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1. Jeremiah denounces Judah for failing to

fear the God who controls the climate.

2. Major changes in the climate have taken

place throughout human history.

3. God controls the climate in every

generation according to how nations

honour Him.


1. The evidence for the Flood all around us

2. How seaworthy was the Ark?

3. How many animals were on the Ark?

4. Does it matter what we believe about the


To see the recordings of the above shows

please go to Youtube and type in 33:12 Report

in the search box, of if watching on Facebook,

go to www.facebook.com/britainsonlyhope .

The main church website is www.

realchristianity.org, which is a very useful

resource with news and various posts on the

church’s activities and articles on some of the

burning issues of our time. Our sermon

recordings website is www.soundcloud.com/

penn-free-methodists .

Our Sunday services are at 11am and 6.30pm

and our midweek for prayer and Bible study is

on Wednesdays at 8pm. Needless to say, all are

most welcome. For more information about the

church, please go to www.realchristianity.org

Pastor Peter Simpson. Minister. revps@icloud.com

Tylers Green Methodist Church

As I write, we celebrate the start of the

Methodist New Year. To quote from a letter

from our Circuit Superintendent Minister, Nick

Thompson: “We look back on a year that has

not been easy – mourning with those who have

lost loved ones, and thinking of those whose

major life events have not been celebrated as

they might have hoped. We look forward in

hope that the vaccination programme will mean

that we are not all sent back into isolation. I am

confident that a plan for a vision and mission

from each of our chapels to their local


Village Voice October/November 2021

communities will take root in the coming year,

and bear fruit”. What a challenge! We, as a

church have a few ideas up our sleeve for the

coming year, which we will share in due course.

We were all really sad to lose another of our

dear church friends: Helen Panchen of Ashley

Drive,who has battled with cancer for nearly

three years and sadly passed away at the end of

August. She was such a lovely lady, always

cheerful, helpful and caring. We will miss her

very much and our thoughts and prayers go out

to her grown up daughter and son, Lucy and

David. We are still mourning the loss of Peter

Stevens who passed away at the beginning of


We welcome back our Minister Vida Foday,

who spent the month of August visiting friends

and family in Ghana. It was a much deserved

break for Vida, as she spent a large part of this

past year, supporting our Superintendent

Minister, who was suffering from Covid and

Long Covid. This was on top of Ministering her

three churches.

As we enter the season of ‘Mists and mellow

fruitfulness’ we look forward to celebrating

harvest, when we give thanks to God for His

bountiful gifts to us. This year, due to the

shortage of preachers, our harvest thanksgiving

service will be a Local Arrangement, when our

Worship Leaders and others will prepare and

lead the worship, on 26th September. As in

recent years, our gifts will go to the Whitechapel

Mission who do such amazing work for the

poor and homeless in London.

We welcome back the Village Preschool into

our premises, after their summer break. We

hope the leaders have had a good, and welcome

break. They do amazing work with the little

ones and we wish them a happy and successful

year. We are so happy to have them all as part of

our community. Geraldine Nelson. Steward / Worship


Hold the Date:

Carols on the Common - Monday 20th Dec 2021


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