This Is Our Wellington 9

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<strong>This</strong> is our<br />

LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />


Inside<br />

Welcome to the new<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Mayor<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

celebrates the<br />

Queen’s Platinum<br />

Jubilee<br />

Walking With Giants<br />

in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Blooming good<br />

times in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Summer 2022 | <strong>Is</strong>sue Number 9

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Town Council<br />

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

How to contact <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

Civic Offices, Larkin Way, Tan Bank, <strong>Wellington</strong>,<br />

Telford, Shropshire TF1 1LX<br />

Ward<br />

Councillors<br />

Do you know which Councillor represents<br />

your Ward? See list of Councillors below,<br />

contact details are via the Town Council.<br />


Telephone: 01952 567697<br />

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk<br />

Cllr Joan<br />

Gorse<br />

Cllr Angela<br />

McClements<br />

Cllr Giles<br />

Luter<br />

www.facebook.com/<strong>Wellington</strong>TCShropshire<br />


twitter.com/<strong>Wellington</strong>TCI<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council Officers<br />

Cllr Dorothy Roberts<br />

Mayor<br />

Karen Roper<br />

Town Clerk<br />

Andrew Roberts<br />

Deputy Town Clerk<br />

Cllr Lee<br />

Carter<br />

Cllr John<br />

Latter<br />

Cllr Usman<br />

Ahmed<br />

Caroline Mulvihill<br />

Communications and<br />

Events Manager<br />

Paola Armstrong<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Festival and<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Steve Warwood <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Crier<br />

Sally Themans<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong>, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Regeneration & <strong>This</strong> is our<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Magazine<br />


02<br />

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

Cllr Phil Morris-<br />

Jones MBE<br />

Cllr Karen<br />

Tomlinson<br />

Cllr Lisa Jinks<br />

Important Contacts and Numbers<br />


Rubbish and Recycling team – bins<br />

Email: recyclefortelford@telford.gov.uk<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384<br />

Planning and Development<br />

Telephone: 01952 380380<br />

Email: planning.control@telford.gov.uk<br />

Housing Solutions team<br />

Telephone: 01952 381925<br />

Neighbourhood and Enforcement<br />

Services<br />

Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />

03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />

Roads and Highways<br />

Highways Maintenance team<br />

Telephone: 01952 384000<br />

Email: highways@telford.gov.uk<br />

Cllr Miles<br />

Hosken<br />

Cllr Dorothy<br />

Roberts<br />


Cllr Sylvia<br />

Hall<br />

Birth, deaths and marriages<br />

Telephone: 01952 382444<br />

register.office@telford.gov.uk<br />

Abandoned rubbish - Neighbourhood<br />

and Leisure Services<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />

or 03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />

Email: recyclefortelford@telford.gov.uk<br />

Child sexual exploitation<br />

Telephone: 01952 385385<br />

Citizens Advice Telford & The Wrekin<br />

Telephone: 0300 330 1165<br />

Telford and Wrekin Community Help Line<br />

01952 382030<br />

Family connect 01952 385385<br />

Job Box 01952 382888<br />

Mind 0300 1240365<br />

Maninplace 01952 248248<br />

Steer Clear knife crime 01952 214747<br />

Street Link – homeless 0300 500 0914<br />

Dog Fouling Telephone 01952 384384<br />

(office hours) 03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />

Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

Noise - Public Protection team<br />

Telephone: 01952 381818<br />

Email:<br />

environmental.health@telford.gov.uk<br />

Pest Control<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384<br />

Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

Citizens Advice consumer helpline<br />

Telephone: 0808 223 1133<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Library<br />

Telephone: 01952 382990<br />

Email: wellington.library@telford.gov.uk<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Leisure Centre<br />

Telephone: 01952 382720<br />

Email: wellingtonleisure@telford.gov.uk<br />

Cllr Graham<br />

Cook<br />


Cllr Chris<br />

Brittain<br />

Cllr Stephen<br />

deLauney<br />

Cllr John Alvey<br />

Cllr Julie<br />

Pierce<br />


Cllr Pat<br />

Fairclough<br />

Cllr Crispin<br />

Barker<br />

Cllr Paul<br />

Davis<br />

Cllr Anthony<br />


Cllr Dorothy Roberts<br />

A message from the Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Welcome from our new<br />

Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong>, Cllr<br />

Mrs Dorothy Roberts<br />

I<br />

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> has<br />

been designed and printed by<br />

Plus Two Media Limited.<br />

Plus<br />

Media<br />

Limited<br />

All text copyright<br />

© <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

2022 / Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Photographs supplied by Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> and <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council additional pictures from<br />

Wrekin News / Plus Two Media<br />

Limited archive.<br />

For more information about<br />

newsletter and brochure design<br />

and printing please contact James<br />

Baylis, Telephone: 07977 481186<br />

or email James:<br />

james@plus2media.co.uk<br />

www.plus2media.co.uk<br />

Cover shot: Jubilee cake made by<br />

Lynda Brench, Photo by Jackie<br />

McCarthy, (p3) Lychgate picture<br />

by Paul Davis.<br />

The views expressed in <strong>This</strong> is <strong>Our</strong><br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> are those of the individual<br />

contributors and not necessarily the<br />

views of the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council,<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> or Plus Two Media<br />

Limited.<br />

am honoured to have been elected as<br />

Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong> and am keen to build<br />

on our achievements in regenerating our<br />

town. I have been interested for a long<br />

time in supporting our lively community<br />

spirit and will continue to do so. I would like to<br />

thank the outgoing Mayor, Cllr Paul Davis, and<br />

wish him well.<br />

It has been a very busy few months in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>, with the <strong>Wellington</strong> Festival taking<br />

place in May – we must thank the festival<br />

committee for their hard work in presenting<br />

over 26 varied events and activities across<br />

a wealth of venues. We were impressed by<br />

the community production of the musical<br />

‘Godspell’ at All Saints Church and applaud<br />

the Wrekin Rowers for their bravery in rowing<br />

the Atlantic and telling of their extraordinary<br />

experiences at the Belfrey Theatre. All in<br />

all a great festival and again thanks to the<br />

committee and in particular Paola Armstrong<br />

of <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council for organising<br />

such a professional and packed programme.<br />

Platinum Jubilee celebrations<br />

In June we celebrated Her Majesty’s<br />

Platinum Jubilee in true <strong>Wellington</strong> style,<br />

including a wonderful Midsummer Fayre,<br />

complete with a procession and a host of<br />

entertainers in the Market Square and New<br />

Street. <strong>This</strong> event, which was organised by<br />

Rob Francis of <strong>Wellington</strong> H2A and Caroline<br />

Mulvihill of the town council, also saw the<br />

first appearance of our new <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Crier, Steve Warwood, and we welcome him<br />

and look forward to his presence at many<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> events to come.<br />

The weekend coincided with a visit<br />

from our French twin town of Châtenay-<br />

Malabry, and it was super to see our guests<br />

joining in the celebrations in style. Intrepid<br />

residents climbed The Wrekin to be part of<br />

the beacon event and over the weekend<br />

there were many community events and<br />

street parties, and the rain just about<br />

managed to hold off.<br />

‘Above and Beyond’<br />

I was honoured to attend a garden<br />

party hosted by the Lord Lieutenant of<br />

Shropshire, Mrs Anna Turner, at Orleton<br />

Hall to thank members of the Shropshire<br />

community who went ‘above and beyond’<br />

during the pandemic, and was pleased to see<br />

representation from <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

On the subject of community, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

won the ‘Large Town’ category of ‘Shropshire’s<br />

Outstanding Community’ and as I write, I look<br />

forward to celebrating this achievement with<br />

members of different organisations who make<br />

our town so worthy of this award at a tea<br />

party at Sunnycroft, as part of the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Open Gardens Weekend.<br />

My charities this year are KIP, an<br />

appointment-based service offering<br />

assistance to people presenting as homeless<br />

or rough sleeping in the Telford & Wrekin area<br />

and also Combat Stress, a charity that helps<br />

veterans coping with PTSD. I hope you will<br />

support me in my fundraising efforts for such<br />

worthy causes.<br />

I do hope you enjoy this edition of ‘<strong>This</strong> is<br />

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong>’.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Cllr Dorothy Roberts<br />

03<br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />


LOVE<br />

Community News<br />

Walking With Giants<br />


GROUP<br />

TALKS<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> History group will<br />

be holding the following talks<br />

over the coming months:<br />

l Thursday 21 July – Wendy<br />

Palin, ‘Walk and Talk’<br />

l Thursday 15 September<br />

– ‘Philip Larkin: The<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Years’ by Dr<br />

Philip Pullen (from the<br />

Larkin Society) - talk funded<br />

by <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council.<br />

Both talks start at 7:30pm at<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Library.<br />

04<br />


CIVIC<br />


VISIT<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Civic Society, who<br />

meet monthly and hold social<br />

events and trips throughout<br />

the year, recently enjoyed a<br />

trip to historic Powis Castle.<br />

Famed for housing the Clive<br />

collection of East Asian and<br />

Indian artefacts as well as its<br />

stunning gardens, the group<br />

were pleased to hold this trip –<br />

the first for two years.<br />

If you would like to join the<br />

Civic Society please contact<br />

Eileen Sanderson<br />

l e_sanderson@live.com<br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />

lovewellingtonshropshire<br />

l Pictured: Marc Petty with Cllrs Julie Pierce and Anthony Lowe.<br />

A<br />

new project has launched in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> which aims to retell the<br />

globetrotting tales of our town’s<br />

incredible cultural connections.<br />

The Walking With Giants trail is the<br />

latest offering from long-running community<br />

organisation <strong>Wellington</strong> Local Agenda 21 Group<br />

and celebrates the artistic heritage of our town<br />

and its near-neighbour The Wrekin - retracing<br />

the footsteps of countless writers, musicians<br />

and artists who have been influenced by the<br />

area, and shining a light on numerous local<br />

places associated with their lives.<br />

Shropshire dyslexia ambassador Eli Wilkinson from <strong>Wellington</strong> received<br />

an MBE for services to dyslexia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.<br />

Eli, who founded the Dyslexic Dyslexia Consultant 15 years ago<br />

and launched the annual Dyslexia Awards in 2015, has dedicated<br />

almost her entire working career to raising awareness and greater<br />

understanding of dyslexia, supporting thousands of individuals to<br />

adopt a more positive mindset about their own abilities, working<br />

with educators and employers across Shropshire and beyond to<br />

drive greater awareness and inclusivity in the workplace.<br />

l Pictured: Eli Wilkinson, by Gavin Dickson/Be Bold Media<br />

Marc Petty of LA21 said, “It’s a story charting a<br />

course from the windswept Yorkshire moorlands<br />

of Brönte Country to Merseybeat-era Liverpool,<br />

via the streets of 1920s New York and an Atlantic<br />

crossing to Patagonia - a truly epic adventure<br />

without ever leaving the confines of <strong>Wellington</strong>!”<br />

The scheme is supported by West Midlands<br />

Railways ‘Your Community, Your Fund’<br />

programme, and has enabled the creation<br />

of a free heritage trail booklet (available<br />

from a range of local outlets, including the<br />

library and The <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit).<br />

wellingtonwalkwithgiants.co.uk<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> lady recongnised in Queen’s honours

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

volunteers<br />

recognised<br />

Two volunteers from <strong>Wellington</strong> were amongst<br />

600 guests at a Buckingham Palace-style<br />

garden party at Orleton Hall in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

to thank people from all over Shropshire for<br />

their efforts to support others during the<br />

pandemic, organised by Shropshire’s Lord<br />

Lieutenant Anna Turner. Dorota Sobilo and<br />

Karolina Pietruch-Piszczek of <strong>Wellington</strong>’s<br />

Polish community group were invited after<br />

their efforts to help NHS workers and create masks.<br />

The group had collected sweets, coffee, food and items for NHS workers at<br />

the start of the pandemic, and then set up their own production line making face<br />

masks. Since the war in Ukraine began the pair have also helped collect items to<br />

help those affected – with the collections resulting in 11 lorry loads being sent out<br />

to Eastern Europe.<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Arts Collective’s<br />

Wrekin project go-ahead<br />

Italian Scooterfest<br />

in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

On Sunday 4 September, <strong>Wellington</strong> will host a<br />

unique ‘Italian scooter day’- a first for our town<br />

and the UK. New Street and Market Square will<br />

be packed with scooters of all types and vintage,<br />

with riders coming from as far as Cheshire and<br />

Staffordshire to meet up and enjoy local cafes and<br />

restaurants. David Morris, Director of the ‘Italian<br />

Auto Moto Club’ said, ‘’As far as we know, this event<br />

is the first time in the UK that a town has hosted<br />

an event purely for scooters on its central streets.<br />

It’s great to get enthusiasts to come to meet up<br />

in a town setting and help to regenerate the local<br />

economy. All the riders and their pillion passengers<br />

will be eating and drinking locally, and we are glad<br />

to be able to play a part in bringing visitors and new<br />

money into this historically important town.”<br />

It is hoped that if this first event proves as<br />

successful it will be held it annually, becoming<br />

one of the most important events in the national<br />

scooter calendar.<br />

05<br />

The <strong>Wellington</strong> Arts Collective are a<br />

group of professional artist makers and<br />

educators, who all share a connection<br />

to <strong>Wellington</strong> and span the creative<br />

mediums in clay, paint, collage, wood<br />

and metal as well as the written word.<br />

Combined they have many years<br />

experience of working with an array<br />

of community groups and together<br />

they aim to provide high quality arts<br />

to the local community and strive to<br />

put <strong>Wellington</strong> on the map as a thriving<br />

artistic town.<br />

The collective are currently working<br />

on a sculptural piece of work for<br />

the top of The Wrekin called ‘The<br />

Sky Begins at My Feet’, having been<br />

successful in an application to Telford<br />

& Wrekin Council, and have invited<br />

primary school pupils and a range of<br />

diverse community groups to be part<br />

of the project that will see individuals’<br />

work displayed publicly for many years<br />

to come. The sculpture will enhance<br />

the already-existing features of The<br />

Wrekin, and will aim to enrich the<br />

experience people have when visiting<br />

the site, which is famous for having<br />

the most diverse geology found in the<br />

world.<br />

Library staff spotlight<br />

At Love <strong>Wellington</strong> we like to show our appreciation<br />

of all the good things about <strong>Wellington</strong>… so here is<br />

a shout out to the hardworking library staff. Always<br />

dignified, respectful and helpful to members of the<br />

public. So thank you to the staff of Susie, Rachel<br />

and Cameron (in photo) and to Amy, Fiona and<br />

Nicola, headed up by Anna Hill for your contribution<br />

to making <strong>Wellington</strong> such a great place to live.

LOVE<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> News<br />

Time to get walking<br />

06<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Walking Festival,<br />

organised by<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Walkers<br />

are Welcome,<br />

runs from 12 – 18 September and<br />

will feature 30 events ranging<br />

from gentle strolls to a strenuous<br />

14-mile walk, with something to suit<br />

everyone. The start will see three<br />

varied walks leaving <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Leisure Centre at 10am on Monday<br />

Charltonbury<br />

Festival returns<br />

After a three year gap, Charltonbury festival,<br />

organised by head of drama and assistant vice<br />

principal Anna Vickers, returned to the Charlton<br />

School in June in a showcase featuring dance, choral<br />

and musical performances from all <strong>Wellington</strong> primary<br />

schools and the members of the Expressive Arts<br />

department at the Charlton.<br />

12 September as well as established favourites, and nine new<br />

events.<br />

The new ventures include a collaboration with <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

History Group looking at <strong>Wellington</strong>’s listed buildings,<br />

a Heritage Open Day event celebrating the life of the<br />

inventor of the world’s first electric car and a chance to<br />

visit the Weald Moors. Walks will include the Telford T50<br />

50 Mile trail in four and a half days, each stage being<br />

accessed by public transport from <strong>Wellington</strong>. Booking is<br />

needed for most of these very popular events. Please visit<br />

wellingtonwalkersarewelcome.org.uk/festival for further<br />

details, booking and the full programme.<br />

Nationwide support of YMCA<br />

Nationwide Building<br />

Society have presented<br />

a cheque to <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

& District YMCA having<br />

secured a community<br />

grant of £50,000. The<br />

charity, which provides<br />

support to vulnerable<br />

people in Telford through<br />

a variety of services<br />

such as supported<br />

accommodation for 16-<br />

25 year olds and life skills<br />

training, was delighted to accept a cheque from Christina Johnson branch<br />

manager from the Nationwide <strong>Wellington</strong> team.<br />

Christina said, “<strong>Our</strong> team are also looking forward to supporting young<br />

people with mini sessions about finances; such as saving for a first home,<br />

managing bills, or opening a current account - but more importantly this will<br />

help build relationships so young people can walk through our door knowing<br />

we are here to support and look after them.”<br />

l Christina Johnson from <strong>Wellington</strong> Nationwide, Murray Graham and Louisa Howells-Morgan from<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> YMCA.<br />

Defibrillator donation<br />

for Sir John Bayley Club<br />

Representatives of the Sir John Bayley Club received a cheque<br />

for £2,040 from the Shropshire County Minor Football League.<br />

The league has been using the club facilities for many years and<br />

donated money to the club to purchase a defibrillator.

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

LOVE<br />

Queen’s Baton honour<br />

for Wrekin Rowers<br />

Jubilee<br />

Celebrations!<br />

As well as countless tea parties and<br />

celebrations around <strong>Wellington</strong> there<br />

were some unique ways in which<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> celebrated the Queen’s<br />

Platinum Jubilee (please see back cover<br />

for Midsummer Fayre pictures).<br />

Did you spot some great Jubilee<br />

themed yarn bombing in <strong>Wellington</strong>?<br />

Angela Moore and Darcy Lear, who both<br />

live in <strong>Wellington</strong>, were the creators of<br />

the terrific topper which appeared on<br />

the post box outside the Red Lion on the<br />

Holyhead Road.<br />

Angie said; “The topper is a<br />

combination of both crochet and knitting.<br />

It’s been wonderful to hear and see on<br />

Facebook that the community has been<br />

enjoying our contribution to the Jubilee.”<br />

Other <strong>Wellington</strong> residents, including<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> and friends, took part in<br />

the beacon of light event on The Wrekin<br />

on the Jubilee weekend – a snake of 500<br />

people all with torches to create a path of<br />

light climbing up our famous hill.<br />

07<br />

l Rower Stuart Shepherd, nominator Sally Themans and rower Stuart Richards.<br />

A pair of <strong>Wellington</strong> ‘heroes’ who<br />

completed the world’s toughest<br />

rowing race have now been selected<br />

to take part in a second epic journey.<br />

Stuart Shepherd and Stuart<br />

Richards, two members of the<br />

Wrekin Rowers team which travelled<br />

3,000 miles across the Atlantic at the<br />

end of last year, have been chosen<br />

to carry the Queen’s baton on part<br />

of its journey across the world<br />

to the Commonwealth Games in<br />

Birmingham this July.<br />

Stuart Shepherd said that he was<br />

thrilled to have been nominated by<br />

Sally Themans of Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

for the honour, “I am really looking<br />

forward to the event – it is amazing<br />

to be given the opportunity to<br />

continue representing <strong>Wellington</strong> at a<br />

national level,” he said.<br />

Sally commented, “The Wrekin<br />

Rowers made a huge impression on<br />

the people of <strong>Wellington</strong>, as well as<br />

raising over £100,000. They have<br />

been extremely generous with their<br />

time and their obvious appreciation<br />

of the <strong>Wellington</strong> community who got<br />

behind them, bringing their boat to<br />

the Market Square and mentioning<br />

the town when they landed in<br />

Antigua.<br />

Fellow crew member Stuart<br />

Richards, who will also be carrying<br />

the baton in the relay, was nominated<br />

by Tanya Bebb from <strong>Wellington</strong>.

LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Regeneration News<br />

08<br />

ARE YOU A<br />


BASED IN<br />


If so then you are most<br />

welcome to join the Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Business WhatsApp<br />

group – which welcomed Zak<br />

Hammond of Red Brick Café<br />

as its 100th member. Please<br />

email lovewellington2020@<br />

gmail.com to join. It is a great<br />

place for networking, news and<br />

working together for the good<br />

of <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />




In June <strong>Wellington</strong> businesses<br />

met in person after a two-year<br />

break, hosted by Bill and Simon<br />

at The Cock Hotel. With over 20<br />

businesses in attendance, the<br />

group saw a presentation about<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s regeneration plans<br />

and agreed various initiatives to<br />

work together.<br />

The next Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

business meeting will take place<br />

on Tuesday 6 September at Q<br />

Financial Services.<br />




DOWN...<br />

Over the last three years,<br />

Telford & Wrekin Council’s<br />

Pride in <strong>Our</strong> High Street<br />

project has awarded a total<br />

of 45 grants to businesses in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> – including startup<br />

grants designed to attract new<br />

business, as well as 11 additional<br />

grants to help diversification<br />

(Covid recovery grants). In 2018<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s vacancy rate was<br />

15%, well above the national<br />

average of 11%; in 2022 the<br />

vacancy rate had fallen to<br />

9.25%, well below the national<br />

and regional average of 14%.<br />



The Friends of <strong>Wellington</strong> Station<br />

group has finished work on the<br />

innovative project to create a haven<br />

for wildlife and ‘green sanctuary’ for<br />

visitors and travellers, using a derelict<br />

and overgrown piece of land at <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Station.<br />

“The station really is the gateway to<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>, so we were keen to make a garden<br />

which creates a lasting first impression of<br />

the town,” said FOWS member Cllr Julie<br />

Pierce. “With the help of local contractor<br />

Pryce Builders and Telford & Wrekin Council<br />

for project management support we have<br />

now created an amazing space, which we<br />

hope will eventually include bee and birdfriendly<br />

wildflowers and plants, a bug hotel<br />

and butterfly feeding station, as well as seats<br />


Originally from the Kujawsko-pomorskie region of Poland,<br />

Alicja Ogonowska is now a crucial part of the civil litigation<br />

team at Clarkes Solicitors in <strong>Wellington</strong> and it’s hoped this will<br />

be of benefit to the large Polish community in <strong>Wellington</strong>, with<br />

a Polish speaking lawyer available.<br />

“Nobody understands better than she does the challenges<br />

of adapting to a new culture, a new way of life, and of learning<br />

a radically different language, all the while maintaining ties with<br />

home and family and coping with the constant pain of missing<br />

them,” said Luke Taylor of Clarkes.<br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />

and information about walking routes around<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>.”<br />

The hard landscaping has been completed<br />

and the friends are now looking for businesses,<br />

residents and groups to get on board to<br />

sponsor raised beds, provide plants or<br />

donations which can be used to buy plants and<br />

have set up a crowdfunding site gofundme.<br />

com/f/wellington-station-secret-garden.<br />

The garden was financed from a £45,000<br />

grant from West Midlands Railway’s ‘Your<br />

Community, Your Fund’ as part of a project<br />

called the <strong>Wellington</strong> Ways, which has also<br />

seen new signage to promote walking and<br />

cycling routes installed. The grant was matched<br />

through volunteer labour from the Friends of<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Station and project management<br />

from Telford & Wrekin Council.<br />


<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

LOVE<br />



As well as highlighting the<br />

new entrepreneurs in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> – it’s also time<br />

to celebrate our more long<br />

term businesses – and Nicola<br />

Powell, proprietor of Man<br />

About Town in <strong>Wellington</strong>,<br />

is marking 42 years as one<br />

of Shropshire’s longestestablished<br />

barbers.<br />

“We have always prided<br />

ourselves on great<br />

communication with clients,<br />

having a laugh and developing amazing friendships with customers over the<br />

years,” says Nicola, who has owned the traditional barbers in Queen Street for<br />

a decade. “It’s a small team here of myself, Gail Jones who has worked here for<br />

the last 30 years, and Nick McDonald who joined us four years ago.<br />

“We are delighted to be still serving the people of <strong>Wellington</strong> after over four<br />

decades and are looking forward to building our business up even further in<br />

years to come.”<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Business<br />

News<br />

Comedy nights<br />

The Gratitude Café on Duke Street and<br />

The Red Brick Café in the Market have<br />

started regular comedy nights which are<br />

attracting great crowds – another reason<br />

to Love <strong>Wellington</strong>!<br />

New businesses<br />

open their doors<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> continues to attract new<br />

businesses, and we wish them the very<br />

best…<br />

l Chatka (New Street, next to Savers)<br />

l Workplace Telford (New Street)<br />

l Landau (in former Barclays Bank)<br />

l Casper Stores (New Street)<br />

l Manga Crate (<strong>Wellington</strong> Market)<br />

l Mature (formerly Meduza on Parade)<br />

l Harleys Barbers (Crown St/Tan Bank)<br />

l Sole Sisters Mobile Reflexology<br />

l Wrekin Soaps<br />

l Creative Kate (Market Annexe)<br />

l Bali Clothing (<strong>Wellington</strong> Market)<br />

l Lola’s Caribbean Kitchen<br />

To come:<br />

l Prem’s (Wedding Decoration) is moving<br />

to Market Square<br />

l The Boot Micro Pub in Market Square<br />


<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Festival 2022<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s 26th Festival in May was a triumph of local community<br />

inventiveness and engagement. Twenty-six events were held over<br />

the three days of 6-8 May in numerous different locations around<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

The Festival Committee would very much like to thank so<br />

many <strong>Wellington</strong> people involved for “imagination, creativity and<br />

participation.” Well done <strong>Wellington</strong>!<br />

Festival Committee: Cllr Anthony Lowe (Chair), Cllr Julie<br />

Pierce, Cllr Joan Gorse, Cllr Pat Fairclough, Cllr John Alvey and<br />

Paola Armstrong.<br />

10<br />

Peggy Harrison Schools<br />

Poetry Competition<br />

Congratulations to our winners:<br />

l Reuben Newnes<br />

l Payton Roberts<br />

l Daniyal Ali<br />

l Thomas and Emily Bird<br />

l Nazia Shadab<br />

l Medina Hussain<br />

l Preslava Petrova<br />

l Chloe Mustafa<br />

l Bethany Palin-Chapple<br />

Winning entrants were invited to meet the Mayor, Cllr Dorothy<br />

Roberts, to receive their prizes at a presentation in June. The<br />

winning entries are currently on display in <strong>Wellington</strong> Library.<br />


<strong>Wellington</strong><br />



<strong>Wellington</strong> -<br />

Then and Now<br />

A town shaped through mists of time<br />

Bathed in long shadows of sublime<br />

inclines<br />

And sometimes, sighs of golden chimes<br />

Then.<br />

Weola was his name, they say,<br />

He was the dawn of all our todays,<br />

<strong>Our</strong> town founder, our ancient grounder<br />

His legacy lives on in lives that revive<br />

And breathless archives<br />

Of a town that keeps trying and<br />

Sometimes flying<br />

Now.<br />

They said we would flounder through<br />

Covid’s touch<br />

We’d wither away, dust into dust,<br />

And lose our way in its perilous clutch<br />

But we sang songs of freedom and<br />

Dreamed of what could be<br />

We zoomed in our rooms with hearts<br />

wide open<br />

And carried the broken<br />

With actions unspoken and<br />

Warm words outspoken<br />

Then.<br />

We stood on the strength of all those who<br />

cared;<br />

Who gave of themselves when their edges<br />

were bared<br />

And their work dragged them down<br />

Into shards of despair,<br />

Who reeled and lurched through<br />

Pandemic murk<br />

I’d fly them to the top of the world<br />

And cascade them in flowers<br />

In all their hours<br />

Then and now.<br />

They said we would flounder through<br />

Covid’s touch<br />

We’d wither away, dust into dust,<br />

And lose our way in its perilous clutch<br />

But we railed at destruction because<br />

Hope springs eternal<br />

We staged a reversal and<br />

came back with zeal<br />

All gathered under a walnut tree.<br />

Now.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> orbit transformed<br />

As we weather the storms<br />

And warm up our streets<br />

Treading the path of ancient feet<br />

Soaked through with gratitude,<br />

We fling out our platitudes and<br />

Stand tall and proud<br />

Shouting aloud of joy-filled festivals and<br />

Colour-drenched market halls<br />

Where compassion calls and<br />

Hope starts to fall.<br />

Now.<br />

From white-blossomed splendour in All<br />

Saints’ front yard<br />

Infinity streaming through time’s aching<br />

scars<br />

To snowdrops of newness in glory<br />

abounding,<br />

In new life’s elation all nature resounding<br />

Waking the iron-clad cages of winter<br />

Where splinters of grief transform into<br />

crowns<br />

And echo fresh joy through Apley’s<br />

timeless grounds<br />

Now.<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> town is a beacon, again,<br />

In fragile now and weary then<br />

Its song is triumph, its poem is hope<br />

Rising tall through the plunder of time’s<br />

restless flow<br />

Its people united on sun-bloomed Wrekin<br />

slopes.<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Cemetery<br />

We each had one, my brother and I.<br />

A small, red, wooden box on wheels, complete with<br />

a long, pitted rod of metal that ended in a loop to form<br />

the handle.<br />

Much easier to pull than push.<br />

The path outside from the house led straight to the<br />

huge metal gates, gates that announced the entrance to<br />

the cemetery.<br />

‘Never take the flowers from the graves, only pine<br />

cones and discarded flowers.<br />

We knew never to trespass.<br />

However beautiful the floral tributes were, however<br />

much their vibrancy called to us we knew to only look.<br />

Rivers of pine cones littered the avenue floor, we<br />

searched out the most perfect then squirrelled them<br />

away.<br />

Needles, fallen layer upon layer, cushioned our walk,<br />

we made no noise.<br />

We passed the familiar glass domes, protection for<br />

the delicate flowers modelled from wax, we passed<br />

the angels, our silhouettes casting shadows over their<br />

outstretched wings.<br />

Faded names with heartfelt inscriptions were traced<br />

by our small fingers.<br />

Discarded flowers, inside the wooden compost,<br />

created a floral stratum of texture and colour, a layered<br />

glimpse of mourning and celebration, sorrow, loss and<br />

hope.<br />

We loosened the heads and lifted them free, gently<br />

obliterating our fir cone collections in colourful shrouds<br />

of wilted flowers.<br />

Before bed we’ll submerge the rose petals into<br />

jam jars of water, a present for mummy, given with<br />

enthusiasm and received with love. Thank you, that’s my<br />

very favourite perfume.<br />

Five more minutes we are told.<br />

We filled the watering cans until we wobble when we<br />

lift them. From head to toe, on this hot summer’s day,<br />

we are drenched in cool water and happiness.<br />

And now there are no more five minutes. I visit your<br />

grave, kneeling to arrange the flowers.<br />

I smile and thank you.<br />

11<br />


<strong>Wellington</strong> Climate News<br />

12<br />

Climate<br />

Emergency<br />

Steering<br />

Group<br />

The Climate Emergency Steering<br />

Group is made up of four<br />

councillors and members of the<br />

public, moving <strong>Wellington</strong> towards<br />

its aim of achieving status as a<br />

‘plastic free community’. If you<br />

are interested in becoming a<br />

member, please email paola.<br />

armstrong@telford.gov.uk<br />

New members to the group<br />

include Jordan Stanley from<br />

Manga Crate, Linda Devey from<br />

the Wrekin Branch of Soroptimist<br />

International group and Jenny<br />

Flegg (Scout Leader).<br />

Nature<br />

Festival<br />

There will be a Nature Festival at<br />

the Bowring Park as part of the<br />

Family Fun Days on Tuesday 9<br />

August.<br />

At the time of going to press,<br />

it is hoped that Veolia will be on<br />

hand to answer questions on<br />

plastic free and recycling.<br />

Cllr Anthony Lowe has been<br />

going into schools to discuss how<br />

they can best become involved<br />

in the Plastic Free <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

community allied campaign by<br />

signing up at www.sas.org.uk and<br />

getting their ‘schools pack’.<br />

If you would like to find out<br />

more about <strong>Wellington</strong>’s Climate<br />

Emergency Steering group please<br />

email paola.armstrong@telford.<br />

gov.uk<br />



Keli King from The Little Green<br />

Pantry has been awarded her<br />

Surfers Against Sewage Plastic<br />

Free Communities certificate and<br />

plaque.<br />

Mossy Life launched in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Mossy Life, a new initiative<br />

aiming to help <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

residents become more<br />

environmentally aware has<br />

been launched by local<br />

woman Caroline Talbot. An<br />

online green hub providing<br />

easy to find eco solutions<br />

which supports the local<br />

economy and the planet,<br />

it is a ‘green’ business<br />

directory and what’s on<br />

guide.<br />

“There are many amazing<br />

local businesses with the<br />

same ethos but they can<br />

be quite difficult to find so<br />

this local green directory<br />

helps – it includes practical<br />

green living advice and<br />

l Caroline Talbot of Mossy Life<br />

local environmental news”<br />

said Caroline.<br />

Telford & Wrekin Council have funded the specific green guide which covers Telford and the<br />

whole of Shropshire and is starting to spread into Powys, Cheshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire,<br />

Staffordshire and the rest of the West Midlands.

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

Community Litter Pick<br />




l Mayor Cllr Dorothy Roberts<br />

at the opening of the<br />

new bus station<br />

l Picture by Paul Davis<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> town<br />

councillors,<br />

community groups<br />

and local businesses<br />

came together for<br />

an organised litter pick in June,<br />

to tackle plastic waste in the town<br />

and raise awareness of the group’s<br />

efforts to gain the community status<br />

as plastic free.<br />

Newly appointed chair of the<br />

group Cllr Paul Davis said, “I’m really<br />

pleased to see the desire from the<br />

community of <strong>Wellington</strong> to work<br />

together to reduce unnecessary<br />

plastic waste.<br />

“The commitment from<br />

businesses since launching the<br />

scheme has been incredible with<br />

many more joining as word spreads.”<br />

Thirty volunteers collected twenty<br />

bags full of litter including eight of<br />

waste plastic, none of which would<br />

otherwise have been recycled.<br />

Well done Ercall Wood!<br />

Huge well done to pupils at Ercall Wood Academy who have collected almost<br />

130,000 plastic milk-bottle tops which can then be recycled to raise funds for<br />

a learning-disability charity, Mencap.<br />

Telford & Wrekin Council have opened the UK’s first<br />

bus station to generate its own electricity, in a bid to<br />

further reduce the carbon footprint of the borough<br />

and meet ambitious targets for net zero by 2030.<br />

The council has worked with suppliers Etesian Green<br />

and Journeo to create an ‘off-grid’ station where<br />

power is generated by multi-directional wind turbines<br />

and solar panels producing renewable, carbon-free<br />

energy with each shelter generating enough electricity<br />

to supply a house for three months. <strong>This</strong> energy will<br />

power the lighting, CCTV and live timetable information<br />

boards in the shelters.<br />

Every shelter is constructed using hundreds of<br />

recycled plastic bottles. The shelter roofs are also put<br />

to work thanks to a low-growing plant called ‘sedum’,<br />

giving back to nature with pockets of urban wilderness,<br />

providing a home for insects and bees and absorbing<br />

carbon. Over the lifespan of the bus station carbon<br />

savings of 55 metric tons will be achieved, the same as<br />

planting more than 750 new trees.<br />

New technology is also revolutionary featuring<br />

improved accessibility features such as voice and push<br />

button announcements and CCTV cameras built into<br />

the digital screens - adding an extra layer of safety for<br />

users.<br />

Telford & Wrekin Cabinet Member for Climate<br />

Change, Green Spaces, Natural and Historic<br />

Environment and Cultural Services Carolyn Healy said,<br />

“<strong>This</strong> pioneering installation of smart bus shelters are<br />

another step forward in our green journey to help<br />

tackle the climate emergency.”<br />


<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council News<br />

www.we lington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

14<br />

Diary Dates<br />

JULY<br />

l Saturday 23<br />

Sounds in Square 11-1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Brass Band<br />

l Tuesday 26<br />

Bowring Fun Day 11-1pm<br />

PJ the Showman<br />

l Saturday 30<br />

Sounds in Square 11-1pm<br />

Telfordaires and Shropshire Boatmen<br />

AUGUST<br />

l Tuesday 2<br />

Bowring Fun Day 11-1pm<br />

Wrekin Forest School<br />

l Saturday 6<br />

Sounds in Square 11-1pm<br />

Chill Out Skate performance<br />

l Tuesday 9<br />

Bowring Fun Day 11-1pm<br />

Nature Festival<br />

l Saturday 13<br />

Sounds in the Square 11-1pm<br />

Three in a Bar Jazz band<br />

l Tuesday 16<br />

Bowring Fun Day 11-1pm<br />

Tori Arts dance<br />

l Saturday 20<br />

Sounds in the Square 11-1pm<br />

Telford Steel band<br />

l Friday 19 - Tuesday 23<br />

Jollies Inflatables at the Bowring Park<br />

11am-5pm daily<br />

l Tuesday 30<br />

Bowring Fun Day 11-1pm<br />

PJ the Showman<br />


l Sunday 4<br />

Italian Scooters<br />

All day – <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Centre<br />

l Sunday 11<br />

Mayor’s Civic Service<br />

4pm at All Saints Church<br />

l Wednesday 28<br />

Free Film showing at <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit<br />

for senior members of the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Community. Please book directly with the<br />

Orbit.<br />

*NB – no need to pre-book Bowring Fun Days - just turn<br />

up on the day<br />

Annual report<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council’s 2021-<br />

2022 Annual Report is now available<br />

to read – it can be found on the<br />

council’s website under the following<br />

link: wellington-shropshire.gov.uk/<br />

category/annual-reports/<br />



<strong>Wellington</strong>’s hanging baskets are blooming! As in<br />

previous years, the hanging baskets have been<br />

provided by Malcolm Shambley from Limetree<br />

Nurseries. We think they are superb!<br />

And to continue the flower and gardening<br />

theme, Love <strong>Wellington</strong> has organised the third<br />

annual ‘<strong>Wellington</strong> in Bloom’ competition, with<br />

entries flooding in as <strong>This</strong> is <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

goes to print – to be judged by Mayor Cllr<br />

Dorothy Roberts in late June.<br />

Furthermore, <strong>Wellington</strong> is looking forward<br />

to the first ever ‘<strong>Wellington</strong> Open Gardens’<br />

weekend in early July – with 20 private gardens,<br />

as well as Sunnycroft, open to the public in an<br />

event organised with local charity Community<br />

Resource.<br />

CAP Debt centre urges people to get help<br />

The current cost of living crisis can be a tough time for many. But help and advice is not far away.<br />

Christians Against Poverty have a debt centre in Telford supported by several churches in the town.<br />

Since opening in 2015 CAP have helped over 200 people with their finances and around 80<br />

people have become debt free. Run by a team of volunteers, CAP is able to give practical solutions<br />

and work out a plan to help people to work their way out of debt - relieving the stress that the debt<br />

has on their lives.<br />

The free service is available to all people in Telford. To book an appointment with CAP call<br />

Freephone 0800 328 0006 or visit capuk.org.<br />

To give financially or offer to volunteer please contact Jane Preston 07910779345<br />

janepreston@capuk.org<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

www.we lington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

Annual Report<br />

2021/2022<br />

Annual Report<br />


<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />


There was a right royal<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> “Entente<br />

Cordiale” when <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Twinners welcomed visitors<br />

from our twin town of<br />

Châtenay-Malabry, near<br />

Paris in June.<br />

“The visitors really<br />

seemed to enjoy themselves<br />

and got completely stuck<br />

in with all our Jubilee<br />

celebrations, participating<br />

in our Midsummer Fayre<br />

procession” said Deputy<br />

Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong> Cllr<br />

Anthony Lowe.<br />

The programme of twinning events<br />

started with an official town council<br />

reception presided over by Mayor, Cllr<br />

Dorothy Roberts. On Saturday, some<br />

hosts and guests dressed up for the<br />

parade and the <strong>Wellington</strong> (Telford) Brass<br />

Band played both La Marseillaise and<br />

God Save The Queen in front of All Saints<br />

Church. Guests enjoyed a traditional<br />

British Jubilee afternoon tea in a country<br />

garden just north of <strong>Wellington</strong> before<br />

moving on to a ceilidh in the evening<br />

at Little Wenlock village hall, attended<br />

Bayley Mile returned<br />

The 24th Bayley Mile returned after an<br />

absence of three years; 107 runners from<br />

nine schools took part in this local historic<br />

event and four race records were broken.<br />

The Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong> at the time, Cllr<br />

Paul Davis, presented the prizes.<br />

Special mention must be made of<br />

Thomas Telford School for winning four<br />

of the team races. It was good to see the<br />

enthusiasm of the competitors as they ran<br />

round the streets of <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

The Bayley Mile started in 1996 when<br />

Jim Mostyn was marketing manager at<br />

Wrekin College and Gary Davies was Mayor<br />

of <strong>Wellington</strong>. The pair decided to hold<br />

an event which would bring local schools<br />

together in a competitive environment,<br />

running round the streets of <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

<strong>This</strong> was a combined effort of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Council and Wrekin College working<br />

together in a way John Bayley would have<br />

approved.<br />

by all hosts, French visitors and other<br />

participants in the Midsummer Fayre.<br />

The final event was a farewell dinner<br />

at the Buckatree Hotel for Twinning<br />

Association members and our guests,<br />

the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Town Council Clerk.<br />

Attendees danced till late and enjoyed<br />

the friendships that have been built up<br />

over 21 years between our two towns.<br />

If you are interested to learn more,<br />

please make initial contact with<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Twinning Association secretary<br />

by email wanthonylowe@aol.com<br />

Sir John Bayley was an educationalist,<br />

born a coal miner’s son in Ashton-under-<br />

Lyne, Manchester. At the age of 27 he<br />

founded his own school in <strong>Wellington</strong>. The<br />

school was renamed Wrekin College in 1921<br />

and was a great success.<br />

John Bayley was a friend of David<br />

Lloyd George, the liberal Prime Minister,<br />

who encouraged John to stand as a<br />

coalition liberal candidate in a Shropshire<br />

by-election in 1920 where he was<br />

unsuccessful. In the same year he gave<br />

a wooden building to set up a club in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> for men who had fought in the<br />

First World War. He also helped to buy land<br />

for the club which was renamed the Sir<br />

John Bayley club in 1937 and continues as<br />

the bowls club today.<br />

John Bayley was knighted in 1921 for his<br />

services to education. He died in 1952 at<br />

the age of 99 and is buried on the Great<br />

Orme in Llandudno.<br />

Welcome<br />

Inspector Matt<br />

Sanders<br />

Inspector Matthew Sanders is the new Safer<br />

Neighbourhood Team Inspector for North<br />

Telford, having been a police officer for over 15<br />

years and worked (and lived) in <strong>Wellington</strong> as a<br />

constable and sergeant.<br />

“I have a good knowledge of the town and<br />

am eager to continue the good work of Insp<br />

Phillips by working with the community to make<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> a safe and prosperous place to live. I<br />

already know most of the Safer Neighbourhood<br />

Team and am proud to lead such a dedicated<br />

and passionate team who always put the<br />

community first. <strong>Wellington</strong> has a great spirit<br />

and I have enjoyed meeting many members of<br />

the community already and have every intention<br />

of doing all I can to build on this community<br />

spirit and provide residents with the best<br />

possible Safer Neighbourhood Team.”<br />

WEST update<br />

The <strong>Wellington</strong> Environmental Services Team<br />

have been busy keeping <strong>Wellington</strong> neat and<br />

tidy. Here are some examples of path clearance<br />

work undertaken in the Dothill area adjacent<br />

to Severn Drive – which attracted the following<br />

comments from appreciative residents; “Been<br />

up there with the dog, great job.” And “Fantastic<br />

job, do this walk most days with the dogs – it<br />

looks so good” and “Brilliant, well done.”<br />

BEFORE<br />

BEFORE<br />

AFTER<br />

AFTER<br />


Midsummer Fayre 2022<br />

If you missed it – here’s a chance to see how <strong>Wellington</strong> celebrated the Jubilee with the hugely<br />

successful Midsummer Fayre organised by <strong>Wellington</strong> H2A and events and<br />

workshops laid on by <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council.<br />

Photo Credits: GFAP Media and Rob Francis

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