A Thousand Splendid Suns

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"Oh, he has the most handsome smile, and this thick, thick black hair!"

Giti had told Laila. No one knew about their attraction, of course. Giti had

secretly met him twice for tea, fifteen minutes each time, at a small

teahouse on the other side of town, in Taimani.

"He's going to ask for my hand, Laila! Maybe as early as this summer.

Can you believe it? I swear I can't stop thinking about him."

"What about school?" Laila had asked. Giti had tilted her head and

given her a We both know better look.

By the time we're twenty, Hasina used to say, Giti and I, we'll have

pushed out four, five kids each Bui you, Laila, you '1Imake m two

dummies proud. You 're going to be somebody. I know one day I'll pick

up a newspaper and find your picture on the frontpage.

Giti was beside Laila now, chopping cucumbers, with a dreamy, far-off

look on her face.

Mammy was nearby, in her brilliant summer dress, peeling boiled eggs

with Wajma, the midwife, and Tariq's mother.

"I'm going to present Commander Massoud with a picture of Ahmad and

Noor," Mammy was saying to Wajma as Wajma nodded and tried to look

interested and sincere.

"He personally oversaw the burial. He said a prayer at their grave. It'll

be a token of thanks for his decency." Mammy cracked another boiled

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