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following to create a more accessible modernity in physical form, the mobile ​Ciudad Santa​.

The ​Ciudad Santa ​offered a sanctuary free from elite ​modernity​ and political corruption,


celebrating spiritual freedom and Afro­Dominican culture. ​Liboristas advocated for the

Dominican majority and social justice throughout the country. The ​Liborismo ​movement targeted

the United States government and their 1916 occupation using firearms acquired during the civil


war of 1912. Although these weapons were surrendered in 1917, the ​Liborismo ​movement

made its mark and became an enemy of the U.S. government. Five years of evading the

government to continue providing a more accessible ​modernity​, ended with the death of Liborio


in 1922, by the hands of the American­led Dominican National Guard. Although Liborio’s

goals were peaceful, the American and Dominican governments perceived him as so powerful

that they displayed his 64 year old corpse in San Juan immediately after their early morning

ambush; symbolically exhibiting their “strength.” However, instead of destroying a powerful

emblem of traditional Afro­Dominican culture as they intended, these governments created a

new one. A photo of Liborio’s corpse taken by local authorities is a popular image seen today in

altars all throughout San Juan. Today, as the palos of San Juan drum facing this photo, they drum

to the past, in honor of Liborio’s advocacy for Afro­Dominican identity.

Although Liborio was gone, Vodú persisted, as well as the elite’s ​modernity ​project.

Trujillo’s rise to power created a new threat to Afro­Dominican culture. Trujillo’s political

agenda included gaining power and keeping it; his quick way of achieving this was through the

monopolization of land. In 1937, Trujillo sought out to gain land by forcing others out, and


​Holy City. Adams, Jr. 11.


​Followers of Liborio.




​Adams, Jr. 13.


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