African Christian Action Leaflet

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Re-Wired: Get Your Brain Back – shows how<br />

pornography addiction is like a drug in the way that it<br />

affects your brain (science behind the harmful effects<br />

of addiction on the brain is shown, no inappropriate<br />

pictures!). Most importantly, we teach learners how to<br />

protect themselves from digital cocaine.<br />

The Truth About Abortion: “When does life begin?”.<br />

What does abortion really involve? What is its impact<br />

on the mother and father?<br />


Another key focus of our ministry is promoting home<br />

education. Visit www.christianlibertybooks.co.za<br />

for excellent, home education curriculum and resources.<br />

Who is Africa <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Action</strong>? Launched in 1991,<br />

Africa <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Action</strong> is an educational and advocacy<br />

ministry, seeking to mobilise <strong>Christian</strong>s to be Salt and<br />

Light in their congregations, communities and countries.<br />

We particularly focus on pro-life and pro-family issues<br />

and religious freedom. In this changing and chaotic time,<br />

we present timeless Biblical principles on all areas of life<br />

to a confused world. We are active in the public square<br />

through our Biblical and historical analysis of sociopolitical<br />

issues, calling <strong>Christian</strong>s to pray for Revival and<br />

work for Biblical Reformation. For over 30 years our<br />

Biblical Worldview Seminars and Summits have inspired<br />

thousands to apply the Lordship of Christ in all areas<br />

of life. We have organised delegations to government<br />

officials and have presented submissions on legislation to<br />

Parliament. We are evangelistic and use these issues as a<br />

springboard for the Gospel, recognising that individuals<br />

need a new nature through regeneration, for the<br />

Kingdom of God to come in their lives before they can<br />

transform society. We give presentations at schools and<br />

churches across South Africa. Our primary focus is South<br />

Africa and throughout Africa.<br />

For over 25 years we have been hosting a weekly<br />

programme, called Salt and Light on Radio Tygerberg<br />

104FM. On our Africa <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Action</strong> Facebook<br />

page, we share photos from outreaches, events and other<br />

helpful links to inform, inspire and involve.<br />

SIGN UP<br />

Please let us know when we can meet with you to<br />

discuss how we can help you Fight for the Faith,<br />

Families and our Future. Sign up for our emailing<br />

list, like us on Facebook and subscribe to the <strong>Christian</strong><br />

<strong>Action</strong> magazine. Request, or download, our Starter<br />

Pack for everything you need to start an <strong>Action</strong> Group.<br />

“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and<br />

raise up the age old foundations; you will be<br />

called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of<br />

Streets with Dwellings.” Isaiah 58:12<br />

30 Years<br />

1991 - 2021<br />

Africa <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Action</strong><br />

info@christianaction.org.za<br />

www.<strong>Christian</strong><strong>Action</strong>.org.za<br />

021 689 4480<br />

@africachristianaction<br />


OVER 250 BABIES<br />






“You are the salt of the earth...<br />

You are the light of the world...<br />

let your light shine before men,<br />

that they may see your good deeds<br />

and praise your Father in Heaven.”<br />

Matthew 5:13-16

1<br />

Be Informed. Our pro-life resources will<br />

educate you about what the Bible says about the<br />

preciousness of each person made in the image of God<br />

and God’s Commands to protect innocent life. We are<br />

available to give presentations at your pastors’ fraternal,<br />

church, or school about how you can stand for life.<br />

You can mobilise your congregation to make a positive<br />

difference in your community. ACA can provide helpful<br />

information on how to counsel and support women<br />

facing a crisis pregnancy and counseling resources<br />

for those who have had abortions. We can also screen<br />

pro-life documentaries (e.g. The Hard Truth, The<br />

Abortion Matrix), or dramatic films (e.g. Unplanned,<br />

Gosnell) at your cell group or church. Pro-Life<br />

Information Packs are available.<br />

2<br />

Be Interceding. ACA can equip you to more<br />

effectively intercede for lives to be saved.<br />

“I looked for a man among them who would<br />

build up the wall and stand before Me in the<br />

gap on behalf of the land so I would not have<br />

to destroy it.” Ezekiel 22:30<br />

3<br />

Be involved: Educate and enlist others in this<br />

Fight for Life. Keep reading for more information<br />

on grassroots action projects, annual outreaches and<br />

schools presentations. “Speak up for those who<br />

cannot speak for themselves” Proverbs 31:8.<br />


Outreaches Outside Marie Stopes Abortion Clinics<br />

There are a several groups around South Africa that<br />

are actively involved in praying, counselling and<br />

sharing the Gospel outside abortuaries. We can equip<br />

you with pro-life placards and tracts to witness for Life<br />

outside an abortuary near you, or connect you up with<br />

groups in your city. “Rescue those being led away<br />

to death; hold back those staggering toward<br />

slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing<br />

about this’, does not He who weighs the heart<br />

perceive it? Does not He who guards your life<br />

know it? Will not He repay each one according<br />

to what he has done?” Proverbs 24:11-12<br />


Sanctity Life Sunday: Considering that the<br />

population of South Africa is over 60 million, there<br />

are probably over 500 000 congregations in South<br />

Africa. If just half of them could be inspired to study<br />

what the Word of God says on when life begins and<br />

what abortion is; if only half the churches in South<br />

Africa observed Sanctity Life Sunday (last Sunday<br />

in January) in Bible study, repentance and prayer - then<br />

we could begin to end the legalised killing of babies.<br />

March for Life to Parliament: The 1 st of February<br />

every year marks the anniversary of the legalisation of<br />

abortion on demand in South Africa. Since 1 February<br />

1997, more than one million, eight hundred thousand<br />

babies have been killed in South Africa - by abortion<br />

- legally. “Does not wisdom call out? Does not<br />

understanding raise her voice? On the heights<br />

along the way, where the paths meet, she takes<br />

her stand; beside the gates leading into the city,<br />

at the entrances, she cries aloud.” Proverbs 8:1-3<br />

Women’s Day Missions in the Mall: Women and<br />

girls need real protection and respect – practical action,<br />

not pious platitudes from hypocritical politicians and<br />

meaningless public holidays! Why not use National<br />

Women’s Day (9 August) as an opportunity to inform,<br />

inspire and involve people in promoting awareness<br />

and taking action against the exploitation of women in<br />

trafficking, prostitution and pornography? On 9 August<br />

we set up literature tables in different shopping malls,<br />

primarily focusing on informing and motivating people<br />

to make a difference in stopping human trafficking.<br />

Sign up to volunteer or organise your own Women’s<br />

Day outreach in a mall. “Who will rise up for Me<br />

against the wicked? Who will take a stand for Me<br />

against evildoers?” Psalm 94:1<br />

Life Chain Sunday: The first Sunday in October<br />

every year is International Life Chain Sunday. Join<br />

together with tens of thousands of pro-lifers worldwide<br />

in prayer and action. With messages such as “Abortion<br />

Kills Babies”, “Abortion: One Heart Stops, Another Heart<br />

Breaks,” “Adoption - the Loving Option”,“Choose Life! So that<br />

you and your children may live,” and “Babies are a blessing,”<br />

Life Chain participants have informed millions of<br />

passing motorists as they line the streets of their cities.<br />

The Life Chains are one of the positive and practical<br />

ways that you can mobilise your congregation to be a<br />

voice for the pre-born. “Could you men not keep<br />

watch with Me for one hour?” Matthew 26:40<br />



The current Life Skills Curriculum does not<br />

adequately address the serious issues of pornography<br />

addiction, human trafficking, or abortion.<br />

Unfortunately for youth, they have few, if any,<br />

resources dedicated to preventing – or even addressing<br />

these issues. ACA has given these presentations at<br />

schools across Africa. We offer these presentations for<br />

free as a service to the community. The length of the<br />

presentation is flexible, depending on where and to<br />

whom you would like us to give it. The presentations<br />

are interactive, and we use PowerPoint, with short<br />

videos. These are age appropriate and sensitively<br />

presented. We also have a primary school version of<br />

Traffick Proof. Request our letter to send to teachers<br />

at your school or youth group.<br />

The Traffick Proof presentation details different<br />

scenarios (such as overseas job opportunities) that<br />

traffickers could use to deceive their victims into being<br />

trafficked. The presentation equips youth with the skills<br />

to ask the right questions and avoid being trafficked<br />

(kidnapped / enslaved).

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