarkCheviotBlue, 11:05AM,WoodJ4b.<br />

Under6<br />

01/08/21 Glenmark Cheviot Black V Saracens Blue,<br />

10:00 AM, Omi 1a. Amberley Black VWoodend Green,<br />

10:00 AM, Amb 2a. Woodend White VKaiapoi GOLD,<br />

10:00 AM, Wood 2a. Saracens Orange VGlenmark<br />

Cheviot Blue, 10:00 AM, Sbk3a. Oxford Black VAshley<br />

Gold, 10:00 AM,Ox4a. Ashley Blue VOxford Red, 10:00<br />

AM, Lob 4a. Ashley White VOhoka Green, 10:00 AM,<br />

Lob 4b.HurunuiBlack VHurunuiBlue,10:00AM,Cul5.<br />

Ohoka Red VKaiapoi BLUE, 10:00 AM, Mandj6. Ohoka<br />

Black VAshleyGreen, 10:00 AM, Mandj7<br />

Game of3halves -Woodend Black vKaiapoi WHITE<br />

vSaracens Red, 10:00AM,Wood2b(20 minhalves).<br />

Game of3halves - First half: 1plays 2, Second half: 1<br />

plays3,Third half: 2plays3.<br />

Printed draw proudly supported by<br />

Four SeasonsRealty<br />

Your home forlocal property<br />

0800 789 1011<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For all draw information and updates<br />

please keep up to date with<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


Cust 538 Ashley Road<br />

AVery Special Lifestyle Block<br />

Stunningviewsfrom this wellsheltered4ha block on thecorner of Ashleyand Bowicks Road. Stock waterrace along the<br />

Eastern boundary.Large3bay haybarn with adjacent concrete pad. Old pasturesidealfor horses.Deer fenced boundary.<br />

Fantastic area forthe horse loverwith amazing road riding and nearby is the Ashley River. Well established tree shelter on the<br />

nor/west side. Lots of potential building sites to take advantageofthe views. Lifestyle blocks like this one don'tcomeupvery<br />

often, it's amust to view. ForSale By Auction: on site, Friday13th August 2pm.<br />

Auction 2.00pm,Fri 13th Aug, <strong>2021</strong>, (unlesssold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL93336<br />

Janice Clyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

E janice.clyma@pb.co.nz<br />

Rangiora 31 Melford Close<br />

Final Notice<br />

The Party is Free!<br />

Book your free appraisal today, then list and sell your house with<br />

me, and the house warming party is free!<br />

Auction onsite-30<strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Hidden in asought after cul-de-sac, this five bedroom brick home has<br />

enough space for two families!Built in the 2000s, it combines modern<br />

materials with the comfort of being locatedinaquiet established<br />

street handy to allRangiora amenities.Enjoy all daysun in the large<br />

open plan family room, dining and breakfast bar area, or retreat to the<br />

spacious second lounge for relaxation. Apelletfire, heat pumpsand<br />

double glazing ensure absolute comfort. All five bedrooms are large<br />

with double wardrobes, with the master bedroom featuring an ensuite<br />

with shower, toilet andlarge bath. There are three toilets for comfort<br />

and aseparate laundry with lots of storage.<br />

5 2 2 4<br />

Auction 4.00pm, Fri 30th Jul, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

(unless sold prior), On site<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU87554<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

Includes food, refreshments and set up of the party up to $1,000<br />

incl. GST* with up to 30 people at your new home.<br />

Foryourpersonalised property appraisal and specialist advice,<br />

Call me -YourPropertyExpert-Today!<br />

LindaMcCarthy Residential/Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

M 022 692 6090 lindaselznzproperty<br />

E linda.mccarthy@pb.co.nz<br />

*Terms &conditions apply based on per person basis. Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |PB050049<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Four<br />

Four<br />

SeasonsRealty<br />

Seasons Realty<br />

RENTAL<br />


Beer Local Property Management.<br />

Wanted!<br />

Wecurrently haveashortageof<br />

houses in the<strong>Canterbury</strong>area.<br />

If you are considering buying a new<br />

investment property or currently have one<br />

you’d like professionally managed, please<br />

call ustoorganise your free rent appraisal<br />

and to chat about how your local Harcourts<br />

Four Seasons office can help you maximise<br />

your rental returns.<br />

027 202 4472|0800789 1011<br />

fsrentals@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty2017Ltd |Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four Seasons Realty

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

MainPower Stadium Opening<br />

The public are invited tojoin Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

and the Councillors at the official opening of<br />

MainPower Stadium.<br />

It’s taken two years to build and the Council are<br />

excited to show itofftothe wider District. The<br />

6,000m 2 building will house four indoor courts and<br />

includes acentral fitness facility, changing rooms,<br />

coaching and meeting spaces, and seating for up<br />

to 500 spectators.<br />

Come along onSunday 8August at12pm for<br />

the official opening and then you can join a<br />

tour of the facility and enjoy demonstrations of<br />

different sports as well as kapa haka groups. The<br />

invitation is open to all and we look forward to<br />

seeing you there.<br />

It’s Back to School this Week<br />

School holidays are over and our children will be<br />

heading back to school.<br />

Darker mornings and evenings, and wet or foggy<br />

days all contribute to reduced visibility so please<br />

make sure your kids know tobealert and are able<br />

to be clearly seen.<br />

Here are acouple of quick tips that might make<br />

the school run safer for everyone:<br />

• For those that live rurally, make sure your<br />

youngsters wear some type of reflective garment<br />

if they’re walking or cycling to school ortocatch<br />

the bus. Giving drivers every opportunity to see<br />

them helps reduce the risks<br />

• Remember to check lights are working on<br />

bicycles if riding in dark or low light conditions<br />

• Drivers should allow plenty of space and slow<br />

down when you see young people walking or<br />

cycling. Children cannot accurately judge the<br />

speed and distance ofapproaching cars –so<br />

slow down and expect the unexpected<br />

• Inareas where there are vulnerable road users,<br />

like schools, reduce your speed regardless of<br />

the speed limit. Driving to the conditions means<br />

being aware of what is happening around you<br />

and driving appropriately so you can react should<br />

something change<br />

• Police have alow tolerance for speed around<br />

schools and when passing stationary school<br />

buses. Drivers are required to slow down to<br />

20km/h nomatter what side ofthe road they<br />

are onwhen passing<br />

• Ifyou drive your children to school, think about<br />

parking further away from the school gate and<br />

walk. This will help reduce congestion making<br />

it safer for everyone. Double parking is of<br />

particular concern during pick-up and drop-off<br />

times and puts children at risk by creating more<br />

hazards for them to negotiate.<br />

Computer Coursefor Seniors<br />

DigitalIntroductory<br />

FREE four week small group beginners class.<br />

Covers usingdifferent devices, theinternet<br />

and email.<br />

Kaiapoi Library<br />

Starting Monday 2August 10am-12pm for four weeks<br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Starting Friday 6August 10am-12pm for four weeks<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />



Hear about the science behind the new tsunami<br />

evacuation zones and learn practical thingsyou can<br />

do at home to be better prepared in this series of free<br />

public meetings.<br />


The Science Behind the Tsunami Zones |How Likelyisa<br />

Tsunami |Overview of the New Zones |Responding to a<br />

Tsunami Event|Having aPlan at Home |Q&A Time<br />


Kaiapoi<br />

Wednesday28<strong>July</strong>, 7pm<br />

Kaiapoi High School<br />

Woodend<br />

Thursday<strong>29</strong><strong>July</strong>, 7pm<br />

Woodend Community Centre<br />

The Pines Beach/Kairaki<br />

Wednesday4August,7pm<br />

The Pines Beach/Kairaki Community Hall<br />

Online<br />

Wednesday11August,7pm -Watch on Facebook &Youtube<br />

facebook.com/ WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />

youtube.com/waimakaririDC<br />

Should theCouncil support a proposal<br />

to make changes to thelevel of development<br />

contributions required in <strong>North</strong> East<br />

Rangiora to support growthinthis area<br />

through theprovision of infrastructure?<br />

Theareafrom Kippenberger Avenue <strong>North</strong> through to<br />

ColdstreamRoadandacrosstoGolf Links Road has<br />

beenidentified as an area forfuture residential growth.<br />

Before adecision is made, we’d like to know<br />

what you think. Share your feedback before<br />

5pm onTuesday 24August <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Have You Registered<br />

Your Dog Yet?<br />

By now you should have received your<br />

<strong>2021</strong>-22 dog registration application.<br />

If you haven’t please contact uson0800 965 468<br />

or email office@wmk.govt.nz toupdate your records.<br />

To avoid penalties, pay your annual dog registration<br />

by 31 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

All dog registrations can be paid online at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz or at our service centres in<br />

Oxford, Rangiora and Kaiapoi.<br />

If youare paying by internet banking, please use the first<br />

animal ID numberlisted on theform as areference.<br />

Register now at:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/dogs<br />




Have your say waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>29</strong><br />

River clean-up asuccess<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

RuralTales<br />

Join us to hear local author TimFulton talk about<br />

hisnew book Kiwi Farmers’ Guide to Life.Tim will<br />

be joined by George Black, who recently ran<br />

‘100kminGumboots’,toraise money forfarmers<br />

going through toughtimes.<br />

FRIDAY<br />

30 <strong>July</strong><br />

›Rangiora Library •7pm<br />

Find out more<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

FROM<br />

28<br />

JULY<br />

Woodend<br />

BookReturns<br />

Bin is Moving!<br />

From Wednesday 28 <strong>July</strong>,theWaimakaririLibraries<br />

Book Returns bin is going to be relocated to the<br />

WoodendCommunity CentreonSchool Road.<br />


libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

More than 100 people from 11<br />

local groups collected three<br />

tonnes of rubbish and 93 tyres<br />

during the Ashley River clean­up<br />

on Sunday.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational 4WD<br />

clubs, Rangiora Rotary, the<br />

Ashley­Rakahuri Rivercare<br />

Group, the Waimakariri District<br />

Council, the Waimakariri Youth<br />

Council, Eco Educate, Keep<br />

Rangiora Beautiful, Rangiora<br />

Lions, the Kaiapoi Walking<br />

Group, Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and the Rangiora Tramping club<br />

all joined forces, following the<br />

May 31 flood event.<br />

‘‘While Keep Rangiora<br />

Beautiful and Rotary do regular<br />

clean ups on the river berm, to the<br />

best of my knowledge this is the<br />

first time so many groups have<br />

come together in acombined<br />

effort,’’ rivercare group secretary<br />

Joan Miles says.<br />

‘‘Already people are asking<br />

when the next clean up is.’’<br />

Joan says the volunteers are<br />

already thinking about repeating<br />

their efforts during Conservation<br />

week in September.<br />

‘‘A huge thank you to all the<br />

volunteers. It was great to have<br />

the youth council involved and a<br />

special thanks to the 4WD clubs as<br />

we could not have managed<br />

without their help.<br />

Joan says it is disappointing to<br />

have seen so much rubbish<br />

dumped by the river, when much<br />

of it could have been taken for<br />

All ages ... Lucy Tavener (left) and Isabella Tavener were among the<br />

volunteers at the Ashley River clean­up on Sunday.<br />


free to the Southbrook Recycling<br />

Station.<br />

‘‘Stuff like metal can be<br />

dropped off for free,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Obviously more education is<br />

required on where and how<br />

people can dispose of rubbish.’’<br />

The various groups came<br />

together amid concerns at the<br />

expected build up of rubbish at<br />

the Ashley River mouth resulting<br />

from the recent flood.<br />

Briefing ... Simon Woods shows<br />

volunteers amap of the groynes.<br />

Showcase returns<br />

Showcase is returning to<br />

Amberley in September.<br />

The eventhas been the<br />

majorarts and craftsevent<br />

in the Hurunui district for<br />

the last 25 years.<br />

TheHurunuiCommunity<br />

Arts Council missed<br />

runningthe 2020show due<br />

to the uncertainty around<br />

covid restrictions.<br />

But the exhibition will be<br />

backinthe Amberley<br />

Libraryfrom September24<br />

for four days.<br />

Thisyear’s guestartist<br />

willbeNeroli McKellow.<br />

Showcase provides an<br />

opportunityfor local<br />

artists to show off their<br />

skills, andshare their<br />

ability withfellow<br />

residents.<br />


Rangiora BridgeClub<br />

Oxford Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South:<br />

Junette McIntyre/SueMcIlroy<br />

1, Veronica Hall/DawnSimpson<br />

2, Jeanette Chatterton/Gaynor<br />

Hurford3.East/West: Beverley<br />

Brain/Heather Waldron 1,<br />

Cathy McPherson/Neil<br />

McPherson 2, JanStupples/<br />

Deborah Senior 3.<br />

Winter Pairs:N/S: David<br />

McRae/Fern McRae 1, Kareen<br />

McKay/Maggie Johnston 2,<br />

DaveTocker/Sue McIlroy3.<br />

E/W:Jack Lyon/Judith Driver1,<br />

Pat Green/HelenPaterson 2,<br />

Ken Johns/JanRoose 3.<br />

JuniorNight: N/S: Annette<br />

Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 1, Ian<br />

Rouse/Isabel Goodhew 2,<br />

Bernie Lukken/Johns Kennedy<br />

Covid­19, and the<br />

restrictionsaroundit,<br />

presentedart and craft<br />

people in the Hurunuiwith<br />

more time to indulge in<br />

their favourite pastime.<br />

Painting, photography,<br />

ceramics,jewellery,<br />

fabrics and knitting have<br />

all beenonshow in past<br />

years.<br />

Organisersare hoping<br />

people will try one or more<br />

of themediums and enter<br />

at least one iteminthe<br />

show.<br />

Entryforms for the<strong>2021</strong><br />

Showcase willbe available<br />

at Hurunui Libraries<br />

during August.<br />

Entriesare welcome<br />

fromall residentsofthe<br />

Hurunui.<br />

Anne Bagrie/Lynne Johnsequal<br />

3. E/W: MurrayDavis/Sharyn<br />

Davis 1, Denis Milne/Gerrard<br />

McRae 2, Kerryn Lange/Karen<br />

Manson3.<br />

Winter Pairs: N/S: Shirley<br />

Symns/Lynda Cameron 1,<br />

ElizabethAlabaster/Colin Dick<br />

2, Colleen Adam/Sarah Waldron<br />

3. E/W Jenny Hassall/Linda<br />

Hanham 1, Jeff Bergman/<br />

Rhonda Bergman 2, Bernice<br />

Lloyd/HelenMora 3.<br />

Amberley Golf Club<br />

Men (<strong>July</strong> 25):IHolding 38, N<br />

Granger 37,MHarris 37, K<br />

Rayner 35, KRattray 35, R<br />

McPhail 35, KNaish35, R<br />

Denby 35.<br />

Twos: KRattray,TNatapu, D<br />

Williams, MNeale ,K Naish.<br />

Excel Design LongestPutt: D<br />

VanTurnout.<br />

Women:LSchwaiger 37, J<br />

Glowteering<br />

lures families<br />

Over 100 people turned out to Activity<br />

Hanmer’s Glowteering event as part of<br />

the Hanmer Springs Winter Festival.<br />

Mostly family teams navigated their<br />

way through the Hanmer Heritage Forest<br />

on the Forest Amble trail, adorned with<br />

face paint and glowsticks.<br />

‘‘It was so good to see them get their<br />

glow paint on and have aboogie in the<br />

hall before they hit the tracks in Hanmer<br />

Heritage Forest,’’ says Activity Hanmer<br />

operations manager Michael van<br />

Vledder.<br />

‘‘It was our first Glowteering Event and<br />

Idon’t think anyone else has done<br />

anything like this in the region before.<br />

‘‘Our bread and butter is hosting<br />

schools on their Summer Camps so it was<br />

great to get out of our comfort zone and<br />

try something new, which is what we<br />

encourage all our school kids to do when<br />

on their camp experience.’’<br />

Bishop 36, JYates36, KPercy<br />

35.<br />

MidWeek Men(<strong>July</strong> 21): N<br />

Granger40, RHornblow 38,J<br />

Wigley 36.<br />

Two: RHornblow.<br />

MidWeekWomen:V<br />

Wormald +5,SLee +4.<br />

9Holers:HAstell 35, HKemp<br />

36, MCarpenter 37, JEvans 37.<br />

Paris BakeryLongest Putt: M<br />

Carpenter.<br />

Amberley Smallbore Rifle<br />

Club<br />

KQuigley100.7, DQuigley<br />

99.8,MQuigley 98.6, KBrown<br />

98.5,PWisheart 97.4, CRhodes<br />

95.3,CBoyce 94.2,WParker<br />

93.2,IFrazer 92.3,CKelland<br />

92.1,MParker91.1,GHeaven<br />

89.0,TBoyce 87.0, GJennings<br />

63.0,MPalmer 57.0.<br />

Everyone welcomewith gear<br />



30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

In Exodus34:6-7 The LORD God explainwhatHEmeansby<br />

HIS glory, which is actually HIS character.<br />

“TheLORD,the LORD God of compassion and mercy!Iam<br />

slow toanger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.<br />

Ilavish unfailing love to athousand generations. Iforgive<br />

iniquity, rebellion and sin.But Iwill not excusethe guilty”.NLT.<br />

2402833<br />


117 South Belt, Rangiora<br />

Address all communications to:<br />

The Secretary, PO Box 133, Rangiora. 7440<br />

Email: sportsclub@saracensrugby.co.nz<br />

AGM<br />


7.00pm @the Clubrooms<br />

We have vacancies for the following voluntarypositions<br />

which do need to be filled at the AGM.<br />

Chairperson<br />

Treasurer<br />

Bookings Co Ordinator<br />

If you are interested and would like more information,<br />

please contact our current Acting Chair 027 438 4279<br />

or Secretary027 457 8306<br />

2402<strong>29</strong>4<br />

2403731<br />

Amberley<br />

Gun Club<br />

AGM<br />

Willbeheld at Clubrooms<br />

Sunday8August<strong>2021</strong><br />

at Midday.<br />

Programme ofday:<br />

10.00 am Skeet<br />

12.00 am AGM<br />

1.00 pm 25 Tgt Single Rise<br />

25 Tgt Points Score<br />

25 Tgt Single Barrel<br />

Lost and Found<br />

FOUND Teddy Bear in my<br />

garden clean up, Kingsbury<br />

Ave, Rangiora. Please<br />

phone 022 365 8655.<br />

Personal<br />

SEMI RETIRED kind,<br />

caring man looking for a<br />

loving relationship.<br />

Seeking agenuine, caring<br />

woman in her 70’s, light<br />

drinker. Ph 020 41<strong>29</strong> 5331.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />



has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of an On<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 7<br />

- 9 DURHAM STREET,<br />

RANGIORA known as THE<br />

GOOD DROP.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted under<br />

the licence is: CRAFT<br />


The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is sold under the licence are<br />


8AM —11PM, FRIDAYTO<br />

SATURDAY: 8AM —1AM.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15working days after<br />

the date of publication of<br />

this notice, file a notice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012,<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2404122v1<br />


NOTICE<br />

Rangiora Players are<br />

calling for cast for<br />

"The Ghost Train",<br />

agenre-defining comedy<br />

suspense thriller by<br />

Arnold Ridley,<br />

directed by Dimitri Gibara,<br />

performances in November.<br />

Full audition information<br />

from our website as listed<br />

below. To book an audition<br />

call Mark, 313-3441.<br />

http://rp.nz/auditions<br />

RANGIORA Country<br />

Music Club night, 4th<br />

August at 7pm. Venue is<br />

RSA Rangiora. All welcome.<br />

Enquiries to 027 928<br />

1730.<br />





Advertise with us and<br />

get noticed today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Driver –Truck and Trailer<br />

We currently have an opportunity for an experienced class<br />

5driver to join our friendly team based in Christchurch.<br />

In this role you will ensure the safe and efficient operation<br />

of ahook lifttruck and trailer unit (training provided).<br />

There is more to collecting waste than you might think, we<br />

offer late model trucks, set up with modern technologies<br />

and we all take pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

local residents and business.<br />

We can offer you.<br />

• A place on our fast-growing team where your safety<br />

and compliance with driving rules is paramount<br />

• Ongoing training and development<br />

• A feeling of pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

our community and working for an organisation that is<br />

innovative and value focused<br />

• Latest technologies on board trucks<br />

• Opportunities to grow and expand your driving career<br />

To be successful in this role you need to have;<br />

• Avalid class 5licence with relevant driving experience<br />

• Relevant transportindustryknowledge and experience<br />

• You will need to be physically fit and have the ability to<br />

work both autonomously and as partofateam<br />

Benefits.<br />

In return weoffer you an opportunity to be part ofagreat<br />

team committed to providing acomprehensive one stop<br />

service to meet abroad range of facility, waste, recycling<br />

and industrial needs of our clients.<br />

About Us.<br />

Waste Management NZ Limited is New Zealand’s leading<br />

resource recovery, recycling and waste management<br />

provider. We’re committed to safeguarding our beautiful<br />

environment through sustainable management of our<br />

valuable resources. Put simply, sustainability is what we<br />

do.<br />

We are leaders in the transportindustryinNZand recently<br />

announced our move to electric trucks as part ofour<br />

commitment to sustainability.<br />

To apply.<br />

The closing date for applications is Monday 2August<br />

<strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Please note -wedonot always work to fixed closing<br />

dates and may start considering applications as they are<br />

received, so we encourage you to apply early.<br />

Apply online www.wastemanagement.co.nz or to obtain an<br />

application formand job description, please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Waste Services<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

Or email: lindac@cws.co.nz<br />

Or telephone: 03 359 1800<br />

WM is an EEO employer and promotes drug and alcohol-free<br />

workplaces.<br />

Only applications from those with the legal right to work in New<br />

Zealand will be considered for this position..<br />

Travel &Tours<br />

Coromandel East Cape Napier Taupo<br />

11 days,departs Tues 12th October<br />

$2,990 pp twin share<br />

DayTrip Arthur’s Pass<br />

Wed18th August $25pp<br />

DayTrip Cheviot Hills<br />

Wed15th September $25pp<br />

Call Reid Tours 0800 446 886<br />

Email: reidtours@xtra.co.nz www.reidtours.com<br />

Firewood<br />

DRY WATTLE two years<br />

old, $700 6m2. Dry old<br />

man pine, $550 6m2.Phone<br />

03 312 8726 Rangiora.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

JOBS JOBS JOBS. Want<br />

local work? We service all<br />

industries, Administration,<br />

Construction, Manufacturing,<br />

Labouring Roles and<br />

more. Register with us.<br />

Phone Tina 03 310 7285.<br />

Elevate Recruitment, 113A<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Trade Personal<br />


Looking to build that<br />

new deck or shed?<br />



have got you covered!<br />

Our timber decks and<br />

pole sheds are built to last.<br />

Contact us today for a<br />

free no obligation quote at<br />

cgconstruction@<br />

outlook.co.nz<br />

or 022-619-8163.<br />

You can also visit<br />

our website:<br />

www.chrisgabites<br />

construction.co.nz<br />

2400805<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />

Services. Local family<br />

business since 2003. All<br />

types of service and repairs,<br />

all makes and models. Collection<br />

service available.<br />

Please phone 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />

BUILDERS Father &Son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />

renovations,decking,<br />

pergolas,fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

House &Garden<br />

Property Services Ltd<br />

All aspects of Property<br />

Maintenance<br />

Tree trimming and<br />

removal<br />

Stump grinding<br />

CALL US 021 405 277<br />

Trade &Services<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2220615<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />

Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

movemen.co.nz<br />

2401953<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

2225862<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />

Builder<br />

Builder<br />

Builder /Carpenter<br />

2070788<br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

•<br />

Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />

0272 588 366<br />

13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

2397995<br />

40+ years experience<br />

027 222 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

High quality carpentry and building services inthe<br />

local area, with competitive rates and quotes.<br />

• Fencing &Decking<br />

• Kitchen Renovations<br />

• Bathroom Renovations<br />

• Alterations<br />

• General maintenance<br />

Todd Gould<br />

Qualified Carpenter<br />

Licensed Building Practitioner<br />

022 170 1715<br />

tagcarpenters@gmail.com<br />

Butchery<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />


Digger Hire and Construction<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

• Ear Health checks.<br />

• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />

• Removal of foreign bodies<br />

• Basic hearing aid care<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />

Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />

Bookings: Online www.earcare.nz |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />

Email alison@earcare.nz | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

2324849<br />

Ear Health<br />

• ACC provider<br />

• WarVeteran provider<br />

• No medical referral<br />

required<br />

2273277<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

ECOM Digger Hire<br />

and Construction<br />

•9 ton Komatsu with rubber pads.<br />

•Excavotor can be dry hired or with<br />

one of our expert operators.<br />

•Attachments available:<br />

•Post driver<br />

•Concrete/rock breaker<br />

•Grab bucket<br />

•Tilt bucket<br />

•Rock bucket<br />

No job<br />

too big<br />

–Nojob<br />

too small<br />

admin@ecomconstruction<br />

www.ecomconstruction.co.nz<br />

2384249<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Supply and Install<br />

of Seamless Gutters<br />

10 year no leaks<br />

guarantee<br />

• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />

large colour range available<br />

• High grade and thicker material used<br />

• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />

• Undertake all insurance work<br />

• Independently owned and operated<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />

Call Danie 021 875 462<br />

2359362<br />

Landscaping<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

Painter /Plasterer<br />

HURUNUI Painting<br />

• Qualified tradesmen, quick,neat and friendly.<br />

• Reasonable rates. • Interior /exterior painting.<br />

• Interior plastering &wallpapering.<br />

• Spray painting &water blasting.<br />

P: Rod Hermes 027 414 0830 or 03 314 2391<br />

E: r.hermes@xtra.co.nz<br />

2394026v2<br />

2136148<br />

Trellis<br />

Proud specialists in enviro-friendly<br />

timber manufacturing trellis from<br />

premium Macrocarpa &treated Pine<br />

2351878<br />

Plumbing<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65 years old<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

0508 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

217<strong>29</strong>94<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

•Trellis •Outdoor Living<br />

•Outdoor Furniture •Gates<br />

550 Oxford Road, Fernside |sales@kaiapoitrellis.co.nz<br />

Ph 027 575 4511 |www.kaiapoitrellis.co.nz<br />

✓ Mowing<br />

✓ Edging<br />

✓ Trimming<br />

2360356<br />

Mowing &Gardening<br />

✓ Blowing<br />

✓ Pruning<br />

✓ Cleanups<br />

CALL US NOW: 027 <strong>29</strong>4 8279<br />

elitemowingandgarden<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

Windows & Doors<br />

And much<br />

more ...<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

1902273<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

WINTER<br />


W R WARMTH?<br />


SORTED.<br />


Spend them &<br />

Earn them here<br />


If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.<br />

Excludestrade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelowerthan thatadvertised.

TRADIES:<br />






Spend them &<br />

Earn them here<br />


If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelowerthan thatadvertised.

Bail-Out<br />

of your Old<br />

Bale Feeder!


STYLISH &<br />


SORTED.<br />


Spend them &<br />

Earn them here<br />


If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.<br />

Excludestrade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelowerthan thatadvertised.

Terms &Conditionsapply.Visit mitre10.co.nz/afterpayfor moredetails.<br />


Want it now?<br />

Payfor it using your<br />

Airpoints Dollars<br />

Remember, 1=$1<br />

When youspend $75 or more.<br />

Seein-store forterms &conditions.<br />


Spend them &<br />

Earn them here<br />


If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelowerthan thatadvertised.

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