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A Toolkit for a New

Emission Free Mode of Transport

Trevor Gornall

Photography by Maarten van der Wolf

Long-distance transport without

batteries, particulates or CO 2

emissions. What if the LAVO bike

could actually make that possible?

Many reading this might

agree that bikes are a great

transport option offering

multiple benefits to individuals

and society alike. Affordable

and accessible, convenient,

environmentally friendly and

offering a source of regular, low

impact exercise whilst reducing

traffic congestion. What’s

not to love? Electric bikes

have made cycling even more

accessible and attractive to a

wider audience, enabling more

people than ever to experience

the benefits, freedom and

convenience of two-wheeled

travel. However, there remain

some concerns about exactly

how environmentally friendly

the production and disposal of

e-bike batteries are. And they

are heavy, adding considerable

weight to the bike. But are

there any viable alternatives? Is

it time to have a complete rethink

about how we power our

e-bikes and other vehicles? The

guys at LAVO think so, and they

have come up with a thoughtprovoking

concept that could

challenge the assumption that

the switch from fossil fuels will

automatically mean a move to

electrically powered vehicles.

Anyone old enough to recall

the Betamax brand name and

the ‘videotape format war’

of the mid-to-late seventies

may remain similarly cautious

about the early adoption of

new tech. Back then a cloud

was but a mere cumulonimbus

and watching a movie of your

own choice in your own home

required considerably more

effort than scrolling through the

‘Marvel Cinematic Universe’,

whatever that is.

Oh no, the simple act of

watching a movie often

required a good half day to be

allocated to the endeavour. It

involved a journey to a local

rental store (big shoutout to

the Blockbuster massive) and,

in my case, several hours of

staring at the covers of empty



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