Nor'West News: February 17, 2022

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20 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Song hits charts with<br />

students on backup<br />

PERFORMERS: Teacher Henare Kaa with Rangi Ruru Girls’ School students Lucy Aitken, Victoria Anderson and Meg<br />

Crump. The students sang alongside Kaa at last month’s Sparks in the Park.<br />


• By Fiona Ellis<br />

HENARE KAA has achieved a<br />

career milestone with backup<br />

from musically-minded Rangi<br />

Ruru Girls’ School students.<br />

For the first time, the<br />

musician’s band, Dillastrate,<br />

has made it into the official New<br />

Zealand music charts, with<br />

Tāwara Ana coming in at No.<br />

10 on the Te Reo Māori singles<br />

chart and No. 12 on the Hot NZ<br />

singles chart.<br />

Kaa, who teaches contemporary<br />

music at the school,<br />

said his year 13 students did<br />

group vocal work for the single,<br />

produced by Black Comet and<br />

featuring Laughton Kora.<br />

• Turn to page 4<br />

EntriEs now opEn!<br />

Police in<br />

dark over<br />

how often<br />

busy roads<br />

patrolled<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />

POLICE DO not know how often<br />

they patrolled on Cranford St<br />

and the Christchurch Northern<br />

Corridor last year.<br />

Police presence was raised<br />

as a concern by Papanui-Innes<br />

Community Board member Ali<br />

Jones, who last year observed<br />

she never saw police on these<br />

roads.<br />

Police data obtained under the<br />

Official Information Act shows<br />

five checkpoints were held on<br />

Cranford St in 2021, one in May,<br />

July and October and two in<br />

August, while a directed patrol<br />

took place in October.<br />

However, this does not<br />

account for all police presence<br />

on Cranford St last year, a police<br />

spokesperson told Nor’West <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Police recorded their activities<br />

using codes, but many road<br />

patrol codes were also used for<br />

other activities, while different<br />

codes were sometimes used when<br />

patrolling.<br />

“Directed patrols may also be<br />

for a certain area that includes the<br />

specified roads, but the location<br />

may be recorded as another road<br />

within the area.<br />

“A unit that is travelling along<br />

the road to an enquiry or other<br />

event is technically patrolling<br />

along the road as well, however,<br />

this is not recorded.”<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

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Ph: 021 372 481<br />

monique.maynard@starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Fiona Ellis<br />

Ph: 021 914 407<br />

fiona.ellis@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Housie<br />

Thursday, 12.30-2.15pm<br />

Mary Potter Community Centre,<br />

Durham St North<br />

To participate, take $2 per housie<br />

card or take a prize to the value of<br />

the card. Afternoon tea to follow. Go<br />

along, meet new people, have some<br />

fun. Gold coin donation for nonresidents<br />

attending the community<br />

centre please. Inquiries, phone 372<br />

9224.<br />

JP Clinic<br />

Saturday, 10am-noon, at<br />

Fendalton; Tuesday, 10 am-1pm, at<br />

Papanui and Shirley; Wednesday,<br />

10am-1pm, at Bishopdale<br />

Fendalton, Papanui, Shirley and<br />

Bishopdale Libraries<br />

A justice of the peace will be<br />

available to witness signatures<br />

and documents, certify document<br />

copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations, as well<br />

as sign citizenship or rates rebates<br />

applications. There is no charge for<br />

this service.<br />

Cards at the Papanui Club<br />

Monday, 1.15-3.15pm; Tuesday,<br />

1-3.15pm; Wednesday, 1.15-<br />

3.15pm<br />

Papanui Club, Sawyers Arms Rd<br />

Join others for a different card<br />

game each day. Monday is Flag 500,<br />

Tuesday is Cribbage and Wednesday<br />

is Euchre. All welcome for $2. Masks<br />

are required. Phone Alan on 021 <strong>17</strong>3<br />

3388 for more information.<br />

Better Digital Futures -<br />

Digital Essentials Pathway<br />

Thursday, 1-3pm<br />

Shirley Library<br />

Go along to this Digital Inclusion<br />

Alliance Aotearoa programme, providing<br />

free digital support to seniors<br />

aged 65 and over. There are four<br />

‘starter’ pathways, each involving<br />

four two-hour modules. This week’s<br />

pathway is designed for seniors who<br />

are brand-new users. Stripped back<br />

to the basics, these sessions will provide<br />

learners with the essential skills<br />

they need to get online and start<br />

creating their own digital footprint.<br />

Afterschool Activity Zone<br />

Tuesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Redwood Library<br />

Go along for a variety of<br />

activities including technology,<br />

crafts and games in a fun learning<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Ride Forever<br />

Urban Commuter<br />

Course, Sunday<br />

8.30am-12.30pm,<br />

512 Memorial Ave<br />

Think you’re tough in<br />

the concrete jungle?<br />

Don’t be a fool, you’re<br />

extremely vulnerable!<br />

An awesome half-day<br />

of motorcycle training<br />

subsidised by the<br />

ACC for $20. You will<br />

learn and practise all<br />

the essential skills to<br />

make that commute to/<br />

from work or wherever<br />

stress-free, enjoyable<br />

and, most importantly,<br />

safer! ​<br />

environment. All whānau welcome.<br />

Caregivers, please stay in the library<br />

during the session. Free, no booking<br />

required.<br />

Scottish Country Dancing<br />

Tuesday, 7.45-9.45pm<br />

Heaton Intermediate School hall,<br />

125 Heaton St<br />

Go along if you want to take part<br />

in some fun dancing. All you need<br />

to take is some soft shoes. The first<br />

night is free for beginners. Phone 021<br />

480 802 for more information.<br />

Elizabeth Bridge Club<br />

Wednesday, 1-4pm<br />

Christchurch Bridge Club rooms,<br />

21 Nova Pl<br />

Go along and join others for a<br />

game of bridge every Wednesday.<br />

Arrive at 12.50pm for a 1pm start.<br />

If you do not have a partner, phone<br />

Maureen at 021 646 123.<br />

The souTh island lifesTyle magazine<br />


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June 2021<br />

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Start your engineS<br />

in tauranga<br />

The souTh island lifesTyle magazine<br />

I’m YOURS<br />

The PeoPle, The Places,<br />

The Trends<br />

Wild & free<br />

a chef’s JoUrNey from<br />

loNdoN to dUNediN<br />

the people. the places. the treNds.<br />

The perfect pour<br />

a canDle company<br />

with no DiviDe<br />

Kid friendly<br />

recipe help for the<br />

school holidays<br />

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“A local team for local people”

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 3<br />

View board meetings online<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />

COMMUNITY board meetings<br />

will now be viewable on YouTube<br />

as the city council reverses<br />

its earlier refusal to record<br />

meetings.<br />

Community board meetings<br />

will be held via Zoom in red<br />

alert level, with live stream recordings<br />

posted to the site.<br />

The city<br />

council<br />

declined<br />

Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

Community<br />

Board member<br />

Andrei Moore’s<br />

Andrei<br />

Moore<br />

request to<br />

have meeting<br />

recordings<br />

made available<br />

online last October, citing a lack<br />

of resources.<br />

Pandemic restrictions prevented<br />

the public from attending<br />

in-person meetings last year,<br />

yet the board also encountered<br />

capacity problems as members<br />

of the public attempted to attend<br />

meetings Zoom.<br />

This was the “ideal outcome”,<br />

Moore said.<br />

“I was ready to ask permission<br />

to record again, but by the time I<br />

could do that I got this news that<br />

we got this news that we were going<br />

to do live stream recording.”<br />

Streaming meetings to<br />

YouTube would make them<br />

accessible to people who could<br />

not watch them live, and would<br />

enable the public to see<br />

how decisions were made,<br />

he said.<br />

“It’s a reasonably simple<br />

thing to offer and facilitate,<br />

and an important<br />

one as well.<br />

“To be honest, I was<br />

more surprised that we<br />

were struggling to get it in<br />

the first place.”<br />

Papanui-Innes Community<br />

Board chairwoman Emma<br />

Emma<br />

Norrish<br />

Norrish said live streaming,<br />

something the Papanui-Innes<br />

board already undertook<br />

independently, was<br />

an easy way to make<br />

decision making more<br />

transparent.<br />

“I hope it is something<br />

which will continue to be<br />

done by all boards when<br />

we go back to meeting in<br />

person,” she said.<br />

Fendalton-Waimairi-<br />

Harewood Community<br />

Board chairwoman Bridget Williams<br />

hoped the ease of watching<br />

a live stream would lead to an<br />

increase in the number of people<br />

actively engaged in community<br />

issues.<br />

“It’s a wonderful thing to give<br />

more accessibility,” she said.<br />

City council head of community<br />

support and partnerships<br />

John Filsell said the council was<br />

in the process of setting up a<br />

YouTube channel for each community<br />

board.<br />

“It is our intention to live<br />

stream all community board<br />

meetings to YouTube in the<br />

current red traffic light setting,”<br />

Filsell said.<br />

Not all the rooms used to host<br />

community board meetings had<br />

the technology to stream a good<br />

quality video, he said.<br />

However, it was not only members<br />

of the public who would be<br />

relegated to online attendance.<br />

Board members would not be<br />

meeting physically in red alert<br />

level.<br />

“With members of meetings<br />

attending via a device, we believe<br />

the obstacle of a poor quality<br />

stream will be overcome.”<br />

It was possible community<br />

board meetings would continue<br />

to be live-streamed in lower alert<br />

levels in spite of the technical issues<br />

with some meeting rooms.<br />

“Staff will be investigating<br />

options to enable this in the<br />

future when community boards<br />

physically meet in the same space.”<br />

In Brief<br />



THe Department of Corrections<br />

has confirmed it will not appeal<br />

the decision to decline consent<br />

for the planned accommodation<br />

facility at Bristol St. The proposal<br />

would have seen up to 12 men<br />

serving sentences of home<br />

detention while participating in a<br />

violence-prevention programme.<br />

In January, the Bristol Street<br />

Resource Consent Hearing panel<br />

declined to grant resource consent<br />

for the Bristol St facility, following<br />

a hearing in November. Acting<br />

southern regional commissioner<br />

Chris O’Brien-Smith said Kāinga<br />

Ora remains the property owner<br />

and will now take the time to<br />

consider options for the site.<br />

Corrections remained committed<br />

to pursuing the delivery of<br />

supported accommodation<br />

services, O’Brien-Smith said.<br />


THe Burnside Park Tennis Club<br />

is set to benefit from a $15,000<br />

grant towards the replacement of<br />

its clubhouse roof. The Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi-Harewood Community<br />

Board approved the grant<br />

from its 2021-22 discretionary<br />

response fund during a meeting<br />

on Monday. The board also<br />

approved a grant of $500 from<br />

its 2021-<strong>2022</strong> youth development<br />

fund to support judo competitor<br />

Hayley Mackey to take part in<br />

tournaments in Europe and<br />


4<br />

We are thrilled to announce that we will be able<br />

to add “MRI” to our list of patient services from<br />

the middle of this year. McMaster & Heap have<br />

teamed up with Gareth and Pacific Radiology<br />

to bring this cutting edge technology to our<br />

patients and make it more easily available to<br />

other NZL veterinarians and their patients.<br />

We have always offered MRI through Pacific<br />

Radiology at Forte Health for a number of years<br />

now. The process has involved getting a slot for<br />

a pet patient at the end of the night (only some<br />

nights per week) when the radiographers have<br />

finished with their human clients. The owner<br />

meets me at Forte Health and we sedate the<br />

patient, perform the MRI, the whole process<br />

taking about 90 minutes. Once we have the<br />

MRI up and running, owners can drop their pets<br />

off at the clinic for the day until the procedure<br />

is performed and the animal is awake. Any<br />

veterinarians can bring their patients as well and<br />

utilise this service.<br />

Bringing this leading edge diagnostic<br />

technology into a clinic setting means that MRI<br />

is more accessible to pet patients 5 days a week.<br />

Basically any animal that can fit into the scanner<br />

(less than 180cm in circumference), can undergo<br />

an MRI as long as sedated, as they need to be<br />

very still. Monitoring equipment allows us to<br />

make sure they are okay once inside the scanner.<br />

As well as using this piece of equipment for cats<br />

and dogs, large animals, wildlife, exotic animals<br />

and zoo animals may take advantage of MRI at<br />

McMaster & Heap. It also may have benefits in<br />

research.<br />

MRI is very safe for the animal and is the best<br />

imaging modality available to investigate an<br />

animals brain, spine and joints. MRI can be<br />

crucial in surgical planning (Spinal surgery,<br />

Brain surgery). We anticipate urgent cases<br />

McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />

MRI is coming to<br />

McMaster & Heap Vets<br />

can undergo MRI within 24 hours (as long as<br />

stable for sedation) therefore alleviating patient<br />

suffering and allowing faster, tailored treatment<br />

plans. We use specialist radiographers to<br />

interpret the hundreds of MRI images taken and<br />

send us a report on their findings.<br />

Being the first private practice in the country<br />

offering MRI services is very exciting for us. Steve<br />

and I have strived over the past 30 years to give<br />

companion animals the very best veterinary<br />

healthcare has to offer - in deliverance of care,<br />

cutting edge diagnostics and carefully thought<br />

out, managed treatment plans. Not to mention<br />

the skill set and decades of experience amassed<br />

in the veterinary team, and not forgetting the<br />

tremendous support and care given by our<br />

dedicated nursing team. Your pet is our #1<br />

priority.<br />

Dr Michele McMaster<br />

Singles charts surprise<br />

with song Tāwara Ana<br />

• From page 1<br />

“There was a little bit of guidance, but<br />

there was some improvising,” Kaa said.<br />

To be notified that Tāwara Ana had<br />

made the national music charts was a<br />

great surprise, he said.<br />

“You don’t know until it happens. You<br />

never can guess what song is going to do<br />

it.<br />

“The feeling was awesome because to be<br />

on the charts is one thing, but to be on the<br />

charts for a song in te reo Māori, that was<br />

exciting.”<br />

Kaa’s music class was an elective course,<br />

and pupils had a passion that reminded<br />

him of himself at a similar age.<br />

However, his students were getting an<br />

early taste of performing that he never<br />

had, starting music at the relatively late<br />

age of 18.<br />

Some joined Dillastrate onstage at<br />

Sparks in the Park last month, performing<br />

Tāwara Ana.<br />

It was a translation of a song Kaa – an<br />

ambassador for ADHD – wrote called<br />

‘Party In My Head’.<br />

“[Its] about the quirkiness and some<br />

of the positivity of having the party in<br />

my head, and other people that have that<br />

similar party in their head can understand,<br />

but when we released it the reaction<br />

was on a more broad sense.”<br />

The translated version of the song was<br />

added to the Waiata Anthems playlist,<br />

celebrating bilingual New Zealand music.<br />

“From there, it’s just gone from strength<br />

to strength.<br />

“That’s led us to find our way, which<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

RECORDING: Students from Rangi<br />

Ruru Girls’ School sang backup on<br />

the single Tāwara Ana by Dillastrate.<br />

is composing Māori music.”<br />

Eight weeks ago, Kaa’s daughter Harriet<br />

was born, and the experience of becoming<br />

a father was the subject of his new song,<br />

Taku Aroha.<br />

Once again his students would be<br />

involved in the recording, he said.<br />

“It is written and it’s two weeks from<br />

going into the studio.”<br />

• Watch the video on starnews.<br />

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McMaster & Heap

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 5<br />

Cyclist unhappy with process<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />

A BRYNDWR resident says his<br />

objections to the Nor’West Arc<br />

cycleway have “fallen on deaf<br />

ears” as the city council says it<br />

will not reopen consultation on<br />

the third and final section of the<br />

cycleway.<br />

A keen cyclist Alister<br />

Metherell believes alternative<br />

plans for the intersection of<br />

Aorangi Rd and Wairakei Rd<br />

junction, where through traffic<br />

is set to be blocked, were not<br />

presented properly.<br />

Alternative designs for the<br />

intersection were not circulated<br />

to local houses, he said.<br />

“The most galling aspect<br />

was that the three options for<br />

the intersection were never<br />

presented to the public as part of<br />

the consultation documents.”<br />

However, city council<br />

head of transport and waste<br />

management Lynette Ellis<br />

said a standard and detailed<br />

consultation process was<br />

followed.<br />

All alternative designs were<br />

discussed with the hearings panel<br />

and staff provided commentary<br />

on the merits and relative safety of<br />

the options, she said.<br />

Metherell is concerned the<br />

current plan would incentivise<br />

u-turns on Wairakei Rd and<br />

create problems on other roads<br />

and intersections.<br />

“A fully signalised intersection<br />

would be a considerably better<br />

solution and dramatically<br />

improve safety for all users,” he<br />

said.<br />

Metherell made submissions<br />

to the city council, including his<br />

own design for the intersection,<br />

but felt his arguments were not<br />

given consideration.<br />

Ellis said all submissions<br />

were considered by staff and<br />

modifications were made to the<br />

designs for inclusion in the staff<br />

report to the hearings panel.<br />

“The hearings panel<br />

considered all of these modified<br />

designs and all submissions<br />

made by the public,” she said.<br />

“The findings of the hearings<br />

panel were presented to the<br />

urban development and<br />

transport committee for a<br />

decision on the preferred<br />

option recommended<br />

by staff.<br />

“This preferred option<br />

was approved by the urban<br />

development and transport<br />

committee to proceed to detailed<br />

design.<br />

“As a result of this process<br />

council will not consider<br />

re-opening consultation.”<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Should<br />

the final section of the<br />

Nor’West Arc cycleway<br />

be reopened for public<br />

consultation? Email fiona.<br />

ellis@starmedia<br />

CONCERNED: Cyclist Alister Metherell feels the city council<br />

has not engaged sufficiently with the public over the<br />

design of the third and final section of the Nor’West<br />

Arc cycleway.<br />


‘Let’s get<br />

on with it’<br />

says Jones<br />

• From page 1<br />

Police issued 341 speeding<br />

tickets on Cranford St last year.<br />

In an area with a speed limit of<br />

50km/h, one car allegedly reached<br />

speeds of between 91-100km/h.<br />

In the same speed zone, six<br />

drivers were allegedly travelling<br />

between 81-90km/h, 37 between<br />

71-80km/h, 252 between<br />

61-70km/h and 40 between 51-<br />

60km/h.<br />

In an area with a speed limit<br />

of 30km/h, four drivers allegedly<br />

reached speeds between 41-<br />

50km/h, and one between 51 and<br />

60km/h.<br />

So far this year police have<br />

records of two checkpoints and<br />

one directed patrol occurring in<br />

Cranford St last month.<br />

Records for the CNC were<br />

unavailable.<br />

The board had raised patrolling<br />

issues both at meetings with<br />

police and in correspondence,<br />

Jones said.<br />

“I think what’s important is<br />

that we all agree there are issues<br />

on these roads, lock in what those<br />

issues are and work together to fix<br />

them.<br />

“I’m no expert but it would<br />

appear there are solutions –<br />

signage, enforcement for example<br />

– so let’s get on with it.”<br />

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Some images are artist impressions and subject to change

6<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Your rare chance to have a pew<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />

THOSE SEEKING some unusual decor<br />

may have their prayers answered at<br />

a garage sale in Upper Riccarton on<br />

Saturday.<br />

More than half the pews from St Peter’s<br />

Anglican Church are being sold off as part<br />

of a much-needed fundraising sale taking<br />

place at the Church Corner site.<br />

Parishioners’ warden Jo Winfield said<br />

the pews were no longer needed following<br />

changes to the church, which was badly<br />

damaged in the <strong>February</strong> 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake.<br />

It reopened last <strong>February</strong> following a<br />

restoration project costing about $4 million.<br />

“We have put back some [pews], but<br />

we’ve got some leftover. We can’t put them<br />

back because we’ve got chairs in there as<br />

well,” Winfield said.<br />

“Chairs are more flexible, we can change<br />

things around and move things around<br />

better.”<br />

The first church at the site was opened<br />

in 1858, and although Winfield was uncertain<br />

when the pews were installed, she<br />

estimated them to be at least 100-yearsold.<br />

“They were certainly there for a very,<br />

very long time.”<br />

The restored church was “absolutely<br />

incredible”, she said.<br />

“We’re loving the space and really utilising<br />

it thoroughly. We’ve opened up again<br />

now and we’re very, very happy.<br />

Up to 20 pews would be for sale in a<br />

range of sizes.<br />

The largest seated about 10 people, while<br />

the smaller ones seated four or five, she<br />

said.<br />

A wide range of second-hand furniture<br />

and other items in good condition would<br />

also be for sale, including other furniture<br />

the church accumulated in the three years<br />

since the sale was last held.<br />

Once a twice-yearly staple, the garage<br />

sale had not been held since the outbreak<br />

of the Covid-19 pandemic.<br />

Previous sales raised up to $7000, an essential<br />

contribution to parish finances.<br />

“We have noticed the decrease in funds<br />

so this year we are determined to do<br />

something.”<br />

The sale will be held outdoors at the<br />

Main South Rd church between 9am and<br />

noon.<br />


Peter’s parishioners’<br />

warden Jo Winfield with<br />

pews similar to the ones<br />

for sale on Saturday.<br />


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Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 7<br />

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8<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Apt outcome for Māori word find<br />

• By Emily Moorhouse<br />

WHEN Jo Zervos isn’t attending<br />

community board meetings, she’s<br />

developing an app to promote<br />

Māori learning.<br />

The Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board member<br />

recently started hew own<br />

business Jojahawa Ltd, launching<br />

a mobile app ‘Māori Word Find<br />

& Learn’.<br />

Zervos began creating Māori<br />

word finds about 30 years ago<br />

for her younger cousin who liked<br />

doing puzzles.<br />

Zervos has always had an<br />

interest in the Māori language<br />

and remembers travelling around<br />

the country with her parents<br />

when she was younger.<br />

“I remember my parents saying<br />

maunga is mountain and nui is<br />

big and that’s why it’s called Mt<br />

Maunganui,” Zervos said.<br />

“I thought that was cool. I’ve<br />

always liked how place names<br />

are made up with words that<br />

describe them.”<br />

Zervos admitted she got a bit<br />

“carried away” with the word<br />

finds and started creating pages<br />

and pages before taking a break<br />

to have kids.<br />

Soon after, she noticed te reo<br />

Māori being encouraged in her<br />

children’s kindergarten and<br />

decided to continue with her<br />

word finds, only this time typing<br />

them out on the computer.<br />

This was difficult as in the early<br />

2000s there weren’t many layouts<br />

to follow, meaning she had to<br />

type out each letter and<br />

space.<br />

“It was quite a long process<br />

trying to get them all in line with<br />

each other,” she said. “[Once]<br />

I started typing them out I<br />

thought, oh I could get them<br />

made into books.”<br />

After a year of working away<br />

at the word finds in her spare<br />

time, Zervos ended up with<br />

three books with more than 50<br />

puzzles each. She decided to try<br />

her luck with various publishing<br />

companies.<br />

One of the companies told<br />

her they would trial books of<br />

30 puzzles each, but they would<br />

need to be edited by someone<br />

fluent in te reo Māori.<br />

“There was no way to look for<br />

people on the internet,” Zervos<br />

said. “It was all phone and mail<br />

so it was quite tricky to actually<br />

access people the same way you<br />

can do now.”<br />

She put the books on hold.<br />

They sat in the cupboard for 20<br />

years – until recently, when she<br />

had the idea of turning them into<br />

downloadable puzzles for mobile<br />

devices.<br />

Setting up the app proved<br />

difficult with translation issues,<br />

but Zervos wanted to get her<br />

NEW<br />


Jo Zervos said<br />

her Māori word<br />

find app was<br />

years in the<br />

making.<br />

PHOTO:<br />


work out there as she’d put so<br />

much time and effort into it.<br />

She hopes her app can help<br />

people to learn in a fun way<br />

and has been pleased with the<br />

feedback she’s received so<br />

far.<br />

“I can see the total of how<br />

many people have played<br />

everyday,” she said. “It’s actually<br />

quite encouraging to see that<br />

number creeping up a wee bit.”<br />

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Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 9<br />


Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 <strong>February</strong>, 10am-3pm<br />


Our village open days are a great opportunity to visit a Ryman<br />

village. Experience how easy it is to continue enjoying the<br />

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It’s a lifestyle Lynette knows well. She starts her day practicing<br />

yoga, and since moving to her Ryman apartment, has joined the<br />

village walking group. The friendships, camaraderie and support<br />

that have blossomed from their regular outings mean that<br />

Lynette now sees the village community as family.<br />

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Lynette, Ryman resident<br />


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Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>2022</strong> Draw<br />

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ROUND 1<br />

ROUND 2<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Friday 18 <strong>February</strong><br />

7.05pm Moana Pasifika v Blues<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Fijian Drua<br />

Friday 25 <strong>February</strong><br />

7.05pm Chiefs v Moana Pasifika<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Reds<br />

Friday 4 March<br />

7.05pm Moana Pasifika v Crusaders<br />

9.45pm Fijian Drua v Rebels<br />

Saturday 19 <strong>February</strong><br />

4.35pm Chiefs v Highlanders<br />

7.05pm Crusaders v Hurricanes<br />

9.45pm Reds v Rebels<br />

Sunday 20 <strong>February</strong><br />

12.00am Force v Brumbies<br />

Saturday 26 <strong>February</strong><br />

4.35pm Brumbies v Fijian Drua<br />

7.05pm Highlanders v Crusaders<br />

9.45pm Rebels v Force<br />

Sunday 27 <strong>February</strong><br />

3.35pm Blues v Hurricanes<br />

Saturday 5 March<br />

12.00am Force v Reds<br />

4.35pm Blues v Chiefs<br />

7.05pm Hurricanes v Highlanders<br />

9.45pm Brumbies v Waratahs<br />

Vanessa Golightly<br />

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ROUND 7<br />

Friday 1 april<br />

7.05pm Crusaders v Highlanders<br />

9.45pm Fijian Drua v Waratahs<br />

Saturday 2 april<br />

7.05pm Blues v Moana Pasifika<br />

9.45pm Reds v Brumbies<br />

ROUND 8<br />

Friday 8 april<br />

7.05pm Hurricanes v Crusaders<br />

9.45pm Force v Rebels<br />

Saturday 9 april<br />

7.05pm Chiefs v Blues<br />

9.45pm Fijian Drua v Brumbies<br />

ROUND 9<br />

Friday 15 april<br />

7.05pm Moana Pasifika v Chiefs<br />

9.45pm Rebels v Reds<br />

Saturday 16 april<br />

7.05pm Highlanders v Hurricanes<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Force<br />


bye<br />

Chiefs, Hurricanes, Force, Rebels<br />

bye<br />

Moana Pasifika, Highlanders, Reds,<br />

Waratahs<br />

bye<br />

Blues, Crusaders, Brumbies, Fijian Drua<br />

ROUND 13<br />

ROUND 14<br />

ROUND 15<br />

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Friday 13 May<br />

7.05pm Highlanders v Force<br />

9.45pm Brumbies v Crusaders<br />

Saturday 14 May<br />

4.35pm Fijian Drua v Moana Pasifika<br />

7.05pm Blues v Reds<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Hurricanes<br />

Sunday 15 May<br />

4.00pm Rebels v Chiefs<br />

Friday 20 May<br />

7.05pm Crusaders v Fijian Drua<br />

9.45pm Reds v Moana Pasifika<br />

Saturday 21 May<br />

4.35pm Chiefs v Force<br />

7.05pm Hurricanes v Rebels<br />

9.45pm Brumbies v Blues<br />

Sunday 22 May<br />

3.35pm Highlanders v Waratahs<br />

Friday 27 May<br />

7.05pm Crusaders v Reds<br />

9.45pm Fijian Drua v Chiefs<br />

Saturday 28 May<br />

7.05pm Moana Pasifika v Brumbies<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Blues<br />

Sunday 29 May<br />

12.00am Force v Hurricanes<br />

4.00pm Rebels v Highlanders<br />


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ROUND 4<br />

Friday 11 March<br />

7.05pm Blues v Highlanders<br />

9.45pm Rebels v Brumbies<br />

ROUND 5<br />

Friday 18 March<br />

7.05pm Highlanders v Moana Pasifika<br />

9.45pm Brumbies v Reds<br />

ROUND 6<br />

Friday 25 March<br />

7.05pm Moana Pasifika v Hurricanes<br />

9.45pm Rebels v Fijian Drua<br />

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Saturday 12 March<br />

12.00am Force v Waratahs<br />

4.35pm Hurricanes v Moana Pasifika<br />

7.05pm Crusaders v Chiefs<br />

9.45pm Reds v Fijian Drua<br />

Saturday 19 March<br />

4.35pm Fijian Drua v Force<br />

7.05pm Hurricanes v Chiefs<br />

9.45pm Waratahs v Rebels<br />

Sunday 20 March<br />

3.35pm Crusaders v Blues<br />

Saturday 26 March<br />

4.35pm Highlanders v Blues<br />

7.05pm Chiefs v Crusaders<br />

9.45pm Reds v Waratahs<br />

Sunday 27 March<br />

4.00pm Brumbies v Force<br />

ROUND 10<br />

Friday 22 april<br />

8.00pm Chiefs v Waratahs<br />

10.30pm Moana Pasifika v Force<br />

Saturday 23 april<br />

7.05pm Blues v Fijian Drua<br />

9.45pm Hurricanes v Reds<br />

Sunday 24 april<br />

4.00pm Highlanders v Brumbies<br />

6.30pm Crusaders v Rebels<br />

______<br />

______<br />

______<br />

______<br />

Quarterfinals<br />

June 3 - 5<br />

_____________ v _____________<br />

_____________ v _____________<br />

_____________ v _____________<br />

_____________ v _____________<br />

ROUND 11<br />

Friday 29 april<br />

9.45pm Reds v Chiefs<br />

Saturday 30 april<br />

12.00am Force v Blues<br />

4.35pm Fijian Drua v Highlanders<br />

7.05pm Waratahs v Crusaders<br />

9.45pm Rebels v Moana Pasifika<br />

Sunday 1 May<br />

4.00pm Brumbies v Hurricanes<br />

Semifinals<br />

June 10 - 11<br />

________________ v _________________<br />

_____________<br />

________________ v _________________<br />

_____________<br />

ROUND 12<br />

Friday 6 May<br />

7.05pm Blues v Rebels<br />

9.45pm Reds v Highlanders<br />

Saturday 7 May<br />

4.35pm Moana Pasifika v Waratahs<br />

7.05pm Chiefs v Brumbies<br />

9.45pm Force v Crusaders<br />

Sunday 8 May<br />

3.35pm Hurricanes v Fijian Drua<br />

Finals<br />

Saturday June 18<br />

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12<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Milestone celebrated<br />

• By Fiona Ellis<br />


Grondelle joined the Halswell<br />

Pottery Group as a foundation<br />

member, she never imagined the<br />

the group would still be running<br />

over 50 years later.<br />

Last weekend the group held<br />

its 50th-anniversary exhibition<br />

at its Candys Rd clubrooms, delayed<br />

a year due to the Covid-19<br />

pandemic.<br />

The exhibition was “absolutely<br />

stunning”, Ngairie said.<br />

“It was a reasonably sized exhibition<br />

together with an exhibition<br />

of retrospective pots.”<br />

Over the years many talented<br />

pottery makers had trained in<br />

Halswell, and some of these<br />

works were on display in the retrospective<br />

exhibition, she said.<br />

In addition to members’ work,<br />

pottery demonstrations took<br />

place in a marquee in front of<br />

the clubrooms, and visitors were<br />

also able to see the group’s range<br />

of kilns.<br />

This included a wood kiln,<br />

which required stoking every<br />

three minutes, two large combustion<br />

kilns, an anagama kiln<br />

and a salt kiln.<br />

The level of public interest in<br />

spite of the “atrocious” weather<br />

stood out for Ngairie as a highlight.<br />

“People just came out, it was<br />

amazing, all day from 10am<br />

until we closed, there were<br />

people in large groups viewing<br />

the pots.”<br />

ANNIVERSARY: Katrina Wilke with one of her bowls at the<br />

Halswell Pottery Group’s 50th-anniversary exhibition, beside<br />

unique works by sculptor Jane Whales.<br />

Visitors were also interested in<br />

learning pottery with the group,<br />

to the point where the waitlist<br />

sometimes had to be closed, she<br />

said.<br />

“We get people coming<br />

back, and coming back, and<br />

CRAFT:<br />

Some of<br />

the earliest<br />

group members.<br />

(From<br />

left) – Ngairie<br />

Van Grondelle,<br />

Gaye<br />

Morton and<br />

Averil Cave.<br />

PHOTOS:<br />


coming back.”<br />

With the high level of enthusiasm<br />

for pottery, Ngaire was optimistic<br />

about the group’s future.<br />

“I firmly believe that with the<br />

right people it will be there in<br />

[another] 50 years.”<br />

UNDER WAY: An artist’s illustration of the St Albans skate<br />

park upgrade. Work is expected to be finished in April.<br />


Skate park expected<br />

to be finished<br />

for school holidays<br />

A $392,000 upgrade now under<br />

way at the St Albans skate park is<br />

good news for beginner scooters<br />

and skaters.<br />

Work on the project began in<br />

St Albans Park last week and is<br />

expected to be completed in time<br />

for the April school holidays.<br />

The upgrade has been in the<br />

pipeline since a skate jam at the<br />

park in 20<strong>17</strong> highlighted the lack<br />

of facilities to cater for beginners.<br />

Papanui-Innes Community<br />

Board chairwoman Emma Norrish<br />

said it was exciting to have<br />

reached the stage where construction<br />

was under way.<br />

“There’s been strong support<br />

in the community for a facility<br />

that will cater for those skate and<br />

scooter users of a beginner skill<br />

level,” Norrish said.<br />

“The concept and design has<br />

been developed with input from<br />

current skate park users, local<br />

school children, residents and<br />

businesses – it’s been a real community<br />

effort.”<br />

The new extension features<br />

a pyramid and wollie ledge, fat<br />

grind rail, hipped quarter pipe<br />

with platform, high ramp, new<br />

seating and an expanded concrete<br />

surface.<br />

The existing skate park will<br />

have a new hipped end installed<br />

on the quarter pipe, new balustrade<br />

barriers on the half-pipe<br />

platforms and the roll over and<br />

pump bump will be extended.<br />

Work on the Bishopdale<br />

skate park upgrade is expected<br />

to follow in April, catering for<br />

beginner to intermediate skaters.<br />

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Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 13<br />


Thinking about selling?<br />

Ray White Bishopdale & Strowan get results<br />

<strong>February</strong> is traditionally a month where we see an increase in<br />

activity from both buyers and sellers. There is a good balance<br />

between the number of listings and the number of buyers in<br />

the market place and those buyers that are in the market are<br />

there to buy now. The auction process is a tried and tested<br />

method that continues to obtain great results for our clients<br />

in our auction rooms.<br />

If you are wondering if now is the best time to list, call us<br />

today to have a chat about how we can get you Sold.<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

Average Number of<br />

Registered Bidders<br />

5<br />

Ray White<br />

Bishopdale<br />

& Strowan<br />

2.2<br />

Market<br />

Recently Sold at Auction<br />

$1,570,000<br />

$1,060,000<br />

$700,000<br />

$541,000<br />

85 Te Korari Street,<br />

Marshland<br />

410 Memorial Avenue,<br />

Burnside<br />

22 Spurway Place,<br />

Mairehau<br />

155 Ensors Road,<br />

Waltham<br />

Karen Ellis<br />

021 519 275<br />

The Rushworths<br />

021 451 <strong>17</strong>7<br />

Karen Ellis<br />

021 519 275<br />

Brodie Fransen<br />

027 556 3736<br />


Ray White BS Ray White BS<br />

Bishopdale & Bishopdale Strowan & Strowan<br />

0800 YELLOW (0800 935 569)<br />

0800 YELLOW (0800 935 569)<br />

5/333 Harewood Road, Bishopdale | 55 Blighs Road, Strowan<br />

5/333 Harewood Road, Bishopdale | 55 Blighs Road, Strowan<br />

rwbishopdale.co.nz | rwstrowan.co.nz<br />

rwbishopdale.co.nz | rwstrowan.co.nz<br />

Inline Realty Limited (Licensed REAA 2008)<br />

Inline Realty Limited (Licensed REAA 2008)<br />

Proudly owned by<br />

Karen Ellis<br />

021 519 275<br />

Barry Ellis<br />

021 519 274

14<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Cheaper, tastier plant-based tacos<br />


In Spanish, acorazados<br />

literally means armoured<br />

– and the key to success<br />

with these delicious bitesized<br />

Mexican tacos is to<br />

double wrap the tortilla<br />

around the filling to stop<br />

it from getting soggy and<br />

to keep the filling intact.<br />

They are rumoured to have<br />

been the favourite snacks<br />

of soldiers as the doublewrap<br />

meant they were<br />

easier to eat on the move<br />

Serves 4-6<br />

Ingredients<br />

•For the tomato rice<br />

½ red pepper<br />

1 Tbsp vegetable oil<br />

150g long-grain white rice<br />

250ml water<br />

Generous pinch of salt<br />

1 Tbsp tomato puree<br />

•For the chorizo<br />

½ red onion<br />

½ red pepper<br />

1 x 400g tin kidney beans<br />

100g plain flour<br />

50g stale bread<br />

30g sultanas<br />

2 tsp smoked paprika<br />

1 tsp garlic powder<br />

1 tsp ground cinnamon<br />

1 tsp ground coriander<br />

1 tsp ground cumin<br />

2 tsp soy sauce<br />

Handful of fresh coriander<br />

Salt and black pepper<br />

2 Tbsp vegetable oil<br />

•For the green beans<br />

120g green beans<br />

12 Tbsp wine or beer<br />

Salt<br />

•For the tomato and apple salsa<br />

3 large ripe tomatoes<br />

1 apple<br />

½ red onion<br />

Pinch of salt<br />

Pinch of dried chilli flakes<br />

Dash apple cider vinegar<br />

½ lime<br />

Handful of fresh coriander leaves<br />

•To serve<br />

½ lime<br />

16 small soft corn tortillas<br />

•Before you start<br />

Medium saucepan with a lid on a<br />

medium heat<br />

2 clean tea towels<br />

Food processor<br />

Frying pan with a lid<br />

Small saucepan with a lid<br />

Directions<br />

Make the tomato rice: Trim<br />

and finely dice the red pepper.<br />

Heat the oil in the saucepan and<br />

add half of the diced pepper. Stir<br />

and turn the heat down to low.<br />

Rinse the rice until the water<br />

runs clear, then add it to the pan<br />

with the water, salt and tomato<br />

puree. Stir to combine. Increase<br />

the heat, cover and bring to the<br />

boil. Once the water is boiling,<br />

reduce the heat again and cook<br />

on low for another 10min. Take<br />

off the heat and cover with<br />

a clean tea towel. Just before<br />

serving, uncover and fluff up the<br />

rice with a fork.<br />

Make the chorizo: Peel and<br />

roughly chop the onion. Roughly<br />

chop the pepper. Drain and<br />

rinse the kidney beans. Add all<br />

the chorizo ingredients except<br />

the vegetable oil to the food<br />

processor with a pinch of salt<br />

and pepper. Blitz to a thick,<br />

chunky paste. Pour half the oil<br />

into the frying pan and<br />

set it over a medium heat.<br />

Spoon in all the chorizo<br />

mixture and fry for 10min,<br />

allowing a crust to form.<br />

Break up the chorizo with a<br />

spoon and turn it around in<br />

the pan so that you get lots of<br />

bite-sized crispy bits. Add the<br />

remaining tablespoon of oil and<br />

cook for another 5min until<br />

crispy. Take the pan off the heat.<br />

Cook the green beans: Trim<br />

the beans and cut them into<br />

2½cm chunks. Put them in the<br />

small pan and add the wine or<br />

beer, and a pinch of salt. Cover<br />

and cook for 35min until tender.<br />

Take off the heat.<br />

Make the tomato and apple<br />

salsa: Trim and finely dice the<br />

tomatoes, apple and onion. Tip<br />

into a bowl and add the salt,<br />

chilli flakes and vinegar. Squeeze<br />

in the juice of the lime. Stir to<br />

mix and then add the coriander<br />

leaves.<br />

Prepare the tacos: Warm the<br />

tortillas in a dry pan, in the oven<br />

or the microwave and wrap in a<br />

clean tea towel to keep warm.<br />

Serve it up: Cut the lime<br />

into wedges. Take all the<br />

elements to the table for your<br />

guests to build their tacos.<br />

Double up two tortillas, fold to<br />

make a pocket and fill it with<br />

rice, chorizo, green beans and<br />

salsa. Squeeze over a little more<br />

lime and enjoy.

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 15<br />

100A Moorhouse Ave • Phone: 03 421 6997<br />

Email:moorhouse@bedpost.co.nz<br />


12 Months Interest Free Available<br />

In-store purchases $200 and over. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply.<br />

OffER ENDS 28 fEbRuARY <strong>2022</strong><br />


16<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />




SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />


WordBuilder<br />

131<br />

6<br />

L A N<br />

M Y I<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

231<br />

words of three or more letters,<br />

How many words of three or more<br />

including plurals, can you make from the six<br />

letters, using including each letter plurals, only once? can No you foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

make from the six letters, using<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

each only once? TODAY<br />

No Good words 16 beginning Very Good 20 with Excellent a capital 24<br />

are<br />

Solution<br />

allowed.<br />

130: gen,<br />

There’s<br />

gin, hew, HEWING,<br />

at least<br />

hewn,<br />

one<br />

hie,<br />

hinge, neigh, new, nigh, wen, when, whin, whine,<br />

six-letter WHINGE, wig, word. win, wine, wing.<br />

Good 16 Very Good 20 Excellent 24<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14 15<br />

16<br />

DECO<br />

13<br />

<strong>17</strong> 18<br />

19<br />

20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26<br />

27 28<br />

29 30<br />

31 32<br />


No.131<br />

14 15 16 <strong>17</strong> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

X Q L J V C B Z O M I T A<br />

33 34<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

W D N F H R Y G S P K U E<br />

Across<br />

1. Concealed (6)<br />

5. Decapitate (6)<br />

10. Model (7)<br />

11. Tell a story (7)<br />

P T<br />

14 15 16 <strong>17</strong> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

E<br />

Decoder<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

12. Mould (6)<br />

15. Adjacent (6)<br />

16. Tiered (7)<br />

<strong>17</strong>. Fibbed (4)<br />

25 26 6 23 18 2<br />

11 26 1 5 23 20 23 12 24 26 <strong>17</strong> 23<br />

18. Leer (4)<br />

19. Half man, half horse (7)<br />

20. Strike breaker (4)<br />

22. Puncture (4)<br />

25. Go backwards (7)<br />

27. Hidden (6)<br />

28. Extreme fear (6)<br />

31. Inspect (7)<br />

32. Straddled (7)<br />

33. Idolise (6)<br />

34. Regard (6)<br />

4 23 4 26 26 13 11<br />

Down<br />

2. Sudden urge (7)<br />

3. Nonsense (6)<br />

4. Close (4)<br />

5. Sash (4)<br />

6. Injured (6)<br />

7. Remarkable (7)<br />

8. Basic, primitive (6)<br />

9. Go back on a deal (6)<br />

13. Gambled (7)<br />

14. 100 years (7)<br />

15. Gift given in a will (7)<br />

20. Season (6)<br />

21. Alleviate (7)<br />

23. Water-powered engine (7)<br />

24. Keg (6)<br />

25. Dwell (6)<br />

26. Group of seven (6)<br />

29. Relinquish (4)<br />

30. Bundle (4)<br />

12 18 19 22 12 14 26 13 6 11 4 10<br />

1 7 11 21 12 1<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

18 16 24 2 7 18 6 22 9 5<br />

11 16 26 3 <strong>17</strong><br />

10 4 22 19 9 1 8 13 26 23<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />

www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz<br />

2 24 18 19 19 9<br />

1 2 26 23 1 25 18 22 26 13 19 18<br />


Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Each Enter number the given represents letters into a different all squares letter with of the matching alphabet. numbers. Write the<br />

given The challenge letters into now all squares is to work with out matching which letters numbers. are Now represented work out<br />

which<br />

by the<br />

letters<br />

other<br />

are<br />

numbers.<br />

represented<br />

As you<br />

by the<br />

get<br />

other<br />

the<br />

numbers.<br />

letters, enter<br />

As you<br />

them<br />

get<br />

into<br />

the<br />

letters,<br />

the main<br />

write<br />

grid,<br />

them<br />

and<br />

into<br />

the<br />

the<br />

reference<br />

main grid and<br />

grid.<br />

the<br />

To<br />

reference<br />

keep track<br />

grid. Decoder<br />

of the<br />

uses all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

T<br />

<strong>17</strong> 2 19 8 9 19<br />

26 18 24 26 6 7 4 16 22 1 13 6<br />

7 16 12 26 26 22 13<br />

1 13 13 11 13 3 2 19 5 22 6 13<br />

26 23 25 23 24 10 10<br />

11 12 6 26 24 2 4<br />

16 12 23 10 18 24 14 13 3<br />

11 26 5 6 6 10 21<br />

B I D<br />

4 22 6 26 7 20 24 11 13<br />

4 23 1 16 8 15 10<br />

26 20 24 2 13 25 5 6 22 12 8 5<br />

19 9 18 7 22 26 7<br />

13 7 13 16 13 25 1 24 3 3 13 6<br />

25 6 6 3 25 9<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

D<br />

14 15 16 <strong>17</strong> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

B<br />

I<br />


No.130<br />

23 19 23 9 18 22 19 15 24 23 10 11<br />

E<br />

5 26 16 6 23 21<br />

P<br />

Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />

The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />

by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />

the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />

letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

132<br />

131<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

B J Y I Z M C Q O X W H V<br />

L D R K U G E A T N S F P<br />

14 15 16 <strong>17</strong> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 1. Hidden, 5.<br />

Behead, 10. Replica, 11.<br />

Narrate, 12. Mildew, 15.<br />

Beside, 16. Layered, <strong>17</strong>.<br />

Lied, 18. Ogle, 19. Centaur,<br />

20. Scab, 22. Stab, 25.<br />

Regress, 27. Masked, 28.<br />

Terror, 31. Examine, 32.<br />

Astride, 33. Revere, 34.<br />

Esteem.<br />

Down: 2. Impulse, 3. Drivel,<br />

4. Near, 5. Band, 6. Harmed,<br />

7. Amazing, 8. Primal, 9.<br />

Renege, 13. Wagered, 14.<br />

Century, 15. Bequest, 20.<br />

Summer, 21. Assuage, 23.<br />

Turbine, 24. Barrel, 25.<br />

Reside, 26. Septet, 29.<br />

Cede, 30. Bale.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

ail, aim, amyl, ani, any, inlay,<br />

inly, lain, lam, lay, limn,<br />

limy, mail, main, MAINLY,<br />

man, manly, many, may,<br />

mil, myna, nail, nay, nil, nim,<br />

yam, yin.<br />

Sudoku<br />


132<br />

A F Shuker<br />

Supplied by KNIGHT FEATURES<br />

20 Crescent Grove, London SW4 7AH<br />

Tel: 020 7622 1467 Fax: 020 7622 1522<br />

Email: info@knightfeatures.co.uk

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>17</strong><br />

Exclusive Private<br />

Appointments<br />

Join us for a private appointment at<br />

Summerset on Cavendish<br />

If you’ve ever been curious about village life, now’s the<br />

time to get in touch as our wonderful village community<br />

at Summerset on Cavendish is growing quickly and<br />

homes are selling fast.<br />

We’d love to give you a taste of the Summerset life that<br />

our residents love so much and show you around our<br />

stunning village and show homes, so we’re taking private<br />

appointments each week this month.<br />

Spaces are limited so you’ll need to RSVP<br />

Call our friendly sales team on 03 741 3340 to book<br />

your spot.<br />

We’re looking forward to seeing you!<br />

Private<br />

Appointments<br />

Every week this month<br />

RSVP essential<br />

03 741 3340<br />

Summerset on Cavendish<br />

147 Cavendish Road,<br />

Casebrook<br />

For the latest information on visiting our villages please<br />

call the sales manager or visit summerset.co.nz/covid-19<br />

03 741 3340 | summerset.co.nz/casebrook<br />


18<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

20 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

Secure your entry now | city2Surf.co.nz<br />

Proudly supporting the New Zealand Flying Doctors Service

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 19<br />

Business<br />

Opportunity<br />

moneymakingideas.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

ROOF<br />

PAINTING 24/7<br />

Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


20% OFF other<br />

roof quotes<br />

Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

water blasting.<br />

Moss and mould<br />

treatment $300.<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

Trades & Services<br />

BETTER<br />


Better job. Better<br />

Price. Better ring Grant<br />

0277402508<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />


New builds, alterations,<br />

decks, fencing. 30 yrs in<br />

the trade has given me<br />

ability to build to a high<br />

standard. Free quotes. Ph<br />

Brent 027 241 7471<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


local professional, int/<br />

Ext,roofs,wallpaper, call<br />

or text Corban 027 846<br />

5035<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks -<br />

Wall incl tile removal, Ph<br />

Dave 027 334 4125<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD or<br />

USB. Video taping<br />

special occasions, www.<br />

grahamsvideo.co.nz ph 03<br />

338-1655<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS, Garden garage,<br />

saw benches, Lathes. Cash<br />

buyer Phone 355-2045<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Exposed Aggregate<br />

Stamped Concrete Plain<br />

Concrete Resurfacing<br />

Things we offer...<br />

Competitive/affordable pricing<br />

Attention to detail<br />

Professional service<br />

free quotes/insurance scopes<br />

Cell 0278 145 848<br />

www.drivecrete.co.nz<br />



• Father & son Plumbing Business with over<br />

40 years experience.<br />

• Bathroom alterations a specialty.<br />

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• We do all small jobs.<br />

Call us now for fast friendly service.<br />

Get your problems sorted out<br />

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Phone 03 377 1280 | Mobile 021 898 380<br />

Specializing in:<br />

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Trades & Services<br />


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Canterbury Owned and Operated<br />

A husband and wife team<br />

Noel 027-411-3596<br />

kemp.painters@gmail.com<br />

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20<br />

Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

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