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‘‘Relationship Goals’ have

made us far from being


Did you ever come across a couple posting

about their fights over house chores or

financials? No. You don’t get to see the daily

struggles or the drama. It is not always as exotic

as it looks, what’s posted for the public is usually

the furthest from the reality they’re living.

Feature et

‘Relationship Goals’ taught

us to make constant comparisons

Focusing on what others have and dedicating

too much attention to how others have it differently

than you takes your attention away from

your relationship and directs it towards others.

When you make a habit of constantly comparing

what you have with the rest, sooner or later

you’ll sabotage your love and become less grateful

for what you have.

‘Relationship Goals’ have

made us less appreciative of

the little things

Small gestures have become less noticeable

and appreciated because what we mostly see

now are posh things and extravagant proposals.

In this day and age, love is measured based

on materialistic things rather than those simple

little acts that show real love.

Everyone has it their own way, and that

makes neither you nor them wrong or right.

Focus on what you have, make the ‘Relationship

Goals’ ones that you set for yourself, not

goals based on what you see around. Yes, it is

part of human nature wanting to be better or

have it better, but it’s not always greener on the

other side.



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