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importance in Dominican society. I discuss the ways in which practices occurring alongside palo

reflect the social and economic conditions faced by the non­elite throughout history.

Furthermore, this chapter discusses the informal healing practices that seek to compensate for the

inaccessibility of needs such as mainstream medicine. As conditions worsened and needs

increased, palo has united communities against the unjust conditions within the country. Chapter

two focuses on how palo and its associated practices reflect Dominican identity, as well as how

palo has evolved to continuously reflect the ever­changing, and extremely dynamic, Dominican


Chapter three draws extensively on my experiences in the Dominican Republic during the

fall of 2014. During this time, I traveled throughout the Dominican Republic, exploring the

various palo ceremonies throughout the country. As I will mention later, palo is performed

differently in the various regions of the Dominican Republic. Because of this, I would like to

specify that this chapter reflects palo in Villa Mella, Dominican Republic in the fall of 2014:

without this clarification my work would be a generalization that does not do justice to the

complexities and variances of palo music and culture within the Dominican Republic. This

chapter brings the historical analysis of palo into the present­day Dominican Republic. I focus on

how palo has developed since the scholarly work done before me. These developments highlight

the continued adaptability of palo, as well as its recent movement into popular culture. Chapter

three argues for palo’s importance in Dominican society today. It highlights the current struggles

faced and overcome by many Dominicans today, as well as a recently gained acceptance of palo

in Dominican society.


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