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ject in Topeka is a square, then we can assume the object<br />

in Sri Lanka is a square. Say the object in Topeka wants<br />

to be a circle, that information is instantly transmitted to<br />

the object in Sri Lanka. Both become circles. Ok, let’s<br />

just stop right here.<br />

In this overly simplified explanation, the information<br />

must travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible.<br />

Since we’re talking about light, we must acknowledge<br />

that light exists as both, a particle and a wave. So<br />

this information, what is it? It’s not either. Herein lies the<br />

conundrum. The whole thing gets much more complex<br />

once we add color to the shapes, but that’s a whole other<br />

article! Anyway, one example I was reading used a pair<br />

of twins, separated on either side of the planet, as an example.<br />

He started out by talking about “Twin Telepathy”,<br />

saying he didn’t know if it was real or not. I had to write<br />

him immediately to tell him without a doubt, it is real.<br />

I know I’ve often written about my twin experiences<br />

with Billy. We used to say the same sentences at the same<br />

time, have the same dreams, write the same songs when<br />

we were apart, etc. There are two instances that exemplify<br />

this quantum entanglement theory that were brought<br />

to mind, though. One time I was living in the Keys, Billy<br />

was in Alaska. That’s pretty far apart! That year, we sent<br />

our mom the exact same Christmas card. Exactly The<br />

Same! We didn’t find out until we both went to visit her<br />

the following summer, because who goes to New Jersey<br />

in the winter time? Was that an example of quantum entanglement?<br />

What are the odds? The other time was when<br />

we were apart for a few years. I was traveling around the<br />

country a lot and Billy was in Ohio. We had no contact<br />

with each other at this time. This was before cell phones<br />

were ubiquitous but pay phones were all the rage. Every<br />

so often I would call my dad to check in. Every time I did,<br />

for three years, Billy would call him within minutes. My<br />

dad thought we were setting this up.<br />

As identical twins, we were always aware that this<br />

cosmic thing was there, we just didn’t know how to explain<br />

it or say what it is. Perhaps it’s quantum entanglement<br />

at its basic level. Perhaps quantum entanglement<br />

can show us how we are all connected and tied into the<br />

universe as well. Maybe the photons of Billy are floating<br />

in the universe somewhere prompting me to write this.<br />

All I know is, I’ve always believed in quantum entanglement,<br />

and I’m sure there are many twins out there that<br />

would agree.<br />

Brevard Live November 2022 - 19

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